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考察了发展中国家的卫生筹资和服务提供体系,并认为发展中国家需要扩大医疗保障覆盖面,需要重新关注初级卫生保健和公共卫生,只有这样才能不断完善其卫生体系。  相似文献   



Health policy and systems research (HPSR) is an international public good with potential to orient investments and performance at national level. Identifying research trends and priorities at international level is therefore important. This paper offers a conceptual framework and defines the HPSR portfolio as a set of research projects under implementation. The research portfolio is influenced by factors external to the research system as well as internal to it. These last include the capacity of research institutions, the momentum of research programs, funding opportunities and the influence of stakeholder priorities and public opinion. These dimensions can vary in their degree of coordination, leading to a complementary or a fragmented research portfolio.  相似文献   

The genesis of the problem of food production and nutrition of African, Asian and Central and South American countries can be traced back to the beginning of 'inter-continental trade' and the emergence of colonialism. Indigenous food patterns and social and economic orders that had evolved to befit the inhabitants and the environment were destroyed. A nutritional framework and an agricultural and economic policy designed to benefit the colonising nations were fostered. At present, millions of people in the developing countries suffer from endemic undernutrition and associated diseases. Famine is always present under the surface claiming families and individual hamlets and breaks through when the semblance of equilibrium between minimal food requirement for survival and supply is disturbed by natural or man-made disaster. Landlessness, an uneven distribution of wealth, overemphasis on cash-crop production, neglect of peasant agriculture in favour of unnecessary expenditure on military hardware and other misguided projects, and crop specialisation are some of the factors responsible for food shortage and undernutrition. Moreover, most of the staple foods of the developing countries are of low energy density and deficient in some essential nutrients. The cycle of undernutrition, hunger, disease and death can only be broken by instituting a well planned, peasant-orientated, integrated development programme based on self-reliance and self-sufficiency.  相似文献   

Deficiencies in drinking water distribution systems in developing countries   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Rapidly growing populations and migration to urban areas in developing countries has resulted in a vital need for the establishment of centralized water systems to disseminate potable water to residents. Protected source water and modern, well-maintained drinking water treatment plants can provide water adequate for human consumption. However, ageing, stressed or poorly maintained distribution systems can cause the quality of piped drinking water to deteriorate below acceptable levels and pose serious health risks. This review will outline distribution system deficiencies in developing countries caused by: the failure to disinfect water or maintain a proper disinfection residual; low pipeline water pressure; intermittent service; excessive network leakages; corrosion of parts; inadequate sewage disposal; and inequitable pricing and usage of water. Through improved research, monitoring and surveillance, increased understanding of distribution system deficiencies may focus limited resources on key areas in an effort to improve public health and decrease global disease burden.  相似文献   

A survey of 11 hospitals in Bangladesh revealed that most heads of hospital food service had little or no training in nutrition and dietetics, hospital diets were usually inadequate, therapeutic diets were seldom used, and kitchen sanitation was poor. However, in three hospitals in which the heads of food service had some education in nutrition, conditions were markedly better. Even though the results of this survey suggest that major improvements are needed in hospital food service and dietetics in Bangladesh, extensive training programs are probably unrealistic because of the limited economic base of the country. Short-term inservice training programs could result in marked improvement in the quality of food service, sanitation, and the use of therapeutic diets.  相似文献   

This article is based on a lecture, “Decreasing variety of plant foods used in developing countries” given at the Joint Congress of the Confoederatio Internationalis ad Qualitates Plantarum Edulium Perquirendas (CIQ) and Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Qualitatsforschung (Pflanzliche Nahrungsmittel) E. V. (DGQ) on The Role of Plant Foods in Preventive Medicine, 12–14th September, 1978 at Reading University. The lecture has been published in Qualitas Plantarum, 1979, Vol. 29, Nos. 1–2. Dr. W. Junk b.v. publishers. The Hague, Netherlands.  相似文献   

There has been much discussion of the role that recent advances in information and communication technologies (ICTs) could play in improving health systems in developing countries, but limited independent analysis of existing applications. Combining a case study approach with a general discussion of the issues, this paper attempts to assess the potential benefits of a diverse range of ICT innovations and some of the constraints they will need to overcome. Four broad areas are considered: improvements in traditional health information systems; computer-aided diagnosis and treatment monitoring; a range of applications generically labelled 'telemedicine'; and the use of ICT to inform general populations on health and healthcare. The final section speculates on the possible medium-term impacts of ICT in terms of improving the performance of existing systems, allowing scope for radical innovations, or even changing basic assumptions about the provider-patient relationship.  相似文献   



After a historic low level in the early 2000s, global food prices surged upwards to bring about the global food crisis of 2008. High and increasing food prices can generate an immediate threat to the security of a household’s food supply, thereby undermining population health. This paper aims to assess the precise effects of food price inflation on child health in developing countries.


This paper employs a panel dataset covering 95 developing countries for the period 2001–2011 to make a comprehensive assessment of the effects of food price inflation on child health as measured in terms of infant mortality rate and child mortality rate.


Focusing on any departure of health indicators from their respective trends, we find that rising food prices have a significant detrimental effect on nourishment and consequently lead to higher levels of both infant and child mortality in developing countries, and especially in least developed countries (LDCs).


High food price inflation rates are also found to cause an increase in undernourishment only in LDCs and thus leading to an increase in infant and child mortality in these poorest countries. This result is consistent with the observation that, in lower-income countries, food has a higher share in household expenditures and LDCs are likely to be net food importing countries.


Hence, there should be increased efforts by both LDC governments and the international community to alleviate the detrimental link between food price inflation and undernourishment and also the link between undernourishment and infant mortality.

Low- and middle-income countries, where emerging diseases often make their debut, are also likely to bear the harshest consequences of a potential influenza pandemic. Yet public health systems in developing countries are underfunded, understaffed, and in many cases struggling to deal with the existing burden of disease. As a result, developed countries are beginning to expand assistance for emergency preparedness to the developing world. Given developing countries' weak infrastructure and many competing public health priorities, it is not clear how to best direct these resources. Evidence from the U.S. and other developed countries suggests that some investments in bioterror and pandemic emergency preparedness, although initially implemented as vertical programs, have the potential to strengthen the general public health infrastructure. This experience may hold some lessons for how global funds for emergency preparedness could be invested in developing countries to support struggling public health systems in responding to current health priorities as well as potential future public health threats.  相似文献   

Because of fast-growing demand, export markets can absorb high value added products and offer high returns; for many developing countries export market development is thus a key requirement for rural income generation and rural growth. Although developing countries face increasingly strict sanitary and phytosanitary standards in their export markets, they can maintain and improve market access--and improve domestic food safety and agricultural productivity--by adopting a strategic approach to food safety, agricultural health and trade. High-income countries should increase development flows to help developing countries build the capacity to plan and execute the necessary strategies. The first proposal in this paper is to make two existing sets of guidelines widely available to interested parties, in particular through the World Bank and the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE). The first covers the broad process of problem assessment, strategy development and action plan formulation; the second set deals with institutional analysis and training of staff of the official sanitary control services. The second proposal is that interested countries and donors should speed up the ongoing development of guidelines, computer software tools and training material to help countries quantify the importance and impact of food safety issues. The focus here is on a 'multipurpose agricultural data analysis and modelization system'. The third proposal is to carry out a case study to help demonstrate that a number of animal health issues related to food safety should be treated as relating to 'global public goods' and thus require intervention on a global scale. Possible candidates are foot and mouth disease and highly pathogenic avian influenza.  相似文献   

A functioning referral system is generally considered to be a necessary element of successful Safe Motherhood programmes. This paper draws on a scoping review of available literature to identify key requisites for successful maternity referral systems in developing countries, to highlight knowledge gaps, and to suggest items for a future research agenda. Key online social science, medical and health system bibliographic databases, and websites were searched in July 2004 for evidence relating to referral systems for maternity care. Documentary evidence on implementation is scarce, but it suggests that many healthcare systems in developing countries are failing to optimise women's rapid access to emergency obstetric care, and that the poor and marginalised are affected disproportionately. Likely requisites for successful maternity referral systems include: a referral strategy informed by the assessment of population needs and health system capabilities; an adequately resourced referral centre; active collaboration between referral levels and across sectors; formalised communication and transport arrangements; agreed setting-specific protocols for referrer and receiver; supervision and accountability for providers' performance; affordable service costs; the capacity to monitor effectiveness; and underpinning all of these, policy support. Theoretically informed social and organisational research is required on the referral care needs of the poor and marginalised, on the maternity workforce and organisation, and on the implications of the mixed economy of healthcare for referral networks. Clinical research is required to determine how maternity referral fits within newborn health priorities and where the needs are different. Finally, research is required to determine how and whether a more integrated approach to emergency care systems may benefit women and their communities.  相似文献   

Hypertension in developing countries   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Population surveys carried out since the 1970s in 15 developing countries including 23 population groups show that the prevalence of hypertension ranges from as low as 1% in some African countries to over 30% in Brazil. A trend analysis of the mortality statistics for 35-74 year-olds from 16 countries in which data are available shows a downward trend in mortality from hypertension and cerebrovascular diseases in most of these countries. In spite of the current low prevalence in some countries, the total number of hypertensives in the developing world is high, and a cost assessment of possible antihypertensive drug treatment indicates that developing countries cannot afford the same drug treatment levels as developed countries.  相似文献   

目的了解上海市自报高血压者的膳食摄入与血压控制情况的关系,为开展膳食指导提供依据。方法利用2013年上海市慢性病及其危险因素监测数据,采用多因素logistic回归分析膳食摄入情况与血压控制情况的关系。结果6 327名研究对象纳入分析,上海市自报高血压者血压控制率为37.62%。多因素分析发现,与推荐摄入量相比,水产类摄入不足(OR=0.884,95%CI:0.782~1.000)或超量(OR=0.820,95%CI:0.689~0.977)以及畜禽类摄入不足(OR=0.881, 95%CI:0.789~0.983)与高血压控制率低相关。结论上海市自报高血压者膳食结构不尽合理,应加强居民膳食指南的宣贯,倡导合理膳食,适量摄入水产品、瘦肉、禽肉等优质蛋白,以有效控制血压。  相似文献   


The contribution of simulation models to planning for food security is discussed and references are cited for a number of existing models addressing short, medium and long term aspects of the food security problem. A new model is discussed which addresses short and medium term food security issues. This model enables the user to explore the effect of alternative import policies, reserve stock levels and logistical constraints upon operating costs and the probability of life‐threatening food “stockouts.” Adaptations of the model could be used to assist decision makers in planning their responses to food shortages in specific countries or regions.  相似文献   

This paper describes and assesses the current status of livestock production systems, the drivers of global livestock production, and the major trends in such production. The analysis covers the six major livestock species: cattle and buffaloes, goats and sheep, pigs and chickens. Global drivers of the livestock sector include economic growth and income, demographic and land use changes, dietary adjustments and technological change. The rate of change and direction of livestock development vary greatly among world regions, with Asia showing the most rapid growth and structural change. The paper also examines system dynamics, by analysing the ways livestock production has adjusted to external forces. A brief discussion of how these trends link to food safety concludes the paper.  相似文献   

Urbanization and health in developing countries   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In developing countries the level of urbanization is expected to increase to 39.5% by the end of this century and to 56.9% by 2025. The number of people living in slums and shanty towns represent about one-third of the people living in cities in developing countries. This article focuses upon these poor urban populations and comments upon their lifestyle and their exposure to hazardous environmental conditions which are associated with particular patterns of morbidity and mortality. The concept of marginality has been used to describe the lifestyle of the urban poor in developing countries. This concept is critically examined and it is argued that any concept of the urban poor in developing countries being socially, economically or politically marginal is a myth. However, it can certainly be claimed that in health terms the urban poor are marginal as demonstrated by some of the studies reviewed in this article. Most studies of the health of the urban poor in developing countries concentrate on the environmental conditions in which they live. The environmental conditions of the urban poor are one of the main hazards of the lifestyle of poor urban residents. However, other aspects of their way of life, or lifestyle, have implications for their health. Issues such as smoking, diet, alcohol and drug abuse, and exposure to occupational hazards, have received much less attention in the literature and there is an urgent need for more research in these areas.  相似文献   

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