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目的:为了弥补年轻护士观察能力不足的现状,探讨以案例为基础的护理培训法在年轻护士护理观察能力提高中的效果.方法:对我院127名年轻护士病情观察能力进行了案例培训,通过培训前后对年轻护士病情观察能力及护理评估能力考核对比分析,比较培训前、后的差别.结果:培训后年轻护士病情观察能力和护理评估能力较培训前有显著提高(P<0.01).结论:案例培训法对提高年轻护士病情观察能力有明显促进作用.  相似文献   

病情观察是护理工作的重要内容之一,是临床护士必须具备的基本技能,是护士综合素质的体现,是反映护士救治能力的重要指标。病情观察的目的就是预测疾病的发展趋向和转归,为临床救治提供诊断、治疗和护理依据。因此加强临床护士病情观察能力的培养至关重要,自2011-01开始我科采取多种形式对临床护士病情观察能力进行培养,取得了良好的效果,现介绍如下。  相似文献   

21世纪是生命科学的世纪,生命科学中最复杂、最重要的当属神经科学[1]。神经外科护理是护理学中专业性很强的一个学科,各种高难度手术以及术后并发症等使护理问题增多,加之神经外科患者病情重、变化快且凶险,对护理质量的需求也不断提高,对高素质护理人才的需求也越来越迫切。因此,新护士病情观察能力的培训显得尤为重要。  相似文献   

随着社会的发展,交通的拥挤,暴力,工伤,交通事故的日益增多,多发伤经常发生,而且伤情复杂,多为严重的,多部位的,多脏器的复合伤,生理扰乱严重,病情变化快,并发症多,病人常处于垂危状态,死亡率高。要求护士有高度的抢救意识和技能,全力以赴,争分夺秒,及早发现病情变化果断有效的救治是挽救病人生命的关键。  相似文献   

前置胎盘的病情观察及护理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
前置胎盘是引起晚期妊娠出血的重要原因之一,也是产科的急症和重症,如处理不及时或不当,可威胁母儿安全。本文通过对33例前置胎盘产妇临床资料分析,提出了相应的护理观察,并阐述了前置胎盘不同情况的护理特点及应对措施。  相似文献   

张小平 《武警医学》1998,9(9):556-556
1临床资料本组患者182例中,男114例,女68例,年龄30~93岁,平均年龄64岁。均经头颅CT证实为脑溢血。临床表现有头痛、呕吐、偏瘫、尿失禁、血压升高、高热、意识障碍、瞳孔不等大等。其中治愈28例,占15.5%;好转95例,占52.2%;恶化出...  相似文献   

病情观察在护理工作中的重要性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李晋春  王英 《武警医学》2001,12(4):242-242
有人认为临床护士工作的四分之三是观察[1] ,而观察质量是衡量护理的重要标志之一[2 ] 。因此 ,要做好病情观察必须要求护士有强烈的责任心 ,才能利用 2 4h守护病房的职业特点 ,主动细心的巡视和察看患者 ,同时启动自己的感官和思维 ,方可能及时发现患者的病情变化[3 ] 。1 认真巡视病房 ,仔细观察病情变化1 1 注意观察疾病发作时间及症状 疾病的发生发展均有一个演变过程 ,有的病人入院时诊断不明确 ,很多症状是疾病所共有的。医生是通过查体辅助检查等手段获得确切的数据 ,为疾病提供诊断。而护士则是通过过硬的基本功观察来获取第一…  相似文献   

老年病人往往同时患有多种疾病,而且病情变化隐袭、发展快;尤其在夜间,由于迷走神经兴奋性增强,导致冠状动脉痉挛,心肌缺血,呼吸变浅慢,病情变化多端,夜间病死率高.近四年来我科共死亡28例病人,其中夜间死亡18例,占64%.因此做好老年病人夜间病情观察与护理,提高急危重症病人抢救成功率具有特殊重要意义.一、夜间观察护理的方法及内容老年病人的夜间观察与护理,除进行一般生命体征观察外,还有其独特的方法及内容.  相似文献   

 目的 探讨临床护士的功能自我状态特征,以及与临床沟通能力之间的关系。方法 2015-05对某医院全部临床科室700名护理人员发放研究问卷(基本信息、自我状态问卷及临床沟通能力问卷),并对护士群体自我状态进行分析、比较科室和培训背景的护士自我状态的差异及自我状态与临床沟通能力之间的关系。结果 整体上,护士群体五种自我状态水平差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),养育型父母得分最高(17.14±3.00);适应型儿童得分最低(9.36±3.97),控制型父母次低(11.13±2.80);成人和自由型儿童得分位于中间;干部科室的护士养育型父母高于其他科室;相对未受过心理培训的护士,受过专业心理培训的护士成人更高,而适应型儿童更低;养育型父母和成人对临床沟通能力有正向影响,适应型儿童和控制型父母对临床沟通有负面影响。结论 护士自我状态对临床沟通能力有显著影响,可通过心理培训建设护士自我状态,此外可通过匹配不同科室与不同自我状态特点的护士,优化护理服务。  相似文献   

临床带教中护士礼仪规范教学的思考与体会   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
实习护士初入职场,性格不同、家庭生活背景各异、文化素养及生活习性也各具特色,如何做好实习护士的职业礼仪规范化教学,一直以来都是研究和探讨的课题[1].门诊部是医院的窗口,如何让患者对医院产生良好的第一印象,门诊护士的礼仪规范有着很大的影响,基于以上认识,笔者自2002年起,在临床教学中采取岗前规范培训、严格教学、个性引导的方法对门诊实习护士进行礼仪规范教学,在学员中产生良好的效果.  相似文献   

高文祥  高钰琪  陈建  郑然 《西南国防医药》2010,20(10):1121-1123
我国高原地区主要位于西藏、新疆、青海等边陲地区,社会、经济和军事地位十分重要。同时,我国青藏高原又是自然灾害频发区,加之当地驻军有限,因此,无论是大的作战或非战争军事行动,都需要大批部队快速从平原进入高原。这就要求我军要不断改革卫勤训练内容和方式,提高完成高原地区多样化军事任务的卫勤保障能力。  相似文献   

英语教学的目的是为了培养学生使用语言的能力。在教学中,应该有目的、有阶段的对学生进行口语训练,使英语不仅作为一种知识,更作为一种技能为学生所掌握,并在训练过程中培养学生的语言创造能力。  相似文献   

AIM: The aim of this study was to investigate the ability of isoinertial assessment to monitor training effects. Both parametric and curve analysis of the results were used to underline the specificity of maximal strength and maximal velocity resistance training methods. METHODS: Twenty-four untrained subjects were randomly assigned into three groups: a maximal strength-training group (heavy loads: 80% to 98% of the one repetition maximum [1-RM]), a maximal velocity-training group (light loads: 25% to 50% of 1-RM) and a control group. All the subjects were tested in bench press exercises before and after the 6-week training period. An isoinertial dynamometer was used to assess velocity and power at four increasing loads: 35%, 50%, 70% and 95% of the 1-RM load. Post-test protocol also included a trial at 105% of the 1-RM load. RESULTS: Isoinertial assessment demonstrated for both training groups significant gains at each load. Some specific adaptations appeared: strength training presented a greater increase for average power (+49%, P<0.001) and average velocity (+48%, P<0.001) at 95% of 1-RM, while velocity training emerged as a more effective way to improve performance at 35% and 50% of 1-RM (+11 to 22%) in comparison with strength training (+7 to 12%). The analysis of power and velocity curves specified that strength training enhanced performance earlier in the movement, while velocity training extended the propulsive action at the end of movement. CONCLUSION: The original combination of parametric and curve isoinertial assessment appears to be a relevant method for monitoring specific training effects. The complementarity of both strength and velocity training programmes underlined in this study could lead to practical applications in profiling training programmes.  相似文献   

Repeated-sprint ability - part II: recommendations for training   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Short-duration sprints, interspersed with brief recoveries, are common during most team sports. The ability to produce the best possible average sprint performance over a series of sprints (≤10 seconds), separated by short (≤60 seconds) recovery periods has been termed repeated-sprint ability (RSA). RSA is therefore an important fitness requirement of team-sport athletes, and it is important to better understand training strategies that can improve this fitness component. Surprisingly, however, there has been little research about the best training methods to improve RSA. In the absence of strong scientific evidence, two principal training theories have emerged. One is based on the concept of training specificity and maintains that the best way to train RSA is to perform repeated sprints. The second proposes that training interventions that target the main factors limiting RSA may be a more effective approach. The aim of this review (Part II) is to critically analyse training strategies to improve both RSA and the underlying factors responsible for fatigue during repeated sprints (see Part I of the preceding companion article). This review has highlighted that there is not one type of training that can be recommended to best improve RSA and all of the factors believed to be responsible for performance decrements during repeated-sprint tasks. This is not surprising, as RSA is a complex fitness component that depends on both metabolic (e.g. oxidative capacity, phosphocreatine recovery and H+ buffering) and neural factors (e.g. muscle activation and recruitment strategies) among others. While different training strategies can be used in order to improve each of these potential limiting factors, and in turn RSA, two key recommendations emerge from this review; it is important to include (i) some training to improve single-sprint performance (e.g. 'traditional' sprint training and strength/power training); and (ii) some high-intensity (80-90% maximal oxygen consumption) interval training to best improve the ability to recover between sprints. Further research is required to establish whether it is best to develop these qualities separately, or whether they can be developed concurrently (without interference effects). While research has identified a correlation between RSA and total sprint distance during soccer, future studies need to address whether training-induced changes in RSA also produce changes in match physical performance.  相似文献   

Vertical jumping ability is of importance for good performance in sports such as basketball and volleyball. Coaches are in need of exercises that consume only little time and still help to improve their players' jumping ability, without involving a high risk of injury. Drop jumping is assumed to satisfy these requirements. This assumption is supported by a review of results of training studies. However, it appears that regular jumping exercises can be just as helpful. The same holds for exercises with weights, provided the subjects have no weight-training history. In fact, for unskilled jumpers who have no weight-training history, the effects of training programmes utilising these different exercises are additive. The most effective, efficient and safe way for a coach to improve the jumping achievement of his athletes may well be to submit them first to a training programme utilising regular jumps, then to a weight-training programme and finally to a drop jump training programme. In drop jump training programmes themselves, the improvement in jumping height varies greatly among studies. This variation cannot be explained satisfactorily with the information available on subjects and training programmes. Given the current state of knowledge, coaches seem to have no other option than to strictly copy a programme which has proved to be very effective. Obviously there is a need for more systematic research of the relationship between design and effect of drop jump training programmes. The most important variable to be controlled is drop jumping technique. From a review of biomechanical studies of drop jumping, it becomes clear that jumping technique strongly affects the mechanical output of muscles. The biomechanics of 2 techniques are discussed. In the bounce drop jump the downward movement after the drop is reversed as soon as possible into an upward push-off, while in the countermovement drop jump this is done more gradually by increasing the amplitude of the downward movement after landing. It is speculated that the bounce drop jump might trigger improvement of the power output capacity of muscles, whereas the repetition of the countermovement drop jump may help to improve coordination. Future training studies are needed to determine whether drop jumping technique really affects the outcome of the training, and if so, which technique should be preferred. Also, further biomechanical research is needed to determine kinematics and kinetics of other drop jumping techniques, and to trace potential dangers. The author urges for a close cooperation between coaches and scientists in future research.  相似文献   

加强介入医师临床思维与能力培养的重要性和紧迫性   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
根据介入放射学的发展历史较短,但速度较快,治疗疾病病种繁多且逐渐复杂,与其他相关临床学科关系密切,各地介入放射学发展水平不平衡的现状及中国介入放射学从业医师队伍的特点,阐明介入放射学医师临床思维与能力培养的重要性和紧迫性,并提出关于加强介入放射学医师临床思维能力培养的几点建议.最后系统介绍临床工作中应遵守的疾病诊疗程序,强调做好患者围手术期管理和随访.加强介入放射学从业医师的临床思维能力培养,才能使介入放射学在夹缝中求生存,求发展,并成为一门让患者和其他同行们认可的临床学科.  相似文献   

手法治疗紧张型头痛临床疗效的对比观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的研究手法治疗对紧张型头痛的治疗效果。方法将347例符合ICHD-II诊断标准的紧张型头痛病例随机分成观察组(175例)和对照组(172例),对照组给予基础的药物治疗,观察组给予基础药物治疗的同时给予手法治疗。结果观察组140例治愈,31例好转,总有效率97.7%。对照组39例治愈,56例好转,总有效率55.2%。X^2检验结果显示,两组的总有效率(P〈O.01)及临床治愈率(P〈O.01)均有显著差异,观察组的临床治愈率及总有效率均优于对照组。结论手法治疗是治疗紧张型头痛的有效方法之一。  相似文献   

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