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Surveillance of work-related diseases and associated exposures is a major issue of public health, in particular for identifying and preventing new threats for health. In the occupational health context, the French national occupational disease surveillance and prevention network (RNV3P) have constructed a growing database that records every year all Occupational Health Problems (OHPs) diagnosed by a network of physician specialists. The network aims to provide and develop an expertise on the disease-exposure relationships, and uses the RNV3P database for developing the surveillance of OHPs and for the detection of emerging associations between diseases and occupational exposures. In this paper, we have developed the theoretical framework of the occupational exposome, defined as a network of OHPs linked by similar occupational exposures, as a novel approach which allows to characterize and to analyze the disease-exposure associations reported in the RNV3P database in the form of a relational network. Next, the occupational exposome is structured in terms of occupational exposure groups which constitute informative sub-sets of hazards considered as the backbone tree spectrum of the occupational exposures potentially related to a disease. To illustrate the wide possibilities of this method, the exposome approach is applied to the RNV3P database's sample of Non-Hodgkin Lymphomas (NHLs). As a result, we found that the NHL occupational exposome could be described in terms of 86 embedded exposure groups, defined as a set of OHPs sharing at least one component of the occupational multi-exposure. For example, "organic solvents and thinners" is the most represented hazards related to NHLs, but is also co-associated to "benzene", "ionizing radiations" or "agricultural products". From the knowledge stored in the database by physician experts, the occupational exposome constitutes a decisive step towards the evolving monitoring of multi-exposure associated to a given disease.  相似文献   

Increased emergency room use and the resulting rise in pediatric visits have prompted interest in psychological aspects of pediatric emergency care. This study evaluated the efficacy of a multicomponent hospital program designed to prepare children for emergency room visits. In Phase 1, 148 kindergarteners completed measures of medical fears and knowledge at pretreatment, posttreatment, and a 4-week follow-up. Program attenders had significantly fewer medical fears and higher medical knowledge at posttest and follow-up than control children. The program was more effective for black than white children. In Phase 2, 51 high-fear children from Phase 1 were selected randomly to attend a medical examination in an emergency room. No effects for program emerged on the observational distress measures or physiological arousal. Phase 2 children showed significantly increased medical knowledge at follow-up compared to children who did not receive the medical exam.  相似文献   

Human T lymphocytes can be generated from CD34 progenitor cells from different sources. This can be obtained in an in vivo model wherein human thymic tissue and fetal liver is transplanted in an immunodeficient mouse. However, human T cells are also generated in immunodeficient mice without co-transplantation of human thymus or in in vitro hybrid human-mouse fetal thymus organ culture. This shows that xenogeneic mouse thymus tissue supports human T cell differentiation. Finally, human T cells are generated on co-culture with murine stromal cells that express the Delta-like1 ligand for the Notch receptor. How these different environments influence the human T cell repertoire is reviewed and discussed.  相似文献   



There is increasing interest in improving the quality of care that patients with advanced dementia receive when they are dying. Our understanding of the palliative care needs of these patients and the natural history of advanced disease is limited. Many people with advanced dementia have unplanned emergency admissions to the acute hospital; this is a critical event: half will die within 6 months. These patients have complex needs but often lack capacity to express their wishes. Often carers are expected to make decisions. Advance care planning discussions are rarely performed, despite potential benefits such more consistent supportive healthcare, a reduction in emergency admissions to the acute hospital and better resolution of carer bereavement.  相似文献   

Objective: Health care information systems still comprise legacy systems to a certain extent. For reengineering legacy systems a thorough remodeling is inalienable. Current modeling techniques like the Unified Modeling Language (UML) do not offer a systematic and comprehensive process-oriented method for remodeling activities. Method: We developed a systematic method for remodeling legacy systems in health care called Qumquad. Qumquad consists of three major steps: (i) modeling the actual state of the application system, (ii) systematic identification of weak points in this model and (iii) development of a target concept for the reimplementation considering the identified weak points. Results: We applied Qumquad for remodeling a documentation and therapy planning system for pediatric oncology (DOSPO). As a result of our remodeling activities we regained an abstract model of the system, an analysis of the current weak points of DOSPO and possible (partly alternative) solutions to overcome the weak points. Discussion and conclusion: Qumquad proved to be very helpful in the reengineering process of DOSPO since we now have at our disposal a comprehensive model for the reimplementation of DOSPO that current users of the system agree on. Qumquad can easily be applied to other reengineering projects in health care.  相似文献   

Telemedicine promises greater access to health care of higher quality, potentially at lower cost. The diverse applications of telemedicine technology developed to date have not been evaluated systematically in terms of their ability to achieve these goals. Furthermore, the great variety in telemedicine applications and the far-reaching consequences of new information systems for health care delivery pose challenges to traditional methods of technology assessment. Methods appropriate for mature technologies may not be suitable for emerging ones and, indeed, may risk stifling their development with premature negative conclusions. The staged approach to technology assessment proposed here matches the analysis to the technology's stage of development. It focuses on access, quality, and cost and considers the communication pathway employed in the telemedicine application. A staged approach to technology assessment can inform and foster the development of new telemedicine technology while allowing health care delivery systems to make rational decisions about adopting telemedicine.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To explore the potential of the model-driven architecture (MDA) in health care information systems development. METHODS: An MDA is conceptualized and developed for a health clinic system to track patient information. A prototype of the MDA is implemented using an advanced MDA tool. The UML provides the underlying modeling support in the form of the class diagram. The PIM to PSM transformation rules are applied to generate the prototype application from the model. RESULTS: The result of the research is a complete MDA methodology to developing health care information systems. Additional insights gained include development of transformation rules and documentation of the challenges in the application of MDA to health care. Design guidelines for future MDA applications are described. The model has the potential for generalizability. The overall approach supports limited interoperability and portability. CONCLUSION: The research demonstrates the applicability of the MDA approach to health care information systems development. When properly implemented, it has the potential to overcome the challenges of platform (vendor) dependency, lack of open standards, interoperability, portability, scalability, and the high cost of implementation.  相似文献   

Linkage disequilibrium (LD) is the non-random distribution of alleles across the genome, and it can create serious problems for modern linkage studies. In particular, computational feasibility is often obtained at the expense of power, precision, and/or accuracy. In our new approach, we combine linkage results over multiple marker subsets to provide fast, efficient, and robust analyses, without compromising power, precision, or accuracy. Allele frequencies and LD in the densely spaced markers are used to construct subsamples that are highly informative for linkage. We have tested our approach extensively, and implemented it in the software package EAGLET (Efficient Analysis of Genetic Linkage: Estimation and Testing). Relative to several commonly used methods we show that EAGLET has increased power to detect disease genes across a range of trait models, LD patterns, and family structures using both simulated and real data. In particular, when the underlying LD pattern is derived from real data, we find that EAGLET outperforms several commonly used linkage methods. In-depth analysis of family data, simulated with linkage and under the real-data derived LD pattern, showed that EAGLET had 78.1% power to detect a dominant disease with incomplete penetrance, whereas the method that uses one marker per cM had 69.7% power, and the cluster-based approach implemented in MERLIN had 76.7% power. In this same setting, EAGLET was three times faster than MERLIN, and it narrowed the MERLIN-based confidence interval for trait location by 29%. Overall, EAGLET gives researchers a fast, accurate, and powerful new tool for analyzing high-throughput linkage data, and large extended families are easily accommodated.  相似文献   

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