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目的 探讨女性原位尿流改道术中控尿技术的临床应用及其效果。方法 对39例女性膀胱癌患者实施原位尿流改道术,术中注意保护尿道外括约肌、尿道括约肌支配神经及盆底支持结构,同时尽量保留阴道前壁及一定长度的后尿道并构建一低压去管化肠代膀胱,术后观察患者的控尿排尿情况,并行尿动力学检查。结果39例患者手术过程顺利,术后日间控尿率92%(36/39),夜间控尿率85%(33/39),尿动力学检查结果满意。结论 女性原位尿流改道术中综合应用相应控尿技术可使患者在术后获得满意的控尿排尿能力。  相似文献   

目的 探讨女性原位回肠膀胱术控尿技术改进及临床应用价值.方法 采用改良回肠代膀胱术治疗女性膀胱全切患者28例,其中膀胱癌27例,腺性膀胱炎1例.平均年龄58岁.对女性回肠代膀胱术控尿技术进行改进,包括采用保留自主神经的膀胱全切、于膀胱颈与尿道连接处离断尿道、尿道以下平面不作游离、保留阴道壁完整、采用带蒂大网膜填塞新膀胱与阴道之间、阴道残端悬吊于耻骨梳韧带上、代膀胱前壁与耻骨骨膜固定等.随访观察术后并发症、控尿及排尿功能和生活质量.结果 28例手术时间4.0~7.5 h,平均6.0 h.术中出血300~1500 ml,平均700 ml.围手术期发生应激性溃疡1例,肠梗阻2例.术后27例恢复生理排尿,剩余尿40~80 ml 3例,1例出现控尿过度,需定时导尿.术后6个月昼夜控尿率分别为100%和93%,尿动力学检查显示贮尿囊容量351~459 ml,充盈期囊内压17.0~24.6 cm H2O,最大尿道压40.6~76.8 cm H2O,功能性尿道长度2.5~4.1 cm.血电解质及肾功能正常.结论 女性回肠代膀胱术经过控尿技术改进可获得满意的临床效果.  相似文献   

目的探究免缝扎阴茎背深静脉复合体(DVC)保留前列腺尖部包膜的腹腔镜下膀胱根治性切除原位新膀胱术对尿控与勃起功能的影响。方法回顾性分析2019年1月至2021年3月在本院行腹腔镜下膀胱根治性切除原位新膀胱术的32例膀胱癌患者的临床资料, 其中14例行免缝扎DVC保留前列腺尖部包膜的腹腔镜下膀胱根治性切除原位新膀胱术(改良组);18例行常规腹腔镜下膀胱根治性切除原位新膀胱术(常规组)。比较两组手术时间、术中出血量、导尿管留置时间、引流管留置时间、新膀胱容量、残余尿量、最大尿流率、尿道狭窄率、术后尿控功能、勃起功能等临床指标。结果改良组术后的早期日间尿控率和术后半年的国际勃起功能指数明显高于常规组(均P<0.05), 两组的手术时间、术中出血量、导尿管留置时间、引流管留置时间、输血率、漏尿率、新膀胱容量、残余尿量、最大尿流率、尿道狭窄率、血肌酐变化值、远期日间尿控率、夜间尿控率比较, 差异均无统计学意义(均P>0.05)。结论免缝扎DVC保留前列腺尖部包膜技术在腹腔镜下膀胱根治性切除原位新膀胱术中是安全可行的, 能显著改善术后早期日间尿控功能与勃起功能, 且不增加术中出血风险和...  相似文献   

目的:探讨女性保留内生殖器膀胱全切患者行原位回肠新膀胱尿流改道术的临床疗效。方法:回顾性分析我院2005年7月~2012年5月48例女性膀胱肿瘤患者的临床资料,均采取保留内生殖器的膀胱全切术并行原位回肠新膀胱尿流改道术。48例患者中移行细胞癌46例,腺癌2例;原发肿瘤32例,复发性肿瘤16例;多发性非肌层侵犯肿瘤17例,肌层浸润性膀胱肿瘤31例。结果:48例患者的平均手术时间260(210~360)min,平均输血量280(0~1200)ml。术后47例患者获得随访,随访6~84个月,平均36个月。术后12个月白天控尿率为97.9%(46/47),夜间控尿率为93.6%(44/47)。新膀胱尿道吻合口漏3例。术后6个月IVU检查输尿管狭窄2例。无子宫、子宫附件及阴道转移复发。结论:对于符合适应证的女性膀胱癌患者,保留内生殖器、阴道前壁、自主神经及完整尿道,行膀胱全切并行原位回肠新膀胱尿流改道术,临床疗效满意,术后患者生活质量高,可作为广泛开展的术式。  相似文献   

目的探讨女性全膀胱切除原位回肠新膀胱术的技术改进及临床应用价值。方法 2004年1月至2009年1月,对20例女性膀胱肿瘤患者行全膀胱切除原位回肠新膀胱术,其间进行了系列改良探索,包括保留子宫、卵巢及附件的膀胱全切;保留完整尿道、阴道及自主神经的膀胱全切;腹膜外顺行切除膀胱;手助拔针邻边全层连续褥式缝合制作"W"回肠新膀胱;用直线切割吻合器恢复肠道连续性;用自制引导探子引导新膀胱与尿道吻合等。随访观察肿瘤控制、并发症及排尿控尿功能。结果手术时间平均330min,术中平均出血560ml。术后2~4周拔除尿管,患者排尿通畅。18例获得随访,平均随访时间38个月,术后12个月内恢复昼夜尿控分别为94.4%和88.9%,新膀胱容量平均330ml,蹲式手辅腹压排尿下,最大尿流率平均24.6ml/s,残余尿量0~25ml。无肿瘤复发及种植转移。结论经初步观察,女性膀胱肿瘤患者行膀胱全切,可尝试保留子宫、卵巢、附件和完整的尿道、阴道;全膀胱切除原位回肠新膀胱术较适于女性患者;所行系列改良可降低手术难度,减少并发症,在肿瘤根治的同时利于控尿恢复。  相似文献   

女性原位尿流改道术控尿技术进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自Hautmann等报道原位尿流改道术以来,因其具有低压可控、避免腹壁造口、保留正常生理性排尿功能等优点,而被外科医生及患者广泛接受。早期认为女性患者行原位尿流改道术后难以有效控尿,不适于行该术式治疗。此后相继有关于女性控尿机理的研究发现,在完推保留尿道横纹括约肌的结构和功能及采用其他适当控尿技术的情况下,女性患者行原位尿流改道术后可获得较好的控尿效果。因此自20世纪90年代以来,女性原位尿流改道术得以逐步开展。我们就女性原位尿流改道术中的控尿技术综述如下。  相似文献   

保留前列腺尖部包膜的膀胱全切与原位回肠新膀胱术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨膀胱癌根治性全切术中保留前列腺尖部包膜与原位回肠新膀胱术的临床疗效。方法对34例膀胱癌患者行保留前列腺尖部包膜的膀胱全切与原位回肠新膀胱术。术中保留距前列腺尖部约1cm的前列腺包膜及血管神经束。术后对患者进行定期随访,了解患者术后控尿、性功能及瘤控效果。结果所有患者均顺利完成保留前列腺尖部包膜和勃起血管神经束的膀胱根治性切除与原位回肠新膀胱术。手术时间为240~370min,平均273min;术中出血200800ml,平均385ml。术后随访3~36个月,所有患者均可自主排尿,新膀胱容量250-350ml,残余尿量0~80ml,除1例患者白天控尿良好,夜间少量漏尿外,其余患者均控尿良好。术前阴茎勃起正常23例患者中,术后6个月有10例(43.4%)阴茎勃起正常。术后所有患者均未出现局部及尿道残端复发的现象。术后9个月1例出现肺部转移。结论保留前列腺尖部包膜的术式是以改善尿控为主要目的,在不降低瘤控效果的前提下的一种改良术式。  相似文献   

目的:探讨女性解剖性前盆腔脏器清除术对控尿机制的影响,以进一步指导相关临床工作和研究。方法:对符合研究需要的成人女性尸体20具进行控尿神经的大体解剖,然后模拟行经耻骨后解剖性前盆腔脏器清除术,以明确可能会损伤控尿神经的操作,并提出相应的防范措施。结果:女性盆丛的阴道丛和尿道丛有神经分支进入尿道,其中膀胱尿道丛量较少,紧贴盆侧壁几乎与尿道上缘平行走向尿道。阴部神经的阴蒂背神经和阴部神经发出神经支配尿道,以阴部神经为主要。明确上述控尿神经,模拟手术表明:紧贴盆壁的操作、尿道近端切除>0.5cm、吻合尿道-新膀胱进针过深等均易于损伤控尿神经和肌肉操作。结论:手术中应针对易于损伤的控尿神经、肌肉操作因素进行防范,有助于女性控尿机制的保护。  相似文献   

目的 评价CarneyⅡ式原位回肠膀胱术后患者的远期疗效.方法 膀胱移行细胞癌行根治性膀胱切除CarneyⅡ式原位回肠膀胱术患者33例.采用美国癌症患者生命质量量表(FACT)和国际前列腺症状评分(IPSS)衡量患者术后生活质量,采用膀胱容量、最大尿流率、残余尿量,充盈期膀胱压力等尿动力学结果评估回肠膀胱功能.结果 33例患者中,术后10个月因肿瘤尿道复发死亡1例,失访2例.30例患者随访12~60个月.术后尿动力学检查回肠膀胱容量(380±65)ml、最大尿流率(12.6±2.3)ml/s、残余尿量(25±11)ml,充盈期膀胱压力明显低于尿道闭合压[(20.4±8.7)cm H2O(1 cm H2O=0.098 kPa))与(57.2±10.5)cm H2O,P<0.05].并发肾功能不全1例、尿瘘2例.术后1年28例患者白天控尿均满意,夜间控尿满意26例.FACT评分为(110.5±16.0)分,IPSS评分(14.5±4.2)分.结论 CarnyⅡ式原位回肠膀胱术式是一种效果良好、并发症较低的尿流改道术,有较好的临床应用价值.  相似文献   

目的:评价改良全膀胱切除方法和原位回肠新膀胱术的临床疗效。方法:对12例膀胱癌患者行改良全膀胱切除术.顺行分离膀胱顶部、侧壁上半部、底部,切断输尿管后改逆行分离。示指紧贴前列腺包膜将前列腺与直肠分开后,向上向外将膀胱颈部侧韧带和精囊尾的纤维束钩于示指掌握之中,切断并结扎。女性患者保留内生殖器及尿道内口。尿流改道采用原位回肠新膀胱术,并就手术并发症、术后控尿排尿情况、新膀胱容量、影像学和生化检查进行随访,随访时间8~62个月,平均35个月。结果:切除膀胱时间平均80min,术中平均出血450ml。原位回肠新膀胱控尿、排尿良好,术后静脉尿路造影、B超检查未见上尿路扩张,膀胱造影未发现输尿管反流,血生化检查正常,未发现新膀胱或尿道肿瘤复发。结论:改良膀胱切除术-原位回肠新膀胱术是治疗浸润性膀胱癌的理想方法。  相似文献   

Leiomyoma of the urethra is a rare condition, which is more common in female than in male subjects. There are only 14 documented cases of leiomyoma of the female urethra in the literature. A careful analysis of these cases revealed the average patient age to be 34.1 years. The site of the lesion determined the clinical features and the surgical approach. No common etiological factor could be ascertained. Two additional cases of leiomyoma of the female urethra are reported.  相似文献   

Primary melanoma of the female urethra is extremely rare. Treatment by surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy has been uniformly ineffective. We herein report on 2 patients with primary malignant melanoma of the urethra treated with immunotherapy and chemotherapy. The first patient died four years after the initial diagnosis, and the second died after two years. Chemo-immunotherapy may be considered as an additional, palliative form of treatment in the management of primary melanoma of the female urethra, but cystourethrectomy should be the initial form of treatment.  相似文献   

Complete avulsion of the female urethra secondary to blunt trauma is uncommon. It is associated with pelvic fractures, and because of the close association of the urethra and vagina a vaginal laceration also occurs. The paucity of lesions associated with pelvic fracture may be explained by the relative mobility and shortness of the urethra in the female. The treatment of urethral trauma in females has not been established. Vaginal, transpubic, or retropubic approaches have been used successfully. We report on 3 cases of urethral trauma with anterior vaginal lacerations treated by retropubic approach with good results.  相似文献   

目的:探讨应用膀胱黏膜重建女性尿道治疗女性尿道肉阜早期癌变的疗效。方法:对10例女性尿道肉阜早期癌变患者行一期膀胱黏膜尿道重建术,并作术前、术后6个月及术后1年最大尿流率测定。结果:10例均一期成形,术后随访1-9年,排尿正常,无肿瘤复发,无尿失禁及其他并发症,术前、术后6个月及术后1年最大尿流率测定差异有统计学意义(P(0.05)。结论:对于女性尿道肉阜早期癌变及早期原发性女性尿道癌患者,应用膀胱黏膜尿道一期重建术是可行的治疗方法,具有简单、安全、有效、并发症少等优点。  相似文献   

Leiomyoma of the female urethra   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Smooth muscle tumors of the female urethra are uncommon lesions. Only a few cases of leiomyoma of the female urethra have been reported in the literature. We describe 2 additional cases, review the literature on this rare neoplasm and discuss its management.  相似文献   

We present a case of large, primary malignant melanoma of the female urethra with poor prognosis in this case report. Malignant melanoma is one of the rare tumors of the female urethra and accounts for 0.2% of all malignant melanoma cases. Large (5.6 cm in diameter), primary malignant melanoma of the female urethra is exceedingly rare.  相似文献   

Leiomyoma of the female urethra is a benign mesenchymal tumour highly infrequent in the clinical practice. There is controversy as to its degree of oestrogen hormone dependency and its diagnosis is reached only after pathohistological study of the resection specimen. This type of tumour has excellent prognosis, with few tumoral relapses and no case of malignant transformation having been reported for the time being. Contribution of one case report of leiomyoma of the female urethra with typical clinical-epidemiological features but very uncommon from a topographic insight, as it was located in the anterior side of the distal urethra.  相似文献   

The urethra is lined by transitional and stratified columnar epithelium. The urethra can be divided into both anatomic (prostatic, membranous, bulbar, and pendulous) and functional (anterior and posterior) segments. In the male, the anterior urethra is contained within the corpus spongiosum and penis. The urethra in the male and female is located within the urogenital triangle and pierces the superficial and deep perineal spaces of the pelvic floor. The urethra is surrounded by perineal and pelvic musculature that provide support and also form the urethral sphincter mechanism. Cancers of the anterior urethra preferentially drain into superficial inguinal lymph node channels. Those of the posterior urethra (prostatic, membranous, and bulbar segments in the male and the proximal two thirds of the urethra in the female) generally drain into pelvic lymphatic channels. A thorough knowledge of urethral and regional anatomy allows for complete tumor excision, optimal reconstruction, and in selected cases, restoration of urinary tract function.  相似文献   

Injuries to the female urethra, except for meatal straddle injuries and those associated with instrumentation, are rarely seen with pelvic trauma. To our knowledge this is the first case of traumatic complete disruption of the female membranous urethra reported in the English literature.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: This review of the literature and study of the cytology of the urethra were done to define the potential role of the female urethra as a staging site for urinary tract infection and examine the evidence for a urethral defense mechanism. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We re-analyzed data on the quantitative microbiology of the female urethra published 3 decades ago, reviewed the literature on the initiation of ascending urinary tract infections, the cytology and anatomy of the urethra, and performed studies of the morphology of urethral cells in boys and girls, men, menstruating and menopausal women, and women with acute cystitis. We also considered clues about the urethral microenvironment provided by gonococcal cervicitis and urethritis. RESULTS: We found strong statistical evidence that the female urethra has a powerful antimicrobial defense mechanism, which appears to differ in women with and without recurrent urinary tract infections. We corroborated the findings of previous investigators that the female urethra is lined by cells identical to those of the vagina that respond similarly to estrogens. We found immature basal and parabasal cells in children, and a modest inflammatory response to urinary tract infection. CONCLUSIONS: The female urethra may provide a favorable environment for colonization by uropathogens but it is protected by a powerful defense mechanism. This mechanism may be explained by the shedding of uropathogens bound to exfoliating urethral cells, trapping of bacteria by mucus secreted by the paraurethral glands, intermittent washout by urine, local production of Ig, cytokines and defensins and mobilization of leukocytes.  相似文献   

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