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The present study aimed to investigate the impact of facial expression, gaze interaction, and gender on attention allocation, physiological arousal, facial muscle responses, and emotional experience in simulated social interactions. Participants viewed animated virtual characters varying in terms of gender, gaze interaction, and facial expression. We recorded facial EMG, fixation duration, pupil size, and subjective experience. Subject's rapid facial reactions (RFRs) differentiated more clearly between the character's happy and angry expression in the condition of mutual eye-to-eye contact. This finding provides evidence for the idea that RFRs are not simply motor responses, but part of an emotional reaction. Eye movement data showed that fixations were longer in response to both angry and neutral faces than to happy faces, thereby suggesting that attention is preferentially allocated to cues indicating potential threat during social interaction.  相似文献   

We report on two experiments using a transfer-of-control procedure in evaluating costs or benefits of emotionally relevant stimuli on the processing of a cognitive task. In differential conditioning the impact of Pavlovian conditioning usually is examined by contrasting instrumental responses in the presence of an excitatory conditioned stimulus (CS+) and an inhibitory conditioned stimulus (CS-). We expanded this comparison by introducing a neutral third condition. This additional neutral condition served as a within subject control for evaluating whether the CS+ increased responding and/or the CS- decreased responding. Both experiments yielded the same result; the CS- slowed down cognitive processing while the CS+ had no impact. Thus, the proposed transfer-of-control procedure may serve as a reliable and valid research tool in the evaluation of motivation and emotion in humans.  相似文献   

Two competing hypotheses propose opposite effects for the relation between alcohol use and marital functioning. One hypothesis conceptualizes alcohol use as maladaptive and proposes that it serves as a chronic stressor that causes marital dysfunction and subsequent dissolution. An opposing hypothesis proposes that alcohol use is adaptive and serves to temporarily relieve stressors that cause marital dysfunction, stabilizing the marital relationship, and perhaps preventing dissolution. Sixty studies were reviewed that tested the relation between alcohol use and one of three marital functioning domains (satisfaction, interaction, and violence). Results provide overwhelming support for the notion that alcohol use is maladaptive, and that it is associated with dissatisfaction, negative marital interaction patterns, and higher levels of marital violence. A small subset of studies found that light drinking patterns are associated with adaptive marital functioning; however, more research is necessary to replicate these effects and identify specific conditions under which they occur.  相似文献   

In a randomized, double‐blind trial in 3086 patients with unstable angina pectoris or non‐Q wave myocardial infarction we investigated if 80 mg of atorvastatin daily could improve outcome of cardiovascular events during a short period of time (16 weeks) compared with placebo. Baseline LDL cholesterol was 3.2 mmol L−1 (124 mg dL−1) and decreased by 40% to 1.9 mmol L−1 (72 mg dL−1) during atorvastatin treatment. The primary endpoint, which was a composite of death, non‐fatal acute myocardial infarction, cardiac arrest with resuscitation or recurrent symptomatic myocardial ischaemia with objective evidence and requiring emergency rehospitalization occurred in 228 patients (14.8%) in the atorvastatin group and 269 patients (17.4%) in the placebo group. The relative risk was0.84 and 95% confidence interval was 0.70–1.00 (P = 0.048). Thus for patients with acute coronary syndromes, lipid‐lowering therapy with high dose atorvastatin reduces recurrent ischaemic events in the short‐term. A possible mechanism behind this rapid clinical effect induced by statin treatment is on inflammatory processes. Recent studies strongly suggest that acute T‐cell activation is involved in the pathogenesis of unstable angina. In another study we investigated whether circulating T cells showed signs of activation in patients with stable angina pectoris (SA). Systemic venous blood samples were taken from 38 men with SA and 42 healthy controls. The T‐cell receptor expression was assessed by three‐colour flow cytometry using monoclonal antibodies against CD3,CD4, CD8, CD25 and human leucocyte antigen (HLA)‐DR. Soluble interleukin‐2 receptor (sIL‐2R) was measured as the circulating form in serum. Levels of circulating CD3+ and CD4+ T cells tended to be higher in patients compared with controls. Patients were also shown to have a significant increase in CD4+ T cells expressing the activation markers CD25 (P < 0.05) and HLA‐DR (P < 0.01). Furthermore, serum levels of sIL‐2R were significantly higher (P < 0.001) in patients than in controls. We also observed that the T‐cell response was more pronounced in patients without simvastatin treatment (n = 18) compared with simvastatin‐treated patients (n = 20). In conclusion, our findings indicate that a continuous immune system activation takes place in patients with chronic angina pectoris, predominantly involving proliferation of CD4+ T cells. Statin treatment seems to be able to decrease this inflammatory response.  相似文献   

In a randomized, double-blind trial in 3086 patients with unstable angina pectoris or non-Q wave myocardial infarction we investigated if 80 mg of atorvastatin daily could improve outcome of cardiovascular events during a short period of time (16 weeks) compared with placebo. Baseline LDL cholesterol was 3.2 mmol L-1 (124 mg dL-1) and decreased by 40% to 1.9 mmol L-1 (72 mg dL-1) during atorvastatin treatment. The primary endpoint, which was a composite of death, non-fatal acute myocardial infarction, cardiac arrest with resuscitation or recurrent symptomatic myocardial ischaemia with objective evidence and requiring emergency rehospitalization occurred in 228 patients (14.8%) in the atorvastatin group and 269 patients (17.4%) in the placebo group. The relative risk was 0.84 and 95% confidence interval was 0.70-1.00 (P = 0.048). Thus for patients with acute coronary syndromes, lipid-lowering therapy with high dose atorvastatin reduces recurrent ischaemic events in the short-term. A possible mechanism behind this rapid clinical effect induced by statin treatment is on inflammatory processes. Recent studies strongly suggest that acute T-cell activation is involved in the pathogenesis of unstable angina. In another study we investigated whether circulating T cells showed signs of activation in patients with stable angina pectoris (SA). Systemic venous blood samples were taken from 38 men with SA and 42 healthy controls. The T-cell receptor expression was assessed by three-colour flow cytometry using monoclonal antibodies against CD3,CD4, CD8, CD25 and human leucocyte antigen (HLA)-DR. Soluble interleukin-2 receptor (sIL-2R) was measured as the circulating form in serum. Levels of circulating CD3+ and CD4+ T cells tended to be higher in patients compared with controls. Patients were also shown to have a significant increase in CD4+ T cells expressing the activation markers CD25 (P < 0.05) and HLA-DR (P < 0.01). Furthermore, serum levels of sIL-2R were significantly higher (P < 0.001) in patients than in controls. We also observed that the T-cell response was more pronounced in patients without simvastatin treatment (n = 18) compared with simvastatin-treated patients (n = 20). In conclusion, our findings indicate that a continuous immune system activation takes place in patients with chronic angina pectoris, predominantly involving proliferation of CD4+ T cells. Statin treatment seems to be able to decrease this inflammatory response.  相似文献   

Anxious individuals have been shown to interpret others' emotional states negatively. Since most studies have used facial expressions as emotional cues, we examined whether trait anxiety affects the recognition of emotion in a dynamic face and voice that were presented in synchrony. The face and voice cues conveyed either matched (e.g., happy face and voice) or mismatched emotions (e.g., happy face and angry voice). Participants with high or low trait anxiety were to indicate the perceived emotion using one of the cues while ignoring the other. The results showed that individuals with high trait anxiety were more likely to interpret others' emotions in a negative manner, putting more weight on the to-be-ignored angry cues. This interpretation bias was found regardless of the cue modality (i.e., face or voice). Since trait anxiety did not affect recognition of the face or voice cues presented in isolation, this interpretation bias appears to reflect an altered integration of the face and voice cues among anxious individuals.  相似文献   

Objective and design:Interleukin-1 (IL-1), tumor necrosis factor- (TNF-), and matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) play important roles in the pathogenesis of osteoarthritis (OA). In the present study, using Affymetrix oligonucleotide array technology and real-time quantitative RT-PCR we have investigated the molecular mechanisms underlying the differential effect of IL-1 and TNF- on gene expression in the human chondrosarcoma cell line, SW1353. Materials and methods:SW1353 cells were stimulated singularly with IL-1, TNF-, Phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA), or treated with the combination of cytokine and PMA. Total RNA was collected at multiple time points over a 24-h period followed by biotinylated cRNA target preparation and hybridization onto the Affymetrix HG-U95Av2 array. The differential expression patterns of several cytokine and MMP genes were further confirmed by real time quantitative RT-PCR, Western blot, and ELISA. Results:Our microarray experiments have broadly confirmed previously published data on chondrocyte gene expression regulated by IL-1 and TNF-. The expression pattern of proIL-1, MMP-1, and MMP-13 in chondrocytes is differentially regulated when stimulated with proinflammatory cytokines. IL-1, but not TNF-, can induce IL-6, bone morphogenic protein 2 (BMP-2), and cyclooxygenase (COX-2) expression in SW1353 cells. Additionally, our Western blot results provide the first evidence that IL-1 is produced in the proform in IL-1-activated chondrosarcoma cells and that additional signals are required for its posttranslational processing/activation. Conclusions:IL-1 and TNF- each activate a distinct set of genes in chondrosarcoma cells, and gene expression in these cells is regulated by groups of genes related in part by their function. Chondrocyte IL-1 appears to serve an important role in the pathogenesis OA contributing to joint inflammation and cartilage destruction.Received 15 September 2003; returned for revision 16 October 2003; accepted by J. S. Skotnicki 11 March 2004  相似文献   

Aging is associated with reduced slow wave (SW) density (number SW/min in nonrapid-eye movement sleep) and amplitude. It has been proposed that an age-related decrease in SW density may be due to a reduction in electroencephalogram (EEG) amplitude instead of a decline in the capacity to generate SW. Here, we propose a data-driven approach to adapt SW amplitude criteria to age and sex. We predicted that the adapted criteria would reduce age and sex differences in SW density and SW characteristics but would not abolish them. A total of 284 healthy younger and older adults participated in one night of sleep EEG recording. We defined age- and sex-adapted SW criteria in a first cohort of younger (n = 97) and older (n = 110) individuals using a signal-to-noise ratio approach. We then used these age- and sex-specific criteria in an independent second cohort (n = 77, 38 younger and 39 older adults) to evaluate age and sex differences on SW density and SW characteristics. After adapting SW amplitude criteria, we showed maintenance of an age-related difference for SW density whereas the sex-related difference vanished. Indeed, older adults produced less SW compared with younger adults. Specifically, the adapted SW amplitude criteria increased the probability of occurrence of low amplitude SW (<80 µV) for older men especially. Our results thereby confirm an age-related decline in SW generation rather than an artifact in the detection amplitude criteria. As for the SW characteristics, the age- and sex-adapted criteria display reproducible effects across the two independent cohorts suggesting a more reliable inventory of the SW.  相似文献   

Previous findings have demonstrated that the maternal environment is important for the development of male sexual behavior. The present study examined the effects of complete early life isolation and replacement 'stroking' stimulation on male sexual behavior and neural activation as seen by Fos immunoreactivity (Fos-IR). Animals were either artificially reared (AR) with minimal (AR-MIN) or maximal (AR-MAX) body simulation, or maternally reared (MR). In adulthood, animals were either given an exposure to an estrous female (EXP) or left undisturbed (NoEXP). No significant effects of early development were found in sexual behavior; however differences in activation in response to this exposure were observed. AR-MIN animals showed lower Fos-IR in the medial preoptic area and the ventromedial hypothalamus compared to MR animals. AR-MAX animals were not significantly different from either condition. These findings demonstrate that although there are no differences in the quality of the first copulatory exposure between AR and MR animals, the brain's response to this exposure differs in sites within the brain that subserve sexual behavior.  相似文献   

Reflux of biliary secretions into the pancreatic duct following gallstone obstruction of the common biliary pancreatic ampulla has been implicated as a cause of acute pancreatitis. However, the pancreatic duct pressure is higher than the biliary pressure and, therefore, the simple obstruction of the choledochoduodenal junction by one gallstone does not result in biliary pancreatic reflux. We propose a mechanism whereby simultaneous migration and sequential impaction above and below the common biliary pancreatic ampulla of two gallstones allows for the creation of a toxic bile-pancreatic juice mixture in the common bile duct, subsequent reversal of the pressure gradient and reflux of the toxic secretions into the pancreatic duct.  相似文献   

β-Adrenergic stimulation and exercise up-regulate the mRNA expression of nuclear receptor NR4A3, which is involved in the regulation of glucose and fatty acid utilization genes in skeletal muscle. The objective of our study was to examine the effects of β-adrenergic stimulation and exercise on the expression of NR4A3 protein in rat skeletal muscle. A single subcutaneous injection of clenbuterol, which is a β2-adrenergic receptor (β2-AR) agonist, increased NR4A3 mRNA and protein expression in the fast-twitch glycolytic triceps muscle. On the other hand, an acute 3-h session of either treadmill running or swimming did not increase the NR4A3 protein level in the exercised muscle, although both treadmill running and swimming increased NR4A3 mRNA. Finally, loss of postural contractile activity because of hindlimb immobilization reduced NR4A3 mRNA and protein in the slow-twitch oxidative soleus muscle. These results suggest that: β-adrenergic stimulation up-regulates not only NR4A3 mRNA but also NR4A3 protein in fast-twitch glycolytic muscle; exercise may increase NR4A3 mRNA but not NR4A3 protein in skeletal muscle; and local postural contractile activity plays a crucial role in maintaining NR4A3 protein expression level in postural muscle.  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo comparatively evaluate the effectiveness of three different methods involving end-users for detecting usability problems in an EHR: user testing, semi-structured interviews and surveys.Materials and methodsData were collected at two major urban dental schools from faculty, residents and dental students to assess the usability of a dental EHR for developing a treatment plan. These included user testing (N = 32), semi-structured interviews (N = 36), and surveys (N = 35).ResultsThe three methods together identified a total of 187 usability violations: 54% via user testing, 28% via the semi-structured interview and 18% from the survey method, with modest overlap. These usability problems were classified into 24 problem themes in 3 broad categories. User testing covered the broadest range of themes (83%), followed by the interview (63%) and survey (29%) methods.DiscussionMultiple evaluation methods provide a comprehensive approach to identifying EHR usability challenges and specific problems. The three methods were found to be complementary, and thus each can provide unique insights for software enhancement. Interview and survey methods were found not to be sufficient by themselves, but when used in conjunction with the user testing method, they provided a comprehensive evaluation of the EHR.ConclusionWe recommend using a multi-method approach when testing the usability of health information technology because it provides a more comprehensive picture of usability challenges.  相似文献   

In his pleasantly provocative opinion paper, Aubrey de Grey's argues that (a) independent age-related deteriorative processes evolve to reach approximately equal importance for the aging process as a whole, but (b) this equality can be broken by "protagonistic pleiotropies", i.e. when a process is contributing to more than one competing death causes. In particular, the fact that nDNA mutations are extremely efficient in killing by inducing cancer implies that these mutations should be irrelevant for non-cancer aging. In my opinion, (a) independent processes may not necessarily attain equal importance because of different inherent susceptibility of the corresponding genes or gene networks to evolutionary change. However, once this is taken in consideration, a refined evolutionary argument does imply that in protected environment, continuing lifespan extension will eventually make any age-progressive degenerative process a significant contributor to aging and (b) protagonistic pleiotropies may be ineffective in making degenerative processes irrelevant for aging if multiple protective pathways are available to neutralize them.  相似文献   

This study examined the effect of exercise- and heat-induced dehydration on strength, jump capacity and neuromuscular function. Twelve recreationally active males completed six resistance exercise bouts (baseline and after each 5 exposure sessions) in an increasing state of hypohydration obtained by repeated heat exposure and exercise sessions (5 periods of 20 min jogging at up to ~80% age predicted heart rate maximum at 48.5 ± 0.48°C, relative humidity 50 ± 4%). Relative to starting values, body mass decreased 1.0 ± 0.5, 1.9 ± 0.7, 2.6 ± 0.8, 3.3 ± 0.9 and 3.9 ± 1.0% after exposure 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, respectively. However, plasma volume remained constant. No significant differences existed amongst trials in vertical jump height, electromyography data or isokinetic leg extension at a rate of 120° s−1. Isometric leg extensions were significantly reduced (P < 0.05) after the first (1% body mass loss) and subsequent exposures in comparison to baseline. Isokinetic leg extensions at a rate of 30° s−1 were significantly reduced after the third (2.6% body mass loss) and subsequent exposures compared with baseline. No dose response was identified in any of the tested variables yet a threshold was observed in isometric and isokinetic strength at 30° s−1. In conclusion, dehydration caused by jogging in the heat had no effect on vertical jumping or isokinetic leg extensions at a rate of 120° s−1. Alternatively, exercise-induced dehydration was detrimental to isometric and isokinetic leg extensions at a rate of 30° s−1, suggesting the force–velocity relationship in hypohydration merits further research.  相似文献   

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