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Continuous intraosseous injections of antibiotics were used in 104 patients in the operative treatment of bony and osteo-articular panaritium with putting primary sutures on the wound. Healing by first intention was noted in most cases.  相似文献   

A buried suture used in the repair of the central slip of a digital extensor resulted in an erosive lesion of the proximal interphalangeal joint of the long finger. In a review of the literature I can find no other reports describing this unusual complication.  相似文献   

三针式埋线重睑术15万例经验总结   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
目的:探求“三针式”埋线重睑术的最佳手术技巧。方法:在上睑固定三针六点,深进浅出(深到缝挂部分睑板或睑板前筋膜.浅至皮下),用缝线将上睑提肌腱膜或睑板与上睑皮肤结扎固定。结果:1983~2006年,共收治15.1万例,对其中的1000余例随访3个月到20年,术后效果满意。结论:该术式操作简便、灵活、创伤小、恢复快,值得临床推广。  相似文献   

A long-term retrospective study of patients with chronic paronychia treated by eponychial marsupialization with or without nail removal is presented. Twenty-eight consecutive fingers with chronic paronychia in twenty-five patients were surgically treated. Symptoms had been present for 28 +/- 7 weeks. Twenty-three of these had nail irregularities. Of this group, the first seven fingers were treated with marsupialization alone. Recurrences developed in two of these. The next sixteen patients with nail irregularities were treated with marsupialization plus nail removal, and there were no recurrences (p less than 0.05). Furthermore, when the two recurrent paronychia were treated with both procedures, one healed completely and the other was markedly improved. All fingers without nail irregularities healed with marsupialization alone. These results confirm that eponychial marsupialization is an effective means of treating chronic paronychia and suggest that nail removal should be done when concurrent nail irregularities are seen.  相似文献   

小儿埋藏阴茎治疗的新术式   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
目的:探求治疗小儿埋藏阴茎合理简单有效的手术方式。方法:设计了一种新的手术术式。采用耻骨前阴茎根部3点,9点位Buck筋膜与皮肤肉膜固定的方法。结果:2002年8月~200。1年1月期间共治疗小儿埋藏阴茎38例,平均手术时间约45min;获半年以上随访24例.均获得满意疗效。结论:将此新术式与目前治疗埋藏阴茎的主要术式进行了分析比较,提示该术式操作简单易行、效果好。  相似文献   

Background: Tension on surgical wound margins frequently results following the excision of skin lesions such as tumors, naevi or scars. This tension is commonly counteracted with buried, intracutaneous, interrupted sutures of absorbable or non-absorbable material anchored vertically in the corium. Method: A horizontal, buried, intracutaneous suture has now been developed which can be more firmly anchored in the corium. It adapts and everts wound margins nearly as broadly as two vertical sutures, particularly, when the wound edges are cut obliquely with a longer rim of epidermis. When finished, the suture has a butterfly shape, whence its name. It can also be laid as a double suture (double butterfly suture). In creating this sutures, the surgeon changes the customary direction of the needle holder from horizontal to vertical. Materials: Since 1985, this suture has been made with polydioxanon in more than 30000 skin lesion excisions with very good results. In most cases the resulting narrow and smoth scars were narrow and flat in the most cases. During the study, the following suture materials were tested prospectively in 1325 patients: polyglactin 910 (Vicryl®) (n=390), polytrimethylcarbonate (Maxon®) (n=95), poliglecaprone 25 (Monocryl®) (n=175), and (PDS®) (n=665). Results: The results were unsatisfactory in only 8% of procedures. Polyglactin 910 was accompanied by somewhat more inflammation and scar dehiscence, poliglecaprone 25 by a high rate of scar dehiscence. Polytrimethylcarbonate caused skin reactions in 23% and was discontinued. Suture perforation occurred in 9%. Polydioxanon yielded the best results (p-value of the difference <0.05). Conclusions: The butterfly suture has the advantages of withstanding tension better while everting wound margins and requiring fewer stitches for wound closure. However, it is important that the suture knot be deeply anchored beneath the corium.  相似文献   

【摘要】〓目的〓探讨垂直半褥式缝合结合甲沟重建手术治疗足复发性嵌甲型甲沟炎的临床疗效。方法〓选择2011年6月~2013年6月我院收治的复发性嵌甲型甲沟炎患者,包括采用垂直半褥式缝合结合甲沟重建术治疗64例(垂直半褥式缝合组),采用部分或全拔甲术治疗64例(拔甲组)。比较两组术后12个月临床疗效。结果〓采用垂直半褥式缝合治疗的患者中复发6例(9.375%),拔甲组患者复发19例(29.687%),并且在疼痛比较、感染及畸形程度等比较上两组差异具有显著性意义(P<0.05)。结论〓垂直半褥式缝合结合甲沟重建治疗复发性嵌甲型甲沟炎疗效可靠,复发率低。  相似文献   

李欢诚 《中国美容医学》2007,16(11):1529-1530
目的:探讨间断埋线重睑探讨成形术的手术方法和术后效果。方法:通过改进皮肤入路间断埋线法的结膜出针点,使缝针穿透睑板和结膜,确保上睑皮肤与睑板牢固联结。结果:本组50例受术者(95侧重睑),经1~24个月随访,重睑线流畅自然,无线结外露或松脱现象。结论:该法术后重睑线牢固不易消失,操作简便可行,手术损伤小,术后恢复快。  相似文献   

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