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目的:评估瓣膜病患者颈动脉狭窄的发病率,并对其相关危险因素进行研究。方法:196例超声确诊欲行瓣膜置换术的患者,术前常规冠状动脉造影的同时行颈动脉血管造影。根据造影结果分成两组,单纯瓣膜病组147例(75%),瓣膜病伴发冠心病组49例(25%),分析颈动脉狭窄的发病率。同时将年龄、体质指数、高血压病史、吸烟史及相关生化危险因素作为独立危险因素行多因素逐步Logistic回归分析。结果:瓣膜病伴发颈动脉狭窄总发病率为13%,其中颈动脉狭窄≥70%发生率为7%。单纯瓣膜病组颈动脉狭窄发病率为6%,瓣膜病伴发冠心病组为34%,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01),多因素Logistic回归分析显示,年龄、冠心病史和高血压史与颈动脉狭窄密切相关(P<0.05)。结论:瓣膜病伴发冠心病患者的颈动脉狭窄发病率达34%,术前常规冠状动脉造影的同时,可行颈动脉造影以确诊。  相似文献   

Qian J  Ge J  Baumgart D  Sack S  Haude M  Erbel R 《Herz》1999,24(7):548-557
Coronary flow velocity reserve (CFVR) measurement using intracoronary Doppler techniques has been increasing accepted for the assessment of physiological significance of epicardial stenosis and the functional changes after coronary interventions. However, large discrepancy exists concerning the acute changes of CFVR immediately after intervention. The purpose of this study was to investigate the prevalence of microvascular dysfunction in patients with significant coronary artery disease. Intracoronary Doppler flow measurements were performed in a total of 212 patients who underwent coronary interventions because of significant epicardial stenosis using 0.014" Doppler flow wire (Cardiometrics, Inc, Mountain View, CA). Intracoronary bolus injection of adenosine (12 micrograms for the right coronary and 18 micrograms for the left coronary arteries) was used to induce hyperemic reaction. CFVR was registered as the ratio of average peak velocity during hyperemia (hAPV) to at baseline (bAPV). Successful coronary interventions either by percutaneous transluminal coronary balloon angioplasty (PTCA) or by stenting could significantly improve the CFVR. In 80 patients with PTCA, the bAPV elevated from 16.6 +/- 2.1 cm/s to 20.6 +/- 13.4 cm/s and hAPV from 30.1 +/- 15.9 cm/s to 45.2 +/- 17.7 cm/s (both p < 0.001) with PTCA and the CFVR increased from 1.94 +/- 0.78 to 2.58 +/- 0.87 correspondingly (p < 0.001). Significant elevation of coronary flow parameters were also found in 132 patients with subsequent stent implantation (bAPV from 15.3 +/- 6.7 cm/s to 18.7 +/- 9.1 cm/s, hAPV from 28.7 +/- 14.4 cm/s to 44.3 +/- 17.7 cm/s and CFVR from 1.90 +/- 0.70 to 2.59 +/- 0.87, all p < 0.001). Reduction of CFVR (< 3.0) after intervention still existed in 46 (61.3%) of 80 patients after PTCA and 88 (66.7%) of 132 patients after stenting. Moreover, CFVR < 3.0 were found in 50 (45.9%) of 109 reference vessels in patients with single vessel disease. Significant improvement of coronary flow velocity and coronary flow velocity reserve could be obtained after successful angioplasty. However, microvascualr dysfunction existed in a large proportion of patients either in normal reference vessels or in target vessels after interventions.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Clinically significant valvular heart disease due to systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) has generally been considered rare, and Libman-Sacks endocarditis has been thought to be predominantly an autopsy finding. With the declining prevalence of rheumatic heart disease, however, the spectrum of valvular heart disease is changing. We retrospectively analyzed our experience with SLE between 1975 and 1987 for the presence of hemodynamically significant valvular heart disease. PATIENTS AND METHODS: An existing data base of 421 patients with SLE was selected for review. Patients were selected for inclusion in the study if they met four or more of the criteria of the American Rheumatism Association for SLE, they had clinically significant valvular heart disease, and tissue from the involved valve was available for review. The etiology of the valve lesion was determined by assessment of the clinical history, chart review, gross morphology, and valve histology. RESULTS: Of 14 cases with pathologic material available for review, six had anatomic features of SLE valvular heart disease such as verrucous vegetations or valvulitis with necrosis and vasculitis. Two of these patients underwent successful valve replacements and four died from complications of their valve disease. CONCLUSION: We suggest that significant morbidity and mortality may result from SLE valvular heart disease in about 1 to 2 percent of SLE patients and that the pathogenetic mechanisms underlying valve dysfunction in SLE patients are multifactorial.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS OF THE STUDY: The presence of significant atherosclerotic coronary artery disease (CAD) in patients with valvular heart disease is an important predictor of perioperative mortality. The prevalence of CAD in patients undergoing valvular heart surgery is 20-40% in industrialized countries. The study aim was to determine CAD prevalence in Turkish patients undergoing valvular heart surgery, and to identify predictors of its presence. METHODS: A total of 760 patients (357 males, 403 females; mean age 54.4+/-18.1 years) who underwent coronary angiography before valvular surgery between 1995 and 2000 was enrolled retrospectively. Single- and multi-valve involvement was present in 46% and 54% of patients, respectively. Patients with ischemic mitral regurgitation were excluded from the study. Significant CAD was defined as the presence of > or =50% diameter stenosis anyone of the coronary arteries. The presence of angina pectoris, and of risk factors (e.g. hypertension, smoking, diabetes mellitus (DM), hyperlipidemia, family history of CAD) were sought in all patients. Predictors of CAD were identified by logistic regression analysis. RESULTS: Significant CAD was present in 15.8% of patients (24% males, 9% females) (p <0.001); the highest prevalence was in those with aortic stenosis (p <0.05). CAD was not seen in young patients (aged <45 years) with none of the above-mentioned risk factors. The highest correlation between CAD and risk factors was family history of CAD, followed by DM, hyperlipidemia, hypertension and smoking, in decreasing order. CONCLUSION: The study results showed that CAD in patients with valvular heart disease was less prevalent in Turkey than in industrialized countries. The incidence of coronary lesions rises notably from the age of 50 years in both males and females. Coronary angiography before valvular heart surgery could be omitted in young patients (age <45 years) with none of the coronary risk factors, or without angina.  相似文献   

The case notes, cardiac catheterisation data, and coronary arteriograms of 239 patients investigated for valvular heart disease during a five year period were reviewed. Angina present in 13 of 95 patients with isolated mitral valve disease, 43 of 90 patients with isolated aortic valve disease, and 18 of 54 patients with combined mitral and aortic valve disease. Significant coronary artery disease was present in 85 per cent of patients with mitral valve disease and angina, but in only 33 per cent of patients with aortic valve disease and angina. Patients with no chest pain still had a high incidence of coronary artery disease, significant coronary obstruction being present in 22 per cent with mitral valve disease, 22 per cent with aortic valve disease, and 11 per cent with combine mitral and aortic valve disease. Several possible clinical markers of coronary artery disease were examined but none was found to be of practical help. There was, however, a significant inverse relation between severity of coronary artery disease and severity of valve disease in patients with aortic valve disease. Asymptomatic coronary artery disease is not uncommon in patients with valvular heart disease and if it is policy to perform coronary artery bypass grafting in such patients, routine coronary arteriography must be part of the preoperative investigation.  相似文献   

成年人瓣膜病合并冠心病的伴发情况分析   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
为了评估成年人瓣膜病变患者的冠心病伴发率。我们对本院自1988年6月至1995年12月40岁以上550例瓣膜病者的冠状动脉造影进行回顾性研究。男343例,女207例。年龄40 ̄72岁,平均54.3岁。二尖瓣、主动脉瓣和联合瓣膜损害分别为205例。107例,238例。156例心电图呈ST-T改变,116例有心绞痛症状。结果:550例中76例冠状动状有单支或多支≥50%的狭窄病变,占13.8%,就年龄  相似文献   

169例心脏瓣膜病冠状动脉造影分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
心脏瓣膜病患者瓣膜置换术前了解冠状动脉形态和变异,对手术时是否同时作搭桥术及术后处理有重要意义,国内对此报道极少。我们对169例心脏瓣膜病者术前临床资料和冠状动脉造影结果进行综合分析对比,结果表明:14.8%的心脏瓣膜病伴发冠心病,其中无症状者占80%。由于瓣膜病患者常有心电图ST-T的非特异性改变(本组达78.4%),使临床常用的无创性检查不能对合并冠心病作出肯定诊断,必须作冠状动脉造影才能确诊。本研究表明,年龄大于50岁者,心瓣膜置换术前应常规行冠状动脉造影检查,以减少手术并发症及病死率。  相似文献   

目的 总结61例同期行心脏瓣膜手术和冠脉搭桥术(CABG)的临床经验.方法 2001年10月至2009年6月,共同期行心脏瓣膜手术及CABG 61例,其中二尖瓣成形7例、二尖瓣置换33例、主动脉瓣置换8例、双瓣置换9例、Bentall术3例、Wheat术1例,同期移植血管112支,平均1.90支.结果 术后早期死亡2例(3.3%,2/61),死因为低心排综合征.其余并发症包括出血、切口感染、肾功能不全,经相应处理痊愈.随访1~93个月,随访54例,症状和体征均明显改善.远期死亡1例(急性肺栓塞).结论 瓣膜病合并冠心病经过精心术前准备,术中充分再血管化,恰当的处理瓣膜,良好的心肌保护,外科治疗效果满意.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Rheumatic heart disease is still a major health problem in developing countries. The impact of coronary artery disease (CAD) on or its relation to rheumatic fever is not well established. We aimed to evaluate the prevalence of CAD and atherosclerotic risk factors in patients who underwent valvular surgery due to rheumatic heart disease. METHODS: The records of 346 patients who had undergone rheumatic valvular surgery in a university hospital between 1996 and 2002 were evaluated. RESULTS: Coronary angiography was performed in 218 (63%) patients, of whom 41 (18.8%) had CAD. The mean age of the patients having CAD and normal coronary arteries were 57.3 and 50.5 years respectively (p<0.001). In the study population patients with CAD had significantly increased prevalence of diabetes mellitus (14.6% vs. 4.5%; p=0.02), hypertension (36.6% vs. 16.4%; p=0.003), smoking (51.2% vs. 23.2%; p=0.001) and family history of CAD (39.5% vs. 20.0%; p=0.01) compared to patients with normal coronary arteries. However, the prevalence of dyslipidemia was similar in both groups (45.9% vs. 36.4%; p=0.1). CONCLUSION: These findings suggest that coronary artery disease prevalence in rheumatic valvular disease patients is similar to the normal population of same age. In cases where invasive assessment of valvular lesions is not indicated we suggest coronary angiography to be performed only in patients having clinical suspicion of CAD or multiple risk factors.  相似文献   

Impact of coronary artery disease on valvular heart surgery   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Patients who undergo coronary bypass grafting in association with aortic valve replacement currently have a low in-hospital mortality, but their late survival is inferior to that of patients without coronary disease who undergo isolated aortic valve replacement. Patients who receive porcine heterografts to replace the aortic valve have better late survival and event-free survival after aortic valve replacement combined with bypass grafting than those who received mechanical valves. The analyses of patients who combine coronary artery and mitral valve disease is difficult because of changing surgical practices and diagnostic techniques. Patients undergoing surgery for mitral valve replacement combined with bypass grafting have had higher in-hospital mortality and worse late survival than patients undergoing aortic valve replacement combined with bypass grafting. The increased use of techniques for reconstructing rather than replacing the mitral valve may help improve the long-term results for patients undergoing surgery for mitral valve dysfunction combined with coronary disease.  相似文献   

We report a case of aneurysmal coronary sinus complicating severe valvular disease with severe tricuspid regurgitation. Injection in the left superior vena cava outlines the aneurysmal coronary sinus with stasis of the contrast. As this anomaly carries special surgical implication in patients requiring open heart surgery, a correct preoperative diagnosis is mandatory.  相似文献   

463例心脏瓣膜病冠状动脉造影分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的 观察心脏瓣膜病患者的冠状动脉病变的发生率。方法 对 46 3例心脏瓣膜病患者术前临床资料和选择性冠状动脉造影的结果进行综合分析。结果 心脏瓣膜病并发冠状动脉病变发生率为 16 8% ,其中无症状占 88 3%。结论 年龄大于 5 0岁者 (有冠心病危险因素者提前到 45岁 ) ,心脏瓣膜置换术前应常规行选择性冠状动脉造影检查 ,以减少手术并发症 ,确保瓣膜置换术后复跳成功  相似文献   

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