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PURPOSE: To evaluate the effectiveness of undergraduate medical education in the domains of psychiatry and behavioural sciences, we examined the growth of knowledge in those disciplines in a 6-year, problem-based learning (PBL) curriculum. Psychiatry and behavioural sciences are taught in the 4 preclinical years and in the psychiatric clerkship. The integrative nature of this PBL curriculum led us to hypothesise that the knowledge growth curves for these disciplines are similar and show a steady upward trend throughout the curriculum. METHODS: All items pertaining to psychiatry and behavioural sciences in the progress tests administered in the period from September 1993 through May 2001 were identified. For those items, the percentage of correct scores in the 6 year groups were considered a multivariate observation reflecting knowledge growth across the 6-year programme. RESULTS: Knowledge growth for psychiatry and behavioural sciences increased significantly, from 12% to 59% and from 28% to 60%, respectively, between Year 1 and the end of Year 6. Apparently, students know more about behavioural sciences than about psychiatry when they enter medical school, but this difference vanishes in the last 2 years of training. Moreover, the growth curves for psychiatry and behavioural sciences started to level off after Years 3 and 4, respectively, with no additional significant growth in any of the later years. CONCLUSIONS: Psychiatry and behavioural sciences showed different patterns of knowledge growth and the 2 growth curves levelled off in Years 5 through 6. Because a student-centred, horizontally and vertically integrated PBL curriculum is aimed at effecting steady growth in knowledge in all disciplines, the slowdown in growth in the later years was among the reasons for initiating a major curricular innovation in 2001.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: This study aimed to measure the improvement in attitudes towards interprofessional collaboration of undergraduate health care students who have a single module of interprofessional problem-based learning (PBL) using real patients as triggers integrated into their curricula. DESIGN: A dedicated module, consisting of 5 PBL seminars, was integrated into the undergraduate medical, nursing and physiotherapy curricula at the participating institutions. Seminar groups consisted of students from a single profession in the control group, and of evenly distributed students from the participating professions in the intervention group. The Interdisciplinary Education Perception Scale was used to measure improvements in attitudes towards interprofessional co-operation. Patients, faculty members and students were included in the evaluation of the interprofessional module and their comments examined for indications of adverse effects of the use of patients in this setting. RESULTS: A total of 177 students were recruited into the study and assigned to 1 of 16 seminar groups, all of which attended the complete module, 8 in control mode and 8 in intervention mode. Statistically significant improvements could be identified in the overall attitudes of male students in the intervention group, and in attitudes pertaining to the competence and autonomy of individuals in one's own profession in the intervention group as a whole. No significant improvements were detected in the control group. No adverse effects of the use of real patients came to light. CONCLUSIONS: The integration of an interprofessional educational module that requires limited student and faculty time in undergraduate health care curricula may be proven to have an effect. The Interdisciplinary Education Perception Scale may be suitable for measuring such effect. Real patients may continue to contribute to education in this setting.  相似文献   

General competencies of problem-based learning (PBL) and non-PBL graduates   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
INTRODUCTION: Junior doctors have reported shortcomings in their general competencies, such as organisational skills and teamwork. We explored graduates' perceptions of how well their training had prepared them for medical practice and in general competencies in particular. We compared the opinions of graduates from problem-based learning (PBL) and non-PBL schools, because PBL is supposed to enhance general competencies. METHOD: We analysed the responses of 1159 graduates from 1 PBL and 4 non-PBL schools to a questionnaire survey administered 18 months after graduation. RESULTS: Compared with their non-PBL colleagues, the PBL graduates gave higher ratings for the connection between school and work, their medical training and preparation for practice. According to the graduates, the most frequently used competencies with sufficient coverage during medical training were expert knowledge, profession-specific skills and communication skills. The majority of the PBL graduates, but less than half of the non-PBL graduates, indicated that communication skills had been covered sufficiently. All the graduates called for more curriculum attention on working with computers, planning and organisation, and leadership skills. More PBL graduates than non-PBL graduates indicated that they had learned profession-specific methods, communication skills and teamwork in medical school. DISCUSSION: Overall, the graduates appeared to be satisfied with their knowledge and skills. The results suggest that the PBL school provided better preparation with respect to several of the competencies. However, both PBL and non-PBL graduates identified deficits in their general competencies, such as working with computers and planning and organising work. These competencies should feature more prominently in undergraduate medical education.  相似文献   

Using a diary to quantify learning activities   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
BACKGROUND: Diaries of actual learning activities can fill the gap between the planned curriculum and students' opinions and outcomes. We report the development and validity of such a method, estimate sources of variation and model sampling strategies to determine efficient ways to obtain information about a curriculum or about individual students. METHODS: Following development and piloting, the diary was administered to fourth- and fifth-year medical students. Each student was asked to complete a diary on 3 randomly selected days of the academic year. Sources of variance and generalisability were determined using variance components analysis. Validity was explored by comparing activities with what is known about the curriculum, assessment, timetables and the 2 classes of students. RESULTS: Response rate was 83% (287/345). Learning activities varied as expected with timing of assessments, and on weekdays compared with weekends. For most activities, 14 days per student would be needed to obtain generalisable information about an individual student. The variation between days is greater than the variation between students, meaning that sampling for information on a curriculum should include all students and all days of the year but the number of diaries per student could be kept low depending on the desired power to detect any differences. CONCLUSION: Such an evaluation method is feasible and can provide reliable and valid information about study activities. Reasons for good compliance are discussed. Sampling strategies should be tailored to the purpose of the study.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Computers with 50-inch, wall-mounted plasma screens and broadband Internet access were installed in all small group tutorial rooms at Harvard Medical School. This study examines how the introduction of this educational technology impacted on the problem-based learning tutorials. METHOD: A total of 37 tutorial groups, stratified by year of student, were observed at separate timepoints (autumn 2002, spring 2003) to document the patterns of use of the technologies. Based on these observations, end-of-course surveys were developed and distributed to students and tutors. Observational field notes and open-ended survey responses were qualitatively analysed for themes. RESULTS: Using a 5-point rating scale, both students and tutors indicated that the technologies had a positive impact on their tutorials. In autumn 2002, plasma screens were used for an average of 17.8 and 22.1 minutes per 1-hour observation in Year 1 and 2 tutorials, respectively; in spring 2003, usage declined to 6.9 and 5.9 minutes, respectively. Resources utilised included Internet sites (54% total use time), PowerPoint presentations by students (22%), and course-specific postings (24%). Marked course-specific variation in usage was noted. Observational and survey data revealed that the technologies interrupted the flow of tutorial discussion. Students and tutors expressed concerns that the plasma screens might be altering the process of problem solving in the tutorials. CONCLUSIONS: Both students and tutors reported that the introduction of computers and wall-mounted plasma screens had impacted positively on tutorials. Questions were raised as to how this technology might alter tutorial dynamics. Further research will be needed to investigate these pedagogical concerns.  相似文献   

The preliminary findings of a prospective controlled investigation to evaluate the effects of teaching child and adolescent psychiatry to medical students are presented. The results confirmed that the combined teaching of child and adolescent psychiatry, psychiatry and paediatrics led to significant changes as assessed using a multiple choice questionnaire and an attitude questionnaire. Students who had received the combined teaching acquired greater knowledge and more positive attitudes. Caution is warranted when interpreting the results, however, due to the multiplicity of factors affecting outcome: the absence of any measure of the acquisition of clinical skills; no attempt to determine separate or interactive effects of psychiatry and paediatric teaching; and no measure of stability of the changes over time.  相似文献   

Kenny NP  Beagan BL 《Medical education》2004,38(10):1071-1079
OBJECTIVES: To explore the values and assumptions underlying problem-based learning (PBL) cases through narrative analysis, in order to consider the ways by which paper cases may affect student attitudes and values. METHODS: Randomly chosen PBL cases from the first year curriculum at Dalhousie University medical school (n = 10) were coded by 3 independent reviewers attending to narrative components. RESULTS: The cases generally used spare, objective language, used the passive voice, eliminated agency, and employed linguistic markers to encode scepticism about patient reports. There was almost no sense of the presence of the patient as person in these cases in terms of their words, feelings, or their social and cultural context. The almost complete exclusion of the preferences and priorities of the patient was striking. CONCLUSION: The sample is small, the results only suggestive. Yet it appears that the cases used in PBL may unnecessarily, even unintentionally, encourage student detachment from the messiness of real patients' lives and emotions. Positioning a particular way of seeing - the doctor's gaze - as normative renders less visible the choices that are being made whenever an account is constructed. Including multiple voices in a case would complicate that tidy reduction of choices. Ongoing attempts to enrich the case format should be encouraged. At the same time, students may benefit from being taught the skills for critical analysis of the case itself.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To study changes in student approaches to learning following the introduction of computer-supported, problem-based learning. SETTING: Medical students at the University of Oslo undertake a 12-week period of clinical placement during their 10th term. In this period they continue to undertake problem-based learning (PBL) in the form of distributed problem-based learning (DPBL) in a computer-supported learning environment. DESIGN: A questionnaire focusing on learning styles, PBL, and information and communication technology (ICT) was distributed before and after the DPBL period. SUBJECTS: All students in their 10th term at the University of Oslo (n = 61). RESULTS: The introduction of DPBL did not seem to affect the participants' use of regulating strategies or their mental models of learning. After the DPBL period, group discussion and tutor input were reported to have less influence on students' self-study, while the students perceived themselves as being less active in groups and as expecting less from tutors. There was a relationship between perceived tutor influence and students' familiarity with ICT. The DPBL period seemed to increase students' task-related web accesses and use of experts, and to decrease their task-related use of textbooks and discussions with students outside the group. CONCLUSIONS: Students' general approaches to learning were not affected by the introduction of DPBL. However, there was a decrease in students' expectations concerning activity in the group and the importance of the tutor. These changes were related to students' familiarity with the use of computers. Web-based resources and experts became more important resources to the students during the DPBL period.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: There is inconclusive debate within the literature as to whether the best problem-based learning (PBL) tutors are subject experts or not. The debate hinges on whether knowledgeable tutors are tempted to intervene too often in PBL discussions compared to non-expert tutors, and whether the latter may not be able to sufficiently challenge the students' level of understanding. PURPOSE: To describe approaches used by tutors in PBL tutorials and to identify differences between tutors from medical and non-medical backgrounds. METHODS: The research reported in this paper was undertaken during the academic session 1999-2000 at the University of Liverpool Faculty of Medicine. A qualitative exploratory case study method was used and two PBL groups were observed. One of these groups had a medically qualified tutor and the other had a tutor from a humanities background. The focus of the observation was the discourse between tutor and students, which was analysed using a framework drawn from linguistics. Results were fed back to both the tutors and the students to check their perceptions of the interactions. RESULTS: Analysis of the tutorial group interaction revealed that tutors from both backgrounds used similar techniques to raise students' awareness, facilitate the group process and direct students' learning. Differences were noted between the two tutors: the medical tutor set out to raise students' awareness by using questioning techniques herself, whereas the non-medical tutor expected students to question each other. The non-medical tutor was observed to facilitate the group process more often than the medical tutor. CONCLUSIONS: Qualitative analysis of spoken discourse in PBL tutorials provides valuable insights into the processes involved in PBL, thereby generating material which is useful for both training of and giving feedback to PBL tutors.  相似文献   

Student perceptions of effective small group teaching   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
PURPOSE: The goal of this study was to assess student perceptions of effective small group teaching during preclinical training in a medical school that promotes an integrated, systems-based undergraduate curriculum. In particular, students were asked to comment on small group goals, effective tutor behaviours, pedagogical materials and methods of evaluation. METHODS: Six focus groups were held with 46 Year 1 and 2 medical students to assess their perceptions of effective small group teaching in the 'Basis of Medicine' component of the undergraduate curriculum. Ethnographic content analysis guided the interpretation of the focus group data. RESULTS: Students identified tutor characteristics, a non-threatening group atmosphere, clinical relevance and integration, and pedagogical materials that encourage independent thinking and problem solving as the most important characteristics of effective small groups. Tutor characteristics included personal attributes and the ability to promote group interaction and problem solving. Small group teaching goals providing included opportunities to ask questions, to work as a team, and to learn to problem solve. CONCLUSION: This study highlighted the benefits of soliciting student impressions of effective small group teaching. The students' emphasis on group atmosphere and facilitation skills underscored the value of the tutor as a 'guide' to student learning. Similarly, their comments on effective cases emphasised the importance of clinical relevance, critical thinking and the integration of basic and clinical sciences. This study also suggested future avenues for research, such as a comparison of student and teacher perceptions of small group teaching as well as an analysis of perceptions of effective small group learning across the educational continuum, including undergraduate, postgraduate and continuing professional education.  相似文献   

Leung KK  Lue BH  Lee MB 《Medical education》2003,37(5):410-416
OBJECTIVE: To develop and validate a self-rating instrument to assess teaching styles among tutors in problem-based learning (PBL). METHODS: The development of the teaching style inventory (TSI) was based theoretically on four types of teaching behaviours: the assertive, suggestive, collaborative and facilitative styles, as proposed by Bibace et al. A 35-item questionnaire was generated and evaluated for content validity by a group of experienced tutors. The questionnaire was mailed to 196 tutors at the National Taiwan University College of Medicine. The results were submitted for item analysis, internal consistency testing and exploratory factor analysis. Longterm test-retest reliability was assessed by a sample of 50 tutors after a 6-month interval. RESULTS: Finally, 118 tutors returned the questionnaires. In the item reduction process, seven items were excluded due to low interscale correlation. Principle component factoring yielded a three-factor solution that accounted for 48.5% of the total variance. Internal consistency coefficients of the four hypothetical domains ranged from 0.73 to 0.83. All domains correlated to each other as expected. Assertive and facilitative styles, which are theoretically opposite teaching styles, showed a negative correlation with each other. Most of the items of each hypothetical domain correlated better with their own domain than with other domains. Longterm test-retest correlations of the four domains ranged from 0.54 to 0.81. CONCLUSION: The TSI demonstrated high internal consistency reliability, acceptable longterm test-retest reliability, and construct validity. Further psychometric testing should focus on applicability to other populations, predictive validity and short-term test-retest reliability. This instrument can be used by programme directors for the recruitment of tutors and can also be used to increase the self-awareness of tutors.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To explore the impact of undergraduate psychiatry placements in primary care settings on students' learning and attitudes to mental illness. DESIGN: Questionnaire survey and qualitative in-depth interviews. SETTING: A primary care-based psychiatry undergraduate teaching programme at Royal Free and University College Medical School, London. PARTICIPANTS: A total of 145/183 (79.2%) students attending the primary care-based programme over 2 academic years completed a questionnaire survey. In-depth interviews were conducted with 14 students, 12 general practitioner (GP) tutors and 20 patients participating in the course. RESULTS: In the questionnaire survey, 121/144 (84.0%) students valued the primary care-based teaching highly. In total, 87/139 (62.6%) students felt their attitudes to mental illness had changed as a result of the course. In-depth interviews demonstrated 4 key benefits of the teaching programme: increasing breadth of experience, understanding the patients' experience, learning about mental illness from a GP's perspective and changing students' attitudes towards mental illness. The students' attitudinal shift comprised 2 main dimensions; 'normalisation' of mental illness and increased empathy. CONCLUSIONS: Learning psychiatry in primary care settings offers students a broader experience of a range of patients than in hospital settings and encourages a 'person-centred' approach, which in turn can have a positive impact on their attitudes to mental illness, reducing stereotyping and increasing empathy.  相似文献   

To explore student perceptions of factors contributing to the effectiveness of discussions in the reporting phase of the problem-based learning (PBL) process, where students report and synthesise the results of self-study. Forty-eight Year 1 and 2 medical students participated in 6 focus group interviews about the characteristics of effective group discussions and possible improvements. The data were analysed qualitatively in several stages. The analysis yielded 4 main characteristics of effective discussions: asking for, giving and receiving explanations; integrating and applying knowledge; discussing differences with regard to learning content, and guiding and monitoring the content and the group process of the discussion. Integrating and applying knowledge included structuring, relating and summarising information and providing examples from practice. Discussing different opinions included discussing a variety of literature resources and disagreements. The main learning effects mentioned by the students were retention, understanding, integration and application of knowledge. Students have clear ideas about what promotes effective discussions during the reporting phase. Their PBL experience has provided them with some insights that are in line with theory and research on collaborative learning. Future research should examine differences between student and tutor perceptions of the quality of discussions. Introductions to PBL for students and tutors should include training in asking open but focused questions, supporting explanations with arguments and dealing with conflicts about learning content. Tutors should be trained in giving effective and personal feedback. Collaborative creation of external knowledge representations (i.e. concept maps) should be advocated, as should variety of literature resources.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: This study examined the influence of gender on undergraduate performance in psychiatry among final year medical students at the University College Hospital, Ibadan, Nigeria. METHODS: Results in all parts of the examination in psychiatry for the 2001 graduating class were obtained. In addition, performance scores were obtained for entrance examinations to medical school, preclinical subjects (anatomy, physiology and biochemistry) and clinical subjects (paediatrics, obstetrics and gynaecology, internal medicine and surgery). The mean marks according to gender, with 95% intervals, were calculated and tested for significance. RESULTS: A total of 234 students (160 men and 74 women) took the examinations in psychiatry. Women performed better than men in both the multiple choice questions (MCQ) examination (P = 0.0044) and the clinical assessment (P= 0.0000063). The women were significantly younger than the men (P = 0-0000007) and performance in both parts of the examination decreased with increasing age. There were no differences between the genders in entrance examination scores or preclinical scores but there were significant differences between the genders in performance in clinical subjects such as paediatrics, obstetrics and gynaecology and internal medicine. CONCLUSION: Women performed better than men in all parts of the psychiatry examination, with the difference being more marked in the clinical aspect. A superior performance on the part of women was noted in all clinical subjects. However, where an examination did not involve verbal interaction, there was no difference in performance between the genders. A direct correlation between increasing age and decreasing performance in examinations was also seen.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Implementing problem-based learning (PBL) in the clinical years of a medical degree presents particular challenges. This study investigated the effectiveness of using an online Clinical Reasoning Guide to assist integration of PBL in the clinical setting and promote further development of students' clinical reasoning abilities. METHOD: A total of 52 students in 6 PBL groups, together with their 6 clinical tutors, participated in the study. Data were analysed from videotaped observations of tutorial activity and follow-up, semistructured interviews. RESULTS: From both the student facilitators' and the clinical tutors' perspectives, the Guide proved an effective tool for augmenting the PBL process in clinical settings and promoting the development of clinical reasoning. By combining computer-aided learning with collaborative PBL tutorials it promoted individual as well as collaborative reasoning. There is also evidence to suggest that the Guide prompted students to look more critically at their own, their colleagues' and other clinicians' reasoning processes.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To compare the academic performance of students on the previous, classical, discipline- and lecture-based, traditional curriculum with that of subsequent students who followed an innovative, problem- and community-based curriculum. METHODS: This was a retrospective study that analysed the records of students who enrolled on the doctor training programme between 1985 and 1995, and the records of students who graduated from the programme between 1989 and 2002. OUTCOMES: The educational outcomes assessed were the attrition and graduation rates on the traditional curriculum and those on the innovative curriculum. RESULTS: A total of 149 students on the traditional curriculum and 145 students on the innovative curriculum were studied. Overall, 23% of the traditional cohort as opposed to 10.3% of the innovative cohort dropped out of the course (P = 0.0041) and 55% of the traditional cohort as opposed to 67% of the innovative cohort graduated within the minimum period of 6 years (P < 0.001). The mean throughput period was 6.71 (0.09) years in the traditional cohort and 6.44 (0.07) years in the innovative cohort (P = 0.014) CONCLUSION: The introduction of the problem-based learning/community-based education (PBL/CBE) curriculum coincided with improved academic performance. The PBL/CBE approach to medical education may have contributed to this improvement.  相似文献   

The objective structured clinical examination in undergraduate psychiatry   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Inadequate attention has been given to verifying the psychometric attributes of the objective structured clinical examination (OSCE), yet its popularity has been increasing in recent years. Our 6 years' experience in Nigeria showed that OSCE is practicable in undergraduate psychiatry assessment and there is evidence over consecutive years that it has satisfactory reliability and criterion-based validity. The importance of students' feedback in assessing the quality of examination is reinforced, and subtle, less tangible elements which determine students' performance, such as social interactional mystique and some personality traits, are worthy of evaluative research.  相似文献   

A health promotion module for undergraduate medical students   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper describes a 4-day module on health promotion which is part of the undergraduate programme for medical students at the University of Edinburgh. Early experience of the module from both the learner and teacher perspectives are reported. The module is part of a new 4-week course on community medicine for fourth- and fifth-year students and is a collaborative venture between people working in the field of health promotion in the University, the local health service and the national health education organization, the Scottish Health Education Group. The aims of the module, together with details about the content, teaching methods and form of assessment are described. Some of the formal evaluation results are presented. The module has proved highly popular with both students and teachers. The paper concludes with a discussion of the key factors that have been important in the successful development of the module.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: We investigated the influence of harsh grading by tutors on tutor performance rating by students. METHODS: A total of 187 tutors assessed students' professional behaviour in tutorial groups. Students rated tutor performance after receiving their grades for professional behaviour. In addition, students were asked to indicate whether they perceived their professional behaviour grades as too positive, adequate or too negative. This was considered to reflect tutors' harshness of grading. Students also rated the quality of the feedback they received from tutors with respect to their grades. RESULTS: Professional behaviour grades that students perceived as too negative, adequate or too positive were associated with tutor performance ratings of 7.4 (SD = 0.9, scale 1-10, n = 33), 7.7 (SD = 0.9, scale 1-10, n = 95) and 7.5 (SD = 0.8, scale 1-10, n = 59), respectively. Harshness of grading did not influence tutor performance ratings significantly. Tutor ratings were predicted more effectively by the quality of the feedback tutors provided on grades than by the harshness of grading. CONCLUSIONS: Tutor performance ratings were not related significantly to harshness of grading. Two explanations can be given: (1) tutor performance ratings were based on rating by groups of students and (2) the percentage of tutors who rated students' professional behaviour as unsatisfactory was low. The strong relationship between tutor performance ratings and the adequacy of the feedback given by tutors suggests that the tutor performance ratings collected in this study are a valid measure of the quality of their teaching, although, for a full picture of teaching quality, more measures will be needed.  相似文献   

Lempp HK 《Medical education》2005,39(3):318-325
INTRODUCTION: The practice of dissection, as part of undergraduate medical education, has recently resurfaced in the public eye. This paper focuses on a number of important learning outcomes that were reported by Year 1-5 medical students in a British medical school, during the dissection sessions in the first 2 years of their training, as part of a wider qualitative research project into undergraduate medical education. METHODS: A group of 29 students was selected by quota sampling, using the whole student population of the medical school as the sampling frame. Qualitative data were collected by 1 : 1 interviews with students and from formal non-participatory observations of dissection sessions. RESULTS: Apart from learning to cope with the overt 'emotional confrontation' with the cadavers which assists anatomical learning, 7 additional covert learning outcomes were identified by the students: teamwork, respect for the body, familiarisation of the body, application of practical skills, integration of theory and practice, preparation for clinical work, and appreciation of the status of dissection within the history of medicine. DISCUSSION: A number of medical schools have either removed the practical, hands-on aspect of dissection in the medical undergraduate curriculum or are seriously considering such a measure, on financial and/or human resource grounds. This study highlights the fact that dissection can impart anatomical knowledge as well as offer other relevant, positive learning opportunities to enhance the skills and attitudes of future doctors.  相似文献   

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