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Invariant natural killer T-cells ('iNKT') are the best-known CD1d-restricted T-cells, with recently-defined roles in controlling adaptive immunity. CD1d-restricted T-cells can rapidly produce large amounts of Th1 and/or Th2//Treg/Th17-type cytokines, thereby regulating immunity. iNKT can stimulate potent anti-tumor immune responses via production of Th1 cytokines, direct cytotoxicity, and activation of effectors. However, Th2//Treg-type iNKT can inhibit anti-tumor activity. Furthermore, iNKT are decreased and/or reversibly functionally impaired in many advanced cancers. In some cases, CD1d-restricted T-cell cancer defects can be traced to CD1d(+) tumor interactions, since hematopoietic, prostate, and some other tumors can express CD1d. Ligand and IL-12 can reverse iNKT defects and therapeutic opportunities exist in correcting such defects alone and in combination. Early stage clinical trials have shown potential for reconstitution of iNKT IFN-gamma responses and evidence of activity in a subset of patients, with rational new approaches to capitalize on this progress ongoing, as will be discussed here.  相似文献   

Natural killer T (NKT) lymphocytes rapidly produce several cytokines, including IL-4 and IFN-gamma, upon activation, and act as regulatory cells at an early interphase of innate and adaptive immune responses. They have been implicated as important elements in diverse immune responses including the regulation of autoimmune disease, the immune response to infections, and the prevention of tumor metastasis. The broad spectrum of their activities suggested that functionally different subsets of NKT cells may exist. We demonstrate two functionally distinct splenic NKT populations identified by the expression of CD49b and CD69, respectively. Each NKT subset was represented by the amplified transgenic NKT cell population in a distinct transgenic mouse line expressing a CD1d-restricted TCR. CD49bhigh CD69- NKT cells, termed NKT1 cells by us, were high producers of IFN-gamma after stimulation, but essentially devoid of IL-4-synthesizing cells. Most NKT1 cells used diverse (non-Valpha14-canonical) TCR. The CD69+ CD49(-/low) NKT cell population, which we term NKT2, produced large quantities of IL-4 and substantial amounts of IFN-gamma upon activation and were dominated by cells using the canonical Valpha14-Jalpha18 T cell receptor. Knowledge of the unique roles of the different NKT cell subsets in specific situations will be essential for our understanding of NKT cell biology.  相似文献   

CD1d-restricted NKT cells are a novel T cell lineage with unusual features. They co-express some NK cell receptors and recognize glycolipid antigens through an invariant T cell receptor (TCR) in the context of CD1d molecules. Upon activation through the TCR, NKT cells produce large amounts of IFN-gamma and IL-4. It has been proposed that rapid cytokine output by activated NKT cells may induce bystander activation of other lymphoid lineages. The impact of CD1d-restricted NKT cell activation in the induction of B cell-mediated immune responses to infection is still unclear. We show here that CD1-restricted NKT cells contribute to malarial splenomegaly associated with expansion of the splenic B cell pool and enhance parasite-specific antibody formation in response to Plasmodium berghei infection. The increased B cell-mediated response correlates with the ability of NKT cells to promote Th2 immune responses. Additionally, antibody responses against the glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored protein merozoite surface protein 1 (MSP-1) were found to be significantly lower in CD1(-/-) mice compared to wild-type animals. P. berghei-infected MHC class II (MHCII)(-/-) mice also generated antibodies against MSP-1, suggesting that antibody production against GPI-anchored antigens in response to malaria infection can arise from both MHCII-dependent and independent pathways.  相似文献   

Natural killer T (NKT) cells are a unique subset of T lymphocytes that share receptor structures and properties with conventional T lymphocytes and natural killer (NK) cells. NKT cells are specific for glycolipid antigens such as the marine sponge-derived agent α-galactosylceramide (α-GalCer) presented by the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I-like molcule CD1d. My laboratory has evaluated the function of NKT cells by generating and analyzing CD1d-deficient mice. These studies showed that CD1d expression is required for NKT cell development, but not absolutely necessary for the generation of polarized T helper (Th) cell responses. Further, we have studied the in vivo response of NKT cells toα-GalCer stimulation and the capacity of α-GalCer to modulate innate and adaptive immune responses. Our results revealed that, quickly following administration of α-GalCer, NKT cells expand and produce cytokines, trans-activate a variety of innate and adaptive immune cells, and promote Th2 responses that are capable of suppressing Th1-dominant autoimmunity. Our findings indicate that NKT cells play a regulatory role in the immune response and that specific activation of these cells may be exploited for therapeutic purposes.  相似文献   

Using genetic and phenotypic analyses, we have analyzed the developmental pathway of mouse CD1d-restricted invariant NKT cells. We provide strong evidence that similar to conventional T cells, positive selection of NKT cells occurs during a CD4(+)CD8(+) stage. Later stages of NKT cell development involved the down-regulation of both TCR and CD4 levels and therefore diverge from conventional T cell development pathways. A unique and complete dependency for development on Fyn, a Src family kinase member, also distinguishes the NKT cell and conventional T cell populations.  相似文献   

Vα24-invariant natural killer T cells (NKTs) are strictly CD1d-restricted, and CD1d expression has been found in several types of leukemia and lymphoma as well as in brain tumors suggesting that these malignancies could be targeted for direct NKT-cell cytotoxicity. Several studies have revealed strong positive associations between the numbers of tumor-infiltrating or circulating NKTs with improved disease outcome in patients with diverse types of CD1d-negative solid tumors. The mechanism by which NKTs mediate anti-tumor activity against CD1d-negative tumors has long remained enigmatic. Recent evidence indicates that NKTs can suppress tumor growth indirectly by targeting CD1d-positive elements of tumor-supportive stroma such as tumor-associated macrophages. This review summarizes the current knowledge about the mechanisms that regulate NKT-cell localization to the tumor site and their interaction with the tumor microenvironment. The discussed strategies for pharmacologic modulation and genetic engineering of NKTs may lead to development of effective and broadly applicable immunotherapies of cancer.  相似文献   

Invariant CD1d‐restricted NKT cells play important roles in regulating both innate and adaptive immunity. They are targeted by HIV‐1 infection and severely reduced in number or even lost in many infected subjects. Here, we have investigated the characteristics of NKT cells retained by some patients despite chronic HIV‐1 infection. NKT cells preserved under these circumstances displayed an impaired ability to proliferate and produce IFN‐γ in response to CD1d‐restricted lipid antigen as compared with cells from uninfected control subjects. HIV‐1 infection was associated with an elevated expression of the inhibitory programmed death‐1 (PD‐1) receptor (CD279) on the CD4? subset of NKT cells. However, blocking experiments indicated that the functional defects in NKT cells were largely PD‐1‐independent. Furthermore, the elevated PD‐1 expression and the functional defects were not restored by anti‐retroviral treatment, and the NKT cell numbers in blood did not recover significantly in response to treatment. The functional phenotype of NKT cells in these patients suggests an irreversible immune exhaustion due to chronic activation in vivo. The data demonstrate a severe functional impairment in the remaining NKT‐cell compartment in HIV‐1‐infected patients, which limits the prospects to mobilize these cells in immunotherapy approaches in patients.  相似文献   

CD1d deficiency exacerbates inflammatory dermatitis in MRL-lpr/lpr mice   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Mechanisms responsible for the development of autoimmune skin disease in humans and animal models with lupus remain poorly understood. In this study, we have investigated the role of CD1d, an antigen-presenting molecule known to activate natural killer T cells, in the development of inflammatory dermatitis in lupus-susceptible MRL-lpr/lpr mice. In particular, we have established MRL-lpr/lpr mice carrying a germ-line deletion of the CD1d genes. We demonstrate that CD1d-deficient MRL-lpr/lpr mice, as compared with wild-type littermates, have more frequent and more severe skin disease, with increased local infiltration with mast cells, lymphocytes and dendritic cells, including Langerhans cells. CD1d-deficient MRL-lpr/lpr mice had increased prevalence of CD4(+) T cells in the spleen and liver and of TCR alpha beta (+)B220(+) cells in lymph nodes. Furthermore, CD1d deficiency was associated with decreased T cell production of type 2 cytokines and increased or unchanged type 1 cytokines. These findings indicate a regulatory role of CD1d in inflammatory dermatitis. Understanding the mechanisms by which CD1d deficiency results in splenic T cell expansion and cytokine alterations, with increased dermal infiltration of dendritic cells and lymphocytes in MRL-lpr/lpr mice, will have implications for the pathogenesis of inflammatory skin diseases.  相似文献   

Human and murine natural T (NT) cells, also referred to as NK1.1+ or NK T cells, express TCR with homologous V regions (hAV24/BV11 and mAV14/BV8, respectively) and conserved “invariant” TCR AVAJ junctional sequences, suggesting recognition of closely related antigens. Murine NT cells recognize CD1-expressing cells and are activated in a CD1-restricted fashion by several synthetic α-glycosylceramides, such as α-GalCer. Here we studied the reactivity of human T cells against CD1d+ cells pulsed or not with α-GalCer and other related ceramides. CD1d-restricted recognition of α-GalCer was a general and specific feature of T cell clones expressing both BV11 and canonical AV24AJ18 TCR chains. Besides, human and murine NT cells showed the same reactivity patterns against a set of related glycosylceramides, suggesting a highly conserved mode of recognition of these antigens in humans and rodents. We also identified several AV24BV11 T cell clones self reactive against CD1+ cells of both hemopoietic and nonhemopoietic origin, suggesting the existence of distinct NT cell subsets differing by their ability to recognize self CD1d molecules.  相似文献   

Sulfatide‐reactive CD1d‐restricted natural killer T (NKT) lymphocytes belong to the type II NKT cell subset with diverse TCRs, and have been found to regulate experimental auto‐immune encephalomyelitis, tumor immunity, and experimental hepatitis in murine models. NKT cells can be activated by self‐lipids presented by CD1d, manifested as autoreactivity. The identity of most of these self‐lipids remains unknown. By isolating lipids from a CD1d‐expressing, highly stimulatory antigen presenting cell, we identified isoforms of β‐glucosylceramide (GlcCer), with sphingosine and fatty acid chain lengths of C24:0 and C16:0, that activated a sulfatide‐reactive type II NKT cell hybridoma. A screen of structurally related glycosphingolipids demonstrated β‐galactosylceramide (GalCer) as another ligand, and further, that the lysoforms were the most potent isoform of the glycosphingo‐lipid ligands, followed by isoforms with a long fatty acid chain of C24. Thus, the same type II NKT cell was activated by several ligands, namely sulfatide, GlcCer, and GalCer. However, CD1d‐dependent reactivity to antigen presenting cells lacking all GlcCer‐based glycosphingolipids, or all glycosphingolipids, was maintained. This suggests that other endogenous, nonglycosphingolipid, lipid ligands contribute to steady‐state autoreactivity by type II NKT cells.  相似文献   

CD1d-restricted NKT cells are activated by TCR-mediated stimulation via CD1d plus lipid antigens such as alpha-galactosylceramide (alpha-GalCer). These cells suppressed autoimmunity and graft rejection, but sometimes enhanced resistance to infection and tumor immunity. This double-action phenomenon of NKT cells is partly explained by cytokines produced by NKT cells. Therefore, roles of cytokines from activated NKT cells have been extensively examined; however, their roles on T cell homeostatic proliferation in lymphopenic condition have not been investigated. Here, we showed that alpha-GalCer enhanced homeostatic proliferation of CD8+ but not CD4+ T cells and this effect of alpha-GalCer was required for NKT cells. IL-4 was essential and sufficient for this NKT cell action on CD8+ T cell homeostatic proliferation. Importantly, the expression of IL-4Ralpha and STAT6 in CD8+ T cells was essential for the NKT activity, indicating a direct action of IL-4 on CD8+ T cells. Consistent with this, the level of IL-4Ralpha expression on memory phenotype CD8(+) T cells was higher than that on naive phenotype one and CD4+ T cells. Thus, these results showed the 'involvement' of IL-4 that is produced from activated NKT cells for CD8+ T cell homeostatic proliferation in vivo.  相似文献   

Invariant NKT cells are important in the activation and regulation of immune responses. They can also function as CD1d-restricted killer cells. However, the role of activating innate NK-cell receptors expressed on NKT cells in triggering cytolytic function is poorly characterized. Here, we initially confirmed that the cellular stress-ligand receptor NKG2D is expressed on CD4- NKT cells, whereas most CD4+ NKT cells lack this receptor. Interestingly, NKG2D+ NKT cells frequently expressed perforin, and both NKG2D and perforin localized at the site of contact with NKG2D ligand-expressing target cells. CD4- NKT cells degranulated in response to NKG2D engagement in a redirected activation assay independent of stimulation via their invariant TCR. NKT cells killed P815 cells coated with anti-NKG2D mAb and CD1d-negative K562 tumor target cells in an NKG2D-dependent manner. Furthermore, NKG2D engagement co-stimulated TCR-mediated NKT-cell activation in response to endogenous CD1d-presented ligands or suboptimal levels of anti-CD3 triggering. These data indicate that the CD4- subset of human NKT cells can mediate direct lysis of target cells via NKG2D engagement independent of CD1d, and that NKG2D also functions as a co-stimulatory receptor in these cells. NKG2D thus plays both a direct and a co-stimulatory role in the activation of NKT cells.  相似文献   

Medulloblastoma (MB) is the most common malignant brain tumor of childhood. Current therapies are toxic and not always curative that necessitates development of targeted immunotherapy. However, little is known about immunobiology of this tumor. In this study, we show that MB cells in 9 of 20 primary tumors express CD1d, an antigen-presenting molecule for Natural Killer T cells (NKTs). Quantitative RT-PCR analysis of 61 primary tumors revealed an elevated level of CD1d mRNA expression in a molecular subgroup characterized by an overactivation of Sonic Hedgehog (SHH) oncogene compared with Group 4. CD1d-positive MB cells cross-presented glycolipid antigens to activate NKT-cell cytotoxicity. Intracranial injection of NKTs resulted in regression of orthotopic MB xenografts in NOD/SCID mice. Importantly, the numbers and function of peripheral blood type-I NKTs were preserved in MB patients. Therefore, CD1d is expressed on tumor cells in a subset of MB patients and represents a novel target for immunotherapy.  相似文献   

Invariant NKT (iNKT) cells recognize lipid antigens presented by CD1d and respond rapidly by killing tumor cells and release cytokines that activate and regulate adaptive immune responses. They are essential for tumor rejection in various mouse models, but clinical trials in humans involving iNKT cells have been less successful, partly due to their rarity in humans compared with mice. Here we describe an accumulation of functional iNKT cells in human omentum, a migratory organ with healing properties. Analysis of 39 omental samples revealed that T cells are the predominant lymphoid cell type and of these, 10% expressed the invariant Vα24Jα18 TCR chain, found on iNKT cells, higher than in any other human organ tested to date. About 15% of omental hematopoietic cells expressed CD1d, compared with 1% in blood (p<0.001). Enriched omental iNKT cells killed CD1d+ targets and released IFN‐γ and IL‐4 upon activation. Omental iNKT‐cell frequencies were lower in patients with severe obesity (p=0.005), and with colorectal carcinoma (p=0.004) compared with lean healthy subjects. These data suggest a novel role for the omentum in immune regulation and tumor immunity and identify it as a potential source of iNKT cells for therapeutic use.  相似文献   

The molecular and cellular mechanisms that generate the T(h)2 cytokine environment necessary for the maintenance of pregnancy are still not fully understood. We herein show that the human decidua is highly enriched for TCR alpha beta(+)CD161(+) NKT cells. They express non-invariant antigen receptors encoded by diverse TCRV alpha- and V beta-chain gene segments, thereby referred to as non-invariant NKT (non-iNKT) cells. In spite of their diverse TCR expression, they do not recognize fetal allo-antigens but specifically responded to CD1d-transfected cell lines. In contrast to the peripheral blood non-iNKT cells, the decidua-residing non-iNKT cells had a marked T(h)2 bias. In addition, they suppress the mixed leukocyte reaction directed against the paternal antigens. The T(h)2 cytokines have been known to stimulate trophoblast outgrowth and invasion. Thereby, the non-iNKT cells residing in the decidual tissue may have a functionally important interaction with the villous and extravillous trophoblast cells expressing CD1d and may therefore play a pivotal role in successful pregnancy by inhibiting fetal rejection and enhancing placental growth. These findings may reflect one mechanism that is an essential component for the T(h)2 environment necessary for the maintenance of pregnancy.  相似文献   

Vaccinia virus (VV) has been most commonly used as the vaccine to protect individuals against the causative agent of smallpox (variola virus), but it also uses a number of strategies meant to evade or blunt the host's antiviral immune response. Natural killer T (NKT) cells are a subset of immunoregulatory CD1d-restricted T lymphocytes believed to bridge the innate and adaptive immune responses. It is shown here that the VV-encoded molecules, B1R and H5R, play a role in the ability of VV to inhibit CD1d-mediated antigen presentation to NKT cells. These are the first poxvirus-encoded molecules identified that can play such a role in the evasion of an important component of the innate immune response.  相似文献   

Infection with HIV results in a progressive depletion of CD4+ T cells and leads to significant in vivo lymphocyte phenotype changes. In this regard, the expression of HLA-DR and CD38 on CD8+ T cells has been shown to increase dramatically with disease progression. We investigated the expression of both activation markers on CD4+ T cells in HIV-1-infected subjects at different clinical stages of infection and compared the in vivo activation of CD4+ T cells with parameters of viral activity and CD8+ T cell activation. Fresh peripheral venous blood was obtained from 54 HIV-infected subjects and from 28 uninfected healthy controls. Three-colour immunophenotyping of the CD4+ T cell subset showed that the proportion of CD4+ T cells expressing HLA-DR (10% in HIV-negative controls) or CD38 (62% in HIV-negative controls) was higher in asymptomatic (P < 0.05 for CD38) and symptomatic (P < 0.001 for HLA-DR and CD38) HIV-infected subjects than in controls, whereas the proportion of CD4+ T cells expressing CD45RO (54% in controls) remained relatively unchanged. Simultaneous expression of HLA-DR and CD38 on CD4+ T cells increased from 2.3% in controls to 11% (P < 0.001) in asymptomatic and 22% (P < 0.001) in symptomatic HIV-infected subjects. This relative increase of CD38 and HLA-DR expression occurred mainly on CD4+ T cells co-expressing CD45RO. Changes in expression of HLA-DR and CD38 on CD4+ T cells correlated with similar changes on CD8+ T lymphocytes, with the presence of HIV antigen in the circulation, and with the disease stage of HIV infection.  相似文献   

IL-15 is thought to be involved in the pathogenesis of rheumatoid arthritis (RA). We found that IL-15 plays an important role in the development of murine collagen-induced arthritis (CIA). The incidence and severity of CIA were slightly decreased in IL-15 KO mice but were increased in IL-15 Tg mice compared with wild-type (WT) mice. The levels of type II collagen (CII)-specific IL-17 production were significantly increased in IL-15 Tg mice compared with WT mice with CIA. Expression of IL-23R was up-regulated in CD4(+) T cells in IL-15 Tg mice but down-regulated in IL-15 KO mice compared with WT mice. In correlation with the expression levels of IL-23R, IL-17 production by CD4(+) T cells in response to exogenous IL-23 was increased in IL-15 Tg mice compared with WT mice. Furthermore, exogenous IL-15 synergized with IL-23 to induce CII-specific IL-17 production by CD4(+) T cells in vitro. Taken together, these results indicate that IL-15 plays an important role in the progression of CIA through increasing antigen-specific IL-17 production by CD4(+) T cells.  相似文献   

Lang GA  Exley MA  Lang ML 《Immunology》2006,119(1):116-125
Specific interaction of class II/peptide with the T-cell receptor (TCR) expressed by class II-restricted CD4+ T helper (Th) cells is essential for in vivo production of antibodies reactive with T-dependent antigen. In response to stimulation with CD1d-binding glycolipid, Valpha14+ TCR-expressing, CD1d-restricted natural killer T (NKT) cells may provide additional help for antibody production. We tested the hypothesis that the CD1d-binding glycolipid alpha-galactosylceramide (alpha-GC) enhances production of antibodies reactive with T-dependent antigen in vivo. alpha-GC enhanced antibody production in vivo in a CD1d-dependent manner in the presence of class II-restricted Th cells and induced a limited antibody response in Th-deficient mice. alpha-GC also led to alterations in isotype switch, selectively increasing production of immunoglobulin G2b. Further analysis revealed that alpha-GC led to priming of class II-restricted Th cells in vivo. Additionally, we observed that alpha-GC enhanced production of antibodies reactive with T-independent antigen, showing the effects of NKT cells on B cells independently of Th cells. Our data show that NKT cells have multiple effects on the induction of a humoral immune response. We propose that NKT cells could be exploited for the development of novel vaccines where protective antibody is required.  相似文献   

Background: CD1d-dependent invariant natural killer (iNKT) cells are found as either CD4 single positive (SP) or CD4/CD8 double negative (DN) cells in mice. The size of the CD8+ iNKT population is extremely small. It is known that CD1d expression on developing thymocytes is sufficient for iNKT development and co-receptor choice, which is driven by Th-POK expression. This study aimed to examine the factors involved in the CD4/CD8 co-receptor choice of iNKT cells in addition to Th-POK-driven silencing of CD8 expression. Methods: In this study, we compared iNKT cells of wild-type (WT) mice with those of transgenic mice in which CD1d expression is restricted to developing thymocytes by the proximal Lck (pLCK) promoter. CD8 positive iNKT cell population were analyzed by flow cytometry. Results: We found that there was a substantial population of CD8+ iNKT cells in the thymus and spleen of transgenic mice, and these cells are negatively selected in between Stage 2 and Stage 3 of their developmental program by the CD1d expressed on Thymic epithelial cell (TEC) and Dendritic cells in WT mice. Conclusion: We conclude that TEC expression of CD1d in the murine thymus contributed to co-receptor choice of iNKT cells, in addition to Th-POK-driven silencing of CD8. Therefore, mostly CD4 SP and DN iNKT cells are produced under normal physiological conditions in mice.  相似文献   

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