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To determine whether early graft function after transplantation impacted graft and patient survivals.

Materials and methods

Between 1981 and 2008, we performed 1308 renal transplantations. Poor early graft function was defined as a Cockroft-Gault glomerular filtration rate < 60 mL/min or less at 1 and 3 months posttransplant. Patients who lost their kidney or died within the first 12 months after transplantation were excluded from the study. Multivariate statistical analysis used Cox proportional hazards models.


Of the 1308 patients 994 (78.8%) displayed poor early graft function at 1 month after transplantation (glomerular filtration rate < 60 mL/min), while 268 (21.2%) showed normal function (glomerular filtration rate ≥ 60 mL/min). The 2- and 6-year graft survival rates among the poor early graft function group were 96.8% and 85.8%, respectively, while those among the control group were 97.0% and 88.3%, respectively. The 2- and 6-year patient survival rates in the poor early graft function were 98.5% and 89.8% versus 98.9% and 96.3% in the control group. Similar results were observed at 3 months posttransplant. Controlling for patient age, donor age, HLA-AB and -DR mismatches, cold ischemia time, acute rejection episodes, cyclosporine therapy, and waiting time for transplantation, we did not observe early graft function to be a risk factor for graft survival or patient survival. Glomerular filtration rate at 2, 5, and 6 years after kidney transplantation was significantly lower in the poor early graft function than in the control group.


This study suggested that the quality of early graft function had no significant effect on graft and patient survival rate, but did have a significant influence on long-term renal function.  相似文献   

目的 通过总结 11例脾移植的免疫抑制治疗的经验 ,分析不同的免疫抑制方案对脾移植排斥反应 ,移植物抗宿主反应 (GVHR)和移植物存活的影响。方法 分两组 ,Ⅰ组 6例 ,术前无预处理 ,术后采用常规三联用药CsA 6 8mg/ (kg·d) Aza 2mg/ (kg·d) Pred 30mg/d ;Ⅱ组 5例 ,术前供受者均行预处理 ,供者用CsA 8mg/ (kg·d) ALG 5 0 0mg/d ,连用 3d。受者术前 1d给予静脉CsA 3mg/(kg·d) Aza 10 0mg。术后受者免疫抑制为CsA 6 8mg/ (kg·d) ALG 5 0 0mg/d Pred 30mg/d ,10d后改为CsA 5 8mg/ (kg·d) Pred 2 0mg/d维持。结果 Ⅰ组 6例均发生多次排斥反应和 (或 )GVHR。移植脾功能维持在 1年以内。Ⅱ组仅 1例因供脾过大发生 1次GVHR ,全部病例有功能存活超过 1年 ,但伴随不同程度的移植脾萎缩。结论 脾移植免疫抑制治疗有自己的特色 ,选择合适的免疫抑制方案 ,对抑制排斥反应和防止移植脾萎缩十分重要。  相似文献   

Sir, Slowinski et al. [1] report that the angiotensin-convertingenzyme (ACE) (I/D) recipient genotype has no impact on the occurrenceof renal graft dysfunction in 405 Caucasian kidney graft recipients. In their discussion they refer to the Lancet  相似文献   

Abstract It has been suggested that poor long-term prognosis of acute rejection is due to hyperfiltrationmediated injury secondary to the initial renal damage, rather than to ongoing immunological mechanisms. A total of 953 renal transplant recipients was reviewed to examine the effect of acute rejection episodes on graft function and survival; 40 % had no rejections, 45 % one, 12% two and 3% three. Rejection episodes adversely affected short- and long-term prognosis (5-year survival for no rejections, 62 %; one, 34 %; two, 26 %; three, 19 %, P <0.001) and creatinine clearance at one year (cl 1) (none, 56.7 ml/ min; one, 51.1; two, 52.9; three, 35.2, P < 0.01). This was mainly due to increased graft loss, but patient survival was also reduced (5-year survival for no rejections, 77 %; one, 76 %; two, 63 %; three, 53 %, P < 0.05). There was no overall effect of rejection number, independently of cl 1. However, subgroup analysis showed a detrimental effect of rejection number on grafts with high residual function, i.e. cl 1 > 60 ml/min (5-year graft survival none and one, 87 %; two and three, 71 %, P < 0.01). Late initial rejection episodes adversely affected prognosis (5-year survival 1–7 days, 34 %; 8–60, 31 %; 60–300, 21 %, P < 0.05) and residual graft function (cl 1 1–7 days, 56.2 ml/min; 8–60, 48.7; 60–300, 44.6, P < 0.01). In conclusion, the poor long-term prognostic effect of rejection episodes is mainly, but not entirely, related to initial graft destruction. Late (>2 months after transplantation) initial rejection is an important independent risk factor for graft loss.  相似文献   

We analyzed the impact of antithymocyte globulin (ATG) in renal transplantation. We retrospectively studied 1217 recipients performed from July 83 to December 03. ATG-Fresenius-S (ATG-F) was used for induction therapy in 492 patients (40.4%; group I) and compared with group II, 725 patients (59.6%), without antilymphocyte induction. Groups were comparable in terms of recipient gender and race distribution; time on dialysis; cause of renal disease; number of human leukocyte antigen (HLA) mismatches; donor age, gender, and creatinine; and cold ischemia time. Patients with ATG-F were younger (35.8 +/- 13.8 vs 38.9 +/- 12.5 years, P < .001), more frequently hypersensitized (10% vs 3%, P < .001), and had more second transplants (15.7% vs 5.8%, P < .001). The incidence of acute rejection episodes was lower among ATG-F patients (23.6% vs 32.1%, P = .004). Admission time and incidence of delayed graft function (DGF) were similar in the two groups. Graft survival at 1, 5, 10, and 15 years was 88.9%, 80.7%, 71.3%, and 64.9% in group I and 86.4%, 77.4%, 60.7%, and 48.4% in group II (P = .003). The difference in patient survival over the same follow-up did not reach statistical significance. Multivariate analysis showed that the risk of graft failure was higher for those who did not receive ATG-F (HR = 1.51; 95% CI, 1.14 to 2.00; P = .004). Donor age and DGF were also independent predictors of graft failure. Our results showed a better long-term graft survival among patients who received ATG-F, despite their higher immunological risk. The absence of induction with ATG-F, donor age, and DGF were independent risk factors for graft failure.  相似文献   

Cytomegalovirus infection and graft rejection in renal transplantation   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
BACKGROUND: Cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection and CMV disease have been associated with acute and chronic graft rejection. The introduction of the sensitive CMV antigenemia pp65 assay for detection of CMV infection allowed us to study the time course of CMV infection and acute rejection and the long-term outcome in renal transplant recipients with and without a CMV risk constellation. METHODS: Prospective single center study including 48 renal transplant recipients at risk for CMV infection (donor and/or recipient CMV seropositive) and a control group of 36 CMV seronegative recipients of CMV seronegative kidney donors. Evidence of CMV infection was monitored by the CMV antigenemia pp65 assay every 1 to 2 weeks and compared with the occurrence of acute rejection in the posttransplant period and graft function at 5 years. RESULTS: CMV infection developed in 83% (40/48) of patients of the CMV risk group within 4 months posttransplant. A total of 18 of patients experienced an acute rejection episode (control group 16/36; P=0.65). In 12/18 CMV infection followed rejection and in three patients antigenemia preceded the diagnosis of rejection. In three patients CMV antigenemia remained negative. Five-year follow up: Patient survival (44/48 vs. 31/36; P=0.48), graft survival (38/48 vs. 27/36; P=0.79), number of patients with at least one acute rejection episode: CMV risk group: 42.1%, control group 51% (P=0.46), serum creatinine: CMV risk group:130 +/- 66 micromol/iter, control group: 126 +/- 37 micromol/ liter (P=0.56), proteinuria: CMV risk group: 0.02 +/- 0.02 g/mmol creatinine, control group: 0.02 +/- 0.02 g/mmol creatinine (P=1.0). CONCLUSION: CMV infection within 4 months posttransplant, as defined by a positive antigenemia assay was not found to be a risk factor for acute graft rejection or chronic graft dysfunction at 5 years.  相似文献   

Delayed graft function (DGF) and acute rejection have both been associated with reduced renal allograft survival. In some studies, they have been shown to have an interactive effect. We studied the risk factors for DGF and the relative impact of DGF and rejection on both short- and long-term survival in recipients of cadaveric renal transplants. Data from the Oxford Transplant Centre Database were assessed on 710 cadaver allografts over a 10-yr period, during which time all recipients received cyclosporin-based immunosuppressive protocols. The interaction between DGF and acute rejection was examined using logistic and Cox multivariate regression. Long cold ischaemia time (CIT), sensitisation and older donor age were found to be independent predictors of DGF. The occurrence of DGF resulted in a reduced 5-yr survival (56 vs. 75%). However, the effect of DGF was confined to the first year post-transplant, as there was no significant difference in survival, as measured by half-life (t1/2) of grafts functioning at 1 yr, with DGF alone and a group with good early function (t1/2 = 21.3 vs. 20.0 yr). There was no increase in acute rejection in grafts with DGF. However, the combination of DGF and acute rejection resulted in the worst short-term graft survival (68% at 1 yr, compared to 92.3% in those grafts with no DGF or acute rejection) and this continued over the long term (t1/2 = 10.5 yr). These data suggest that early function is critical to the success of renal transplantation. The effects of DGF are limited to the first year post-transplant. Long-term graft survival may be improved by efforts to limit CITs, particularly for grafts from older donors and sensitised recipients.  相似文献   

Summary A single-center experience of 980 consecutive renal transplant recipients treated with cyclosporine (CyA) was reviewed to analyze the causes of renal allograft loss and the factors affecting long-term renal survival in CyA-treated kidney transplants. In all, 217 grafts were lost during the observation period, with the most common causes of graft loss being chronic rejection (96 cases, 44%), death with a functioning graft (52 cases, 24%), glomerulonephritis (28 cases, 13%), and acute rejection (20 cases, 8%). The actuarial 10-year survival of patients with living and cadaveric grafts was 93% and 91%, respectively. The actuarial 10-year survival of living and cadaveric grafts was 70% and 63%, respectively. Patients were divided into two groups, namely a graft-survival group (n=763) and a graft-loss group (n=217). There was no significant difference between the two groups in terms of sex, donor source, donor age, recipient age, duration of hemodialysis, retransplants, transfusions, presensitization, of HLA match. There was no difference between the graft-survival group and the graft-loss group in the mean CyA dose given or the mean CyA trough level measured at any time following transplantation. Acute rejection episodes occurred in patients from the graft-survival group (55%) as compared with those from the graft-loss group (83%; P<0.00001). These data suggest that long-term graft survival in CyA-treated kidney transplant patients is primarily influenced by the occurrence of rejection episodes rather than by the drug dose or the duration of CyA administration. CyA nephrotoxicity was not the major risk factor for long-term graft survival in CyA-treated renal transplants.  相似文献   

To determine short- and long-term patient and graft survival in obese [body mass index (BMI) >or= 30 kg/m(2)] and nonobese (BMI < 30 kg/m(2)) renal transplant patients we retrospectively analyzed our national-database. Patients 18 years or older receiving a primary transplant after 1993 were included. A total of 1,871 patients were included in the nonobese group and 196 in the obese group. In the obese group there were significantly more females (52% vs. 38.6%, P < 0.01) and patients were significantly older [52 years (43-59) vs. 48 years (37-58); P < 0.05]. Patient survival and graft survival were significantly decreased in obese renal transplant recipients (1 and 5 year patient survival were respectively 94% vs. 97% and 81% vs. 89%, P < 0.01; 1 and 5 year graft survival were respectively 86% vs. 92% and 71% vs. 80%, P < 0.01). Initial BMI was an independent predictor for patient death and graft failure. This large retrospective study shows that both graft and patient survival are significantly lower in obese renal transplant recipients.  相似文献   

Analysis of 2778 primary and 606 regrafted cadaveric donor renal allograft recipients transplanted between June 1977 and July 1982 as part of the South-Eastern Organ Procurement Foundation (SEOPF) Prospective Study was performed to determine the influence of changes in presensitization on graft and patient outcome. Four mutually exclusive groups of patients were identified based on the relative difference in the percentage of panel-reactive antibody (PRA) from highest ever (peak) to most recent (current) pretransplant levels as follows: group 1 (unsensitized): peak = current PRA = 0; group 2 (rising or stable PRA): (peak = current PRA) greater than 0; group 3 (small decrease): (peak - current PRA) = 1-40%;) and group 4 (large decrease): (peak - current PRA) greater than 40%. First-transplant recipients in group 4 had significantly higher mortality when compared with groups 1-3 (P less than 0.002). This decrease in patient survival was evident at 6 months (81% +/- 4 vs 91% +/- 1) and persisted to three years (68% +/- 8 vs 78% +/- 2), and it was associated with a significant (P less than 0.037) increase in death from infectious causes. This finding was even more striking when only transfused recipients were considered: at three years the difference in patient survival was 63% +/- 11 vs. 77% +/- 2. In addition, transfused patients with a decrease in pretransplant PRA of greater than 40% had significantly lower overall graft survival (P less than 0.02) and a higher incidence of irreversible graft rejection (50% +/- 8 vs 33% +/- 1 at two years). For regrafted recipients, there were no differences in patient survival among groups, but those in group 4 had significantly lower graft survival (P less than 0.0033) than groups 1-3. These findings suggest that a substantial decrease in PRA prior to transplant does not necessarily indicate a decrease in potential donor alloreactivity, and in first-graft recipients it may reflect an increased susceptibility to life-threatening infections following transplantation.  相似文献   

目的 探讨阿来佐单抗对肾移植后急性排斥反应(AR)和移植肾存活率的影响.方法搜集国内外关于阿来佐单抗用于预防肾移植后AR的随机对照试验,对符合纳入标准的文献进行荟萃分析.评价疗效及差异的指标采用比值比(OR)及其95%可信区间(CI).采用RevMan5.1软件进行统计学分析.结果 共有国内外9个随机对照研究符合纳入标准.荟萃分析结果显示,阿来佐单抗具有良好的抗AR作用,术后半年阿来佐单抗组的AR发生率比对照组低55.5%(OR=0.37,95%CI为0.24~0.58,P<0.01),术后1年阿来佐单抗组的AR发生率比对照组低51.1%(OR=0.43,95%CI为0.29~0.64,P<0.01),术后2年阿来佐单抗组的AR发生率比对照组低28.2%(OR=0.69,95%CI为0.47~1.02,P<0.01).阿来佐单抗组的移植肾存活率与对照组比较,差异无统计学意义(OR=1.18,95%CI为0.76~1.85,P=0.46),阿来佐单抗组的受者存活率与对照组比较,差异无统计学意义(OR=0.94,95%CI为0.52~1.72,P=0.85).结论 阿来佐单抗对肾移植后AR具有明显的预防作用,但对术后移植肾和受者的存活率无明显影响.  相似文献   

肾移植术后妊娠对移植肾的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
目的 探讨肾移植术后妊娠对移植肾的影响。方法 对1978年4月至2002年3月妊娠超过5个月的13例肾移植受者资料进行回顾性分析。结果 免疫抑制方案,4例采用环孢素A(CsA)及泼尼松(Pred)。5例为CsA,霉酚酸酯(MMF)及Pred。4例为他他克莫司(FK506),MMF及Pred。13例中,10例患者妊娠足月,生产,母,婴均存活,移植肾功能稳定;1例产后2周因并发肺部感染,心力衰竭死亡,死亡时移植肾有功能,婴儿存活;2例妊娠中期出现蛋白尿,病理证实移植肾发生慢性排斥反应,终止妊娠,但抗排斥治疗无效,切除移植肾,恢复血液透析,目前11名子女健康,无发育异常。结论 肾移植患者若情况允许,在严重监护下是可以妊娠的。  相似文献   

Flow cytometry crossmatch (FCXM) is a more sensitive technique than classical complement-dependent cytotoxicity (CDC) for the detection of donor-directed antibody before renal transplantation. Nevertheless, the role of FCXM in predicting long-term survival of kidney grafts is still unclear. The purpose of our study was to evaluate the impact of a positive T-cell FCXM (T-FCXM) on long-term kidney allografts outcome. Of the 184 consecutive kidney transplantations performed in our center between 1 January1991 and 15 November 1996 a FCXM, performed concurrently to the pre-transplant CDCXM, was available for 170 patients. The CDCXM was negative in all recipients. Among these recipients, 12 (7.1%) had a positive T-FCXM. These patients were not different from patients with a negative T-FCXM for donor and recipient age, sex, frequency of second transplantation, number of human leukocyte antigen matches or mismatches. Frequency of immunized patients was higher in kidney recipients with a positive FCXM (58.3% vs. 24.7%; p=0.02, chi-square test). Survival analysis revealed that kidney graft outcome was better in negative T-FCXM recipients (p=0.03), while patient survival was not statistically different. Our results suggest that a positive pre-transplant T-FCXM despite a negative CDCXM is associated with an impaired long-term graft survival in renal allotransplantation.  相似文献   

The current supply of kidneys from cadaver and living related donor sources is not sufficient to meet the demand. As a result, alternative sources of renal allografts are being explored, including very young donors and anencephalic newborns. However, data on the success of transplanting kidneys from very young donors are limited and conflicting. The purpose of this study was to determine whether the function and survival of renal grafts obtained from newborns and very young donors is different from that for grafts obtained from older donors. Thirty-six cadaveric donors under the age of 3 years, including seven anencephalic newborns, were evaluated. Allograft recipients ranged in age from 12 months to 57 years. The clinical outcome for these donor organs was compared with the graft survival for 136 kidneys transplanted from cadaver donors over age 3 years at our institution. There was a 65% 6-month and 64% 1-year graft survival in recipients of kidneys from donors greater than or equal to 3 years. Survival of grafts from donors under 12 months of age (n = 16) was significantly decreased compared with donors age 3 years and older, with a 31% 6-month (P less than .01) and 19% 12-month survival (P less than .001). Grafts obtained from anencephalic donors did not differ in survival or function from kidneys obtained from other donors less than 12 months of age. Survival for renal allografts from donors age 13 months to 3 years was also decreased relative to older donors: 55% at 6 months (P greater than .1) and 40% at 1 year (P less than .05).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Immunosuppressive therapy has undergone great changes in recent years as a result of the introduction of new drugs, presumed a prior to be more effective and better tolerated. The greatest advance seems to have been the introduction of interleukin-2 (IL-2) receptor antagonists. The objective of this study was to determine whether the use of IL-2 receptor antagonists in induction therapy has implications for the development of rejection and survival. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Three hundred sixty-five consecutive cardiac transplant patients who received induction therapy were included. Heart-lung and transplants in children under 10 years were excluded. Three groups were compared according to the induction therapy (OKT3, 10 days; OKT3, 7 days; and IL-2R antagonists). Each treatment corresponded to a time period: OKT3 10 days from June 1989 to April 1994; OKT3 7 days from May 1994 to October 2002; and IL-2R antagonists from November 2002 to May 2004. Baseline characteristics of recipient and donor, surgical times, postsurgical complications, maintenance immunosuppression, number of rejections, time (days) to first rejection, and probability of survival at 1 year were recorded. We used analysis of variance, chi(2) test, Kaplan-Meier curves, and log-rank test as appropriate. A P-value < .05 was considered significant. RESULTS: There were significant differences in the characteristics of the transplanted patients in the various time periods. Thus, recipients in the OKT3 10 day group had worse status but better donors, whereas recipients in the IL-2R antagonists group had better status but older donors with longer duration of ischemia. The incidence of acute graft failure was similar in the three groups. The number of rejection episodes in the first year was higher among the OKT3 groups (OKT3 10 days, 1.7 +/- 1.3; OKT3 7 days, 1.2 +/- 1.2; IL-2R antagonists, 1.0 +/- 1.2; P = .02) and the probability of survival at 1 year was also lower (OKT3 10 days, 74%; OKT3 7 days, 77%; IL-2R antagonists, 94%; P = .0007). CONCLUSIONS: Induction therapy with IL-2 antagonists offers important advantages over treatment with OKT3 in terms of survival, with absolute and relative risk reductions of 20% and 27%. Furthermore, it did not increase the number of rejections, although this may have been due to the greater use of MMF versus azathioprine.  相似文献   

The influence of early graft function on long-term graft survival has been widely reported but its association with patient survival has received less attention. We investigated the effect of early renal function on patient survival and on cardiovascular disease after renal transplantation among 532 transplant patients who had grafts functioning for >1 year. Patients were classified into two groups, depending on the early creatinine clearance (< or >60 mL/min). We analyzed graft and patient survival, posttransplant cardiovascular disease, and the principal causes of death. Five- and 10-year graft and patient survival were lower among the group with worse early renal function. The main cause of death was vascular disease. Poorer early renal function increased the risk (RR) of patient death by 2.2-fold, and also the presence of posttransplant cardiovascular disease. In conclusion, patients with poor levels of early graft function are at an increased risk of death. These high-risk groups should be targeted for interventional studies to improve patient survival.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Epidemiological data implicate that renal transplants from living unrelated donors result in superior survival rates as compared with cadaveric grafts, despite a higher degree of human lymphocyte antigen (HLA) mismatching. We undertook a center-based case control study to identify donor-specific determinants affecting early outcome in cadaveric transplantation. METHODS: The study database consisted of 152 consecutive cadaveric renal transplants performed at our center between June 1989 and September 1998. Of these, 24 patients received a retransplant. Donor kidneys were allocated on the basis of prospective HLA matching according to the Eurotransplant rules of organ sharing. Immunosuppressive therapy consisted of a cyclosporine-based triple-drug regimen. In 67 recipients, at least one acute rejection episode occurred during the first month after transplantation. They were taken as cases, and the remaining 85 patients were the controls. Stepwise logistic regression was done on donor-specific explanatory variables obtained from standardized Eurotransplant Necrokidney reports. In a secondary evaluation, the impact on graft survival in long-term follow-up was further measured by applying a Cox regression model. The mean follow-up of all transplant recipients was 3.8 years (SD 2.7 years). RESULTS: Donor age [odds ratio (OR) 1.05; 95% CI, 1.02 to 1.08], traumatic brain injury as cause of death (OR 2.75; 95% CI, 1.16 to 6. 52), and mismatch on HLA-DR (OR 3.0; 95% CI, 1.47 to 6.12) were associated with an increased risk of acute rejection, whereas donor use of dopamine (OR 0.22; 95% CI, 0.09 to 0.51) and/or noradrenaline (OR 0.24; 95% CI, 0.10 to 0.60) independently resulted in a significant beneficial effect. In the multivariate Cox regression analysis, both donor treatment with dopamine (HR 0.44; 95% CI, 0.22 to 0.84) and noradrenaline (HR 0.30; 95% CI, 0.10 to 0.87) remained a significant predictor of superior graft survival in long-term follow-up. CONCLUSIONS: Our data strongly suggest that the use of catecholamines in postmortal organ donors during intensive care results in immunomodulating effects and improves graft survival in long-term follow-up. These findings may at least partially be explained by down-regulating effects of adrenergic substances on the expression of adhesion molecules (VCAM, E-selectin) in the vessel walls of the graft.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that kidneys from young and old donors do less well after transplantation. We have studied this problem in a retrospective analysis of all cadaveric transplants performed in our center during the last 10 years. All patients were followed for at least six months. Recipients younger than 16 years were excluded from this analysis. Thirty-six patients received a kidney from a donor younger than 11 years (group A), 374 received a kidney from a donor aged between 11 and 51 years (group B) and 21 a kidney from a donor aged older than 51 years (group C). In the young donor age group graft survival was significantly worse than in the two other groups with a one year graft survival of 45.6%, 75.0% and 75.9% for group A, B and C respectively. There were significantly more technical failures in group A, but if these were excluded a significant difference in graft survival remained present. At three months there were no significant differences in hypertension, proteinuria, or serum creatinine between the three groups. These results suggest that young but not old donor kidneys have a worse graft survival. This decreased graft survival is only partly caused by technical problems. Therefore young grafts also seem to be more susceptible to the host's immune response.  相似文献   

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