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Multi-atlas segmentation provides a general purpose, fully-automated approach for transferring spatial information from an existing dataset (“atlases”) to a previously unseen context (“target”) through image registration. The method to resolve voxelwise label conflicts between the registered atlases (“label fusion”) has a substantial impact on segmentation quality. Ideally, statistical fusion algorithms (e.g., STAPLE) would result in accurate segmentations as they provide a framework to elegantly integrate models of rater performance. The accuracy of statistical fusion hinges upon accurately modeling the underlying process of how raters err. Despite success on human raters, current approaches inaccurately model multi-atlas behavior as they fail to seamlessly incorporate exogenous intensity information into the estimation process. As a result, locally weighted voting algorithms represent the de facto standard fusion approach in clinical applications. Moreover, regardless of the approach, fusion algorithms are generally dependent upon large atlas sets and highly accurate registration as they implicitly assume that the registered atlases form a collectively unbiased representation of the target. Herein, we propose a novel statistical fusion algorithm, Non-Local STAPLE (NLS). NLS reformulates the STAPLE framework from a non-local means perspective in order to learn what label an atlas would have observed, given perfect correspondence. Through this reformulation, NLS (1) seamlessly integrates intensity into the estimation process, (2) provides a theoretically consistent model of multi-atlas observation error, and (3) largely diminishes the need for large atlas sets and very high-quality registrations. We assess the sensitivity and optimality of the approach and demonstrate significant improvement in two empirical multi-atlas experiments.  相似文献   

Multi-atlas label fusion is a powerful image segmentation strategy that is becoming increasingly popular in medical imaging. A standard label fusion algorithm relies on independently computed pairwise registrations between individual atlases and the (target) image to be segmented. These registrations are then used to propagate the atlas labels to the target space and fuse them into a single final segmentation. Such label fusion schemes commonly rely on the similarity between intensity values of the atlases and target scan, which is often problematic in medical imaging – in particular, when the atlases and target images are obtained via different sensor types or imaging protocols.In this paper, we present a generative probabilistic model that yields an algorithm for solving the atlas-to-target registrations and label fusion steps simultaneously. The proposed model does not directly rely on the similarity of image intensities. Instead, it exploits the consistency of voxel intensities within the target scan to drive the registration and label fusion, hence the atlases and target image can be of different modalities. Furthermore, the framework models the joint warp of all the atlases, introducing interdependence between the registrations.We use variational expectation maximization and the Demons registration framework in order to efficiently identify the most probable segmentation and registrations. We use two sets of experiments to illustrate the approach, where proton density (PD) MRI atlases are used to segment T1-weighted brain scans and vice versa. Our results clearly demonstrate the accuracy gain due to exploiting within-target intensity consistency and integrating registration into label fusion.  相似文献   

Abdominal segmentation on clinically acquired computed tomography (CT) has been a challenging problem given the inter-subject variance of human abdomens and complex 3-D relationships among organs. Multi-atlas segmentation (MAS) provides a potentially robust solution by leveraging label atlases via image registration and statistical fusion. We posit that the efficiency of atlas selection requires further exploration in the context of substantial registration errors. The selective and iterative method for performance level estimation (SIMPLE) method is a MAS technique integrating atlas selection and label fusion that has proven effective for prostate radiotherapy planning. Herein, we revisit atlas selection and fusion techniques for segmenting 12 abdominal structures using clinically acquired CT. Using a re-derived SIMPLE algorithm, we show that performance on multi-organ classification can be improved by accounting for exogenous information through Bayesian priors (so called context learning). These innovations are integrated with the joint label fusion (JLF) approach to reduce the impact of correlated errors among selected atlases for each organ, and a graph cut technique is used to regularize the combined segmentation. In a study of 100 subjects, the proposed method outperformed other comparable MAS approaches, including majority vote, SIMPLE, JLF, and the Wolz locally weighted vote technique. The proposed technique provides consistent improvement over state-of-the-art approaches (median improvement of 7.0% and 16.2% in DSC over JLF and Wolz, respectively) and moves toward efficient segmentation of large-scale clinically acquired CT data for biomarker screening, surgical navigation, and data mining.  相似文献   

《Medical image analysis》2015,19(8):1262-1273
We propose a method for multi-atlas label propagation (MALP) based on encoding the individual atlases by randomized classification forests. Most current approaches perform a non-linear registration between all atlases and the target image, followed by a sophisticated fusion scheme. While these approaches can achieve high accuracy, in general they do so at high computational cost. This might negatively affect the scalability to large databases and experimentation. To tackle this issue, we propose to use a small and deep classification forest to encode each atlas individually in reference to an aligned probabilistic atlas, resulting in an Atlas Forest (AF). Our classifier-based encoding differs from current MALP approaches, which represent each point in the atlas either directly as a single image/label value pair, or by a set of corresponding patches. At test time, each AF produces one probabilistic label estimate, and their fusion is done by averaging. Our scheme performs only one registration per target image, achieves good results with a simple fusion scheme, and allows for efficient experimentation. In contrast to standard forest schemes, in which each tree would be trained on all atlases, our approach retains the advantages of the standard MALP framework. The target-specific selection of atlases remains possible, and incorporation of new scans is straightforward without retraining. The evaluation on four different databases shows accuracy within the range of the state of the art at a significantly lower running time.  相似文献   

《Medical image analysis》2014,18(8):1262-1273
We propose a method for multi-atlas label propagation (MALP) based on encoding the individual atlases by randomized classification forests. Most current approaches perform a non-linear registration between all atlases and the target image, followed by a sophisticated fusion scheme. While these approaches can achieve high accuracy, in general they do so at high computational cost. This might negatively affect the scalability to large databases and experimentation. To tackle this issue, we propose to use a small and deep classification forest to encode each atlas individually in reference to an aligned probabilistic atlas, resulting in an Atlas Forest (AF). Our classifier-based encoding differs from current MALP approaches, which represent each point in the atlas either directly as a single image/label value pair, or by a set of corresponding patches. At test time, each AF produces one probabilistic label estimate, and their fusion is done by averaging. Our scheme performs only one registration per target image, achieves good results with a simple fusion scheme, and allows for efficient experimentation. In contrast to standard forest schemes, in which each tree would be trained on all atlases, our approach retains the advantages of the standard MALP framework. The target-specific selection of atlases remains possible, and incorporation of new scans is straightforward without retraining. The evaluation on four different databases shows accuracy within the range of the state of the art at a significantly lower running time.  相似文献   

Automatic fetal brain tissue segmentation can enhance the quantitative assessment of brain development at this critical stage. Deep learning methods represent the state of the art in medical image segmentation and have also achieved impressive results in brain segmentation. However, effective training of a deep learning model to perform this task requires a large number of training images to represent the rapid development of the transient fetal brain structures. On the other hand, manual multi-label segmentation of a large number of 3D images is prohibitive. To address this challenge, we segmented 272 training images, covering 19–39 gestational weeks, using an automatic multi-atlas segmentation strategy based on deformable registration and probabilistic atlas fusion, and manually corrected large errors in those segmentations. Since this process generated a large training dataset with noisy segmentations, we developed a novel label smoothing procedure and a loss function to train a deep learning model with smoothed noisy segmentations. Our proposed methods properly account for the uncertainty in tissue boundaries. We evaluated our method on 23 manually-segmented test images of a separate set of fetuses. Results show that our method achieves an average Dice similarity coefficient of 0.893 and 0.916 for the transient structures of younger and older fetuses, respectively. Our method generated results that were significantly more accurate than several state-of-the-art methods including nnU-Net that achieved the closest results to our method. Our trained model can serve as a valuable tool to enhance the accuracy and reproducibility of fetal brain analysis in MRI.  相似文献   

Atlas-based segmentation is a powerful generic technique for automatic delineation of structures in volumetric images. Several studies have shown that multi-atlas segmentation methods outperform schemes that use only a single atlas, but running multiple registrations on volumetric data is time-consuming. Moreover, for many scans or regions within scans, a large number of atlases may not be required to achieve good segmentation performance and may even deteriorate the results. It would therefore be worthwhile to include the decision which and how many atlases to use for a particular target scan in the segmentation process. To this end, we propose two generally applicable multi-atlas segmentation methods, adaptive multi-atlas segmentation (AMAS) and adaptive local multi-atlas segmentation (ALMAS). AMAS automatically selects the most appropriate atlases for a target image and automatically stops registering atlases when no further improvement is expected. ALMAS takes this concept one step further by locally deciding how many and which atlases are needed to segment a target image. The methods employ a computationally cheap atlas selection strategy, an automatic stopping criterion, and a technique to locally inspect registration results and determine how much improvement can be expected from further registrations.AMAS and ALMAS were applied to segmentation of the heart in computed tomography scans of the chest and compared to a conventional multi-atlas method (MAS). The results show that ALMAS achieves the same performance as MAS at a much lower computational cost. When the available segmentation time is fixed, both AMAS and ALMAS perform significantly better than MAS. In addition, AMAS was applied to an online segmentation challenge for delineation of the caudate nucleus in brain MRI scans where it achieved the best score of all results submitted to date.  相似文献   

《Medical image analysis》2014,18(6):881-890
Automated labeling of anatomical structures in medical images is very important in many neuroscience studies. Recently, patch-based labeling has been widely investigated to alleviate the possible mis-alignment when registering atlases to the target image. However, the weights used for label fusion from the registered atlases are generally computed independently and thus lack the capability of preventing the ambiguous atlas patches from contributing to the label fusion. More critically, these weights are often calculated based only on the simple patch similarity, thus not necessarily providing optimal solution for label fusion. To address these limitations, we propose a generative probability model to describe the procedure of label fusion in a multi-atlas scenario, for the goal of labeling each point in the target image by the best representative atlas patches that also have the largest labeling unanimity in labeling the underlying point correctly. Specifically, sparsity constraint is imposed upon label fusion weights, in order to select a small number of atlas patches that best represent the underlying target patch, thus reducing the risks of including the misleading atlas patches. The labeling unanimity among atlas patches is achieved by exploring their dependencies, where we model these dependencies as the joint probability of each pair of atlas patches in correctly predicting the labels, by analyzing the correlation of their morphological error patterns and also the labeling consensus among atlases. The patch dependencies will be further recursively updated based on the latest labeling results to correct the possible labeling errors, which falls to the Expectation Maximization (EM) framework. To demonstrate the labeling performance, we have comprehensively evaluated our patch-based labeling method on the whole brain parcellation and hippocampus segmentation. Promising labeling results have been achieved with comparison to the conventional patch-based labeling method, indicating the potential application of the proposed method in the future clinical studies.  相似文献   

We propose a framework for the robust and fully-automatic segmentation of magnetic resonance (MR) brain images called “Multi-Atlas Label Propagation with Expectation–Maximisation based refinement” (MALP-EM). The presented approach is based on a robust registration approach (MAPER), highly performant label fusion (joint label fusion) and intensity-based label refinement using EM. We further adapt this framework to be applicable for the segmentation of brain images with gross changes in anatomy. We propose to account for consistent registration errors by relaxing anatomical priors obtained by multi-atlas propagation and a weighting scheme to locally combine anatomical atlas priors and intensity-refined posterior probabilities. The method is evaluated on a benchmark dataset used in a recent MICCAI segmentation challenge. In this context we show that MALP-EM is competitive for the segmentation of MR brain scans of healthy adults when compared to state-of-the-art automatic labelling techniques. To demonstrate the versatility of the proposed approach, we employed MALP-EM to segment 125 MR brain images into 134 regions from subjects who had sustained traumatic brain injury (TBI). We employ a protocol to assess segmentation quality if no manual reference labels are available. Based on this protocol, three independent, blinded raters confirmed on 13 MR brain scans with pathology that MALP-EM is superior to established label fusion techniques. We visually confirm the robustness of our segmentation approach on the full cohort and investigate the potential of derived symmetry-based imaging biomarkers that correlate with and predict clinically relevant variables in TBI such as the Marshall Classification (MC) or Glasgow Outcome Score (GOS). Specifically, we show that we are able to stratify TBI patients with favourable outcomes from non-favourable outcomes with 64.7% accuracy using acute-phase MR images and 66.8% accuracy using follow-up MR images. Furthermore, we are able to differentiate subjects with the presence of a mass lesion or midline shift from those with diffuse brain injury with 76.0% accuracy. The thalamus, putamen, pallidum and hippocampus are particularly affected. Their involvement predicts TBI disease progression.  相似文献   

《Medical image analysis》2015,20(1):98-109
Multi-atlas segmentation infers the target image segmentation by combining prior anatomical knowledge encoded in multiple atlases. It has been quite successfully applied to medical image segmentation in the recent years, resulting in highly accurate and robust segmentation for many anatomical structures. However, to guide the label fusion process, most existing multi-atlas segmentation methods only utilise the intensity information within a small patch during the label fusion process and may neglect other useful information such as gradient and contextual information (the appearance of surrounding regions). This paper proposes to combine the intensity, gradient and contextual information into an augmented feature vector and incorporate it into multi-atlas segmentation. Also, it explores the alternative to the K nearest neighbour (KNN) classifier in performing multi-atlas label fusion, by using the support vector machine (SVM) for label fusion instead. Experimental results on a short-axis cardiac MR data set of 83 subjects have demonstrated that the accuracy of multi-atlas segmentation can be significantly improved by using the augmented feature vector. The mean Dice metric of the proposed segmentation framework is 0.81 for the left ventricular myocardium on this data set, compared to 0.79 given by the conventional multi-atlas patch-based segmentation (Coupé et al., 2011; Rousseau et al., 2011). A major contribution of this paper is that it demonstrates that the performance of non-local patch-based segmentation can be improved by using augmented features.  相似文献   

Liver segmentation from abdominal CT images is an essential step for liver cancer computer-aided diagnosis and surgical planning. However, both the accuracy and robustness of existing liver segmentation methods cannot meet the requirements of clinical applications. In particular, for the common clinical cases where the liver tissue contains major pathology, current segmentation methods show poor performance. In this paper, we propose a novel low-rank tensor decomposition (LRTD) based multi-atlas segmentation (MAS) framework that achieves accurate and robust pathological liver segmentation of CT images. Firstly, we propose a multi-slice LRTD scheme to recover the underlying low-rank structure embedded in 3D medical images. It performs the LRTD on small image segments consisting of multiple consecutive image slices. Then, we present an LRTD-based atlas construction method to generate tumor-free liver atlases that mitigates the performance degradation of liver segmentation due to the presence of tumors. Finally, we introduce an LRTD-based MAS algorithm to derive patient-specific liver atlases for each test image, and to achieve accurate pairwise image registration and label propagation. Extensive experiments on three public databases of pathological liver cases validate the effectiveness of the proposed method. Both qualitative and quantitative results demonstrate that, in the presence of major pathology, the proposed method is more accurate and robust than state-of-the-art methods.  相似文献   

Joshi S  Davis B  Jomier M  Gerig G 《NeuroImage》2004,23(Z1):S151-S160
Construction of population atlases is a key issue in medical image analysis, and particularly in brain mapping. Large sets of images are mapped into a common coordinate system to study intra-population variability and inter-population differences, to provide voxel-wise mapping of functional sites, and help tissue and object segmentation via registration of anatomical labels. Common techniques often include the choice of a template image, which inherently introduces a bias. This paper describes a new method for unbiased construction of atlases in the large deformation diffeomorphic setting. A child neuroimaging autism study serves as a driving application. There is lack of normative data that explains average brain shape and variability at this early stage of development. We present work in progress toward constructing an unbiased MRI atlas of 2 years of children and the building of a probabilistic atlas of anatomical structures, here the caudate nucleus. Further, we demonstrate the segmentation of new subjects via atlas mapping. Validation of the methodology is performed by comparing the deformed probabilistic atlas with existing manual segmentations.  相似文献   

Accurate segmentation of anatomical structures in medical images is important in recent imaging based studies. In the past years, multi-atlas patch-based label fusion methods have achieved a great success in medical image segmentation. In these methods, the appearance of each input image patch is first represented by an atlas patch dictionary (in the image domain), and then the latent label of the input image patch is predicted by applying the estimated representation coefficients to the corresponding anatomical labels of the atlas patches in the atlas label dictionary (in the label domain). However, due to the generally large gap between the patch appearance in the image domain and the patch structure in the label domain, the estimated (patch) representation coefficients from the image domain may not be optimal for the final label fusion, thus reducing the labeling accuracy. To address this issue, we propose a novel label fusion framework to seek for the suitable label fusion weights by progressively constructing a dynamic dictionary in a layer-by-layer manner, where the intermediate dictionaries act as a sequence of guidance to steer the transition of (patch) representation coefficients from the image domain to the label domain. Our proposed multi-layer label fusion framework is flexible enough to be applied to the existing labeling methods for improving their label fusion performance, i.e., by extending their single-layer static dictionary to the multi-layer dynamic dictionary. The experimental results show that our proposed progressive label fusion method achieves more accurate hippocampal segmentation results for the ADNI dataset, compared to the counterpart methods using only the single-layer static dictionary.  相似文献   

We propose a novel framework for the automatic propagation of a set of manually labeled brain atlases to a diverse set of images of a population of subjects. A manifold is learned from a coordinate system embedding that allows the identification of neighborhoods which contain images that are similar based on a chosen criterion. Within the new coordinate system, the initial set of atlases is propagated to all images through a succession of multi-atlas segmentation steps. This breaks the problem of registering images that are very “dissimilar” down into a problem of registering a series of images that are “similar”. At the same time, it allows the potentially large deformation between the images to be modeled as a sequence of several smaller deformations. We applied the proposed method to an exemplar region centered around the hippocampus from a set of 30 atlases based on images from young healthy subjects and a dataset of 796 images from elderly dementia patients and age-matched controls enrolled in the Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI). We demonstrate an increasing gain in accuracy of the new method, compared to standard multi-atlas segmentation, with increasing distance between the target image and the initial set of atlases in the coordinate embedding, i.e., with a greater difference between atlas and image. For the segmentation of the hippocampus on 182 images for which a manual segmentation is available, we achieved an average overlap (Dice coefficient) of 0.85 with the manual reference.  相似文献   

Registration is a core component of many imaging pipelines. In case of clinical scans, with lower resolution and sometimes substantial motion artifacts, registration can produce poor results. Visual assessment of registration quality in large clinical datasets is inefficient. In this work, we propose to automatically assess the quality of registration to an atlas in clinical FLAIR MRI scans of the brain. The method consists of automatically segmenting the ventricles of a given scan using a neural network, and comparing the segmentation to the atlas ventricles propagated to image space. We used the proposed method to improve clinical image registration to a general atlas by computing multiple registrations - one directly to the general atlas and others via different age-specific atlases - and then selecting the registration that yielded the highest ventricle overlap. Finally, as an example application of the complete pipeline, a voxelwise map of white matter hyperintensity burden was computed using only the scans with registration quality above a predefined threshold. Methods were evaluated in a single-site dataset of more than 1000 scans, as well as a multi-center dataset comprising 142 clinical scans from 12 sites. The automated ventricle segmentation reached a Dice coefficient with manual annotations of 0.89 in the single-site dataset, and 0.83 in the multi-center dataset. Registration via age-specific atlases could improve ventricle overlap compared to a direct registration to the general atlas (Dice similarity coefficient increase up to 0.15). Experiments also showed that selecting scans with the registration quality assessment method could improve the quality of average maps of white matter hyperintensity burden, instead of using all scans for the computation of the white matter hyperintensity map. In this work, we demonstrated the utility of an automated tool for assessing image registration quality in clinical scans. This image quality assessment step could ultimately assist in the translation of automated neuroimaging pipelines to the clinic.  相似文献   

In non-rigid registration, the tradeoff between warp regularization and image fidelity is typically determined empirically. In atlas-based segmentation, this leads to a probabilistic atlas of arbitrary sharpness: weak regularization results in well-aligned training images and a sharp atlas; strong regularization yields a "blurry" atlas. In this paper, we employ a generative model for the joint registration and segmentation of images. The atlas construction process arises naturally as estimation of the model parameters. This framework allows the computation of unbiased atlases from manually labeled data at various degrees of "sharpness", as well as the joint registration and segmentation of a novel brain in a consistent manner. We study the effects of the tradeoff of atlas sharpness and warp smoothness in the context of cortical surface parcellation. This is an important question because of the increasingly availability of atlases in public databases, and the development of registration algorithms separate from the atlas construction process. We find that the optimal segmentation (parcellation) corresponds to a unique balance of atlas sharpness and warp regularization, yielding statistically significant improvements over the FreeSurfer parcellation algorithm. Furthermore, we conclude that one can simply use a single atlas computed at an optimal sharpness for the registration-segmentation of a new subject with a pre-determined, fixed, optimal warp constraint. The optimal atlas sharpness and warp smoothness can be determined by probing the segmentation performance on available training data. Our experiments also suggest that segmentation accuracy is tolerant up to a small mismatch between atlas sharpness and warp smoothness.  相似文献   

A statistical model is presented that combines the registration of an atlas with the segmentation of magnetic resonance images. We use an Expectation Maximization-based algorithm to find a solution within the model, which simultaneously estimates image artifacts, anatomical labelmaps, and a structure-dependent hierarchical mapping from the atlas to the image space. The algorithm produces segmentations for brain tissues as well as their substructures. We demonstrate the approach on a set of 22 magnetic resonance images. On this set of images, the new approach performs significantly better than similar methods which sequentially apply registration and segmentation.  相似文献   

Multi-Atlas based Segmentation (MAS) algorithms have been successfully applied to many medical image segmentation tasks, but their success relies on a large number of atlases and good image registration performance. Choosing well-registered atlases for label fusion is vital for an accurate segmentation. This choice becomes even more crucial when the segmentation involves organs characterized by a high anatomical and pathological variability. In this paper, we propose a new genetic atlas selection strategy (GAS) that automatically chooses the best subset of atlases to be used for segmenting the target image, on the basis of both image similarity and segmentation overlap. More precisely, the key idea of GAS is that if two images are similar, the performances of an atlas for segmenting each image are similar. Since the ground truth of each atlas is known, GAS first selects a predefined number of similar images to the target, then, for each one of them, finds a near-optimal subset of atlases by means of a genetic algorithm. All these near-optimal subsets are then combined and used to segment the target image. GAS was tested on single-label and multi-label segmentation problems. In the first case, we considered the segmentation of both the whole prostate and of the left ventricle of the heart from magnetic resonance images. Regarding multi-label problems, the zonal segmentation of the prostate into peripheral and transition zone was considered. The results showed that the performance of MAS algorithms statistically improved when GAS is used.  相似文献   

A whole heart segmentation (WHS) method is presented for cardiac MRI. This segmentation method employs multi-modality atlases from MRI and CT and adopts a new label fusion algorithm which is based on the proposed multi-scale patch (MSP) strategy and a new global atlas ranking scheme. MSP, developed from the scale-space theory, uses the information of multi-scale images and provides different levels of the structural information of images for multi-level local atlas ranking. Both the local and global atlas ranking steps use the information theoretic measures to compute the similarity between the target image and the atlases from multiple modalities. The proposed segmentation scheme was evaluated on a set of data involving 20 cardiac MRI and 20 CT images. Our proposed algorithm demonstrated a promising performance, yielding a mean WHS Dice score of 0.899 ± 0.0340, Jaccard index of 0.818 ± 0.0549, and surface distance error of 1.09 ± 1.11 mm for the 20 MRI data. The average runtime for the proposed label fusion was 12.58 min.  相似文献   

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