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额缝二例   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
我校人体解剖学教研室收集了库尔勒地区19具人体骨骼标本,从中发现2例额骨有额缝,缝长约15cm,将额骨分为左右两块。据郑思竞、黄瀛主编的《中国人体质调查续集》,额缝出现率:完整的为7.28%,不完鳖的为9.85%。额缝出现于各种颅型之中,额缝的存在提匪临床工作者注意与额骨骨折病人相鉴别。  相似文献   

骨性眶腔的应用解剖   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
目的 :进一步探讨骨性眶腔的构成特点 ,为相关开眶手术入路提供解剖学依据。方法 :取 30例国人成人头颅骨性标本 ,观察眶腔的构成、分部 ,并测量各部的有关参数。结果 :(1)由前向后 ,可将骨性眶腔按形态及结构的不同分为球周部、球后部和眶尖部三部分。 (2 )Dacryon点距筛前孔、筛前孔距筛后孔、筛后孔距视神经管眶口及筛后孔距眶尖的距离分别为 (2 0 .13± 2 .79)mm、(13.38± 2 .6 6 )mm、(7.4 0± 2 .0 3)mm、(13.4 1± 2 .35 )mm。 (3)Mac Carty关键孔位于翼点正前方 (2 5 .74± 4 .12 )mm及颧额蝶缝交汇点正上方 (15 .2 0± 2 .4 5 )mm处。结论 :(1)骨性眶腔各部的构成及内容不同 ,手术入路各异。 (2 )DaCryon点、筛前孔、筛后孔是眶内侧手术入路的重要标志性结构 ,(3)Mac -Carty关键孔是临床经眶颅部手术常用的钻孔部位  相似文献   

有关额缝的描述在许多解剖学教科书中都有提及,这方面的专著亦为数不少,如Martin Saller等,国内学者亦做了大量工作,据不完全统计,如杜百廉等共观察4536例,大部分是四川、河南、山东和上海等地的颅骨资料,有关广东地区的资料似未见到,由于我国幅员广阔,额缝的出现,可能会有地区的差别。本文共观察1592例,材料来源包括两部分:第一部分为颅骨标本558例,出土于广东地区;第二部分为X线颅片1034例,属广州市区医院,其中男性589例(成年人194例,未成年人395例),女性445例(成年人189例,未成年人256例)。对颅骨额缝就其出现率、形态、位置、长度(直线测量)以及额缝前后端连接的情况作了观测。X线颅片主要观察完整额缝,遇有可疑者,由放射科医生进行复核,最后统计、分析、并就不同地区人种方面做了显著性测验。  相似文献   

<正> 观察颅骨558例,X线颅片1034例。结果:完整额缝出现116例,占7.28%,低于杜百廉统计的9.1%,略高于张译普的5%、丁士海的6.8%,额缝出现率有人种差异,国人中有地区差异;完整额缝形态可分浅、深锯齿型、直线型及混合型,各型频率依次为:69.23%,17.95%,7.69%,5.13%;按额缝前后端与冠矢点、鼻额中点连接情  相似文献   

笔者在整理100余套散骨标本时,发现有两例寰枕关节完全骨化、愈合,其中1例伴有先天性脊柱裂,此类标本实属罕见,现将观察和测量结果报告如下:  相似文献   

脑颅由8块扁骨及不规则骨构成,这些骨两两之间连接处留有缝隙,被结缔组织填充,即为颅缝。矢状缝是自眉间沿颅穹隆至枕骨的骨缝,矢状缝的前1/3即额中缝,在两侧额骨之间,2岁闭合前额骨与额骨组成部分矢状缝连接,2岁后闭合,额骨与顶骨仅组成冠状缝连接。作者在解剖学教学过程中,发现一颅的额骨额中缝完全未闭,较为罕见,现报告如下。  相似文献   

目的:探讨颅骨缺损的修补材科与方法。方法:埋置自体颅骨瓣于切口旁,并一期牵引复位。结果:复位后近期观察,骨瓣无浮动,对合好,远期X级摄片显示为骨性愈合。结论:通过5例手术,作认为此方法简便、适用、可行。  相似文献   

额肌瓣悬吊治疗上睑下垂,八十年代已在临床应用,近年来,国内美容外科专家,改良了简易额肌瓣悬吊的方法,利用额肌加额肌腱膜复合肌瓣悬吊,治疗重症上睑下垂症,收到了较好的疗效。但有关额肌和额肌腱膜的解剖,国内外解剖专著描述的尚不全面,有关杂志的报道亦不尽相同,特别是额肌腱膜的形态学和组织学研究资料,国内尚未有报道。本文针对这一问题,对15具尸体30例额肌腱膜进行了显微外科解剖的研究和组织学观察,现报道如下。  相似文献   

何海洋 《医学信息》2003,16(2):93-93
目的 插入盲肠是结肠镜检的目标之一 ,该报告者在描述一个有经验的检查者对一组结肠镜检比较困难的患者进行镜检所运用的方法。方法 对 42例以前曾进行过一次或更多不成功的结肠镜检的患者 ,并重新再做一次的患者的记录进行回顾。结果  40例患者结肠镜检完全达盲肠 (95 % ) ,所运用的一系列方法中包括普鲁泊福镇定 (n=2 )、小儿科结肠镜 (n= 8)、一个外用调直器 (n=9)、外用调直器加小儿结肠镜(n=2 )、上内诊镜 (n=8)、导线交换 (n=3 )、结肠镜加上结肠调直器 (n=1)或一个肠镜调直器 (n=1)。结论 运用一系列方法和仪器对先前不完全镜检…  相似文献   

本文介绍一种应用单克隆抗体建立简便、快速、敏感、准确的淋球菌检测手段,显示其较大优越性。现已检测临床标本60份.阳性者42份.与临床诊断较为符合,有推广应用价值。  相似文献   

This study was carried out on 968 skull X-rays to determine the incidence of the metopic suture in the Lebanese population. Complete and incomplete metopism was present in 0.82% and 0.93% of cases, respectively, leading to an overall incidence of 1.75%. In both categories, the incidence was relatively higher in males (1.84%) than in females (1.62%). Persons living in rural areas had a higher incidence of complete and incomplete metopism compared to persons living in urban areas, with ratios of 4:1 and 4:2, respectively. Other findings included an absence of frontal sinuses in all but one skull with complete metopism, accessory ossicles in the majority of cases of complete metopism (7/8), and hydrocephalus in one case. Medical records did not reveal any other associated diseases or abnormalities. Despite the low incidence of metopic suture in the Lebanese population, in X-ray diagnosis of fractures of the frontal bone, metopic suture must not be ruled out.  相似文献   

Two new cases of phenotypic males with 46,XX karyotype are presented. Fluorescence, autoradiographic and centromeric heterochromatin studies in several lines, including testicular cells, failed to demonstrate the existence of the Y chromosome or the existence of distal Yq material translocated to another chromosome in the two patients. The Xg study in one of the patients and his family provided direct evidence of transmission of an X chromosome from father to son. We present indirect evidence favoring the mutation theory to explain the XX male phenotype.  相似文献   

The Antley-Bixler syndrome is a rare multiple congenital anomaly with a high mortality rate. The characteristic manifestations include craniosynostosis, radiohumeral synostosis, midface hypoplasia, joint contractures and arachnodactyly. We report two new cases of this syndrome and address the diagnostic features, associated malformations, inheritance patterns, prenatal findings, and briefly review the literature.  相似文献   

We report on two new patients with straight-chain acyl-coenzyme A oxidase deficiency. Early onset hypotonia, seizures and psychomotor delay were observed in both cases. Plasma very-long-chain fatty acids were abnormal in both patients, whereas the plasma levels of phytanic acid, pristanic acid, the bile acid intermediates DHCA and THCA, and erythrocyte plasmalogen levels were normal. Studies in fibroblasts from the two patients revealed a deficiency of one of the two peroxisomal acyl-CoA oxidases, that is, straight-chain acyl-CoA oxidase (ACOX1). Subsequent molecular analysis of ACOX1 showed a homozygous deletion, which removes a large part of intron 3 and exons 4-14 in the first patient. Mutation analysis in the second patient revealed compound heterozygosity for two mutations, including: (1) a c.692 G > T (p.G231V) mutation and (2) skipping of exon 13 (c.1729_1935del (p.G577_E645del).  相似文献   

Intravenous leiomyomatosis is an example of unusual growth patterns that is sometimes exhibited by uterine leiomyomas, characterized by smooth muscle proliferations within the uterine or pelvic veins. Extension into the heart via the inferior vena cava is even rarer and is designated as intracardiac leiomyomatosis. This is a report of two such cases that had preoperative diagnoses of a thrombus and right atrial myxoma, respectively.  相似文献   

鼻脑型毛霉菌病二例   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
例1女,77岁.因2 d前无明显诱因出现前额剧烈头痛,恶心、呕吐、不敢睁眼,走路如踩棉花,于2006年4月人院检查.既往有高血糖病史1年余,未曾确诊为糖尿病.实验室检查:尿糖(3+),尿酮(-),尿蛋白(+);血糖21.4 mmol/L,糖化血红蛋白12.5%.住院期间右眼睑肿胀,睁眼困难,视力下降、眼球固定,视力进行性下降至完全无光感.颅脑MRI:双放射冠异常信号,考虑为多发腔隙性脑梗死可能性大;双基底节多发腔隙灶,枕大池扩大,考虑为蛛网膜腔囊肿可能性大;双筛窦及上颌窦黏膜肥厚.右眼眶CT:双眼睑增厚,双侧眶隔脂肪疝,双泪腺脱垂,右侧后筛及蝶窦炎,右鼻息肉.右眼B超:右眼球后异常低回声区.先后请内分泌科、眼科、耳鼻喉科多次会诊,诊断为高血压,Ⅱ型糖尿病,眶尖综合征,右筛窦、蝶窦炎,右鼻息肉.临床进行降压、控制血糖、抗炎对症治疗.  相似文献   

Toluene embryopathy: two new cases.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
Toluene embryopathy is characterised by microcephaly, central nervous system dysfunction, attentional deficits and hyperactivity, developmental delay with greater language deficits, minor craniofacial and limb anomalies, and variable growth deficiency. Previously, three affected children, born to women who inhaled toluene regularly throughout pregnancy, have been reported. Two more cases are described emphasising the importance of toluene as a potential human teratogen.  相似文献   

Adenomyoepithelioma of the breast are very rare and form a heterogeneous tumoral group in terms of their morphology and biological behaviour. We report two adenomyoepitheliomas of the breast. One appeared in a 29-year-old woman and was a tubular adenomyoepithelioma. The patient was free of disease at a 22 months follow-up. The other was a lobular adenomyoepithelioma that appeared in a 76-year-old woman and was characterized by its high mitotic rate and its association with myoepitheliosis. Adenomyoepitheliomas of the breast are currently classified as low grade malignant tumors that may recur and rarely metastasize, but their histoprognostic factors are not yet defined.  相似文献   

正常情况下,同侧的髂外静脉和髂内静脉在骶髂关节前方汇合而成髂总静脉,左、右两侧的髂总静脉上行后在第五腰椎右侧以锐角相互汇合成下腔静脉。但作者在成人大体标本解剖操作过程中,发现了2例髂静脉变异,报道如下:例1:身高170 cm的中年男性大体标本。  相似文献   

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