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丹酚酸B促进大鼠急性脊髓损伤修复及量效关系探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 研究腹腔注射丹酚酸B(Sal B)对大鼠急性脊髓损伤(SCI)模型的神经保护作用和促功能恢复作用,探讨Sal B在急性SCI治疗的应用价值,并探讨其量效关系. 方法参照Allen法制作SD大鼠T9脊髓节段急性损伤模型,腹腔注射Sal B或PBS液,按照注射液的不同分为4组:Sal B高剂量组(20 mg/kg组),Sal B中剂量组(10 mg/kg组),Sal B低剂量组(2 mg/kg组)和对照组(注射PBS液),每组12只.用比色法检测髓过氧化物酶活性;用免疫组织化学染色法检测损伤脊髓节段MMP-1、c-Fos抗体表达情况,用干湿重法评价的水肿程度,并采用后肢功能评分(BBB)评分评价10 d内大鼠的运动功能恢复情况. 结果损伤后4 h Sal B治疗组髓过氧化物酶活性下降,损伤后1 dHE染色切片显示SalB组治疗后局部组织损伤减轻,炎性细胞浸润数量减少,损伤后1d免疫组化染色结果显示,Sal B治疗组比对照组MMP-1表达减少,c-Fos表达下调;Sal B治疗组水肿程度轻于对照组,从SCI后第7天起,SalB组高剂量组(20 mg/kg组)和对照组之间的BBB评分有显著性差异(P<0.05).各指标改善情况与Sal B剂量呈正相关性. 结论 Sal B可减轻大鼠SCI后的组织损伤,下调损伤相关因子MMP-1和c-Fos的表达,降低损伤局部髓过氧化物酶活性,减轻组织水肿,并能促进损伤大鼠的功能恢复.  相似文献   

Transplants of fetal central nervous system (CNS) tissue into the acutely injured rat spinal cord have been demonstrated to differentiate and partially integrate with the adjacent host neuropil. In the present study, we examined the potential for applying a transplantation approach to chronic spinal cord lesions. In particular, we were interested in learning whether host-graft fusion would be adversely affected by an advanced histopathology characterized in part by glial scar formation. Hemisection cavities were prepared at lumbar levels of the adult rat spinal cord 2-7 weeks prior to the transplantation of spinal cord tissue obtained from 14-day rat fetuses. Graft survival, differentiation, and integration with the host spinal cord were subsequently evaluated by light microscopic techniques at post-transplantation intervals of 1-6 months. Immunocytochemistry was also employed to examine the extent of astrocytic scar formation at the host-graft interface and serotoninergic innervation of the grafts. In some other cases, anterograde and retrograde transport of wheat germ agglutinin-conjugated horseradish peroxidase was used to determine whether axonal projections were formed between the host spinal cords and grafts. By 2 weeks after injury the initial lesion cavities were surrounded by a continuous astrocytic scar which remained intact for at least 7 weeks after injury in nongrafted control animals. In other animals, transplantation into these advanced lesions resulted in well-differentiated grafts with a 90% long-term survival rate. Although dense gliosis was still present along the lesion surfaces of the recipient spinal cord, foci of confluent host-graft neuropil were observed where interruptions in the scar had occurred. Donor tissue integrated most often with the host spinal cord at interfaces with host gray matter; however, some implants also exhibited sites of fusion with damaged host white matter. Thus, some regions of confluent graft and host neuropil could be routinely identified, despite the presence of a dense glial scar along the walls of the chronic lesion site at the time of transplantation. Anterograde and retrograde tract-tracing results suggested that some axonal projections into these grafts had originated from host neurons located immediately adjacent to the donor-recipient interface. In addition, immunocytochemistry revealed some host serotoninergic axons (presumably of supraspinal origin) traversing nongliotic interfaces. The results of this study raise the possibility that grafted fetal CNS tissue has a capacity for stimulating partial regression of an established glial scar.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

The capacity of the central nervous system for axonal growth decreases as the age of the animal at the time of injury increases. Changes in the expression of neurotrophic factors within embryonic and early postnatal spinal cord suggest that a lack of trophic support contributes to this restrictive growth environment. We examined neurotrophic factor gene profiles by ribonuclease protection assay in normal neonate and normal adult spinal cord and in neonate and adult spinal cord after injury. Our results show that in the normal developing spinal cord between postnatal days 3 (P3) and P10, compared to the normal adult spinal cord, there are higher levels of nerve growth factor (NGF), brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), neurotrophin 3 (NT-3), and glial-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) mRNA expression and a lower level of ciliary neurotrophic factor (CNTF) mRNA expression. Between P10 and P17, there is a significant decrease in the expression of NGF, BDNF, NT-3, and GDNF mRNA and a contrasting steady and significant increase in the level of CNTF mRNA expression. These findings show that there is a critical shift in neurotrophic factor expression in normal developing spinal cord between P10 and P17. In neonate spinal cord after injury, there is a significantly higher level of BDNF mRNA expression and a significantly lower level of CNTF mRNA expression compared to those observed in the adult spinal cord after injury. These findings suggest that high levels of BDNF mRNA expression and low levels of CNTF mRNA expression play important roles in axonal regrowth in early postnatal spinal cord after injury.  相似文献   

Oligodendrocyte precursors (OPCs) initially arise in the motor neuron domain of the ventral ventricular zone of the developing spinal cord. After dispersal throughout gray and white matter, OPCs differentiate in a characteristic ventral to dorsal sequence. The spatial localization of OPC induction is in part a result of both positive local sonic hedgehog signaling and dorsally derived inhibitory cues. One component of dorsal inhibitory signals seems to be members of the transforming growth factor beta (TGFbeta) superfamily such as the bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs). We show that during the initial appearance and subsequent maturation of OPCs, BMP4 was expressed specifically in the dorsal midline and its expression was correlated spatially and temporally with phospho-Smad 1+, BMP4-responsive cells. Implantation of sonic hedgehog (Shh)-coated beads adjacent to dorsal spinal cord in Xenopus embryos induced ectopic dorsal OPCs whereas BMP4-coated beads inhibited OPC appearance. More importantly, blocking endogenous dorsal BMP4 with anti-BMP4-coated beads locally induced ectopic OPCs. Similar results were obtained using soluble ligands on slice preparations of rodent spinal cord in vitro. In dissociated cell cultures of embryonic rat spinal cord, Shh and BMP4 had antagonistic effects on OPC development and the sensitivity of oligodendrocyte lineage cells to BMP4 increased with maturation. These data suggest that BMP4 contributes to the pattern of spinal cord oligodendrogenesis by regulating both induction and maturation of spinal cord OPCs.  相似文献   

Schwann cells (SCs) have been shown to be a key element in promoting axonal regeneration after being grafted into the central nervous system (CNS). In the present study, SC-supported axonal regrowth was tested in an adult rat spinal cord implantation model. This model is characterized by a right spinal cord hemisection at the eighth thoracic segment, implantation of a SC-containing mini-channel and restoration of cerebrospinal fluid circulation by suturing the dura. We demonstrate that a tissue cable containing grafted SCs formed an effective bridge between the two stumps of the hemicord 1 month after transplantation. Approximately 10 000 myelinated and unmyelinated axons (1 : 9) per cable were found at its midpoint. In addition to propriospinal axons and axons of peripheral nervous system (PNS) origin, axons from as many as 19 brainstem regions also grew into the graft without additional treatments. Most significantly, some regenerating axons in the SC grafts were able to penetrate through the distal graft-host interface to re-enter the host environment, as demonstrated by anterograde axonal labelling. These axons coursed toward, and then entered the grey matter where terminal bouton-like structures were observed. In channels containing no SCs, limited axonal growth was seen within the graft and no axons penetrated the distal interface. These findings further support the notion that SCs are strong promotors of axonal regeneration and that the mini-channel model may be appropriate for further investigation of axonal re-entry, synaptic reconnection and functional recovery following spinal cord injury.  相似文献   

Combination of ex vivo gene transfer and cell transplantation is now considered as a potentially useful strategy for the treatment of spinal cord injury. In a perspective of clinical application, autologous transplantation could be an option of choice. We analyzed the fate of adult rat cortical astrocytes genetically engineered with a lentiviral vector transplanted into a lesioned rat spinal cord. Cultures of adult rat cortical astrocytes were infected with an HIV-1-derived vector (TRIP-CMV-GFP) and labeled with the fluorescent dye Hoechst. Transfected and labeled astrocyte suspension was injected at T11 in rats in which spinal cord transection at T7-T8 levels had been carried out 1 week earlier. Six weeks after grafting, the animals were sacrificed and transplants were retrieved either by Hoechst fluorescence or by immunohistochemistry for detection of glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) and vimentin. Grafted astrocytes expressing green fluorescent protein (GFP) were found both at the injection and transection sites. Genetically modified astrocytes thus survived, integrated, and migrated within the host parenchyma when grafted into the completely transected rat spinal cord. In addition, they retained some ability to express the GFP transgene for at least 6 weeks after transplantation. Adult astrocytes infected with lentiviral vectors can therefore be a valuable tool for the delivery of therapeutic factors into the lesioned spinal cord.  相似文献   

We describe an experimental model to produce closed traumatic injuries to the spinal cord of adult rats. This model uses an inflatable balloon that is introduced in the dorsal subdural space and moved to a location rostral to the laminectomy site. The spinal cord trauma can be graded by varying either the duration of compression or the volume of saline used to inflate the balloon. The locomotor deficit of animals with various degrees of injury has been assessed at increasing delays after trauma. The parameters generating transient or definitive deficits of varying intensity were defined. Some injured animals underwent nuclear magnetic resonance imaging. Detailed histopathological studies demonstrated that the extent of the spinal lesion was significantly correlated with the physical parameters of compression and with the severity of the behavioral deficit.  相似文献   

Spinal cord samples from rats subjected to three different levels of impact trauma (25, 50, 100 g-cm) were examined for immunoreactive thromboxane B2 and 6-sulfidopeptide-containing leukotrienes, using specific radioimmunoassays. Trauma resulted in pronounced increases in thromboxane levels as early as 5 min after injury, with maximum values at 1 hr. Although thromboxane values then slowly declined, they remained significantly above control values for up to 7 days. Significantly smaller thromboxane values were found in rats subjected to mild injury (25 g-cm) than in those that received more severe, irreversible impact injury (50 and 100 g-cm). No statistically significant changes were observed in leukotriene levels in any of the experimental groups. These findings are consistent with the hypothesis that cyclooxygenase products of arachidonic acid metabolism may contribute to secondary injury after spinal cord trauma and provides the rationale for the use of cyclooxygenase inhibitors in the treatment of such injury.  相似文献   

目的 研究腹腔注射丹酚酸B(Sal B)对大鼠急性脊髓损伤(SCI)模型的神经保护作用和促功能恢复作用,探讨Sal B在急性SCI治疗的应用价值,并探讨其量效关系. 方法参照Allen法制作SD大鼠T9脊髓节段急性损伤模型,腹腔注射Sal B或PBS液,按照注射液的不同分为4组:Sal B高剂量组(20 mg/kg组),Sal B中剂量组(10 mg/kg组),Sal B低剂量组(2 mg/kg组)和对照组(注射PBS液),每组12只.用比色法检测髓过氧化物酶活性;用免疫组织化学染色法检测损伤脊髓节段MMP-1、c-Fos抗体表达情况,用干湿重法评价的水肿程度,并采用后肢功能评分(BBB)评分评价10 d内大鼠的运动功能恢复情况. 结果损伤后4 h Sal B治疗组髓过氧化物酶活性下降,损伤后1 dHE染色切片显示SalB组治疗后局部组织损伤减轻,炎性细胞浸润数量减少,损伤后1d免疫组化染色结果显示,Sal B治疗组比对照组MMP-1表达减少,c-Fos表达下调;Sal B治疗组水肿程度轻于对照组,从SCI后第7天起,SalB组高剂量组(20 mg/kg组)和对照组之间的BBB评分有显著性差异(P<0.05).各指标改善情况与Sal B剂量呈正相关性. 结论 Sal B可减轻大鼠SCI后的组织损伤,下调损伤相关因子MMP-1和c-Fos的表达,降低损伤局部髓过氧化物酶活性,减轻组织水肿,并能促进损伤大鼠的功能恢复.  相似文献   

目的:观察5-HT2C,5-HT3,5-HT6和5-HT7受体亚型mRNAs在大鼠脊髓不同节段的表达.方法:反转录PCR方法.结果:5-HT2C受体亚型mRNA在颈、胸、腰、骶段脊髓的背角(DH)和前角(VH)均有较强的表达;5-HT3受体mRNA在各节段脊髓DH的表达水平较高,而在VH则较低;与5-HT3受体亚型相反,5-HT6受体亚型mR-NA在脊髓VH的表达水平高于DH;5-HT7受体mRNA在脊髓的表达则与5-HT3受体相似,在各节段的DH均有较高水平的表达.不同的受体亚型在脊髓同一节段以及同一受体亚型在不同脊髓节段的表达水平存在差异.结论:本研究结果表明,上述四种5-HT受体亚型在脊髓具有不同的表达特点,提示它们在脊髓水平可能发挥着不同的生理作用,并为深入探讨5-HT受体参与伤害性感受和运动的调节机制提供了依据.  相似文献   

目的 比较正常成人和急性脊髓损伤患者、慢性脊髓压迫症患者外周血白细胞塘皮质激素受体的结合位点数并探讨其意义。方法 采用放射配体结合法测定15例正常成人、20例急性脊髓损伤患者和21例慢性脊髓压迫症患者外周血白细胞上糖皮质激素受体结合位点数。结果 正常成人外周血白细胞精皮质激素受体结合位点数为4462±891.6个/细胞,慢性脊髓压迫症患者为4225±1271个/细胞,急性脊髓损伤患者为2517±857.8个/细胞,经统计学比较正常成人组和慢性脊髓压迫症患者组没有显著性差异,急性脊髓损伤组与其他两者相差均有显著性意义。急性脊髓损伤组中,全瘫患者为2279±921个/细胞,不全瘫患者为2806±718个/细胞,两者无统计学差异。结论 外周血白细胞上的糖皮质激素受体有高亲和力和低亲和力两种结合位点,急性脊髓损伤后外周血白细胞的精皮质激素受体结合位点数的减少主要是高亲和力位点的减少,低亲和力位点维持不变。大剂量的糖皮质激素和白细胞的低亲和力位点结合,抑制白细胞的趋向移动,减少白细胞进入损伤脊髓区,减轻损伤后的急性炎症反直,起到神经保护作用。慢性脊髓压迫症患者予以糖皮质激素治疗无疗效。  相似文献   

背景:基因芯片可以大规模地平行检测分析上千个基因的表达模式,克服了传统的一次实验仅能对单个或数个基因表达水平进行分析的局限。 目的:应用含有1 176条人类全长基因的cDNA表达谱芯片,对大鼠急性脊髓损伤模型中基因表达水平的变化进行动态观察。 方法:雌性SD大鼠70只随机分成正常对照组、手术对照组、损伤4 h,24 h,3 d,7 d,10 d组7组。损伤组切除T7、T8的椎板,并用钢棒从高处自由落下致脊髓损伤。手术对照组仅进行T7、T8椎板切除。正常组和各损伤组于伤后各时间段,手术对照组于术后3 d取T6~T10段脊髓,提取总RNA,运用AtlasImageTM 2.01软件(Clontech)对放射自显影基因表达谱进行分析,各个处理组与正常组相比,灰度值差异超过3倍的基因定为有表达差异。 结果与结论:结果显示共有显著表达差异基因81条,其中表达上调的基因有46条,表达下调的基因有35条,并在国内外首次观察到神经激肽B、神经肽Y、垂体后叶加压素V2受体等数个基因在脊髓损伤中的变化。结果表明利用基因芯片技术结合实验动物模型能大规模、高通量地观察急性脊髓损伤继发性损伤的基因表达谱,筛选疾病相关基因,对进一步阐明疾病在基因水平上的发病机制,有重要的意义。  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of cortex and spinal cord from 11-, 12-, and 15-day-old fetuses implanted into the spinal cord of adult rats was studied over 3 months. Under deep Chloropent anesthesia, a 0.5 × 1.0-mm square of fetal cortex or a 1.0-mm segment of fetal spinal cord was implanted subpially between the left dorsal column and the dorsal horn of 70 adult rats. Implants grew toward gray matter, usually interfacing with the host at the isthmus between the horns of the spinal cord. However, implants were observed that occupied the entire left dorsal and ventral horns of the left half of the host spinal cord. Implants had concentric zones: A central zone with basal lamina lined joined channels and subjacent neuroglia; a zone of differentiating implant nervous system; a zone with basal lamina lined implant with overlying pial cells on the dorsal and lateral surfaces of the implant; a zone that interfaced with the host with overlapping neuropil on the lateral and ventral surfaces of the implant. Neuron types were typical for cortical or spinal implants. Implants survived for 3 months and reached stages of neuronal and neuroglial maturation similar to controls. Both fetal spinal cord and brain were successful as implants, had delayed differentiation, and formed complex neuropils. The zone of overlapping interface of the donor and host is an anatomical indication of physiological and functional integration.  相似文献   

A technique for producing graded spinal cord compression injuries in rats is described. A metal plate 2.2 x 5.0 mm in size is applied to the exposed spinal dura and loaded with weights. Neurological function is tested postoperatively on an inclined plane. Reading of the maximal angle of rat performance on this plane was found reproducible on comparison between different observers. Laminectomy per se had a minimal effect on the performance. Compression of 35 g for 5 min caused a pronounced but incomplete injury, with almost total recovery within 14 days and with no difference between animals on artificial respiration and those breathing spontaneously. Animals whose spine was fixed during the compression had a better outcome than those without such fixation.  相似文献   

The cytokine erythropoietin (EPO) has been shown to be neuroprotective in a variety of models of central and peripheral nervous system injury. Derivatives of EPO that lack its erythropoietic effects have recently been developed, and the initial reports suggest that they have a neuroprotective potential comparable to that of EPO. One such derivative is carbamylated EPO (CEPO). In the current study we compared the effects of treatment with EPO and CEPO on some of the early neurodegenerative events that occur following spinal cord injury (SCI) induced by hemisection. Adult male Wistar rats received a unilateral hemisection of the spinal cord. Thirty minutes and 24 h following injury, animals received an intraperitoneal injection of saline, EPO (40 microg/kg) or CEPO (40 microg/kg). Results indicated that 3 days post-injury, both CEPO and EPO decreased to a similar extent the size of the lesion compared with control animals. Both compounds also decreased the number of terminal transferase-mediated dUTP nick-end labelling (TUNEL)-labelled apopotic nuclei around the lesion site, as well as the number of axons expressing the injury marker beta-amyloid precursor protein. EPO and CEPO also increased Schwann cell infiltration into the lesion site, although neither compound had any effect on macrophage infiltration either within the lesion site itself or in the surrounding intact tissue. In addition, immunohistochemistry showed an increased expression of both the EPO receptor and the beta common receptor subunit, the components of the receptor complex proposed to mediate the neuroprotective effects of EPO and CEPO in neurons near the site of the injury. The results show that not only does CEPO have an efficacy comparable to that of EPO in its neuroprotective potential following injury, but also that changes in the receptors for these compounds following SCI may underlie their neuroprotective efficacy.  相似文献   

大鼠脊髓损伤后Nogo-A表达变化的免疫组织化学研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的观察大鼠脊髓损伤后不同时间点Nogo—A蛋白在脊髓的表达变化。方法大鼠分脊髓损伤组、假手术组和正常对照组。损伤动物存活1d、3d、7d后,分别进行Nogo—A抗体的免疫组织化学染色。结果损伤部位的灰质神经元和白质少突胶质细胞均呈明显的Nogo—A免疫阳性反应,随着损伤后存活时间的延长,两者的阳性反应细胞相对染色强度及数量均逐渐下降。结论脊髓损伤后,Nogo—A在灰质神经元有表达,其表达相对强度和表达细胞数量先明显增加,随后逐渐减少,与少突胶质细胞的表达变化相似。  相似文献   

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