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应用解剖型假体隆乳治疗轻中度乳房下垂   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的探讨应用解剖型假体隆乳术治疗小乳症伴轻中度乳房下垂的方法及效果。方法对15例患小乳症伴乳房轻中度下垂者应用解剖型ST-410假体行乳腺下隆乳术,根据术后患者满意度判断手术治疗效果。结果15例乳房轻中度下垂者通过此方法均获得很大改善,患者均感满意。结论应用解剖型假体行乳腺下隆乳术可明显改善轻中度乳腺下垂。  相似文献   

乳晕切口法解剖型假体隆乳术治疗轻度乳房下垂   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
目的探讨应用解剖型假体(又称泪滴型假体)隆乳术矫正轻度乳房下垂的可行性及临床效果。方法术前依据原乳房三维形态,测量胸乳距、乳房基底宽度、乳头至乳房下皱襞距离等数据,以确定所需采用的假体类型、容量及下垂乳房下皱襞距离,选用乳晕切口对36例轻度乳房下垂者应用麦格410解剖型假体行隆乳术。结果全部隆乳者术后乳房挺拔,下垂基本得到矫正,受术者均表满意。结论应用解剖型假体的隆乳术是目前矫正有增大乳房容积愿望的轻度乳房下垂者的最佳选择之一。  相似文献   

Background  Dynamic breast deformity following partial submuscular augmentation is not uncommon. The complication is due primarily to the release of the pectoralis and the true incidence of this complication is not known. The submuscular biplane pocket is a new pocket and is used to correct dynamic breasts following augmentation mammaplasty in the partial submuscular plane. Methods  After the first submuscular biplane muscle-splitting augmentation mammaplasty in October 2005, the author has performed 58 secondary augmentation mammaplasties for various reasons. Of these, nine patients showed marked dynamic breast deformity following partial submuscular augmentation and the submuscular muscle-splitting biplane was used to correct this complication. Results  Good to excellent results were achieved in all patients with complete elimination of the dynamic breast deformity. Conclusion  The submuscular biplane is a new and versatile pocket and is used to correct dynamic breast deformity seen following partial submuscular augmentation mammaplasty.  相似文献   

目的 调查隆乳女性术前咨询时的心理状态,以探讨更好的隆乳咨询模式.方法 自2005年9月至2013年8月,对来我院咨询,但未行手术的2000例隆乳求美者进行了现场问卷调查,了解其心理状态.结果 分别对虽行隆乳咨询但未行手术的原因、咨询较多整形医师的原因、求美者期望的整形医师,3个心理状态调查后得出相关结果.结论 临床咨询过程中,首先应建立与求美者之间的信任感;并认真倾听其对手术的具体要求;运用规范化的流程进行咨询.这些措施有利于整形医师更好地开展咨询工作,并为更多的隆乳求美者提供高质量的服务.  相似文献   

聚丙烯酰胺水凝胶注射隆乳术后MRI诊断价值   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
目的 探讨聚丙烯酰胺水凝胶注射隆乳术后不良反应的MRI表现及其临床价值。方法  16例聚丙烯酰胺水凝胶注射隆乳者行乳腺MRI平扫 ,MR表现与临床症状对照。结果 MRI显示 16例中 :① 2例 (4只 )注入物所形成的“假体”基本正常 ;② 1例于哺乳期发生一侧乳房巨大积乳囊肿 ;③ 3例 (6只 )双侧乳房不对称 ,双侧注射部位不一致 ;④ 10例 (2 0只 )注入物所形成的“假体”不完整。 16例MRI表现与临床表现相符 ,6例行手术取出注射物 ,手术所见与MRI相符。结论 乳腺MRI对聚丙烯酰胺水凝胶隆乳术后并发症有较大的诊断价值。  相似文献   

Breast augmentation is one of the most frequently performed aesthetic procedures worldwide. Due to anatomic variations of the breast, including asymmetry and congenital malformations, complex interrelations often need to be considered in breast augmentation. In addition to tissue structure, each surgical approach needs to take vascular anatomy into account. In terms of regenerative medicine, autologous fat transplantation has recently assumed a position of increasing importance in aesthetic breast surgery. However, implant-based augmentation, often associated with further surgical procedures, is still the state of the art in augmentation mammoplasty. The procedure used needs to take tissue requirements, long-term results, and patients?? expectations (??ad primam nihil nocere??) into consideration. The surgical construction of a natural-appearing breast virtually always provides the basis for satisfied breast augmentation patients.  相似文献   

Background: Massive weight loss following bariatric surgery frequently results in body contour deformities like ptotic and hypoplastic breasts, redundant abdominal tissue and loose skin especially in the medial thigh area.This redundant tissue can be used for breast augmentation in the case of hypertrophic ptotic breasts. Method: In 3 patients who underwent a vertical banded gastroplasty and consecutively lost more than 60% of their body weight, a breast augmentation with a transverse gracilis myocutaneous free flap was performed. Results: Bilateral myocutaneous gracilis free flap breast augmentation resulted in an esthetic, pleasing result, with additional correction of the redundant skin from the medial thigh region. Conclusion: Autologous breast augmentation with a simultaneous medial thigh lift can be performed safely, after successful weight loss following bariatric surgery.  相似文献   

Abdominoplasty and breast augmentation are often performed together, and subglandular augmentation through the abdominoplasty incision has been previously described. Nine cases of subpectoral breast augmentation and abdominoplasty performed through a single low transverse abdominal incision were performed between 2002 and 2005. The selection criteria included women who were healthy, nonsmokers, without true breast ptosis or breast deformity requiring additional shaping. The subpectoral space was accessed and the pectoralis major origins were mobilized under direct vision, and the implant pocket was shaped with the aid of a breast sizer and breast dissector. The mean follow-up was 22 months. The surgical goals were realized in all cases, with no asymmetry or implant-related complications. The standard abdominoplasty incision provides ample exposure for the creation of a subpectoral pocket and precise placement of implants. The procedure should be considered in patients who wish abdominal recontouring and breast augmentation and have minimal ptosis.  相似文献   

聚丙烯酰胺水凝胶注射隆乳术后并发症处理   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
目的 探讨聚丙烯酰胺水凝胶注射隆乳术后各种并发症及处理方法.方法 自2003年2月至2007年2月收治45例聚丙烯酰胺注射隆胸术后病人,采用注射器抽取及手术切开直视下水凝胶取出术,其中20例取出同时行假体隆胸术.结果 本组病例治疗均获得了满意效果.结论 聚丙烯酰胺水凝胶取出术是目前治疗并发症的较好方法,假体隆胸术可以改善水凝胶取出后的乳房形态.  相似文献   

目的探讨各种不同类型的不对称乳房的手术治疗方法。方法对48例不同类型的不对称乳房者,分别采用不同的乳房成形术进行矫治,其中包括两侧不同容积的乳房假体隆乳术(19例),单侧隆乳术(11例),切除两侧不同体积的乳房组织乳房缩小成形术(9例),单侧乳房部分切除术(2例),单侧乳房脂肪抽吸术(1例),一侧巨乳房缩小成形术,一侧乳房悬吊术(3例),一侧乳房悬吊,一侧隆乳术(2例),单侧乳房悬吊(1例)。结果1例因乳房新皱襞下皮肤、皮下组织过多,进行了再次整复术。1例乳房悬吊术后半年,继发轻度下垂。1例因原乳腺组织切除过多且伴有乳房局部较大瘢痕,乳房前外侧稍有凹陷,形态不够满意。其余各例都取得了满意或基本满意的效果。结论对不对称乳房应针对不同的类型采用不同的术式治疗,不对称乳房的检查和测量应力求准确.以便达到尽可能的对称。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: One of the most popular surgical cosmetic procedures, breast augmentation, has enjoyed large acceptance in the last few decades. One of the most important factors in the dynamics established between the implants and the soft tissues after breast augmentation is the pocket plane. Surgeons have been seeking the proper plane into which the implant might be placed. The subglandular approach resulted in implant edge visibility and was thought to result in a higher incidence of fibrous capsular contractures. Despite the advantage of concealing the implant edges using the subpectoral approach, implant displacement occurred with contraction of the pectoralis muscle. The use of the retrofascial plane seems to yield the benefits of both planes without the deficits. METHODS: Since 2006, 45 patients with hypomastia have undergone subfascial breast augmentation using anatomical contour profile gel cohesive III textured implants. RESULTS: Pleasing long-term results have been obtained by using subfascial breast augmentation, with maintenance of a natural breast shape and a smooth transition between the soft tissue and implant in the upper pole. There were no capsular contractures and no complaints regarding displacement of the implants with contraction of the pectoralis major muscle. CONCLUSIONS: The subfascial breast augmentation technique offers improved long-term aesthetic results because the dynamics between the implant and soft tissues have been optimized. This technique is extremely versatile and may also be used in patients requiring removal and replacement of breast implants.  相似文献   

Czerny from Heidelberg is generally accepted to have performed the first augmentation mammaplasty in 1895. Since then, a variety of nonsilicone materials have been injected or implanted to augment or to reconstruct the hypoplastic female breast, including autologous tissues, intramammary- or submammary-injected alloplastic materials, and preformed alloplastic materials other than silicone. For various reasons outlined in this review, none was fully acceptable. The introduction of the medical-grade silicone bag prosthesis in the early 1960s improved the results of mammary augmentation dramatically and reduced the incidence of fibrous contracture and implant extrusion. Other methods of breast augmentation became obsolete.  相似文献   

Background Since its introduction, augmentation mammaplasty has gained widespread popularity, as demonstrated by the fact that an estimated 2 million women in the United States have received implants. During recent decades, several surgical approaches have evolved in terms of implant placement or site of access to the surgical plane. Debate has existed concerning the questionable superiority of a particular technique for achievement of optimal results. Thus, the inframammary approach, an established and widely accepted technique for breast augmentation, and endoscopically assisted transaxillary breast augmentation were retrospectively compared in terms of safety and aesthetic outcome, as measured, respectively, by the rate of postoperative complications and patient satisfaction. Methods This study analyzed 78 patients undergoing augmentation mammaplasty between 1997 and 2004. Only patients seeking primary augmentation mammaplasty solely for aesthetic reasons were included in the study. Previously performed breast surgery and simultaneously conducted ipsilateral mastopexy were among the exclusion criteria. Patient satisfaction was assessed using the client satisfaction questionnaire (CSQ-8) because of its easy applicability. Results The complication rate was low in both patient subsets, thus confirming the safety of the transaxillary approach, as compared with the more common submammary technique. However, a higher level of satisfaction was detected in the former patient group, indicating a more favorable aesthetic outcome with the transaxillary augmentation mammaplasty. Conclusion Endoscopically assisted transaxillary augmentation mammaplasty is a safe method with predictable results associated with a high level of patient satisfaction. If applied in the setting of appropriate indications, it is an excellent tool for use with patients who prefer to have an incision at a distant site.  相似文献   

The breast is as aesthetically important as it is physiologically. Physicians and women have practiced various methods for breast aesthetics and augmentation. We report a female veterinarian who injected fish oil into her breast, which led to inflammation and necrosis of breast tissue. When all medical therapies failed, bilateral subcutaneous mastectomy was performed. We did not find a case in the literature where fish oil had been used for breast augmentation. However, we did find that many agents have been injected for breast augmentation, the results of which were tragic, just as the case presented herein.  相似文献   

BackgroundContralateral breast augmentation during unilateral breast reconstruction is a good option for women with small breasts. In patients with adequate lower abdominal tissues, the deep inferior epigastric perforator (DIEP) flap is often the first choice for unilateral autologous breast reconstruction. We use Zone IV, which is usually excised owing to its insufficient blood circulation, as a superficial inferior epigastric artery (SIEA) flap for contralateral breast augmentation.MethodsBetween October 2004 and January 2016, 32 patients underwent unilateral breast reconstruction using a DIEP flap and an attempted simultaneous contralateral breast augmentation with an SIEA flap. The unilateral DIEP flap attached to the contralateral SIEA flap was split into two separate flaps after indocyanine green angiography. In all patients, ipsilateral internal mammary vessels were used as recipient vessels for DIEP flap breast reconstruction. The SIEA flap pedicle was anastomosed to several branches of the deep inferior epigastric vessels. The SIEA flap was inset beneath the contralateral breast through the midline.ResultsOf 32 patients, 27 underwent DIEP flap breast reconstruction and simultaneous unaffected breast augmentation using 25 SIEA or 2 superficial circumflex iliac artery perforator (SCIP) flaps. All DIEP flaps survived, and total necrosis occurred in one SIEA flap. The mean weight of the final inset for DIEP flap reconstruction and SIEA or SCIP flap augmentation was 416 g and 112 g, respectively.ConclusionsUnilateral DIEP flap breast reconstruction and contralateral SIEA flap breast augmentation may be safely performed with satisfactory results.  相似文献   

Although patients are typically satisfied after reduction mammaplasty, a subgroup later deems the volume of remaining breast tissue inadequate and presents for breast enhancement. Our purpose was to identify patient and procedural risk factors that may contribute to an over-reduced breast and the desire for breast augmentation after initial reduction. Seven patients were identified who had breast augmentation an average of 13 years after breast reduction. Four patients were satisfied with breast size immediately after reduction mammaplasty but lost breast volume subsequent to weight loss or childbearing. Three patients with a body mass index of 18 to 20 were dissatisfied immediately after reduction. Body image improved in 100% of patients after enhancement. Getting the size right depends upon thorough discussion with the patient regarding desired size, insurance requirements, and potential for decreased size after weight loss or childbearing. Breast augmentation may improve body image in patients with small breasts after reduction.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Breast-conserving therapy (BCT) is reported to result in a significant rate of complications and local recurrences in patients with prior implant breast augmentation. The role of sentinel lymph node (SLN) biopsy in these patients is unknown. METHODS: Retrospective review of patients with prior breast augmentation treated with BCT or SLN biopsy. RESULTS: Nineteen breast cancers were treated with BCT. Of 17 breasts undergoing adjuvant radiotherapy, 11 (64.7%) retained favorable aesthetic results. Of 9 subpectoral implants, capsular contracture developed in only 1 (11.1%). During follow-up (median 3 years), 1 local recurrence (5.3%) occurred in a patient who refused adjuvant radiotherapy and systemic therapy. Eleven patients underwent SLN biopsy with an identification rate of 100% and a false-negative rate of 0%. CONCLUSIONS: Breast-conserving therapy inclusive of radiotherapy after implant breast augmentation produced acceptable cosmetic results in nearly two-thirds of patients. Sentinel lymph node mapping in the setting of prior implant augmentation was highly successful and accurate.  相似文献   

Choosing the right implant size for a specific patient is a challenging aspect of breast augmentation. Bust circumference is obtained by measuring the chest circumference at the level of the nipple-areola complex. Pre- and postoperative bust circumference measurements obtained from 147 patients who underwent primary bilateral breast augmentation using round, textured, gel-filled implants were evaluated, and a practical reference list for future operations was developed. According to the results, each additional 100 ml in implant size yielded an approximate 2-cm increase in bust circumference. The authors believe these results gathered from systematic measurements may serve as a useful guide for choosing the right size implant for a satisfactory augmentation procedure.  相似文献   

刘中策 《中国美容医学》2013,22(17):1756-1759
目的:研究内窥镜下双平面隆乳术矫治小乳症合并乳房下垂的效果及安全性。方法:对42例小乳症合并乳房下垂患者在内窥镜下实施双平面隆乳术,对患者随访6个月~1年观察乳房矫正效果。结果:42例患者乳头上提(1.9±0.3)cm;术后乳房未下垂+Ⅰ度下垂比例高于术前(P<0.01);隆乳术总体优良率为92.85%;除了1例BakerⅢ级以外,其余均未发生并发症。结论:内窥镜下双平面隆乳术对小乳症合并乳房下垂矫治效果好,切口隐蔽,乳房形态自然、饱满。  相似文献   

Background  We describe a new method to study the sensibility of the nipple-areola complex of the breast with faradic electricity delivered through an electromyographic device used to monitor peripheral nerve conduction. Methods  The objective results of faradic pulses (2–50 mA per pulse) delivered to the nipple-areola complex of the breast through a Nihon-Kohden II machine (Evoked potential/Electromyographs, Nihon-Kohden Co., Japan) were evaluated in normal volunteers to get a basal measure that was defined by the patient as “a soft electric discharge.” The measures were recorded and their output discharges averaged (at least 5 to each complex). Results  Twenty-eight volunteers with normal breasts, 28 patients with breast hypertrophy before and after breast reduction, and 28 patients before and after breast augmentation were studied. The faradic pulses were perceived from 1.5 to 3.5 mA in the areola and from 3 to 5.5 mA in the nipple in the control group and from 4.5 to 7.0 mA in the areola and from 6.5 to 9.5 mA in the nipple in the breast hypertrophy group with no significant changes before and after surgery. In the breast augmentation group the faradic pulses were very similar to the volunteers that had normal breasts, but 13 months after breast augmentation with silicone gel prosthesis, a difference was found because all the patients had a higher threshold and three cases had lost sensibility of the nipple-areola complex. Conclusion  In normal breasts the areola had a lower threshold for faradic pulses compared to the nipple. Hypertrophic breasts had a higher threshold to the faradic stimulation than normal subjects in the pre- and postoperative period. Hypoplastic breasts before breast augmentation had a perception threshold similar to that of the normal volunteers but after breast augmentation this perception was much higher. This study received the Scientific Exhibit Award at the ASAPS/ASERF Annual Meeting in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, 2005.  相似文献   

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