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In these turbulent times of political, social and economic changesin Europe public health is again coming into focus. Schoolsof public health, for long the basis for education of publichealth leaders will also in the future play a key role in promotingthe ‘new’ public health agenda. Based on ecologicalawareness and public involvement in health their teaching, researchand policy development should make them be seen as Centres ofRelevance and not only as Centres of Excellence, thus gearingtheir activities to the needs of new generations of practitionerswho can be both activists and advocates for health. If trainingand research are made relevant for practice and community service,then schools will be in the centre of public health insteadof in the periphery of medicine. Elements of a strategy to achievethese objectives are discussed.  相似文献   

One goal of the Texas Comprehensive School Health Initiative (TCSHI) involves assessing the status of comprehensive school health (CSH) programs in Texas public schools. This project used a case study approach to establish baseline information regarding CSH programs in selected school districts across the state. Eight researchers were trained to use a case study instrument and procedures for conducting interviews. Seven school districts participated in the survey during fall 1990. Results indicated considerable concern and support for CSH programs but little coordination of programs was evident. Six districts were not organized to address health comprehensively. Generally, school districts were overwhelmed with other responsibilities, so CSH programming was not a priority. Results will be used to revise the survey instrument and further expand the data base.  相似文献   

A mail survey of school health education programs in New Jersey was completed in 1977 by 45% of the public schools. The survey findings suggest that the 1973 resolution of the State Board of Education, designed to promote a more comprehensive approach to health education in New Jersey schools, has by no means been uniformly implemented. The comprehensive approach to health education has developed slowly at the elementary school level and in the least affluent and more heavily populated school districts, particularly those with the highest minority group enrollment. Increasing trends in teenage pregnancy, venereal disease and substance abuse suggest that the current approaches to health education have not been effective. More research and evaluation is needed to identify the most effective means of promoting positive health practices at an early age.  相似文献   

农民工子弟学校与公立学校初中学生艾滋病教育现状分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
目的 比较农民工子弟学校与公立学校学生预防艾滋病知识、态度、行为现状和生活技能教育需求,为农民工子弟学校开展学生预防艾滋病生活技能教育提供科学依据.方法 采用横断面调查方法,对北京市农民工子弟学校471名学生与公立学校448名学生进行问卷调查.结果 农民工子弟学校学生艾滋病知识知晓率低于公立学校学生,一般知识的知晓率仅为56.7%;对艾滋病病毒感染者和病人的态度比公立学校学生宽容,但对不良诱惑的拒绝能力低于公立学校学生;农民工子弟学校学生对预防艾滋病健康教育的需求虽高于公立学校学生,但对预防艾滋病生活技能要素的认识模糊.结论 在农民工子弟中应及时、广泛、深入开展预防艾滋病健康教育.  相似文献   

Schools of Public Health cannot sustain the national momentum for public health justice and human rights without recruiting and training a skilled public health workforce. With growing demand for public health workers, schools must work to increase their applicant pools. This project examined prospect communication materials from accredited Schools of Public Health and found that the vast majority of schools did not capitalize on opportunities to move prospects to applicants. Whereas most responded within a reasonable time, several schools made no communication efforts at all. Recruitment materials varied widely from institution to institution and between epidemiology and health education programs. Strategic, personalized communication strategies—the 3 Cs—are recommended to increase the pools of qualified applicants nationwide and can be utilized to increase prospect pools in a wide range of health sciences.  相似文献   

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