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Colorectal cancer is one of the most common cancers in the world. Colorectal cancer develops after a long and multistep process of carcinogenesis. Inactivation of tumor suppressor genes is among the most important steps in development of colorectal cancer. Analysis of loss of heterozygosity (LOH) is an effective method to determine the localization of tumor suppressor genes. In this study, we used five microsatellite markers to analyze the region 12q13-24 among 47 patients with colorectal cancer. The frequency of LOH and the clinicopathological data were compared using logistic regression and a chi-square test. In 34 of 47 tumor tissues (72%), LOH was detected at least in one marker. The highest LOH frequency was 34%, on the D12S129 locus; the lowest frequency was 23%, on the D12S78 locus. Loss of heterozygosity was detected as 32% on D12S83, 30% on D12S346, and 26% on D12S1660. No statistically significant correlation was found between the frequency of LOH and clinicopathological features (P > 0.05). Chromosome region 12q13-24 contains several known genes that may be candidate tumor suppressor genes, including RASAL1, ITGA7, STAB2, GLIPR1, and SLC5A8. Although the exact roles of these genes in colorectal cancer formation remain to be clarified, the present data point to a tumor suppressor role.  相似文献   

Pancreatic cancer has one of the poorest prognoses among malignant diseases. To understand its molecular mechanisms, we studied allelic losses on the long arm of chromosome 6. Using 55 paired DNAs of tumors and their corresponding normal tissues and 30 microsatellite markers that spanned the entire 6q chromosome arm, we found three distinct regions of common allelic loss: region A, a less than 500-kb region bordered by D6S449 and D6S283 on 6q21 with a loss of heterozygosity (LOH) frequency of 69% (38/55); region B, a 7-cM region bordered by D6S292 and D6S308 on 6q23-q24 with a LOH frequency of 60% (33/55); and region C, a 13-cM region bordered by D6S305 and D6S264 with a LOH frequency of 51% (28/55). We further focused on region A and constructed a physical map using yeast artificial chromosome (YAC) clones, their derived cosmid clones, and bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) clones. Region A was completely covered by three overlapping BAC clones. Our results in the present study should shed light on the cloning and characterization of tumor suppressor genes in pancreatic carcinogenesis.  相似文献   

With the improvement of breast carcinoma screening, pre-malignant cell lesions such as flat epithelial atypia (FEA) are detected more frequently. Several studies have demonstrated that FEA show features of a ductal neoplasia, but is it really a precursor lesion? We have started a comparative genetic analysis of a panel of nine microsatellite markers on six different chromosomal regions to investigate whether FEAs show the same characteristic genetic alterations as ductal carcinomas in situ (DCISs) and invasive carcinoma of the breast. FEAs, DCISs and invasive carcinomas of the same patients were microdissected using PALM micro laser technology. DNA was isolated using the QIAamp DNA Micro Kit (QIAGEN). We have investigated a set of the polymorphic microsatellite markers D7S522, D8S522, NEFL, D10S541 (PTEN), D13S153 (RB1), D16S400, D16S402, D16S422 and D17S855 (BRCA1) using multiplex PCR for the detection of allelic imbalances. Most of the investigated FEAs showed a lower frequency of loss of heterozygosity than associated DCISs or invasive carcinomas. However, we were able to detect the same alterations in FEAs as in DCISs or invasive carcinomas in a number of cases. Notably, the microsatellite marker on 16q showed more prevalent allelic imbalances in FEAs than the other investigated markers. One of the hallmarks in the pathogenesis of a large subgroup of invasive breast carcinomas is the early loss of chromosome arm 16q. In this study, we were able to detect frequent genetic alterations on chromosome 16q in FEAs, associated DCISs and invasive carcinomas. This suggests that FEA is a precursor lesion in the low-grade pathway.  相似文献   

We analyzed the loss of heterozygosity of the long arm of chromosome 4 in 40 oral cancers, using 16 microsatellite markers based on data from the human genome sequence, and defined the deletional mapping of the region with putative tumor suppressor genes. Our data revealed two distinct commonly deleted regions around the markers, D4S2623 and D4S1644, with an allelic deletion of 44 and 39%, respectively. Additional mapping and use of the markers near one of these hot spots narrowed down the minimally deleted region about 1.5 Mbp around the marker, D4S2623. Caspase 6 is localized 280 kb from the marker, D4S2623. Fine mapping of this region with possible tumor suppressor gene suggests caspase 6 as a putative tumor suppressor gene. Further molecular analysis of caspase 6 should be performed to clarify its role in oral carcinogenesis.  相似文献   

R. Berger    A. Bernheim    M. Sasportes    G. Hauptmann    J. Hors    L. Legrand  M. Fellous 《Clinical genetics》1979,15(3):245-251
A detailed gene marker study was performed on a partial 6p trisomic child resulting from a balanced maternal translocation t (2;6) (p 2505; p2105). HLA typing and mixed lymphocyte reaction showed that the breakpoint on chromosome 6 was located within the HLA gene cluster, allowing an accurate location of the D determinants. Localization of the P blood group locus within the region 6 p 2105 to 6 p ter was excluded.  相似文献   

We examined 88 nonpapillary renal cell carcinomas for allelic loss at chromosome arm 14q and correlated the results to size, grade, and stage of these tumors. Fourteen highly polymorphic microsatellite markers on the long arm of chromosome 14 were used for deletion mapping. Loss of heterozygosity (LOH) at the smallest overlapping segment of 14q24.2-qter was seen in 42 of 88 tumors. There was no significant correlation between frequency of 14q LOH and size of tumors (P = 0.11). LOH was frequently seen in grade 2 and 3 tumors (55% and 73%, respectively) and in stage III and IV tumors (53% and 80%, respectively). We found a significant correlation between chromosome arm 14q LOH and nuclear grade (P < 0.001) and stage (P < 0.001) of tumors. These observations indicate the presence of a tumor-suppressor gene at chromosome segment 14q24.2-qter and demonstrate the usefulness of microsatellite analysis for assessing the possible clinical outcome of nonpapillary renal cell carcinomas. Genes Chromosom. Cancer 19:29–35, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We previously reported linkage to chromosome 8q24 in bipolar disorder (BP) with a LOD of 3.32. We fine mapped the locus with SNPs and tested for association with BP in families with evidence of linkage to the region. We genotyped 249 informative SNPs over 3.4 Mb in an initial sample of 155 nuclear families (352 affected offsprings), and followed up the best findings by genotyping six of the most significantly associated SNPs in a replication sample of 103 nuclear families (231 affected offsprings). We used FBAT and GIST for association tests. Two clusters of SNPs emerged with the strongest evidence of association. The first consisted of three SNPs, approximately 3 kb 5' from the gene ST3GAL1. These SNPs were associated with BP in the initial sample by FBAT (best P = 0.001) and GIST (best P = 0.05) and associated in the replication sample by FBAT (best P = 0.04). The second cluster consisted of four SNPs (one of which was not genotyped in the replication sample), approximately 480 kb 5' of ST3GAL1 in a relative gene desert. These SNPs were associated with BP in the initial sample by FBAT (best P = 0.007) and GIST (best P = 0.03), and marginally associated in the replication sample by FBAT (best P = 0.07) and GIST (P = 0.04). ST3GAL1 belongs to a family of glycosyltransferase proteins, several members of which are highly expressed in the brain and involved in neurogenesis. Several other interesting candidate genes are also located nearby. The congruence of findings across methods and samples suggests further investigation is warranted in these two targeted regions.  相似文献   

Chromosomal deletions, associated with the loss of normal function of tumour suppressor genes, have been identified in a variety of both familial and sporadic human cancers. Although the molecular pathology of ovarian cancer is not understood, several studies have reported deletions in chromosome 17 in ovarian tumours. We have used 13 restriction site polymorphic, microsatellite, and variable number tandem repeat markers to make a detailed analysis of chromosome 17 deletions in 12 benign and 19 malignant ovarian tumours. Two benign and 11 malignant tumours were informative for at least one marker on each arm of the chromosome. Loss of heterozygosity (LOH) was detected in both arms (by all informative markers) in 5 malignant tumours from four women (three with the disease at FIGO stage la). In a further bilateral ovarian tumour a partial LOH affecting 17q22-q25 was present in one ovary only. By contrast to a number of previous studies, none of the 19 malignant and 12 benign tumours showed ERBB2 (17q12ndash;22) amplification. The data presented show that the loss of a whole copy of chromosome 17 is a frequent and relatively early event in the development of some ovarian cancers. This suggests the possible involvement of multiple chromosome 17 loci in the pathogenesis of ovarian cancer. Equally plausible is that the loss of a whole chromosome copy could be the product of chromosomal instabilities induced by loss of the normal allele of tumour suppressors, such as TP53, located on this chromosome. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

One of the main genetic abnormalities associated with breast carcinogenesis is the loss of genetic material from chromosome arm 16q. Different groups have identified two regions (16q22.1 and 16q24-ter) that are frequently deleted in primary tumors, suggesting the presence of tumor suppressor genes in these regions. Little is known about the late stages of tumor progression in this respect, and we, therefore, analyzed biopsy specimens of breast cancer metastases for deletions in these critical regions of 16q. We examined fine needle cytopunctures from 24 metastases, each with lymphocyte DNA, for allelic imbalance on 16q by means of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) with 15 highly polymorphic markers. All the metastatic samples showed deletion of at least one informative locus on 16q. The loss of heterozygosity (LOH) pattern often indicated the loss of a complete long arm of chromosome 16 (13 cases); nevertheless, in the remaining 11 samples, partial LOH patterns were observed. A small region of overlap (SRO2) in 16q22.1 was frequently involved, whereas another (SRO1) in 16q24-ter was affected in only two cases. A third region of LOH in 16q22.2-q23.2 was found in 6/11 samples. These results suggest that at least three different regions are involved in allelic imbalance on chromosome arm 16q in breast cancer. Loss of material from the third region could be a major event in the genesis of metastases. Genes Chromosom. Cancer 19:185–191, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss Inc.  相似文献   

Recurrent chromosomal gain at 1q is one of the most common features of human hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), but how the gain at 1q contributes to hepatocarcinogenesis is still unclear. To identify the target genes, precise determination of the shortest region of overlap (SRO) and of breakpoints is necessary. Similarly, the role of loss at 1p, which is also a major cytogenetic aberration in HCC, needs to be determined. Fifty HCCs were examined with the aid of 59 microsatellite markers distributed throughout both arms of chromosome 1. To detect allelic gain effectively, the cutoff value of the allelic imbalance index was set at 0.70. Alleles showing imbalance were subjected to multiplex PCR, using a retained allele as an internal control, to determine whether the imbalance was the result of chromosomal gain or loss. The SRO of the gains was defined as D1S2878-D1S2619 (1q23.-q25.3, 16.9 Mb), which involved 36 cases (72%). Gains in the number of copies of certain oncogenes within this region seemed to be critical for the pathogenesis of HCC. In contrast, the centromeric breakpoints of these gains varied, but they tended to occur mainly in the pericentromeric region (26 of 50 cases, 52%). Rearrangement of specific genes associated with the gains is unlikely. On the other hand, the SRO of deletion was defined as D1S2893-D1S450 (1p36.32-p36.22, 5.1 Mb). Four known putative tumor-suppressor genes (TP73, RIZ1, NBL1/DAN, and CDKN2C) were outside the SRO, suggesting the presence of other candidate genes with critical roles in hepatocarcinogenesis.  相似文献   

Chromosomal arm 1p has long been suspected, on the basis of loss of heterozygosity (LOH) and other data, to harbor a tumor suppressor gene important in pancreatic carcinomas and other tumors. We constructed a high-resolution map of LOH at I p in a panel of pancreatic adenocarcinomas. Using 44 markers, we identified LOH on I p in 49% of 43 cancers. Breakpoints in 1p were identified in 15 of the carcinomas and could be used to ascertain consensus patterns. We found a major consensus region of LOH at 1p35 between loci D1S233 and D1S247. This region participates in the majority of LOH events on 1 p in pancreatic cancer. These data provide a roadmap for further regional mapping, homozygous deletion searches, comparison to LOH patterns seen in other tumor types, and prioritization of studies using candidate genes.  相似文献   

An extended analysis for loss of heterozygosity (LOH) on eight chromosomes was conducted in a series of 82 Wilms tumors. Observed rates of allele loss were: 9.5% (1p), 5% (4q), 6% (6p), 3% (7p), 9.8% (11q), 28% (11p15), 13.4% (16q), 8.8% (18p), and 13.8% (22q). Known regions of frequent allele loss on chromosome arms 1p, 11p15, and 16q were analyzed with a series of markers, but their size could not be narrowed down to smaller intervals, making any positional cloning effort difficult. In contrast to most previous studies, several tumors exhibited allele loss for multiple chromosomes, suggesting an important role for genome instability in a subset of tumors. Comparison with clinical data revealed a possible prognostic significance, especially for LOH on chromosome arms 11q and 22q with high frequencies of anaplastic tumors, tumor recurrence, and fatal outcome. Similarly, LOH 16q was associated with anaplastic and recurrent tumors. These markers may be helpful in the future for selecting high-risk tumors for modified therapeutic regimens. Genes Chromosomes Cancer 22:287–294, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Allelic loss of chromosome 6q in gastric carcinoma.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Loss of the long arm of chromosome 6 (6q) has frequently been reported in gastric carcinoma, and most gastric cancer patients have evidence of intestinal metaplasia in the stomach. However, the relationship between loss of chromosome 6q and intestinal metaplasia has not been studied. In the first part of the study, we define the critical deletion region of chromosome 6q using loss of heterozygosity technique (LOH). Seventeen microsatellite markers were used to detect loss of heterozygosity (LOH) in 37 microdissected gastric tumors. We also examined intestinal metaplasia (IM) foci of the stomach in the same cancer patient (17 cases). Losses on chromosome 6q were detected in high frequency (51%) by LOH. Two distinct regions of common allelic loss were identified: one centered on the marker D6S300 (at 6q16.1) and the second on D6S446 (at 6q27), with LOH frequency of 36% and 31.3%, respectively. The deletions fall into 2 discrete regions, suggesting the existence of at least 2 tumor suppressor genes in 6q. The losses at 6q27 were confirmed by fluorescence in situ hybridization study (FISH). In the cases with LOH in the tumor, no LOH were detected in the autologous IM areas, but losses were detected by FISH. In some cases, these genetic changes may be acquired in the transition from normal gastric mucosa to intestinal metaplasia.  相似文献   

A whole chromosome arm loss of 16q belongs to the most frequent and earliest chromosomal alterations in invasive and in situ breast cancers of all common subtypes. Besides E-cadherin, several putative tumour suppressor genes residing on 16q in breast cancer have been investigated. However, the significance of these findings has remained unclear. Thus, other mechanisms leading to gene loss of function (eg haploinsufficiency, or distortion of multiple regulative subnetworks) remain to be tested as a hypothesis. To define the effect on gene expression of whole-arm loss of chromosome 16q in invasive breast cancer, we performed global gene expression analysis on a series of 18 genetically extensively characterized invasive ductal breast carcinomas and verified the results by quantitative real-time PCR (qRT-PCR). The distribution of the differential genes across the genome and their expression status was studied. A second approach by qRT-PCR in an independent series of 30 breast carcinomas helped to narrow down the observed effect. Whole-arm chromosome 16q losses, irrespective of other chromosomal changes, are associated with decreased expression of a number of candidate genes located on 16q (eg CDA08, CGI-128, SNTB2, NQO1, SF3B3, KIAA0174, ATBF1, GABARAPL2, KARS, GCSH, MBTPS1 and ZDHHC7) in breast carcinomas with a low degree of genetic instability. qRT-PCR provided evidence to suggest that the expression of these genes was reduced in a gene dosage-dependent manner. The differential expression of the candidate genes according to the chromosomal 16q-status vanished in genetically advanced breast cancer cases and changed ER status. These results corroborate previous reports about the importance of whole-arm loss of chromosome 16q in breast carcinogenesis and give evidence for the first time that haploinsufficiency, in the sense of a gene dosage effect, might be an important contributing factor in the early steps of breast carcinogenesis.  相似文献   

Chromosomal deletions at segment 11q23-q24 have been identified in a variety of human epithelial tumors, including cervical carcinoma (CC), indicating the presence in this region of at least a tumor suppressor gene (TSG) involved in the development of these neoplasms. To localize the 11q deletion target more precisely, 54 primary cervical carcinomas were examined for loss of heterozygosity (LOH) using a panel of microsatellite DNA markers mapping to 11p.15 and spanning region 11q23-qter. Nineteen tumors were found to have LOH at chromosome 11q. The highest frequency of LOH was observed at locus APOC-3, located in 11q23.1-q23.2, which was deleted in 42% of the informative cases. In contrast, LOH was infrequent at distal 11q in current series of CC. The smallest common region of loss included APOC-3 and was defined distally by marker D11S925 in region 11q23. The present data strongly suggest that the 11q suppressor gene(s) involved in cervical tumorigenesis is likely to be located at chromosome region 11q22-q23.  相似文献   

11q23-24 chromosome is a region containing frequent allelic loss (loss of heterozygosity; LOH) in human cancers. To examine cancer-related allelic loss in the region between D11S940 and APOC3, we used 17 polymorphic markers and allotyped 28 lung cancer-derived cell lines and their corresponding matched lymphoblastoid cell lines. LOH was found in 71.4% (20/28) of the lung cancer cell lines and was localized to two distinct minimal regions of loss. One region is bracketed by markers D11S1647 and NCAM2 and contains the gene encoding the beta isoform of the A subunit of the human protein phosphatase 2A (PPP2R1B). Recently, mutations in this gene were described in lung and colon cancers, suggesting that PPP2R1B functions as a tumor-suppressor gene. A second minimal region of loss was defined between markers D11S1792 and D11S1885, a region estimated to be less than I Mb. Thus, chromosome 11 likely harbors two sites of suppressor oncogene activity in lung cancer, one defined by the PPP2R1B gene and the second located telomeric to PPP2R1B. This study facilitates the identification and cloning of a second critical tumor-suppressor gene involved in lung cancer, and possibly a variety of other cancers, on human chromosome band 11q23.  相似文献   

目的 在染色体17q21区域的D17S1820附近定位发育性髋关节发育不良(developmental dysplasia of the hip,DDH)的易感基因.方法 根据等位基因的数目(≥5)、杂合度(≥0.70)及多态信息含量(≥0.5),在D17S1820附近选择了11个短串联重复序列(short tandem repeat,STR)位点,采用PCR-毛细管电泳的方法,对103个DDH核心家系的309名成员进行基因分型,并进行传递不平衡检验(transmission disequilib rium test,TDT).结果 D17S810和D17S931因不能提供充足的多态信息,未进行TDT检验.其余9个STR多态位点在103个核心家系中的基因型分析结果符合孟德尔遗传模式.TDT检验结果显示,位于两端的D17S1787和D17S787与DDH不存在传递不平衡,而D17S855、D17S858、D17S806、D17S1877、D17S941、D17S752及D17S790与DDH均存在传递不平衡.将DDH易感基因的区域初步定位于D17S855~D17S790之间约11.70 cM的范围内.结论 17号染色体D17S855~D17S790之间约11.70 cM的区域与DDH有关联,在该区域可能存在DDH的易感基因.  相似文献   

Cytogenetic and molecular studies have frequently shown chromosome 6q deletions in non-Hodgkin lymphoma and several human cancers. There have been few studies concerning chromosome 6q deletion in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), and most of these studies have focused on region 6q26-27. We previously described frequent allelic loss at 6q14 in HCC. As a step toward narrowing the scope of search for tumor suppressor genes, we used a series of yeast artificial chromosome clones that map to the long arm of chromosome 6 (6q14-6q22) by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) to define the minimal common region of allelic loss in 25 cases of HCC. Altogether, 12 tumors had allelic loss on 6q (48%). Eleven of the 12 tumors had polysomy of chromosome 6 with evident intratumor cytogenetic heterogeneity. The minimal common region of allelic loss lies within a 2-cM region at 6q14, flanked by D6S458 (849_d_8) and D6S275 (911_a_3). Clinicopathologic correlation between the 12 patients with allelic loss at 6q and the 13 patients without allelic loss showed no significant differences in any basic characteristics except survival. Patients with allelic loss at 6q had a much longer median survival time than those without allelic loss (50 months vs. 11 months, P = 0.0019). Only 5 of the 25 HCC patients were still alive at the time of this study, and all of them had allelic loss at 6q, which is also statistically significant (P = 0.037, alive vs. dead). The association of allelic loss at 6q with polysomy implies that this may be a progression-associated event in HCC. The correlation of allelic loss at 6q with long survival suggests a complex mechanism of tumorigenesis in HCC and is worthy of further investigation.  相似文献   

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