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巨大毛囊皮脂腺囊性错构瘤   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
报告1例巨大毛囊皮脂腺囊性错构瘤。患者男,15岁。右臀部丘疹,结节15年。体格检查示右臀部多个大小不一的丘疹及结节、部分融合成硬斑块。组织病理检查示毛囊扩张畸形,其上端为毛囊漏斗部扩张,形成囊性结构,下端为增生的皮脂腺,周围胶原增生硬化,且在真皮浅层及中部可见散在成熟的脂肪组织。诊断:巨大毛囊皮脂腺囊性错构瘤。  相似文献   

报告1例先天性毛囊皮脂腺囊性错构瘤。患儿女,2岁。出生时发现右侧面部一丘疹,逐渐增大2年。皮肤科检查:右侧面部一边界清楚,直径0.8 cm半球形淡红色丘疹,表面少许褐色痂皮。皮损组织病理检查:真皮上部较多扩大、畸形的毛囊皮脂腺囊性结构;皮脂腺小叶大量增生,呈放射状排列,与周围间质有明显裂隙;间质内有异位脂肪细胞和黏液样物质沉积。诊断:先天性毛囊皮脂腺囊性错构瘤。  相似文献   

报告1例巨大毛囊皮脂腺囊性错构瘤。患者男,29岁,左眼眶外侧及颞部出现红色丘疹20年,增大为结节和斑块8年。皮肤科检查:左眼眶外侧暗红色结节,部分与额部暗红色斑块相连,结节和斑块表面见多处凹陷,质地软,无触痛,无内容物挤出。左眼眶外侧结节组织病理检查:真皮中部可见多个畸形的毛囊结构,毛囊漏斗部扩张,与增生的皮脂腺小叶相连,周围有增生硬化的胶原,真皮浅中层可见增生的毛细血管。诊断:巨大毛囊皮脂腺囊性错构瘤。  相似文献   

巨大毛囊皮脂腺囊性错构瘤(Giant folliculosebaceous cystic hamartoma, GFSCH),近年来国内罕见报道,我们诊治1例,报道如下.  相似文献   

增生(痣)类:1.毛痣:是一种局部持续存在的多毛症。广义来说,Becker色素性毛发表皮痣、色素性毛痣也代表毛痣。2.粉刺样痣:为限局性成群的粉刺呈线状分布或泛发。组织学上,粉刺为囊状扩张的毛囊,其中有角质栓塞。早期皮损可见皮脂腺小叶与毛囊壁相联。可并发慢性炎症伴囊肿形成及异物内芽肿,并可伴发中枢神经系统异常与先天性白内障。腺瘤类:1.毛囊瘤:较罕见,常表现为面部单一的界限清楚的结节,中央凹陷处有一簇白色细丝状毛发。组织学上,肿瘤为许多未成熟的毛囊,中央有一上皮内衬的囊腔与其相连。分化好的毛囊含有无色素的银白色毛发。新形成的毛囊结构被包埋在纤维结缔组织基质中,形成境界清楚的纤维上皮错构瘤。2.扩张的毛孔:常见于头颈部。一般为孤立性的4~10mm大小的结节,中央为扩张的毛囊口有角质栓塞。组织学上,中央囊状扩张的毛囊口可以表浅仅达皮脂腺水平,也可深达真皮与皮下交界处。组织学上有4型:毛囊样、气球样、多叶状及盘状。  相似文献   

<正>组织病理特征真皮内可见多个扩张的毛囊,其中2个毛囊开口于表皮,毛囊口角化过度,自囊壁长出多个次级毛囊。真皮内可见囊性扩张的毛囊结构,有多个基底样细胞条索。组织病理分析图1的病理特征符合毛囊瘤(trichofolliculoma)。毛囊瘤又称为毛囊上皮瘤(follicular epithelioma),是一种毛鞘错构瘤。病变为1个或多个扩大而扭曲的原发性毛囊,多开口于表皮,毛囊口角化过度,原发性毛囊内有角质及多数毛干,周围为放射状排列的次级毛囊。次级毛囊周围有明显的纤维性毛根鞘环绕中央的原发性毛囊,可见到内毛根鞘、外毛根鞘、  相似文献   

毛发上皮瘤12例临床病理学观察   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:探讨毛叟皮瘤与皮肤附属器结构的关系。方法:观察与分析12例毛发上皮瘤的临床表现及组织形态学结构。结果:多发性毛发上皮瘤10例(83.3%),20岁以下发病9例(75%),组织病理学改变主要是基底细胞样细胞增生,向毛囊及皮腺脂导管分化。结论:毛发上皮瘤是一种向毛囊分化为主的皮肤附属器错构瘤。  相似文献   

报告1例皮脂腺毛囊瘤.患者男,36岁.因右颧部结节2年就诊.皮损组织病理检查示真皮内可见一大而不规则的腔,腔壁由鳞状上皮构成,腔内有不同粗细的毛发及角质碎屑,周围有许多呈放射状排列的皮脂腺毛囊与腔相连.诊断:皮脂腺毛囊瘤.治疗:手术切除.  相似文献   

本文报告一例线形表皮痣上发生基底细胞上皮瘤的病人.患者,男性,42岁.因先天性痣出血,长大而来治疗.近10年来发生多发性结节,缓慢增大,刺激后出血.体检:疣状痣自右胁到脐和耻骨,沿右腿内侧向下发展呈带形分布.伴散在粉红到黑色结节,其中最大2×2cm.几个结节有蒂.先天性痣组织象显示典型的表皮痣特征.结节组织象显示:表皮基底细胞层有几处发生肿瘤.周围呈栅状排列的细胞,在肿瘤和间质之间有收缩空隙.先天性错构瘤伴发上皮瘤是众所周知的事实.上皮瘤通常发生于皮脂腺痣.痣样基底细胞综合征、伴有黑头粉刺的线形单侧基底细胞痣,毛囊性基底细胞痣上也均可发生基底细胞上皮瘤.而在线形表皮痣上发生基底细胞上皮瘤是罕见的.Pack等复习  相似文献   

临床资料 患者女,37岁。因鼻部结节、斑块20余年来我院就诊。患者20年前,无明显诱因鼻梁右侧出现粟粒大红色小丘疹,其后数目逐渐增多,渐向上下发展,形成大小不一的结节,部分结节融合成斑块,偶觉瘙痒。既往体健,否认肝炎,结核等传染病史,否认家族中有同类疾病患者。体格检查:系统查体未见异常。皮肤科检查:鼻部以右侧鼻梁为主可见数个大小不一的红色丘疹、结节,部分融合成斑块,结节质韧,无明显压痛(图1)。皮肤组织病理示:真皮内见一不完整的囊腔,与表皮不相连,周围许多皮脂腺小叶,通过导管与囊腔相连,毛囊结构周围可见增生致密的胶原纤维(图2、3)。结合临床及组织病理学改变诊断为毛囊皮脂腺囊性错构瘤,给予电离子治疗。  相似文献   

Clinically, folliculosebaceous cystic hamartoma (FSCH) lacks distinct features, but it has been reported as an asymptomatic, 1- to 3-cm, dome-shaped nodule on the face. Histopathologically, FSCH is characterized by adnexal and folliculosebaceous cystic proliferation with various mesenchymal changes. This case presented an unusually large, small-fist-sized mass in the right mandibular area that was accompanied by intermittent itching. Histopathologic findings demonstrated appropriate features of FSCH. We present an interesting case of giant FSCH in a 48-year-old female.  相似文献   

Folliculosebaceous cystic hamartoma (FSCH) is a rare cutaneous hamartoma consisting of dilated folliculosebaceous units invested in mesenchymal elements. These solitary lesions typically affect adults, have a predilection for the central face or scalp, and remain less than 1.5 cm in greatest dimension. Although giant FSCH variants have been documented, the congenital presentation of a giant FSCH stands in contrast to earlier views of its histogenetic relationship with trichofolliculoma. We describe a giant pedunculated FSCH arising from the posterior neck of a 9-month-old Hispanic male and discuss various aspects of this highly unusual case.  相似文献   

Two cases of folliculosebaceous cystic hamartoma   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Folliculosebaceous cystic hamartoma (FSCH) is a rare cutaneous hamartoma composed of dilated folliculosebaceous units associated with mesenchymal elements. Two cases of FSCH with typical histopathological features are reported. Patient 1 was a 60-year-old man presented with a normal skin-coloured asymptomatic nodule on his scalp. Patient 2 was a 70-year-old man with an asymptomatic nodule on his right auricle that had persisted for the previous 15 years. In all, 34 cases of FSCH have been reported in the English literature. Clinically, the lesions are asymptomatic, usually rubbery to firm in consistency, and usually occur on or above the neck (> 90%). Most lesions do not exceed 25 mm in diameter (> 90%). Histopathologically, FSCH shares several similar features to sebaceous trichofolliculoma, but it is usually possible to differentiate these two tumours.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Folliculosebaceous cystic hamartoma (FSCH) is a rare cutaneous hamartoma consisting of dilated folliculosebaceous units invested in mesenchymal elements. These lesions have a striking predilection for the central face and scalp of adults. The vast majority of lesions present as 0.5-1.5-cm papules or exophytic nodules. A single case of giant FSCH has been reported on the upper back. METHODS: A 32-year-old woman presented with a (15 cm in greatest dimension) plaque-like, multinodular lesion on her left upper arm for several years. The lesion was clinically suspected to be a nevus sebaceus. RESULTS: The skin excision showed numerous dermal and subcutaneous dilated follicular structures with peripherally radiating sebaceous lobules, hair follicles, and surrounding mesenchymal elements consistent with FSCH. CONCLUSION: To our knowledge, this is the second case of giant FSCH. Our case is unique for its larger size, more plaque-like growth, and location on an extremity when compared to the seminal case of giant FSCH.  相似文献   

Some authors have reported that the secondary hair follicles in trichofolliculomas (TF) undergo regressive changes and are subsequently replaced by the developed sebaceous elements, and that folliculosebaceous cystic hamartoma (FSCH) is a TF at a very late stage. In the present study, we revaluated the histopathological features of 40 TF lesions, focusing on their chronological changes. The results of the present study indicate that while the secondary follicles in the TF exhibited the hair cycle, the normal hair cycle was out of control, and tertiary hair follicles randomly developed from the involuting secondary follicles. The repeated development of hair follicles in this disordered hair cycle caused the development of chains of several continuous hair follicles in late‐stage TF. In the TF lesions, no features indicating the replacement of the regressing secondary hair follicles by any sebaceous elements were observed, thereby suggesting that FSCH is not a very‐late‐stage TF.  相似文献   

Folliculosebaceous cystic hamartoma (FSCH) is a rare, recently recognized cutaneous hamartoma comprised of follicular, sebaceous and mesenchymal elements. Fewer than 30 cases have been reported to date. The authors present two additional cases of FSCH.  相似文献   

Folliculosebaceous cystic hamartoma (FSCH) is a distinctive cutaneous hamartoma of follicular, sebaceous, and mesenchymal components. Only 70 cases of FSCH have been reported in the literature since the original report of 5 cases in 1991. There has been little information reported about the clinicopathologic characteristics of FSCH. We summarize the clinicopathologic features of 153 cases of FSCH that were diagnosed histopathologically at Sapporo Institute for Dermatopathology. The 153 cases of FSCH comprised 92 male and 61 female patients. The typical clinical presentation of FSCH revealed solitary and skin-colored, protruding papules or nodules measuring several millimeters in diameter on the face, especially on the nose, of middle-aged or older persons. These cases fulfilled the common denominators for the histopathologic diagnosis of FSCH as Kimura et al reported. Seven of 153 cases (4.6%) were accompanied by distinctive features of Miescher-type melanocytic nevi. All 7 cases showed lesions on face, especially on or around the nose. We consider that Miescher-type melanocytic nevi play a significant role in the pathogenesis of FSCH, at least in some cases.  相似文献   

We present a case of follicular cystic hamartoma, a distinctive cutaneous malformation characterized by marked overgrowth of folliculosebaceous units accompanied by appreciable mesenchymal alterations, including fibroplasia, increased vascular components, and numerous adipocytes. A conspicuous feature of our case is an aggregation of thick trespassing nerve bundles in the deep portion of the neoplasm. An immunohistochemical study revealed the nerve bundles were immunoreactive for the general neuronal marker protein gene product 9.5. The nerves, however, stained negatively with antibodies against neuropeptides such as calcitonin gene-related peptide, substance P, vasoactive intestinal polypeptide, and neuropeptide Y, all of which are known to be contained in normal cutaneous nerves. The presence of these aberrant nerve bundles devoid of the normal expression of neuropeptides supports the concept that folliculosebaceous cystic hamartoma is a true, tumor-like malformation characterized by abnormal overgrowth of normal components of the skin.  相似文献   

A case of folliculosebaceous cystic hamartoma associated with rosacea is presented. Clinically, a solid, 5-mm-sized nodule was observed on the nose which showed telangiectasia and a waxy appearance. Histologically, a large horn cyst was located in the dermis, and was continuous with the surface epidermis. It was associated with mature sebaceous glands and immature hair follicles. Folliculosebaceous cystic hamartoma and similar cases have recently been reported, but this is the first report accompanied by rosacea.  相似文献   

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