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缓控释制剂是指在水中或某些特殊介质中缓慢释放药物的制剂,可适用于多种给药途径,制作成多种药用剂型。缓控释制剂作为一种特殊释药系统一直在药剂专业范围内被广泛关注。本文就缓控释制剂的载体材料及剂型进行概述。  相似文献   

缓控释微丸制剂的研究进展   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
缓控释微丸制剂是一种多单元型给药系统,具有一单元型给药系统不可比拟的优点,成为目前缓控释制剂研究的热点。本文对缓控释微丸制剂包括骨架型微丸、膜控型微丸和骨架膜控两种技术结合制备的微丸的特点、所选用的材料及调节药物释放的方法等方面的研究进展进行了综述.并展望了微丸制剂的发展前景。  相似文献   

膜控型微丸的研究与应用进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
微丸作为多单元给药系统的代表,特别是膜控型微丸凭借其良好的释放可调节性,则逐渐成为缓控释微丸制剂的主要研究方向。本文综述了膜控型微丸缓控释制备技术和应用的研究进展,旨在为缓控释微丸的研究提供思路和方法。  相似文献   

缓控释药物在心血管疾病的治疗中起效平稳、释药时间长,具有良好的开发应用前景。本文对近年来国内外心血管疾病的口服缓控释制剂的研究现状进行综述,概述了渗透泵型、骨架型、脉冲型、包衣型、微丸、胶囊及微囊制剂的研究进展,为研发防治心血管疾病的缓控释药物提供参考,对更好地满足患者的用药需求具有积极意义。同时也对心血管缓控释制剂的发展进行了展望。  相似文献   

渗透泵型控释片制备工艺研究进展   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
渗透泵型控释制剂作为缓控释制剂的典型代表,是以渗透压作为释药动力,以零级释放动力学为特征的一种制剂技术,已成为目前国内外研究开发的热点。本文就口服渗透泵型控释片的制备工艺研究进展情况进行了综述。  相似文献   

新型缓(控)释骨架片的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张彦  吕竹芬 《药品评价》2006,3(6):446-449
缓控释片剂是口服缓、控释制剂的重要组成.加快研制和推广新剂型和新技术在口服缓控释片中的应用显得相当重要。传统的骨架片按制剂骨架材料的不同可分为不溶性骨架缓控释片、亲水凝胶骨架缓控释片、蜡质骨架缓控释片以及混合材料骨架缓控释片4种。其中。亲水凝胶骨架缓控释片可作为可溶性药物和难溶性药物的载体.是目前口服缓、控释制剂的主要类型之一.约占上市骨架片品种的60%。70%。与一般骨架片相比.新型骨架片主要是在制备工艺方面进行了改进.通过多层骨架缓控释技术、几何异型骨架技术等方式使药物实现定速、定位、定时释放的目的。以下就新型骨架缓控释技术在片剂中的应用和研究现状加以概述:  相似文献   

目的 针对各类口服液体缓控释技术的释药机理、应用特点及局限性进行综述,为此类制剂的开发提供参考。方法 查阅国内外相关文献,对口服液体缓控释技术进行整理归纳。结果 目前已有基于离子交换树脂和微囊技术的口服液体缓控释制剂上市,此外,微球、固体脂质纳米粒、原位凝胶等技术也应用于口服液体缓控释制剂领域。结论 口服液体缓控释给药系统相比于传统固体缓控释制剂,因其口服可接受性良好,剂量调整灵活,给药依从性优势明显,具有良好的开发应用前景。  相似文献   

目的 使用3D打印技术制备复方丹参缓控释制剂,实现复方丹参制剂中特定组分在特定部位释放。方法 通过计算机辅助设计软件,设计多组分、双层级释放的药物三维数字模型,使用热熔挤出方式制备负载药物的打印丝材,使用熔融沉积3D打印方式制备复方丹参缓控释制剂,以及体外溶出试验初步测试制剂中药物释放情况。结果 使用3D打印技术成功制备复方丹参缓控释制剂,实现了药物组分中冰片仅在肠道中释放,而丹参和三七在胃肠道中均可释放的特性。结论 3D打印技术作为一种现代化科学技术,可用中药制剂现代化的研究。  相似文献   

口服缓控释制剂在胃肠道中停留转运的时间显著长于普通制剂,更易受胃肠道生理因素的影响。因此,研究和建立与体内相关的体外释放评价方法,对于保证口服缓控释制剂的内在质量非常重要。文中从装置、释放介质pH、表面活性剂、食物、乙醇等方面综述了近几年口服缓控释制剂体外释放的最新进展。  相似文献   

口服缓控释制剂研究概况   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文综述了口服缓控释制剂研究概况。缓控释制剂有三种释药类型:定时、定速、定位释药。有多种剂型:包括骨架缓控释制剂、薄膜包衣缓控释制剂、渗透泵型缓控释制剂、胃内漂浮缓控释制剂、缓控释微丸、缓控释液体制剂等。口服缓控释释放系统的迅猛发展,为新药物的研制、老药新用途的开发提供了更为广阔的前景。  相似文献   

分子模拟技术在释药技术中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
环糊精包合技术和缓控释技术是发展较快的释药技术,分子模拟技术在这两种释药技术中的应用也越来越多。简述环糊精包合技术和缓控释释药技术的优点、影响因素和释药原理,介绍几种重要的分子模拟技术在环糊精包合技术和缓控释释药技术中的应用,并给出了分子模拟技术在具体应用中的力场及模拟的条件,分析分子模拟技术的在环糊精包合技术和缓控释技术中应用的优点和难点,展望分子模拟在其应用中的前景,指出分子模拟技术有望成为研究释药技术的一种常规项的工具。  相似文献   

人工神经网络在药物控释系统研究中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的介绍人工神经网络在药物控释系统研究中的应用.方法查阅相关文献,总结、归纳国内外人工神经网络在药物控释系统中的应用.结果人工神经网络能优化处方组成和工艺过程,使其在控释片剂、控释微粒以及透皮吸收中得到应用.结论人工神经网络在设计和开发药物控释系统中具有广阔的前景.  相似文献   

Controlled release drug delivery systems offer great advantages over the conventional dosage forms. However, there are great challenges to efficiently develop controlled release drug delivery systems due to the complexity of these delivery systems. Traditional statistic response surface methodology (RSM) is one of the techniques that has been employed to develop and formulate controlled release dosage forms. However, there are some limitations to the RSM technique. Hence, another technique called artificial neural networks (ANN) has recently gained wide popularity in the development of controlled release dosage forms. In this review, the basic ANN structure, the development of the ANN model and an explanation of how to use ANN to design and develop controlled release drug delivery systems are discussed. In addition, the applications of ANN in the design and development of controlled release dosage forms are also summarized in this review.  相似文献   

缓释微丸作为缓控释药物制剂的一种形式,属于多单元型给药系统,具有一单元型给药系统不可比拟的优点,近年来随着现代制备工艺的逐渐成熟及辅料的发展,微丸已成为缓控释制剂发展的重要方向。本文以文献研究为基础,重点综述了骨架型微丸及膜控型微丸的特点以及质量研究进展,以期为微丸的进一步深入研究提供参考。  相似文献   

Diabetes mellitus is a major cause of mortality in industrialised countries, and insulin has remained indispensable in the treatment of diabetes mellitus since its discovery. Generally, patients with diabetes mellitus need a relatively constant basal insulin supply to mimic a near-normal physiological pattern of insulin secretion. However, as a consequence of very short in vivo half-lifes, poor oral bioavailability and current lack of alternative delivery routes, insulin requires single or multiple daily subcutaneous injections to achieve the desired therapeutic effect, which is inconvenient and painful and with poor patient compliance. Therefore, there is a need for insulin delivery systems that have the capability of releasing the loaded insulin at a controlled and sustained rate for a prolonged period. This review examines recent (2000 – 2004) patents on the controlled release systems for insulin delivery, including those for injectable, oral, pulmonary and transdermal delivery, and the glucose-responsive controlled-release systems.  相似文献   

Inhalation of aerosolised drugs has become a well established modality in the treatment of localised disease states within the lung. However, most medications in aerosol form require inhalation daily at least 3–4 times because of the relatively short duration of resultant clinical effects. Some studies have been conducted with a view to sustaining release of drugs in the lung so as to prolong drug action, reduce side effects and improve patient compliance. Liposomes have been shown to have the potential to produce controlled delivery to the lung, since they can be prepared with phospholipids endogenous to the lung as surfactants. Up to now, many drugs have been incorporated into liposomes and tested in both human subjects and animal models as pulmonary delivery systems. Other biodegradable microspheres (MS) such as albumin MS and poly(lactide and/or glycolide) copolymer MS are also being investigated. In contrast to liposomes, these MS may be more physico-chemically stable both in vitro and in vivo. Thus, drugs entrapped in biodegradable MS may have a slower release rate and a longer duration of action than those incorporated in liposomes. The prodrug approach has been successful in producing long-lasting bronchodilators whilst conjugation of drugs to macromolecules provides a possible mechanism for controlled release of drugs for either localised or systemic actions. Sustained release in the lung can also be achieved by reducing the aqueous solubility of the drug or co-precipitating relatively insoluble materials with aqueous soluble drugs. In contrast, inclusion of drugs in cyclodextrins is unable to sustain drug release in the lung, which may be due to the premature breakdown of drug-cyclodextrin conjugates in vivo. Many interdependent factors, involving the lung, carrier, drug and device have been shown to influence the overall disposition of drugs in the respiratory tract after inhalation. Current studies on pulmonary delivery systems have many limitations, mainly due to the lack of suitable animal models and the chronic side effects of drug carriers have yet to be established. Thus, more inter-disciplinary collaboration is essential for the development of effective controlled drug delivery systems intended for administration to the lung.  相似文献   

Objective There is a growing interest in developing bioresponsive drug delivery systems to achieve greater control over drug release than can be achieved with the conventional diffusion controlled polymeric delivery systems. While a number of such systems have been studied for oral or parenteral delivery, little or no work has been done on bioresponsive delivery systems for inhalation. Using the raised elastase levels present at sites of lung inflammation as a proof‐of‐concept model, we endeavoured to develop a prototype of inhalable elastase sensitive microparticles (ESMs). Methods Microparticles degradable by the enzyme elastase were formed by crosslinking the polymer alginate in the presence of an elastase substrate, elastin, using Ca+2 ions and subsequent spray drying. Key findings The bioresponsive release of a protein cargo in the presence of elastase demonstrated the enzyme‐specific degradability of the particles. The microparticles showed favorable properties such as high drug encapsulation and good powder dispersibility. Potential polymer toxicity in the lungs was assessed by impinging the microparticles on Calu‐3 cell monolayers and assessing changes in transepithelial permeability and induction of cytokine release. The microparticles displayed no toxic or immunogenic effects. Conclusions With a manufacturing method that is amenable to scale‐up, the ability to be aerosolised efficiently from a first‐generation inhaler device, enzyme‐specific degradability and lack of toxicity, the ESMs show significant promise as pulmonary drug carriers.  相似文献   

张成伟  汪洋  汪兴生 《安徽医药》2006,10(10):724-726
基因治疗已在治疗多种人类重大疾病如遗传病、肿瘤等方面显示出良好的应用前景,但也面临着巨大的挑战,主要是如何选择安全、高效、靶向的载体系统。基因治疗的靶向性研究近年来取得了许多新的进展,如应用重组病毒载体,借助抗体或配体将治疗基因定向导入靶细胞。纳米生物材料由于其良好的生物安全性,可方便有效地实现基因的靶向性及高效表达,成为制备高效、靶向的基因治疗载体系统的良好介质,在基因治疗载体系统中日益受到广泛重视。本文综述了目前国内外在靶向基因转移系统中的最新研究进展。  相似文献   

Drug delivery systems for non-specialist uses and application under field conditions are required for medical action in disaster situations and in developing countries. A possible solution for drug delivery under those conditions might be provided by mechanical manipulation of host–guest interactions that could allow drug release control by simple human actions such as hand motion. This editorial article presents recent research developments on control of molecular recognition, capture and release involving macroscopic mechanical motions. In particular, pressure-induced drug release from a cyclodextrin-linked gel has been used to realize controlled release of entrapped drugs upon applying an easy-to-perform mechanical procedure. These easy-action-based drug delivery systems can be applied at will by unskilled staff or patients and are expected to be used to assist medically patients in less-favorable environments anywhere in the world.  相似文献   

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