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正现代作战卫勤数据显示,负伤后的10分钟是自救互救最宝贵的时间,如果救护及时得当,将可挽救17%~25%失血伤员的生命,这段时间也被业界称为战场急救"白金十分钟"。在战场上,医护人员的救助能力非常有限,官兵掌握战伤自救互救技术是减少伤亡、提高抢救成功率的重要方法。因此,加强部队自救互救训练、着力提高自救互救能力,对保持和提高部队战斗力具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

正近日,第十二届"急救白金十分钟·全国自救互救日"公益科普活动在解放军总医院第四医学中心启动。今年活动以"防灾减灾从自救互救做起"为主题,聚焦防灾减灾、防护意外伤病、防猝死三个层面,  相似文献   

自救互救既是战(现)场救治工作的起点,又是赢得救治时间、挽救伤员生命的关键。无论是战场还是突发事件、自然灾害救援的现场,具备良好自救互救能力的官兵,对于及时抢救伤员、防止伤情加重、为后续治疗创造条件等均起着极其重要的作用。现就自救互  相似文献   

正西部战区陆军严格落实《陆军军事训练大纲》,在单兵基础训练阶段,重点强化官兵战救技能,不断提升部队高原作战"白金十分钟""黄金一小时"时效救治能力。入秋以来,战区陆军以联合战役演习为牵引,在3000-4500米高海拔地区广泛开展群众性自救互救训练。他们采取战区陆军、集团军和旅三级联动,专家帮带、骨干培养、集中教学、相互交流等多种训练教学手段,突出急性高原病抢救、战伤救护理论与技能2个重点。6个演训旅把战救训练作为日常训练中必训课目,通过普训普考、比武竞赛、抽查验收,官兵熟练掌握了心肺复苏、急性战斗应激反应处置等技能。  相似文献   

坦克乘员战伤抢救问题探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
秦洪桥  沈利军 《人民军医》1998,41(11):622-623
随着高技术在军事领域里的广泛应用,新式反坦克武器不断投入战场,坦克乘员伤情、伤类出现了明显变化,为探讨坦克乘员战伤抢救问题,现谈几点粗浅看法。1 重视普及自救互救技术,提高乘员自身急救能力  坦克部队以单车为战斗集体,乘员在车内负伤不易被卫生人员发现,故自救互救是坦克乘员负伤后紧急救生的重要措施。及时、准确的自救互救是使伤员得到有效救治的重要保证,是减少阵亡,提高抢救成功率,弥补卫生人员不足的重要方法。因此,要注重坦克乘员平时的经常性急救训练,以提高战伤的自救互救能力。在把自救互救纳入部队军事训练计划的同时,…  相似文献   

部队战时自救互救与平时训练的调查研究   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
战时火线指战员群众性的自救互救是使伤员得到及时救治的重要保证,也是整个战伤救治工作的重要环节,对防止伤情加重,挽救伤员生命发挥着重要作用。我们结合“亚热带地区战时护理技术规范”研究课题,对我院自卫反击战中收治的2894例战伤病历资料以及近期亚热带地区部分边防部队自救互救训练情况进行了调查,旨在更好地指导和加强部队自救互救训练,为赢得抢救的“黄金时间”,提高战伤救治成功率及救治技术水平奠定良好的基础。  相似文献   

自救互救是完成火线救护任务的有效方法和重要措施。因此,必须加强自救互救训练。那么,如何做好这项工作呢? 一要充分认识自救互救工作在未来战争中的地位和作用 我军以往战争经验表明,战争中有50%左右的伤员是通过自救互救得到救治的,从而挽救了不少伤员的生命,避  相似文献   

"白金十分钟急救技术学习班"举办通知为搭建急救、急诊、重症医学和相关学科危重症患者救治技术交流学习的平台,加强急危重症医学的学术交流,促进急危重症医学的技术发展,提高临床医护工作者的救治技术水平,中国人民解放军总医院第一附属医院(解放军304医院)定于2011年开始在北京举办多期"白金十分钟急救技术学习班"。本学习班为军队一类继续教育项目[2011-57](4学分)  相似文献   

杜柏  刘月英 《人民军医》2007,50(11):669-669
搞好战伤自救互救训练的几点建议。文章说,战伤自救互救是使伤员得到及时救治的重要保证。为做好战伤自救互救训练工作,他们提出以下建议:(1)充分认识战伤自救互救训练的重要性。战场上40%~50%的伤员急救可通过自救互救实施,对及时抢救伤员,防止伤情加重,挽救伤员生命有重要作用,也为后续治疗创造条件。(2)改进训练模式。以往的训练模式多为集中式,很难达到预期效果。应该在短期集中训练的基础上,把战时自救互救训练扩展到部队平时军事训练、野外驻训及年度综合演练当中,做到因人、因地、因时而宜,努力在实战条件下继续学习,使大家逐步掌握…  相似文献   

师以下部队应急作战一线救治难点与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1难点1.1救治观念不强 一线救治技术真正的重要性在于挽救官兵生命,鼓舞士气,提升部队战斗力。但目前一线自救互救技术训练由于缺乏战争紧迫感,正逐渐被“边缘化”。平时部队军事训练很少进行自救互救训练,有的单位没有把自救互救训练列入考核的重要内容,导致部分官兵的一线救治观念不强。  相似文献   

严重骨盆骨折早期救治成功与否的因素众多,除对救治时间的要求外,整个救治链中相关救治人员的专业知识及其对伤情的认识和处理尤为重要。只有将其作为系统工程研究对待,把握好每一个救治环节,方能最大限度挽救生命、降低残障。严重骨盆骨折早期救治主要应在“伤情评估与急救处理、骨盆固定与止血、多科会诊与专科救治、损害控制与确定手术、合并伤与并发症处理”五个方面给予重点关注及辩证处理。  相似文献   

下肢开放性骨折的诊疗是创伤骨科的热点和难点,若治疗不当可导致严重并发症,应予以高度重视.本文结合国内外诊疗指南和最新文献对下肢开放性骨折的急救处理、伤情评估、清创要点、骨折分型、截肢和保肢指征、骨折固定方式、创面的闭合、大血管损伤的处理以及抗生素的应用等诊疗要点分别进行回顾和分析,以期提高广大骨科医师的诊断和处理能力,...  相似文献   

回顾性分析“一站式”复合手术室的护理管理,并进行经验总结.“一站式”复合手术室成功实施管理重点,在于复合手术室设置、术中护理配合及专业护理人才培养,旨在构建灵活的护理人力资源弹性配备机制及专业护理人员“小轮转”的人才培养新模式.“一站式”复合手术是治疗复杂疾病的微创方法,科学的护理管理是“一站式”复合手术成功的有力保障.  相似文献   

In brief: Rattlesnake bites are rarely fatal, but prevention is the best treatment. People who live in areas indigenous to rattlesnakes should take routine precautionary measures such as wearing boots and long pants. A person who encounters or is bitten by a snake should get away from it as soon as possible. First aid includes applying a constricting band and suction; incisions are not recommended. The victim should be transported to a medical facility as soon as possible. Medical management includes a history and physical examination and laboratory data, including blood coagulation studies and urinalysis. Intravenous antivenom is the mainstay of treatment.  相似文献   

Deaths caused by mole guns: three case reports   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Possession of firearms is limited because of the technological requirements in production and strict laws. However, anyone can manufacture a handmade firearm by following simple instructions and has no legal liability. A mole gun is an unusual weapon used to kill moles in agricultural areas. It propels pellets in a similar way as a shotgun. This study presents three cases of death caused by mole guns. Two of the cases were accidental, and the other case was suicidal. The first case involved a 51-year-old man who was checking the mole gun when it fired, injuring his left eye and the left region of his face. He died in the hospital after 3 days of medical treatment. The second case was a 78-year-old man, who had been intermittently treated for depression over the last 15 years. He died instantly after placing the mole gun vertically against his head and firing it. The third case was a 43-year-old man who had been trying to set up a mole gun device in his potato field when the weapon accidentally discharged. The victim was injured seriously and died in the hospital a short time later. In conclusion, because the mole gun may cause lethal wounds in humans when fired from a short distance, the researchers believe that its production and use should be in accordance with firearms laws.  相似文献   

The definitive treatment of severe injuries to the spinal cord is yet to be established, except in the few rare cases in which realignment or decompression results in functionally significant salvage of long tracts coursing through the injured cord segments. The author believes that the best chances for successful therapy lie in a better understanding of the process of spinal cord self-destruction.  相似文献   

AIM: To establish the pre-hospital timelines for seriously injured UK military casualties on OP HERRICK. POPULATION: All consecutive MERT and MERT-E mobilizations from Camp Bastion, Helmand Province, between 04 May 06 and 18 Jun 07. METHODS: Interrogation of MS Access database compiled from paper patient report forms for each casualty transported. RESULTS: 528 patients were transported. 84.6% (456) were battle casualties. There were 192 GSW and 233 casualties with blast/fragmentation injuries. 189 of 528 (35.7%) were UK Service personnel. Median time from injury to handover at the emergency department for UK military T1 casualty subset was 99 minutes. CONCLUSION: The public perception of excessive timelines for pre-hospital care in Afghanistan has been distorted. The ground truth is a pre-hospital time less than one quarter of the cited 7 hours for the seriously injured subset of UK Service personnel.  相似文献   

目的研制一种伤病员换乘搬运机器人以解决医院重伤病员换床搬运的困难,以及易引起二次损伤的问题。方法介绍了机器人换乘手臂的工作原理、结构设计、电控系统以及软件设计流程。结果在换乘搬运危重伤病员过程中,无需倾翻身体,操作简单,只需一键即可完成整个操作,避免了给伤病员造成二次损伤。  相似文献   

As 64% of sports medicine doctors were unable to show proficiency at basic life support and assessment and management of a seriously injured patient with a potential spinal injury in the last two examinations for a University of Bath diploma in sports and exercise medicine, it was decided that a reminder is required of the importance of acquiring, at the very least, some basic resuscitation skills. An analysis and comment on the results from the first aid component of the examination is also presented.  相似文献   

Even though injury due to armed conflict is more commonly caused than death, research into injury due to Northern Ireland’s four decades of otherwise exhaustively documented conflict is sparse. This article reports on a 2011 study based on interviews with 30 people seriously physically injured in the conflict and 20 of their carers and a self-administered questionnaire survey of a further 90 people injured in political violence in Northern Ireland. All injured respondents reported that emergency medical emergency treatment had been excellent. Those injured in the 1970s reported low expectations of their life expectancy and rehabilitation, a lack of psychological support and lack of help with chronic injury-related conditions. More recently injured people had psychological support and were more successfully rehabilitated but those injured earlier often saw it as ‘too late’ for psychological help. Influences on well-being seem to be: changing professional standards and awareness; policies acknowledging of the effects of conflict; anti-discrimination legislation; development of rehabilitation services; and the reform of disability benefits. Inter alia, health professionals’ attitudes towards victims and their treatment of injury appear to have a significant influence on outcomes for injured people.  相似文献   

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