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In line with recent UK and Scottish policy imperatives, there is increasing pressure for the health visiting service to assume an enhanced role in improving public health. Although health visiting has so far maintained its unique position as a primarily preventive service within the UK health service, its distinctive contribution now appears under threat. The continuing absence of a comprehensive and integrated conceptual basis for practice has a negative impact on the profession’s ability to respond to current challenges. Establishing an integrative framework to conceptualise health visiting practice would enable more sensitive, focused and appropriate research, education and evaluation in relation to practice. Work in this area could thus usefully contribute to the future development of the service at a difficult time. Our paper aims to make such a contribution. In support of our conceptual aims, we draw on a study of health visiting practice undertaken within a large conurbation in central Scotland. The study used a mixed method, collaborative approach involving 12 audio‐recorded and observed health visitor–client interactions, semi‐structured interviews with the 12 HVs and 12 clients, examination of related documentation and workshops with the HV participants. We critically consider prevalent models of health visiting practice and describe the more integrative conceptual approach provided by Bronfenbrenner’s ecological, ‘person‐in‐context’ framework. The paper subsequently explores relationships between this framework and understandings of need demonstrated by health visitors who participated in our study. Current policy emphasises the need to focus on public health and social inclusion in order to improve health. However, if this policy is to be translated into practice, we must develop a more adequate understanding of how practitioners work effectively with families and individuals in a sensitive and context‐specific manner. Bronfenbrenner’s framework appears to offer a promising means of building on the current strengths of the health visiting service to further develop a ‘person‐in‐context’ approach to health improvement that is mindful of and responsive to multiple, inter‐related influences on health. We therefore recommend further research to directly test the utility of this framework.  相似文献   

J.V. Appleton 《Public health》1997,111(2):107-113
One of health visitors' main roles is that of case finding and actively searching for health needs. This paper describes part of the findings of a study evaluating the clinical practice guidelines issued to health visitors to assist them in identifying families requiring increased health visitor support. A postal questionnaire was distributed to all Community Trust Chief Nurses in England (179), employing health visiting staff. The aim of the questionnaire was to assess the extent to which clinical guidelines are used throughout the country to identify families requiring extra health visiting support and to examine their validity and reliability. The survey results confirm the widespread existence of clinical guidelines in England to assist health visitors in identifying vulnerable families requiring extra support. The study provides evidence that the guidelines are largely subjective and invalid in nature. Questions are raised about the relationship between clinical guidelines and professional judgements.  相似文献   

Health care research has been more interested in identifying reasons why people do not participate in health interventions than in trying to understand the reasons why they do. This study examined how unemployed people position themselves with regard to a new health service which was set up as part of an institutional strategy for delivering and enabling their access to health care. Positioning theory was used as a methodological framework to analyse participants’ responses to the novel health service. The focus was on two main issues: the way clients’ positions are established through discourse, and the range of factors that come into play in determining those positions. The analysis revealed six positions unemployed people use when encountering the studied service: the docile citizen, the rebel, the socially responsible citizen, the distinctive individual, the independent actor and the calculating client. These positions and associated discourses display the different sets of rights and duties of the client and simultaneously define the positions of the service. While illustrating how a health service engaged with the ideology of equality is integrated into the value framework of the clients, the findings contribute to the ongoing debate on need of particular health services for unemployed people.  相似文献   

Despite considerable feminist critiques of British health visiting work which have pointed to its gendered nature, this issue has received very little attention within the professional literature. The emphasis has been upon the 'health' focus, often highlighting the needs of marginalized groups. The recent professional interest in women experiencing domestic violence draws upon a long-standing feminist concern which has established the extent and nature of domestic violence, and the difficulties facing women in seeking help about their situation. The present paper reports some findings from a study of British health visiting practice in relation to women experiencing domestic violence. Drawing upon interview data from 24 health visitors, this paper focuses specifically upon health visitors' accounts of their practice in relation to both children and men when they were aware women were experiencing domestic violence. Their concerns, which include child welfare and personal safety illustrate some of the complexities facing practitioners when faced with domestic violence situations. The analysis also highlights the gendered practices inherent within health visiting work.  相似文献   

秦晓燕  刘堃  郭志勇 《职业与健康》2012,28(22):2832-2834
澳大利亚实行执业医师制度,澳大利亚没有职业病目录,属赔偿范围内的工作相关疾病大约有300多种;职业健康法律体系结合各州实际,惩罚严厉;职业健康体系包含广泛,职责明确,注重数据收集与分析,充分发挥专家作用;注重企业职业健康责任的落实,风险评估体系成熟;职业病诊断程序相对简单,注重现场调查,责权平等;培训体系成熟,针对性强,多元化的宣传,强化法律责任及员工的参与。作者通过对澳大利亚职业卫生监督管理经验的交流与学习,结合深圳市职业卫生管理存在的问题进行分析,建议应完善职业卫生管理体系,扩展职业卫生工作内容,推进风险评估,建立工伤保险与职业危害挂钩的工伤体制,推进队伍建设等措施,保障劳动者的健康权益。  相似文献   

The COVID-19 pandemic has demonstrated both the positive and negative use, usefulness, and impact of digital technologies in public health. Digitalization can help advance and sustain the core functions of public health, including health promotion and prevention, epidemiological surveillance, and response to emergent health issues. Digital technologies are thus—in some areas of public discourse—presented as being both necessary and inevitable requirements to address routine and emergency public health issues. However, the circumstances, ways, and extent to which they apply remain a subject of critical reflection and empirical investigation. In this commentary, we argue that we must think through the use of digital technologies in public health and that their usefulness must be assessed in relation to their short- and long-term ethical, health equity, and social justice implications. Neither a sense of digital technological optimism and determinism nor the demands of addressing pressing public health issues should override critical assessment before development and implementation. The urgency of addressing public health emergencies such as the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic requires prompt and effective action, including action facilitated by digital technologies. Nevertheless, a sense of urgency cannot be an excuse or a substitute for a critical assessment of the tools employed.  相似文献   

Public health policy has arguably taken a new direction in the UK since 1997. This is typified by a review of the public health workforce. A key profession within this workforce is that of health visiting. Starting Well, a Scottish National Health Demonstration Project is one attempt to develop the public health role of health visitors. The project aimed to improve child health by providing intensive home visiting to families in Glasgow. This paper reports on a process study focused on whether Starting Well, an intervention exemplifying contemporary public health policy, could be operationalised through health visiting practice. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with a purposive sample of 44 staff responsible for developing and implementing the programme. Whilst greater contact with families allowed health visitors to develop their understanding of the life circumstances of their case-load families, the evaluation raised issues about the feasibility of systematically changing practice and demonstrated the difficulties of implementing an approach that relied as much on individual values and organisational context as formal guidelines and standardised tools. Furthermore, the ability of the systems and structures within which practitioners were operating to facilitate a broad public health approach was limited. The policy context for public health demands that increasing numbers of health workers are familiar with its principles and modus operandi. It remains, however, a contested area of work and its implementation requires change at a number of levels. This has implications for current policy assumptions about improving population health.  相似文献   

Public health professionals work with a variety of information sources to carry out their everyday activities. In recent years, interactive computational tools have become deeply embedded in such activities. Unlike the early days of computational tool use, the potential of tools nowadays is not limited to simply providing access to information; rather, they can act as powerful mediators of human-information discourse, enabling rich interaction with public health information. If public health informatics tools are designed and used properly, they can facilitate, enhance, and support the performance of complex cognitive activities that are essential to public health informatics, such as problem solving, forecasting, sense-making, and planning. However, the effective design and evaluation of public health informatics tools requires an understanding of the cognitive and perceptual issues pertaining to how humans work and think with information to perform such activities. This paper draws on research that has examined some of the relevant issues, including interaction design, complex cognition, and visual representations, to offer some human-centered design and evaluation considerations for public health informatics tools.  相似文献   

This paper presents the findings of a survey that aimed to: (i) describe the work of metropolitan Community Health Occupational Therapists (CHOTs) in Victoria; and (ii) to obtain basic information regarding the clinical reasoning CHOTs use during home visit assessments. Based on a literature review and clinical experience, a questionnaire was designed to elicit information about CHOT role perceptions and clinical reasoning. Questionnaires were mailed to all 50 CHOTs in metropolitan Melbourne. Thirty-six responses were received (a response rate of 72%). Exploratory data analysis procedures were used to summarize the demographic data and closed questions. A series of open-ended questions and four case scenarios were analysed qualitatively. The findings indicated that the majority of community health occupational therapists were mature in age, widely experienced, and client centred in their diverse practice roles. Generally, they were highly confident of their skills in client-related tasks and enjoyed the main components of their roles, particularly home visiting. Participant responses to the four case scenarios indicated that they used procedural, interactive and conditional reasoning to identify the most important factors to consider, the action they would take, and whether they would see the client again. In conclusion, while the findings of this survey provide an overview of CHOT work in Victoria, further studies are urgently required to explore the clinical reasoning that supports this aspect of occupational therapy practice.  相似文献   

Local and state health departments are well-positioned to serve as catalysts for the institutional and community changes needed to increase physical activity across the population. Efforts should focus on evidence-based strategies, including promotion of high-quality physical education in schools, social support networks and structured programs for physical activity in communities, and organizational practices, policies, and programs that promote physical activity in the workplace. Health departments must also focus on land use and transportation practices and policies in communities where the built environment creates major impediments to physical activity, particularly in economically disadvantaged communities disproportionately burdened by chronic disease.  相似文献   

Children with special health care needs (SHCN) have or are at increased risk for a chronic condition that necessitates more health and related supports than their peers. While it is generally accepted that these children are at risk for school failure, the mechanisms through which SHCN impact on children's experiences (and therefore opportunities to intervene) at school are still relatively poorly understood. Based on the current literature, this paper provides a conceptual framework to guide further discussion of this issue in research, policy and practice. Evidence from the literature was reviewed and existing frameworks examined. We propose that SHCN impact on four interrelated domains of children's functioning: (1) body functions and structures; (2) activities of daily living; (3) social participation; and (4) educational participation. Children's functioning is further influenced by risk and protective factors that can be identified at the level of the child, family and service systems. Together, these processes contribute to shaping either positive or negative trajectories of school functioning. The mechanisms influencing school experiences for children with special health care needs are complex, with opportunities for positive interventions at a range of levels. The proposed conceptual model provides an accessible tool for guiding discussion of the support needs of this vulnerable population.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: There have been a number of attempts to develop critical appraisal tools, but few have had a public health focus. This paper describes a new checklist with public health aspects. STUDY DESIGN: Review of previous appraisal instruments and pilot test of new checklist. METHODS: Criteria of particular reference to public health practice were added to well-established appraisal criteria. The checklist was piloted with 21 public health professionals, research staff or postgraduate students. RESULTS: The checklist is organized using the 'ask', 'collect', 'understand' and 'use' categories of the Population Health Evidence Cycle. Readers are asked to assess validity, completeness and transferability of the data as they relate to: the study question; key aspects of the methodology; possible public health implications of the key results; and the implications for implementation in their own public health practice. Of the 21 public health professionals that piloted the checklist, 20 said that they found the checklist useful and 18 would use it or recommend it in the future. Participants were prepared to commit to the majority of the questions, and there was good agreement with a consensus of 'correct' answers. CONCLUSIONS: The public health critical appraisal checklist adds public health aspects that were missing from previous critical appraisal tools.  相似文献   


Since 2013, the Boko Haram insurgency in Nigeria has left almost 2 million people displaced and 10 million in need of life-saving services. While the humanitarian response has focused on provision of food, shelter, and physical health needs, mental health needs remain largely overlooked. This mixed-methods project explored the mental health and psychosocial (MHPS) burden, existing resources and coping mechanisms, and remaining needs among internally displaced persons (IDPs) and host communities in Borno State, Nigeria. Survey findings reveal a high burden of mental health needs: 60% of participants strongly endorsed at least one mental health symptom, and 75% endorsed functional impairment associated with mental health symptoms. Unexpectedly, we found that adult men had the highest rates of symptom burden, suggesting that typical approaches focusing on women and children would miss this vulnerable population. Qualitative findings (free lists, interviews, focus group discussions) reflect MHPS needs that could be addressed through solutions-focused approaches, although tailored interventions would be needed to support stigmatised and vulnerable groups such as drug users and rape victims. Finally, participants emphasised the breakdown of community and political leadership structures, as well as of economic and livelihood activities, suggesting that MHPS interventions should focus on restoring these key resources.  相似文献   

Mindell J  Boltong A 《Public health》2005,119(4):246-252
Health impact assessment (HIA) is a process that aims to predict potential positive and negative effects of project, programme or policy proposals on health and health inequalities. It is recommended by national government and internationally. Supporting health impact assessment is one of the roles of English Public Health Observatories. The few centres in England with accredited health impact training centres have inadequate resources to meet demand. Currently, the London Health Observatory is providing the bulk of the training nationally. Some Public Health Observatories are currently investigating the preferences for support of those commissioning or conducting health impact assessment within their regions. The availability of published guidance on how to conduct health impact assessments has increased substantially over the past few years. The Department of Health has funded a research project led by the London Health Observatory to develop advice for reviewing evidence for use in health impact assessment. Completed health impact assessments can be useful resources. Evaluation of the process and impact of health impact assessment is important in order to demonstrate its usefulness and to learn lessons for the future. The focus for Public Health Observatories is to train and support others to conduct health impact assessment according to good practice, rather than undertaking health impact assessments themselves. The aim is to create sufficient skilled capacity around the country to undertake health impact assessments. The London Health Observatory plans to share its support models and to roll out a train the trainer programme nationally to enable effective local delivery of their national health impact assessment programme.  相似文献   

This study explores occupational health nurses' encounters with unemployed clients in Finland. It involved setting up and evaluating a new service, Career Health Care, that resembled occupational health care, except that clients were recruited from among job seekers who were participating in one of three active labour market policy measures: vocational training, subsidised employment in the public sector, or participatory training for entering the labour market. Our main interest focused on nurses' perceptions of the unemployed and their professional practices in the context of Career Health Care. The analysis revealed four overlapping discourses with regard to clients: the client as a casualty of unemployment, the client as unemployed but active, the client as a deviant in the labour market, and the client as a skilled user of the system. Each discourse had implications for professional practice. The risk of negative stereotyping and consequent exclusion from services is discussed here. In conclusion, we stress the complexity of providing health services that can match the increasing diversity of contemporary labour market trajectories.  相似文献   

Older people with intellectual disabilities often experience high levels of health needs and multiple morbidities but they may be supported by residential care staff with little or no previous experience of identifying and meeting health needs. Little is known regarding how they undertake this health‐related role and this exploratory study seeks to address this gap. A purposive sample of 14 managers of supported living accommodation in Wales were interviewed in 2014 to determine their experiences of supporting tenants in relation to age‐related health needs. The semi‐structured interviews were transcribed and thematically analysed. Three of the emerging themes are reported in this paper: meeting health needs, the consequences of ageing and relationships. Findings indicate that residential care staff support older people with intellectual disabilities with complex and multiple health needs: they monitor health status, support access to healthcare, provide additional support arising from changing health needs and advocate for tenants in the context of healthcare. However, their role is often not understood by healthcare professionals. The importance of staff having a long‐term relationship with those they support was identified as being important to identifying any health‐related changes. The need to develop effective relationships with healthcare staff was also noted. It is concluded that there is a need for better understanding among health staff of the role of residential social care workers and for further research regarding health‐related communication.  相似文献   

Since the early 1990s, a new modality of community mental health care, strongly focussed on the control of risk, has taken shape in Britain. It is argued in this paper that this new regime of community mental health care is highly rational and indicative of what Castel (1991) termed the 'epidemiological clinic'. The study discussed in this paper aimed to develop a greater understanding of how community mental health nurses, who have become frontline operatives of the new regime of community mental health care, reflect on and practise risk assessment and risk management. Interviews with 20 community mental health nurses from various geographical and practice areas demonstrated that risk assessment and risk management formed an integral part of their work. Some considered standardised methods of risk assessment to be too reductive, stifling and unnecessary, whilst others found them useful and informative. 'Professional intuition' was valued by many as an alternative method of risk assessment, particularly when assessing their own safety. Though their risk assessments concentrated on the assessment of patients' potential to harm others or themselves, some thought about risk in a wider context, in terms of the risks faced by their clients from iatrogenic consequences of treatment and psychiatric care, and of victimisation within a hostile community. Thus, it would seem that the epidemiological clinic has not had a totalising effect on the work of community mental health nurses.  相似文献   

Major air pollution accidents which occurred in the 1950s led to public awareness of the health hazards involved. Since that period, levels of air pollution have decreased, but several studies conducted in North America and Europe indicate that particulate air pollution is linked to increased cardiorespiratory morbidity and mortality. Despite this evidence, several questions were raised concerning the interpretation of the results (threshold effect, harvesting effect and biological plausibility). The aim of this review is to present the link between epidemiological findings and their use in health impact assessment. We review the main causal criteria applied to epidemiology in light of scientific evidence currently available. Some causality criteria are more important than others, but they all support the causal nature of the relationship between air pollution and health, and thus justify the feasibility of health impact assessment calculations. Recent studies on relative risk assessment show that even if the risk linked to worsening air quality is low, public health consequences are high. Such information must be made accessible to policy makers and the population in general so that, together with the public health workers, they can all contribute to improving air quality and health in their communities.  相似文献   

There is a pressing need for assessment and intervention research focused on reducing health disparities. In our research program, the use of mixed methods has enhanced assessment of the mediating impacts of social support on the health of vulnerable populations and enabled the design and testing of support interventions. This paper highlights the benefits and challenges of mixed methods for investigating inequities; and, illustrates the application of mixed methods in two exemplar studies focused on vulnerable populations in Canada. Qualitative methods fostered in-depth understanding of vulnerable populations' support needs, support resources, intervention preferences, and satisfaction with intervention strategies and impacts. Quantitative methods documented the effectiveness and outcomes of intervention strategies, and enhanced the reliability and validity of assessments and interventions. The researchers demonstrate that participatory strategies are needed to make studies more relevant to reducing health disparities, contextually appropriate, and empowering.  相似文献   

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