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阎申  宋晓明  李军 《山东医药》2010,50(15):104-104
自1988年以来,我院共为15例患者行两侧肺切除术,其中12例于手术前后行肺功能测定。现报告结果并分析意义。  相似文献   

肺外科领域肺功能测定的应用和评价   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  

52例结缔组织疾病患者肺功能测定结果分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
结缔组织疾病(connective tissue diseases,CTD)是一组慢性全身免疫性疾病,它在发生发展过程中常累及肺和胸膜。由于呼吸系统受累组织主要是结缔组织,故其病变多以肺间质病变为主,导致肺功能障碍。本对我院1998年1月~2005年12月间在我院肺功能室进行肺功能检查的52例CTD患肺功能结果进行分析,为临床诊治提供依据。[第一段]  相似文献   

小儿肺包虫囊肿病,在临床方面有其一定的特点。现将我院1993~1997年收治14岁以下的小儿肺包虫囊肿病74例的诊断及治疗情况分析如下。1临床资料本组74例中,男,42例,女31例;最小2岁,最大14岁,其中5~10岁47例,占63.5%。汉族42例,维族16例,哈族6例,日族7例,其他民族3例。病灶位置:右肺41例(上叶2例,中叶12例,下叶27例)。左肺33例(中叶12例,下叶ZI例)。包虫单发者67例,多发7例,同时并发肝包虫者15例。临床症状:在病程中有胸痛,痰中带血丝者所例,有低热、气…  相似文献   

包虫病是一种人兽共患病 ,2 0 0 1年 8月我们诊治了一例肺包虫病人 ,在此之前湘西地区尚未见报告 ,特报道如下。患者向某 ,女 ,6 9岁 ,系花垣县城镇居民。 2 0 0 1年 8月5日患者自觉背部酸痛 ,持续 2h左右 ,当天晚上起床小便突感胸闷气促 ,并有轻咳和胸痛 ,无发热 ,咯血史。 8月 9日在当地医院拍胸片 ,左肺心尖 (第四前肋 )处有一个 3.5cm×4cm大小的致密阴影 ,边缘光滑整齐 ,侧位片似与胸壁粘连 ,诊断为胸壁间皮瘤。 8月 13日在自治州人民医院行包块穿刺抽取内容物涂片做病检 ,镜下发现数个似葡萄串样物 ,有的呈单个游离 ,经做寄生虫制片染…  相似文献   

陈欣  陈文明 《临床肺科杂志》2010,15(7):1024-1024
目的探讨继发性肺结核患者的肺功能变化。方法观察我科2008年1~6月确诊为继发性肺结核住院患者95例,根据胸部X线肺野病灶数,分甲组(4个或4个以上)和乙组(3个或3个以下)比较两组肺功能指标差异。结果继发性肺结核患者肺功能损害以混合性通气功能障碍为主,肺功能损害程度与病变范围密切相关。结论积极治疗是减少肺内病灶播散,延缓肺功能下降唯一措施。  相似文献   

患者女性,25岁,维吾尔族。阵发性心慌、气短5年,每次发作诱因不同,大多与劳累感冒有关。伴心前区针刺样疼痛,向左侧肩背部放射。伴全身皮肤瘙痒,有红色风团样皮诊,时隐时现两年余。病程中无发热、寒战。体检:T36℃,双肺(-),心率76次/min,律齐,...  相似文献   

32例糖尿病患者肺功能分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近年来,国外学者对糖尿病患者的肺改变进行了病理解剖,生物化学等方面的研究,并有糖尿病肺功能异常的报道,但各家结果不尽一致。我们对32例糖尿病患者及34例正常人肺通气功能及小气道功能的检测结果进行比较分析。现报道如下。对象和方法(1)糖尿病组:32例患者均系我院内  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: There is evidence that pulmonary function abnormalities are present in patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). The aim of this crossover study was to assess the frequency of pulmonary dysfunction in patients with IBD and to define the importance of possible confounding factors. METHODS: We investigated a total of 44 patients with Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis and no pulmonary symptoms or a history of respiratory diseases by means of pulmonary function testing and chest X-ray. As controls we examined 44 healthy subjects matched for gender, age, and smoking status. RESULTS: A total of 21% of the subjects with ulcerative colitis and 20% with Crohn's disease showed an obstructive and/or restrictive ventilatory defect. Pulmonary function abnormalities were significantly more frequent in patients with IBD than in the controls (5%, P<0.05). There was no correlation between pulmonary function abnormalities and site, activity, or duration of bowel disease, current medication, smoking habits, or history of atopy. CONCLUSIONS: Pulmonary involvement seems to be a more frequent extraintestinal manifestation of IBD than thus far supposed. The causes or confounding factors are uncertain.  相似文献   

Pulmonary function in patients with diabetes mellitus   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
BACKGROUND: Pulmonary complications of diabetes mellitus have been poorly characterized. Although some authors have reported normal pulmonary function, others found abnormalities in lung volumes, pulmonary mechanics, and diffusing capacity. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: We studied pulmonary function in a group of patients with diabetes using a combined cardiopulmonary exercise test. Twenty-seven patients with diabetes aged 48 +/- 13 years participated in the study. RESULTS: Overall, forced vital capacity, forced expiratory volume in 1 second, and forced expiratory flow, midexpiratory phase, were within the predicted values, but the residual volume/total lung capacity ratio was slightly elevated. Comparison by diabetes type showed nonsignificant differences in forced expiratory volume in 1 second and forced expiratory flow, midexpiratory phase. Residual volume/total lung capacity ratio was significantly elevated in type 1 patients compared with type 2. Carbon monoxide diffusion capacity (DLCO) was normal in both groups. There was no correlation between the results on pulmonary function test and duration of disease, presence of microangiopathy, or glycemic control. The DLCO was significantly lower in patients with microangiopathic changes, but not when DLCO was corrected for alveolar volume. On the cardiopulmonary exercise test, maximal workload, maximum oxygen uptake, and maximal heart rate were less than predicted, whereas anaerobic threshold and ventilatory reserve were normal. No significant differences were noted in diabetes type, and there was no correlation between parameters of cardiopulmonary exercise test and the other variables. CONCLUSION: Spirometric values are preserved in patients with diabetes mellitus, and there are no defects in diffusing capacity. Cardiovascular factors may account for impaired physical performance. There is no need for routine screening of pulmonary function among diabetic patients.  相似文献   

This study was performed to determine whether the lung histological changes which occur in rabbits following intravenous injection of killed Bacilli Calmette-Guérin (BCG) are accompanied by measurable changes in pulmonary function. We measured pulmonary function in New Zealand white rabbits 3 weeks after intravenous injection of BCG and in normal rabbits. After a tracheostomy and carotid artery catheterization was performed, each anesthetized rabbit was placed in a body plethysmograph for pulmonary function testing. Following the measurements, the lungs were removed for weighing and histological evaluation. In the BCG-treated rabbits, the lung weight/body weight ratios were 152% greater, the pulmonary resistance was 104% higher, dynamic compliance was 45% lower, minute ventilation was 28% greater, and the delta AaPO2 gradient was 13 torr higher than in the normal control rabbits. Histological evaluation of the BCG-treated animals revealed diffuse pulmonary involvement with non-caseating granulomas.  相似文献   

Cigarette smoking and mineral dust exposure combined result in small airways function abnormalities difficult to distinguish from smoking effects alone. To determine if mineral dust or fume exposure in smokers results in additional changes in small airways structure and function, we studied small airways disease and pulmonary function in 25 persons (62.4 +/- 8.8 yr) with exposure to mineral dust or fume for 10 yr or more and compared them individually with control subjects without dust exposure (61.8 +/- 8.5 yr) matched for age, smoking history, and lobe resected. All subjects were patients undergoing surgical resection for isolated coin lesions. Occupational histories and measurements of lung volumes, flow rates, small airways function, diffusing capacity, and pressure-volume relationships were obtained preoperatively. Membranous bronchioles were graded for the presence and degree of mural inflammation, fibrosis, muscle, pigment, and squamous and goblet cell metaplasia. Respiratory bronchioles were similarly graded for inflammation, fibrosis, muscle, pigment, and lumenal macrophages. The dust-exposed group had increased fibrous tissue deposition and goblet cell metaplasia in the membranous bronchioles (p less than 0.05). When the exposed group was divided according to occupation into miners (n = 13) and nonminers exposed in other dusty jobs (n = 12), the pathologic changes were evident in both exposed groups. No differences in pulmonary function were seen between the 2 groups. We conclude that occupational exposure to mineral dust and fume produces structural changes in peripheral airways that are greater than those seen with smoking alone, but these changes were not associated with a greater deterioration in lung function.  相似文献   

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