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目的:了解深圳市收教所收容人员的性病感染情况。方法:对2003年深圳市某收教所的2097名学员进行体检以及性病实验室检测,并收集相关资料作流行病学分析。结果:在2097年被检测者中,共检出178例感染性病,检出率为8.5%。其中HIV感染者2例,均为女学员。女学员性病检出率明显高于男学员。文化程度越高,性病检出率越低;反之,文化程度越低,性病检出率越高。结论:收教所收容人员是性病的重要传染源,加强对收容人员的性病流行病学监测是预防和控制性病流行的有效措施之一。  相似文献   

目的了解深圳市收容教育所收容人员性传播疾病感染情况。方法对2004年深圳市某收容教育所1329名学员进行问卷调查、身体检查和性传播疾病实验室检测。收集相关资料进行流行病学分析。结果1329名收容人员,检出性传播疾病249例,感染率为18.7%。女学员性病检出率明显高于男学员;文化程度越高,性病检出率越低;反之,文化程度越低,性病检出率越高。结论收容教育所收容人员中存在性传播疾病的传染源,加强对收容人员的性病流行病学监测是预防和控制性病流行的有效措施之一。  相似文献   

目的 进一步了解性罪错人员中性病的实际发病情况及加强预防和控制的办法。方法 在1996~1997年期间连续对北京某监测点的956名性罪错人员进行性病流行病学监测并收集和分析所获各项数据资料。结果 在956名被检测者中,共检出性病317例,总检出率33.2%。其中,非淋菌性尿道(宫颈)炎居首位,淋病、梅毒等次之。结论 本研究结果提示性病已成为北京重要传染病之一,而且发病率在逐年增长。由于性罪错人员是性病的重要传染源,因此,加强对性罪错人员的性病流行病学监测是预防和控制该病流行的有效措施之一。  相似文献   

目的:了解1998—2003年深圳市性罪错妇女性传播疾病(STDs)流行情况。方法:收集整理1998—2003年深圳市某监测点性罪错妇女体检资料及实验室检测资料,并作流行病学分析。结果:在7649例性罪错妇女中,共检出性病1388例,检出率为18.15%。其中梅毒检出例数最多,尖锐湿疣、NGU、淋病等次之。文化程度越低,检出率越高。结论:性罪错妇女是性病传播的主要传染源,也是性病防治的重点人群,梅毒是当前该地区应重点监控的病种。  相似文献   

为了解性罪错人员性病患病情况 ,为制订防治措施提供科学依据 ,2 0 0 0~ 2 0 0 1年对上海市部分警署、分局治安支队抓获的各种性罪错人员进行调查。1 对象与方法2 0 0 0~ 2 0 0 1年 ,对上海市部分警署和分局治安支队抓获的各种性罪错人员 ,按照常规方法检查性病感染情况。诊断标准参照卫生部防疫司编《性病防治手册》。2 结果2 1 不同性别人群患病情况 调查 4 14 8人 ,患性病者 310例 ,患病率为 7 4 7%。其中 ,男性调查 2 319人 ,患性病者 136例 ,患病率为 5 86 % ;调查女性182 9人 ,患性病者 174例 ,患病率为 9 5 1%。女性患病率高…  相似文献   

近几年来 ,盐城市的性病疫情呈明显上升趋势 ,随着监测力度的加大 ,艾滋病病毒感染者也不断被发现。为了解和分析性罪错人群中性病艾滋病流行的危险因素 ,2 0 0 2年我们对 16 4名性罪错人员进行了性病艾滋病危险因素调查。现将调查结果分析如下。1 对象与方法1.1 对象  2 0 0 2年盐城市收容教育所的性罪错人员。1.2 方法1.2 .1 让性罪错人员按要求如实填写《收教人员性病相关情况调查表》 ,其内容包括一般情况、性病艾滋病防治知识和态度、性行为、性交易、安全套相关知识和安全套的使用情况等 5个部分。1.2 .2 对性罪错人员进行性病…  相似文献   

近年来 ,性传播疾病在我国迅速蔓延 ,其中卖淫、强奸、嫖娼等人员是引起性病迅速蔓延的重要人群。为了摸清这部分特殊人员性病感染情况 ,自 1995年开始对丽水市公安局拘留所的部分性罪错者进行检测 ,并检测该所拘留的部分非性罪错人员。1 材料与方法以 1995~ 2 0 0 0年丽水市公安局拘留所部分卖淫、强奸、嫖娼及非性罪错人员为检测对象。逐人询问性病既往史、性接触史 ,进行体征检查 ,采集尿道、子宫颈口 (女性 )分泌物 ,用常规方法进行淋球菌涂片、培养 ;采血 ,用RPR试验检测梅毒 ;用ELISA法检测HIV抗体 ,初筛阳性者再送浙江…  相似文献   

1989~1994年石家庄市艾滋病监测中心对各类重点人群共计8108人进行了人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)监测,检出5例HIV—Ⅰ感染者.现简要报告如下: 材料和方法 1、监测对象 各类涉外人员,在我市居住3个月以上的外国人、献血员、性病患者、性罪错人员及吸毒人员。 2、检测方法 初筛试验选用明胶颗粒凝集试验(PA),为日本Fujirebio公司试剂。初筛试验重复阳性者送上级部门做蛋白印迹(wb)试验。 结果 1989~1994年主动监测归国人员742人,涉外婚姻人员274人,涉外宾馆服务人员636人,外国人55人,献血员4412人,性病患者1488人,性罪错人员396人,吸毒人员105人,共计8108人。检出HIV-Ⅰ感染者5人,检出率为0.061%,5例感染者均为归国人员,归国人员检出率为0.67%。 感染者调查  相似文献   

笔者对确诊的 4 2 8例淋病患者多部位 (尿道、宫颈、直肠、咽部及眼结膜 )进行采样、实验室检查 ,确定淋病患者的多部位感染及感染率 ,在此基础上对淋球菌多部位感染因素进行调查。1 内容和方法1 1 资料来源 :4 2 8例包括性病门诊淋病患者 372例 (男 2 30例 ,女 14 2例 ) ,性罪错人员 5 6例 (男 9例 ,女 4 7例 )。1 2 方法1 2 1 根据WHO《性传播疾病实验诊断》的要求和规定 ,严格对淋病患者进行不同部位 (男 :尿道、咽部、直肠、眼 ,女 :宫颈、尿道、咽部、直肠 ,眼 )采样 ,及时涂片、培养、分离鉴定 ,确定淋球菌感染部位 ,≥ 2个部…  相似文献   

医院患者HIV监测结果分析及医护人员职业防护   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 了解深圳市医院患者HIV感染状况和及早发现病人,预防医护人员职业感染。方法 对2002年10月至2004年10月在深圳市第二人民医院门、急诊就诊的性病患者、体检人员、孕产妇、住院手术病人、内科需要穿刺的病人、疑似艾滋病患者等进行HIV血清学检测。结果 检测人数共21476例,HIV抗体阳性数19例,检出率为0.09%。其中住院病人检出率为0.12%。性病患者为0.16%,孕产妇为0.04%,体检人员为0.00%,其他为0.03%,在住院病人中,手术、穿刺病人检出率为0.05%。结论 由于潜在HIV感染者增多,应加强医院住院病人、性病患者、孕产妇、体检人员的HIV血清学检测,及时发现病人.预防医护人员职业感染,控制艾滋病的蔓延。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:  Context: The prevalence of sexually transmitted diseases and associated risk behaviors among California farmworkers is not well described. Purpose: To estimate the prevalence of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and associated risk behaviors among California farmworkers. Methods: Cross-sectional analysis of population-based survey data from 6 California agricultural regions was performed for participants tested for Chlamydia trachomatis (CT), Neisseria gonorrhea (GC), and syphilis, and who completed an interviewer-administered behavioral risk factor survey. Findings: Among the 403 males and 234 females examined and interviewed, males (29.3%) were more likely than females (9.6%) to have had 2 or more sex partners in the past 5 years. Forty-two percent of males ever had sex with a commercial sex worker; unmarried males were more likely than married males to report sex with a commercial sex worker in the past 2 years. Twelve percent of males and 5% of females reported ever having had an STD. Most participants did not report any methods to protect against STDs. Of 192 males and 178 females tested for CT, 3 males and no females were positive. No cases of GC were found. Of 387 males and 194 females tested for syphilis, 4 males and 1 female had positive rapid plasma reagin (RPR) and Treponema pallidum particle agglutination (TPPA) results. Conclusions: In this population-based survey among agricultural workers, there was low STD prevalence but high prevalence of sexual risk behaviors, particularly among males.  相似文献   

收容教育所妇女性传播疾病流行病学分析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
目的:了解1997-2001年深圳市收容教育所妇女性传播疾病(STDs)流行情况。方法:收集整理1997-2001年深圳市某监测点收容教育所妇女体检资料及实验室检测资料,并作流行病学分析。结果:5800名收容教育所妇女中,共检出性病1202例,检出率为20.72%,其中梅毒检出例数最多,尖锐湿疣,NGU,淋病等次之。结论:收容教育所妇女是性病传播的主要传染源,也是性病防治的重点人群和控制性病传播流行的关键所在。梅毒是当前该地区应重点监控的病种。  相似文献   

[目的]了解柳州市高危人群中性传播疾病(STD)的流行情况,为STD的预防和控制提供依据。[方法]随机抽取在柳州市的宾馆、酒吧、发廊、按摩浴足室从事商业性性服务的女性进行调查和检测。[结果]调查和检测280人,感染人数占受检人数的74.64%。感染率依次为:支原体45.71%﹥尖锐湿疣17.50%﹥梅毒17.14%﹥霉菌性阴道炎16.43%﹥衣原体11.79%﹥淋病9.29%﹥滴虫性阴道炎4.64%,没有检出HIV感染者。[结论]柳州市商业性性服务的女性STD的感染率明显高于普通人群,商业性性服务者是STD主要的传染源和易感人群,应加强对该人群的管理,尤其是对该人群STD的疫情监测,采取有效措施进行干预。  相似文献   

Using a sexually transmitted diseases simulation model (STDSIM), we made projections of HIV spread for four profiles of sexual behaviour reflecting patterns encountered across the developing world: 1) much commercial sex, no short relationships; 2) commercial sex, concurrent short relationships; 3) concurrent relationships, no commercial sex; 4) serial short relationships, some commercial sex. We studied the effects of increasing condom use in three target groups: commercial sex workers (CSWs); men engaging in commercial contacts and short relationships; and females in steady relationships. The projections indicated that the CSW and male strategies were more effective in reducing HIV incidence than the strategy focusing on females in steady relationships. In the long run, even the group of men and women with one recent partner were better protected against HIV infection by condom use in high-risk contacts than by condom use in steady relationships. Furthermore, the numbers of HIV cases prevented per condom used were 7 to 500 times higher for condoms used by CSWs or men engaging in short relationships and commercial sex than for ones used by females in steady relationships. The results indicated the merit of focusing on high-risk groups irrespective of the pattern of sexual behaviour, even in epidemics that had already spread throughout populations.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: In Venezuela, female sex workers are submitted to a preventive control of syphilis and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). However, other very important sexually transmitted infections are not evaluated. A study was carried out to identify the sociocultural background of a group of sex workers and its association with the seroprevalence of hepatitis B and C markers, in addition to routine evaluation. METHOD: A total of 212 female sex workers who attended the control center of sexually transmitted infections (STI) in the city of Los Teques, Venezuela, were evaluated. Women were asked their age, educational background, use of contraceptive methods and condoms. Blood was drawn to determine the prevalence of syphilis, hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg), antibodies to hepatitis B core (anti-HBc), hepatitis C (anti-HCV) and HIV. RESULTS: The prevalence of syphilis was 2.4%, seroprevalence of anti-HCV was 0.5%, HBsAg 3.8% and anti-HBc 13.8%. No cases of HIV were observed. Higher prevalence of hepatitis B markers was associated with a lower level of education (p<0.05) and higher age (p<0.05). It was found that 38.5% of participant women never used condoms and 25.6% did not use any contraceptive method. CONCLUSION: It could be necessary to implement preventive programs to immunize sex workers against hepatitis B virus as well as education programs on condom use for their protection against sexually transmitted infections.  相似文献   

目的:通过对暗娼性病感染情况的监测分析,为制定遏制艾滋病的发病对策提供科学依据。方法:对400名暗娼利用ELISA和TRUST试验进行梅毒抗体和艾滋病毒抗体的检测。结果:本次调查的400名娱乐场所女性从业人员中,共检出梅毒24例,梅毒检出率为6.0%,HIV未检出。结论:梅毒感染已经在暗娼这个群体中广泛存在,对这类人群进行相关知识的健康教育和监管防控措施,对预防和控制性病的传播具有要意义。  相似文献   

Between September 1991 and September 1993, husbands of women with and without cervical neoplasia and commercial sex workers in one brothel and one massage parlor in Bangkok, Thailand, were interviewed; serologic tests for sexually transmitted infections were performed; and cervical and penile scrapings were tested for human papillomavirus (HPV) DNA. The risks of cervical carcinoma in monogamous women and of oncogenic HPV in their husbands were associated with the men's having unprotected intercourse with prostitutes. The prevalence of oncogenic HPV was higher in commercial sex workers than in women attending gynecologic and family planning clinics. Oncogenic HPV prevalence declined with age in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-negative, but not in healthy HIV-positive, commercial sex workers and was weakly associated with hepatitis B antigenemia, suggesting that persistence of HPV infection is due to subtle changes in immunity. Associations of HPV with recent pregnancy and oral contraceptive use suggest that hormonal factors may increase the risk of cervical neoplasia by enhancing persistence of HPV infection. The prevalence of high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions was strongly related to oncogenic HPV types and weakly to HIV infection only in their presence. Commercial sex workers in Bangkok are reservoirs of oncogenic HPV, and cervical cancer in monogamous Thai women develops in part as a result of transmission of these viruses to them by their husbands from prostitutes.  相似文献   

In this paper, examined are the sexual and health behaviours of commercial sex workers in Nigeria, a high-risk group in this era of the acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) epidemic. The aim is to provide in-depth knowledge of their sexual networking and the prevalence rate of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). This analysis is intended to highlight their implications in the spread and control of AIDS and HIV infection. The results of the study show the extensive sexual networking of these commercial sex workers, the health implications, and the utilisation of nonorthodox health services in diagnosing STDs. The implications of these results are the likely drain on the limited health resources of the Nigerian government and the harmful effects on the women, fetuses, children, and other sexual partners of clients of these commercial sex workers.  相似文献   

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