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目的探讨长脉冲翠绿宝石激光脱毛的临床疗效。方法使用翠绿宝石长脉冲激光(波长755nm,脉宽20ms。光斑直径10mm)对2240例患者进行脱毛治疗,治疗能量l5~25J/cm^2,两次治疗间隔1~4个月。结果不同部位脱毛疗效不尽相同,四肢、腋窝的疗效较好,1次治疗的脱毛率约30%,2次为50%,3次为70%,而唇部、腮部、乳晕及毛痣的脱毛率较低。所有患者均有不同程度的毛发延迟生长。治疗结束后48个月的随访结果表明,治疗结束6个月后毛发密度不再增加。结论长脉冲翠绿宝石激光脱毛疗效稳定,为永久性脱毛,且无副作用。  相似文献   

目的 探讨Lightsheer Duet半导体激光对不同部位脱毛的疗效及安全性,比较大激光孔高速手具及标准手具两种模式脱腋毛效果的差异性.方法 使用Lightsheer Duet半导体激光脱毛仪对200例要求脱毛治疗者的不同部位进行脱毛治疗,4~8周治疗1次,4次为1个疗程.观察治疗后的疗效及不良反应.选取其中30例腋下脱毛者,采取自身左右对照方式治疗,即左侧腋下采用高速手具、右侧腋采用标准手具进行治疗,观察疗效有无差异.结果 200例脱毛治疗者经过4次治疗后毛发较治疗前明显减少,总有效率达95.45%,且随治疗次数的增加,总有效率相应增高.3例出现色素沉着,均在治疗后1~3个月内消退.30例腋下脱毛者中,两种治疗手具3次脱腋毛治疗后总有效率均为100%,两者差异无统计学意义,高速手具脱毛疼痛更轻微.结论 Lightsheer Duet半导体激光脱毛是安全、高效的脱毛方法,其中的高速手具操作更快速、舒适.  相似文献   

目的:评价连续半导体激光脱毛的临床疗效及安全性.方法:应用波长为810 nm的连续半导体激光对1 642例患者进行脱毛.4~8周治疗1次,观察治疗后的疗效及不良反应.结果:经过3次治疗后毛发较治疗前明显减少 不同部位脱毛率不同,外阴(比基尼)、腋下和发际效果最好 面颊、唇部脱毛效果最差,3次脱毛有效率达100%.8例患者治疗后出现色素沉着,均于术后1~6个月内消退.结论:连续半导体激光脱毛是一种安全、有效的脱毛方法.  相似文献   

Lightsheer 800nm半导体激光脱毛的疗效与安全性   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
目的评价Lightsheer 800nm半导体激光脱毛的疗效及安全性。方法使用Lightsheer 800nm半导体激光脱毛仪对432例要求脱毛治疗者的不同部位,包括发际、唇毛、络腮胡、腋毛、胸部、背部、腰骶(隐性脊柱裂)、比基尼区及四肢行脱毛治疗,并对效果及安全性进行评价。结果脱毛治疗者治疗最少2次,最多29次,总有效率:发际63.64%、唇毛67.72%、络腮胡71.79%、腋毛100%、胸部100%、背部100%、腰骶47.92%、比基尼区100%、四肢82.61%,随着治疗次数的增加总有效率不断提高。不良反应为暂时性色素减退4例,色素沉着9例,未见瘢痕。结论Light—sheer 800nm半导体激光是安全、高效的脱毛方法。  相似文献   

长脉冲翠绿宝石激光脱毛并发症的防治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨长脉冲翠绿宝石激光脱毛并发症的发生原因及防治方法 .方法 使用长脉冲翠绿宝石激光,波长755 nm,脉宽20 ms,光斑直径12.5 mm,对2 562例(3 279部位)美容就医者进行脱毛,治疗能量12.0~16.5 J/cm2,两次间隔时间50~60 d.结果 治疗期出现红斑、皮疹、瘙痒、水疱、色素沉着或色素减退、瘢痕等并发症共236例(242部位),效果不佳6例.结论 长脉冲翠绿宝石激光脱毛是一种安全有效的脱毛方法 ,治疗中规范操作能减少并发症的发生率.  相似文献   

目的 观察半导体激光脱毛的疗效及治疗时间、能量及部位对脱毛效果的影响。方法 观察了 13 5 9例患者 ,采用Lightsheer半导体激光脱毛机 ,波长 80 0nm ,光斑直径 9mm× 9mm ,能量密度值 10~ 40J/cm2 ,治疗部位刮除毛发 ,逐渐增加治疗能量至毛囊焦化破坏 ,每次治疗间隔 2个月。详细记录治疗部位及治疗前后毛发颜色、密度 (根 /cm2 )、粗细、长度及激光能量、皮肤反应等。结果 所有患者均取得满意疗效 ,治疗后毛发再生减少 ,再生延迟 ,再生毛发细小、浅淡 ,各部位治疗次数及能量均不相同。结论 半导体激光脱毛方便快捷 ,疗效满意 ,不良反应小。但脱毛效果在合适能量下同治疗次数呈正相关 ,同治疗部位亦有关  相似文献   

目的 评价强脉冲光脱毛及半导体激光脱毛临床疗效.方法 61例随机分为两组,36例为强脉冲光进行脱毛治疗组,25例为半导体激光进行脱毛治疗组.每次治疗间隔8周,总计治疗3次,治疗3个月后评价总疗效.结果 强脉冲光和半导体激光都使毛发数量明显减少.强脉冲光治疗组的有效率为80.6%,半导体激光治疗组的有效率为76.0%,...  相似文献   

There is great variation in response when ruby laser is used to remove unwanted body hair. Destruction of hair is often not possible after one laser treatment and the frequency and timing of repeated treatments required to achieve optimum treatment results are unknown. It was the aim of this study to determine whether the efficacy of ruby laser hair removal depended on the hair growth cycle. A prospective clinical study was carried out. The lower legs of 48 patients were treated with the Chromos 694 ruby laser at a standard fluence of 11 Jcm–2. Treatment efficacy was determined as the percentage decrease in hair density at 3 and 7 months. The proportion of growing and resting hairs in the treatment site was assessed by examination of plucked hair roots harvested from areas adjacent to the treatment site. To determine whether examination of plucked hair roots microscopically was reliable in assessing the proportion of growing and resting hairs in a specific site, 7 ex-vivo scalp skins were examined histologically. Results showed that examination of plucked hair roots was a reliable method in assessing the proportion of growing and resting hair. There was no correlation between the treatment efficacy and the growth phases of hair (one way analysis of variance, P=0.116). In conclusion, growing hairs are not more susceptible than resting hairs to ruby laser injury. The clinical implications of this finding are discussed. Received: 14 November 1998 / Accepted: 4 December 1999  相似文献   

目的 探讨超级脱毛模式(super hair remoral,SHR)的临床效果及耐受程度.方法 采用SHR对发际、面颊、上唇、胡须、胸腹、乳晕周围、腋窝、四肢及比基尼邻近区等共进行了1 000个部位的脱毛;对一些疼痛特别敏感的部位,如上唇及头面部,治疗时采用复方利多卡因乳膏外涂1 h以上.结果 四肢、胸腹、背部及腋窝部位的毛发,一般需要4~5次治疗方可达到根治目的 ,且美容就医者无明显不适感;上唇、下颌周围毛发一般需要5~7次治疗方可收到满意效果,且需要外涂麻药,否则部分美容就医者会呈现不适感.结论 SHR模式与传统脱毛方式、光子脱毛及其他激光脱毛方式相比,具有有效性高、脱毛速度快、耐受性强等优点,值得推广.  相似文献   

长脉冲紫翠宝石激光脱除多余体毛320例疗效分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的:评估长脉冲紫翠宝石激光对于脱毛的治疗效果。方法:使用波长为755nm的长脉冲紫翠宝石激光时320例门诊患者的不同部位、不同类型的体毛进行多次治疗,并按不同部位和类型分组,分析疗效。结果:经过多次治疗后,总有效率96.8%,仅1例出现暂时性色素沉着;疗效与治疗次数成正比,与治疗部位的毛发性质也相关。结论:使用长脉冲紫翠宝石激光脱毛效果良好,并发症少,是目前较为理想的脱毛方法。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to compare the efficacy of topical piroxicam and EMLA cream on pain control and subsequent inflammation in neodymium:yttrium–aluminum–garnet (Nd:YAG) 1,064 nm laser hair removal in female volunteers. Fifty female volunteers were enrolled in this prospective, randomized, double-blind, clinical study over a 6-month period. Patients were randomly assigned to receive topical piroxicam as group Piroxicam or EMLA cream as group EMLA. Topical analgesics were applied to the treatment sites for 60 min. The pain scores [on a visual analog scale (VAS)] and side effects were recorded before the hair removal, during the hair removal, at the end of the hair removal, and 1 h, 2 h and 24 h after the hair removal. Patients’ characteristics and the treatment settings of the Nd:YAG 1,064 nm laser were similar in the two groups. The pain scores (VAS) were similar, and satisfaction was high in both groups after the hair removal. The number of blanching and erythema episodes were significantly higher in group E than in group P (P < 0.001). Inflammatory side effects were less frequent in group P than in group E after the procedure (P < 0.001). This study showed that topical piroxicam and EMLA provided adequate and similar pain relief after Nd:YAG 1,064 nm laser hair removal in female volunteers. Topical piroxicam was associated with fewer inflammatory side effects than was EMLA cream, because of its anti-inflammatory effect after the procedure.  相似文献   

800 nm Lightsheer半导体激光脱毛临床疗效及组织病理变化   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
目的通过观察中国人脱毛的临床疗效及治疗前后的组织病理改变,探讨Lightsheer半导体激光脱毛的机制,探索出中国人的最佳治疗参数。方法应用Lightsheer半导体激光仪(波长800 nm,脉宽100 ms,光斑面积为9 mm×9 mm)对80例脱毛者进行脱毛治疗,能量密度20~40 J/cm~2,2次治疗间隔为1个月。应用毛发平均直径及毛发平均密度定量观察临床疗效,光镜及电镜下观察脱毛前后毛发、毛囊及其他皮肤结构的组织病理改变。结果80例经过3次脱毛治疗后,治疗区域毛发数量显著减少,剩余少许新生毛发直径变细。光镜下见毛囊有损伤,电镜下见整个毛囊壁均有不同程度损伤,内外毛根鞘细胞,特别是毛球部的毛母质细胞胞质内发生空泡样改变,内质网明显扩张,线粒体肿胀,细胞内含有的黑素小体崩解等改变。结论Lightsheer半导体激光采用适当能量密度进行脱毛治疗,能有效而安全地脱去毛发。  相似文献   

目的 探讨半导体激光和长脉冲翠绿宝石激光对不同类型皮肤脱毛的效果与并发症.方法 将1103例(1760部位)按皮肤类型随机分为两组;一组使用半导体激光治疗,波长810 nm,脉宽400 ms,方形光斑12 mm×10 mm;另一组使用长脉冲翠绿宝石激光治疗,波长755 nm,脉宽20 ms,光斑直径12.5 mm,2次治疗间隔时间均为50~60 d.结果 两种治疗方法对不同类型的皮肤进行脱毛治疗,效果无明显差异,但对深肤色者,半导体激光治疗的并发症发生率低.结论 两种激光对不同类型皮肤脱毛效果相似,但半导体激光对深色皮肤的脱毛更安全.  相似文献   

There have been several studies published on the side effects of laser hair removal, but none specifically looked at acneform reactions. The aim of this study is to obtain an accurate assessment of the incidence of acneform reactions after laser hair removal in relation to skin type, laser type, site of treatment, polycystic ovarian syndrome history (PCOS), age, and sex of the patient. This is a multi-centre prospective study of patients presenting for laser hair removal. Data were gathered using a questionnaire completed by the staff who performed the treatment. The incidence of acneform reactions was 6%. The following variables showed a statistically significant effect on the percentage of patients with reactions: age, with younger patients more likely to develop lesions; those treated with the Nd:YAG laser type were more likely to develop lesions than those treated with the alexandrite; and the Fitzpatrick skin type V showed the highest incidence of acneform lesions, followed by skin types II and IV. History of PCOS, number of prior treatments, use of aloe vera cooling gel, and the sex of the patient had no apparent effect on the incidence of acneform lesions. Acneform reactions are relatively common after laser hair removal; however, in the majority of cases, the severity of the reaction was mild and lasted for a short duration.  相似文献   

长脉冲翠绿宝石激光永久性脱毛疗效分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的评价长脉冲翠绿宝石激光对人体不同部位永久性脱毛的疗效。方法用Gentle LASE脉冲激光对身体各部位进行脱毛,回顾性分析达到永久性脱毛效果的298个部位的脱毛情况。结果5次脱毛后,四肢、腋窝脱毛率平均为82.50%~94.00%,男性腮部和女性唇周平均分别为82.50%、85.00%;而4次脱毛后,发际、骶部脱毛率平均分别为92.56%、94.87%。男性腮部和女性唇周5次脱毛后,脱毛率分别与其他各组之间两两比较差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05);而男性腮部和女性唇周之间,以及其他各组之间两两比较,差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05)。脱毛后,各部位毛发再生延迟,且随脱毛次数增加而延迟时间愈长(r为0.33~0.80)。男性腮部和女性唇周总脱毛次数较多,平均分别为8.00次和7.31次,次数多于其余各部位,效果差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),其余7组脱毛次数平均为3.25~4.83次,各组之间比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。总不良反应发生率为7.38%。结论长脉冲翠绿宝石激光对四肢、腋窝、发际脱毛效果较好,疗效优于女性唇周和男性腮部;随脱毛次数增多毛发再生延迟。  相似文献   

Lasercare clinics are one of the largest providers of skin laser treatment in the United Kingdom, in both private sector and National Health Service. Laser hair removal is performed by trained nurses following written protocols. Choice of laser and fluence is tailored to Fitzpatrick skin type. We audited and re-audited documentation of six criteria in patients receiving laser hair removal (signed consent, Fitzpatrick skin type, use of appropriate laser, appropriate fluence, patient satisfaction and objective assessment) across 13 clinics at different points in time. Data were obtained on 772 treatments. Overall findings revealed excellent documentation of consent, use of appropriate laser and fluence (median 100%), good documentation of skin type (median 90%) and poor documentation of patient satisfaction and objective assessment (median 67% and 53%, respectively). Comparison between baseline and repeat audit at 6–8 months (nine clinics) showed significant improvement across clinics in these latter two criteria [patient satisfaction: odds ratio (OR) 0.38, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.15–0.78, P=0.01; objective assessment: OR 0.23, 95% CI 0.07–0.50, P=0.0003 (Mantel–Haenszel weighted odds ratios)]. We conclude that quality of documentation was generally and consistently high in multiple clinics and that re-auditing led to significant improvement in poor scores. This simple measure could easily be implemented more widely across many disciplines.  相似文献   

目的评价长脉冲激光对不同肤色脱毛的疗效和安全性。方法用波长755nm和1064nm的激光对607例不同肤色患者脱毛4次后观察疗效及出现的不良反应。结果两种激光对女性唇部体毛和男性胡须的有效率虽相差不大,但其所产生不良反应差别却很明显,还发现肤色分型为Ⅰ型、Ⅱ型和Ⅳ型、Ⅴ型两种激光所产生的有效率和不良反应也差别很明显,其差异具有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。结论波长755nm的激光对肤色越浅的患者(Ⅰ型、Ⅱ型)治疗的效果好及所产生的不良反应发生率低;而波长1064nm的激光对肤色越深的患者(Ⅲ型以上)治疗效果好,所产生的不良反应发生率低。  相似文献   

人体不同部位激光脱毛的疗效比较   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
韦文朗  黄红星  曾维惠 《中国美容医学》2004,13(4):405-406,C004
目的:观察EpiCare激光对人体不同部位脱毛疗效的区别。方法:利用EpiCare激光脱毛1167例,共1439个部位,间隔2个月左右,看到较多的毛发长出时可进行下一次治疗,直到患者认为满意(无毛发长出或剩下的毛发极其细微)为止。结果:579个部位经过数次治疗患者已经满意,不需要再次治疗,其余的患者仍在治疗中,总结已经满意的部位所需要的平均治疗次数和间隔时间。结论:脱不同部位的毛发所需要的治疗次数和间隔时间不一样,主要是因为不同部位的毛发粗细、颜色、浓密和生长周期不同。  相似文献   

A review of the adverse effects of laser hair removal   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
Laser hair removal is ever increasing in popularity. Technology is fast advancing, and there are increasingly excessive commercial claims that laser hair removal in all skin types is free of side effects. The aim of this study is to review the evidence from published literature regarding the incidence of adverse effects after laser and light systems for hair removal. A review of the current published literature on the ill effects reported after laser/light-assisted depilation was conducted. Overall incidence of adverse effects after laser/light hair removal appears to be low, with very uncommon permanent sequelae. The two largest studies to date have shown that acute and transient side effects do occur. Higher incidence of pigmentary alterations is associated with the shorter wavelength lasers (up to 19%), particularly with darker skin types, compared with lower incidence using the neodymium–yttrium–aluminium–garnet laser (2–3%). Both studies did not show any long-term side effects or scarring. Laser/light hair removal, carried out by trained professionals, is a safe procedure with a very low incidence of permanent sequelae. The majority of adverse effects are transient and minor. They are more common in darker skin. Longer wavelength devices reduce the risk in darker skin.  相似文献   

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