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目的:了解导致儿童淋病原因.方法:取患儿尿道口、阴道口分泌物直接涂片进行镜检及培养.结果:六年间我院儿科门诊就诊患儿182 231例,确诊为淋球菌感染者42例,感染率0.02%,其中新生儿2例,婴儿3例,幼儿6例,学龄前儿童16例,学龄儿童15例.结论:儿童淋病并非少见,其不仅影响患儿身体健康,而且危及儿童心理健康.因此需全社会关注,采取积极有力的措施防止淋病在儿童中的流行.  相似文献   

我院 2 0 0 1年 1月至 2 0 0 1年 1 0月诊治儿童淋病 2 1例。现分析报告如下。1 临床资料1 1 一般资料  2 1例中男 6例 ,女 1 5例 ,女∶男为 2 5∶1 ;年龄 1 5d至 1岁 5例 ,~ 5岁 7例 ,~ 7岁 5例 ,~ 1 0岁 4例 ;病程 1d至 1年不等。父母一方或双方有淋病 1 5例 ,父母双方均无淋病 3例 (为幼托儿童 ) ,父母病史不详 3例。与父母同用卫生用品 1 8例 ,一同洗内衣裤 1 6例。 1岁以下儿童共 5例 ,均为阴道分娩 (2例新生儿淋菌性眼炎 ,3例泌尿生殖道淋病 )。另外有 4例为两对姐妹同患淋病。1 2 临床表现 泌尿生殖道疼痛、红肿流脓 1 …  相似文献   

王珏 《贵州医药》1996,20(6):375-376
急性淋病是由林病双球菌感染的一种潜伏期短、来势凶猛的烈性传染病,解放后在我国已经绝迹,近年来由于成人淋病发病率的上升,儿童淋病发病率也随着增加。我院于1992年元月~1996年元月诊治儿童淋病13例,现报告如下。1临床资料1.五一般资料:13例中女11例,男2例;年龄2~11岁。1·2诊断依据1.2.三淋病接触史:13例中7例的父或母新近患有淋病,4例的父亲有冶游史,2例有被性虐待史。1.2.2临床表现:病程3~4天4例,5~10天6例,10天以上3例;门例尿道口、大小阴唇、阴道口等不同程度红肿,外阴部有黄白色粘稠的脓性分泌物,伴剧痒。…  相似文献   

琳病现已成为常见病、多发病。儿童型淋病的主要传染途经是间接传染。在临床上我们治疗的18例中传染途经有据可查者11例。全部为间接传染。儿童淋病多表现为外阴炎,阴道炎症状,阴道分泌物直接涂片镜检、革兰染色淋病双球菌阳性即可确诊。1 材料来源:我院妇科、皮肤科门诊诊治女疾病中淋菌性外阴炎、阴道炎亦居第一位。从1991—01~1992—02治疗了18例儿童型淋病,涂片匀为淋球菌阳性。年龄24个月至10  相似文献   

笔者就1999年6月~2002年6月在本院门诊就诊的46例确诊为淋病的幼女病因进行调查分析。1临床分析1.1一般情况 :患者年龄为3~8岁。主要症状是外阴黄色分泌物增多 ,患儿经常搔抓会阴部 ,其中10例在外院以外阴炎治疗无效 ,病程最长1例2年之久。1.2体征 :全部受查幼女外阴潮红 ,有脓性分泌物自阴道流出 ,部分膀胱截石位 ,阴道口呈开放状态。1.3辅助检查 :用生理盐水清洗外阴 ,无菌生理盐水棉签拭予取阴道分泌物涂片 ,经染色找到细胞内外有革兰阴性双球菌者 ,确诊为淋球菌感染。1.4治疗 :均以哈药六厂的菌必治静…  相似文献   

黄志强  冯小舸  黄熙 《贵州医药》2001,25(4):346-347
淋球菌性和非淋球菌性尿道炎是目前皮肤科门诊最常见的性传播疾病 ,其主要病原体为淋球菌(NG)、沙眼衣原体 (CT)和解脲支原体 (UU)。为了解这三种病原体引起的感染及混合感染的现状 ,我们对皮肤科门诊 1993~ 1997年间初诊疑为淋病或非淋病性泌尿生殖道炎的 2 2 15例患者进行了三种病原体检测 ,并对结果进行分析 ,现报告如下。1 资料与方法1 1 病例来源  2 2 15例病人均来自广西桂林医学院附院皮肤科门诊 ,经检测诊断为淋病或非淋病性尿道 (阴道 )炎 (NGU)。其中男 1475例 ,女 74 0例 ;男性平均年龄 2 9 8岁 ,女性平均年龄 2 3 …  相似文献   

目的 探讨儿童泌尿系感染(UTI)的临床特点,为临床诊治提供参考.方法 对36例泌尿系感染患者的临床表现、辅助榆查结果、治疗等临床资料进行回顾分析.结果 本组中有发热、呕吐、烦躁、哭闹、易激惹等非特异表现者13例(36.11%);有明显尿路刺激症状15例(41.67%);发热、腹痛者3N(8.33%);单纯腹痛者2例(...  相似文献   

Objective To investigate the clinical features of 36 children with urinary tract infection(UTI).Methods Clinical situation,auxiliary examination,and remedy of the 36 children with UTl was retrospectively analyzed.Results 13 of the 36 children with UTI presented with non-specific clinleal manifestation,sueh as feVer,vomiting,restlessness,erying,and irritability;15 with the clear signs of UTI,including increased frequency of urination,dysuria,and urgency;3 with fever and stomachache:2 only with stomachache;3 with strong-smelling urine.Centrifugate urinary sediment of all patients teated under microscope showed WBC>5/Hp,urine culture and colony count were performed in 28 Phildren wiIh UTI,with 19 positive and 9 negative.Culture's positive rate ofthe patients who had not used antibotics before the test was higher than those who had used.Urinary tract abnormalities detected by iconography were found in 9 children.Ctmdusion Signs and symptoms of children with UTI were non-specificity,early diagnosis of UTI were based on the urine tests.After UTI was diagnosed,potential etiological factors of UTI musl be researched,UTI closely correlated to urinary tract abnormalities.Strictly follow-up of the children with UTI call help us find the potential abnormalities,prevent and cure the relapse of UTI,so as to prevent the kidney from further damage.  相似文献   

Objective To investigate the clinical features of 36 children with urinary tract infection(UTI).Methods Clinical situation,auxiliary examination,and remedy of the 36 children with UTl was retrospectively analyzed.Results 13 of the 36 children with UTI presented with non-specific clinleal manifestation,sueh as feVer,vomiting,restlessness,erying,and irritability;15 with the clear signs of UTI,including increased frequency of urination,dysuria,and urgency;3 with fever and stomachache:2 only with stomachache;3 with strong-smelling urine.Centrifugate urinary sediment of all patients teated under microscope showed WBC>5/Hp,urine culture and colony count were performed in 28 Phildren wiIh UTI,with 19 positive and 9 negative.Culture's positive rate ofthe patients who had not used antibotics before the test was higher than those who had used.Urinary tract abnormalities detected by iconography were found in 9 children.Ctmdusion Signs and symptoms of children with UTI were non-specificity,early diagnosis of UTI were based on the urine tests.After UTI was diagnosed,potential etiological factors of UTI musl be researched,UTI closely correlated to urinary tract abnormalities.Strictly follow-up of the children with UTI call help us find the potential abnormalities,prevent and cure the relapse of UTI,so as to prevent the kidney from further damage.  相似文献   

王官柱 《云南医药》1994,15(5):364-365
本文对2例尖锐湿疣,16例淋病,1例淋病并尖锐湿疣的儿童性传播疾病的途径进行分析报告,对非性关系传染的儿童性病的防治提出几点建议。  相似文献   

Objective To investigate the clinical features of 36 children with urinary tract infection(UTI).Methods Clinical situation,auxiliary examination,and remedy of the 36 children with UTl was retrospectively analyzed.Results 13 of the 36 children with UTI presented with non-specific clinleal manifestation,sueh as feVer,vomiting,restlessness,erying,and irritability;15 with the clear signs of UTI,including increased frequency of urination,dysuria,and urgency;3 with fever and stomachache:2 only with stomachache;3 with strong-smelling urine.Centrifugate urinary sediment of all patients teated under microscope showed WBC>5/Hp,urine culture and colony count were performed in 28 Phildren wiIh UTI,with 19 positive and 9 negative.Culture's positive rate ofthe patients who had not used antibotics before the test was higher than those who had used.Urinary tract abnormalities detected by iconography were found in 9 children.Ctmdusion Signs and symptoms of children with UTI were non-specificity,early diagnosis of UTI were based on the urine tests.After UTI was diagnosed,potential etiological factors of UTI musl be researched,UTI closely correlated to urinary tract abnormalities.Strictly follow-up of the children with UTI call help us find the potential abnormalities,prevent and cure the relapse of UTI,so as to prevent the kidney from further damage.  相似文献   

目的探讨120例淋病患者淋病奈瑟球菌的耐药情况。方法淋病奈瑟菌ATCC49226采用纸片扩散法。β内酰胺酶检测采用纸片酸度法测定。结果 120株淋病奈瑟菌中,β-内酰胺酶阳性的有38株,占31.67%。对5种常用抗菌药物的耐药性存在明显的差异性,对大观霉素、头孢曲松较为敏感,对青霉素、四环素具有较高的耐药性。结论临床上已不宜将青霉素、环丙沙星、四环素作为淋病奈瑟球菌的常规治疗药物,可选择大观霉素、头孢曲松作为首选。  相似文献   

徐芳 《淮海医药》1997,15(2):24-24
当前,淋病流行甚广,在我国性传播疾病中占首位。由于本病潜伏期短、传染性强、后果严重,所以,及时而有效的诊断、治疗.可迅速解除病人的痛苦,对其传播的控制也极其重要。根据1994年5月~11月我院性病门诊的病例统计,对经地有关医疗机构诊治而未愈的病例的原因进行了分析。现报告如下。  相似文献   

薛璐  王世荣 《河北医药》2003,25(3):180-180
泌尿系感染 (UTI)是小儿时期常见的感染性疾病 ,临床症状隐匿 ,难以早期确诊 ,易导致用药不规范 ,菌群耐药 ,故早期发现病原非常重要。本文就 1998年至 2 0 0 2年在我院住院治疗的2 3例泌尿系感染患儿进行病原学分析 ,现报告如下。1 临床资料1.1 一般资料  4年中在我院儿科住院明确病原学诊断 2 3例。男 6例 ,女 17例 ,男∶女为 1∶3。 9个月~ 1岁 2例 ,~ 3岁 4例 ,~ 6岁 5例 ,~ 14岁 12例。病程最长为 1年 ,最短 1d ,平均病程 2个月 ,全部为初发病例。1.2 临床表现 伴有尿频、尿急、尿痛 (婴儿表现为排尿时哭闹 )等泌尿系刺激…  相似文献   

目的对107例儿童非特异性慢性咳嗽的病因进行分析。方法根据中华医学会儿科分会呼吸学组与中华儿科杂志制定的《儿童慢性咳嗽诊断与治疗指南》,按照指南的诊断流程询问病史、检查体格、辅助检查,对107例儿童非特异性慢性咳嗽的病因进行分析。结果107例非特异性慢性咳嗽儿童,婴幼儿期(0~3周岁)28例,呼吸道感染和感染后咳嗽18例、咳嗽变异性哮喘(CVA)9例、上气道咳嗽综合症(UACS)I例;学龄前期(3-6周岁)69例,呼吸道感染和感染后咳嗽30例、咳嗽变异性哮喘(CVA)36例、上气道咳嗽综合症(UACS)3例;学龄期(〉6周岁)10例,呼吸道感染和感染后咳嗽2例、咳嗽变异性哮喘(CVA)5例、上气道咳嗽综合症(UACS)3例。结论不同年龄组儿童慢性咳嗽的病因构成比不同。  相似文献   

熊兵  杨敏红  周恺  曹彬 《贵州医药》2001,25(8):760-762
淋病是最常见的性传播疾病 (STD)之一。为探讨贵阳地区淋球菌 (NG)与其它性传播疾病病原体的混合感染情况 ,我们于 1999年 3月至 2 0 0 0年 10月 ,对 4 93例慢性淋病患者同时进行沙眼衣原体(CT)、解脲支原体 (UU)、金黄色葡萄球菌和念球菌(CD)检测 ,为慢性淋病的临床治疗提供可靠的实验依据和保障治疗的有效性。1 资料和方法1 1 临床资料  4 93例慢性淋病患者均来自于我所性病专科门诊。病史在 1月以上 ,就诊前曾有 1~ 4次 ,平均 2次的淋病治疗史。就诊时有轻重不一的尿道炎和 (或 )合并症症状。患者经尿道分泌物涂片革兰氏…  相似文献   

方芳  胡质 《云南医药》1998,19(4):289-290
近年来由于成人淋病发病率的不断上升,小儿淋病也逐渐增多,淋病双球菌的耐药现象也较为普遍,已成为治疗淋病的最大障碍。为此我们分别设组,以壮观霉素为治疗组,青霉素为对照组进行临床观察。资料与结果一、临床资料收集1992年5月至1997年10月到我院就诊的...  相似文献   

儿童鼻窦炎138例病因分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
鄂予 《现代医药卫生》2011,27(16):2485-2486
儿童鼻窦炎是儿童较为常见的疾病,其在病因、症状及诊断、治疗方面均与成人不尽相同.但由于其临床表现多变,基层医院往往首诊于儿科,如临床医师认识不足,很易延误诊治.现将我院2006年1月~2010年4月138例儿童鼻窦炎患者的临床资料进行回顾性分析,旨在探讨儿童鼻窦炎的发病原因,以期得到更好的诊断和治疗.  相似文献   

肾功能衰竭是儿科危重病之一,为进一步提高小儿肾功能衰竭防治水平,减少急性肾功能衰竭病死率,降低慢性肾功能衰竭的发生率,本研究对42例肾功能衰竭患儿的病因、临床表现和病理改变进行分析,现报告如下。  相似文献   

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