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目的研究分析56-60岁献血人群的基本特征,为我国安全实施推广高龄献血者的招募保留提供数据支持和参考。方法回顾性分析2012年7月1日-2016年6月30日在北京市红十字血液中心献血者的资料,将18-55岁献血人群为对照组,56-60岁人群为研究对象,分析其献血次数、性别、献血频率、献血量选择、延迟献血率、献血不良反应率等特征。结果观察期间年龄在56-60岁之间献血者共4 134名参加登记献血,其中男2 692名,女1 442名,共计登记献血次数为5 916人次,登记献血频率(5 916/4 134,1.431)高于对照组的(1 220 889/1 176 193,1.038),且每年献血人次逐年增加;400 mL献血量比(3 937/1 979, 1.989)显著低于对照组(1 070 718/150 171, 7.130);延迟献血率和献血反应发生率与18-55岁年龄组无统计学差异(P>0.05)。结论既往无献血反应的56-60周岁献血者继续献血是安全的,其献血量逐年增多,针对这部分人群的献血动员招募是我国献血人群管理的重要组成部分,应针对该人群的献血行为特征,制定精准的献血招募保留策略。  相似文献   

Membrane proteins are involved in central processes such as cell signaling, cell–cell interactions and communication, ion and metabolite transport and in general play a crucial role in cell homeostasis. Cancer and cancer metastasis have been correlated to protein expression levels and dysfunction, with membrane proteins playing an important role, and are thus used as drug targets and potential biomarkers for prognostic or diagnostic purposes. Despite the critical biological significance of membrane proteins, proteomic analysis has been a challenging task due to their hydrophobicity. In this review, recent advances in the proteomic analysis of membrane proteins are presented, focusing on membrane fraction enrichment techniques combined with labeled or label-free shotgun proteomics approaches for the identification of potential cancer biomarkers.  相似文献   

血清与全血及血浆电解质,葡萄糖测定结果存在重大差异   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探讨血清与肝素抗凝的全血及血浆样品电解质,葡萄糖测定结果是否存在差异,对同一受检者分别以血清,肝素抗凝的全血与血浆样品测定电解质,葡萄糖。结果显示,血清与肝素抗凝的全血及血浆标本电解质,葡萄糖测定结果存在显著差异。据此认为,有必要建立肝素抗凝的全血及血浆电解质,葡萄糖正常参考值。  相似文献   

The demand for blood products steadily increases. Concurrently, blood donor recruitment becomes more and more difficult. This study aimed to investigate effects of blood donation on blood donors, which could be helpful for blood donor recruitment and retention. In addition to cortisol measurements in saliva, three questionnaires quantifying mood (good/bad), vigilance (awake/tired), agitation (calm/nervous), actual strain and asking for donation-related effects perceived were distributed to 110 whole blood donors (DON). Results obtained were compared with 109 control subjects (CON) lacking the blood donation experience. Overall, 216 subjects completed the questionnaires. Sixty-eight percent of DON reported at least one effect perceived with blood donation. Exclusively, positive, negative or mixed effects were described by 26.5%, 23.5% and 17.6%, respectively. Among positive effects (i.e. physical/psychological well-being, feeling satisfied, happy, proud), no significant differences were observed between males and females (P = 0.07), whereas mixed or negative effects (i.e. vertigo, dizziness, tiredness, pain) were significantly (P = 0.03; P = 0.049) more associated with females. DON showed higher levels of well-being than CON as indicated by better mood (P = 0.004), higher vigilance (P = 0.015) and relaxation (P = 0.003). The latter even increased after donation with maximum values after 15 and 30 min. Despite significantly higher initial strain scores (P = 0.008), first-time donors maintained a better mood (P = 0.025) than repeat donors. DON showed a statistically better psychological well-being than CON, although the donation experience was perceived as stressful, especially for first-time donors. The results may facilitate donor recruitment and retention as blood donation may become less frightening and perhaps even attractive.  相似文献   

目的探讨血管迷走神经性献血反应的相关影响因素,为制定有效的干预措施提供依据。方法回顾性调查2013年1月至2017年12月宜昌市献血人群,其中发生的490例血管迷走神经性献血反应的献血者资料,分析影响血管迷走神经性献血反应的相关因素。结果初次献血、低年龄(18-24岁)、学生、男性、低体重(<55 Kg)、街头献血是血管迷走神经性献血反应发生的影响因素,且影响程度依次为初次献血(OR值6.141,95%CI 4.908—7.684)、低年龄(OR值3.271,95%CI为2.735—3.912)、学生(OR值2.811,95%CI为2.277—3.470)、低体重(OR值1.345,95%CI为1.121—1.614)、男性(OR值1.254,95%CI为1.038—1.515)、街头献血(OR值1.245,95%CI为1.034—1.498)。结论心理因素是影响血管迷走神经性献血反应发生的主要因素,在献血全过程中应特别注意对初次献血、低年龄(18—24岁)、学生献血者的心理护理,采取针对性的预防措施,保障献血者安全。  相似文献   

目的:评价稳豪型血糖仪的稳定性及其测定指尖毛细血管血糖(CGF)、手臂毛细血管血糖(CGA)与自动生化仪测定静脉血浆血糖(VG)的相关性。方法:选取正常血糖、轻度高血糖、和中高度高血糖的指尖血样用稳豪型血糖仪做批内和批间测定。221例糖尿病或非糖尿病患行常规静脉血浆血糖测试的同时用稳豪型血糖仪测定指尖毛细血管血糖和(或)手臂毛细血管血糖。结果:3种不同浓度的血糖标本测定的批内、批间变异系数均小于5%。VG与CGF、VG与CGA、CGF与CGA3组的空腹血糖及餐后2h血糖相关性良好,r均在0.900以上。血糖浓度<7.0mmol/L时CGA明显高于VG,r=0.757;血糖浓度>11.1mmol/L时,r=0.667,其余各组在不同血糖浓度的相关性均在0.850以上。VG与CGF及VG与CGA的相对差值均在7%以下。结论:稳豪血糖仪有良好的稳定性,CGF及CGA均可比较精确的反应空腹及餐后2h各种血糖浓度的VG并可对VG做初略的估算。  相似文献   

目的了解佛山市民献血动机及献血行为的主要影响因素,针对性制定招募策略。方法采取分层整群抽样法,抽取佛山市583例非献血者和554例献血者分别进行无偿献血影响因素的问卷调查。采用χ~2检验与Logistic回归等方法进行分析。结果献血人群特征为男性较多,年龄20~30岁,高中/中专学历,月收入1 000~3 000元;献血的主要动机是"奉献爱心和社会责任";献血行为受"奉献爱心和社会责任""给多次献血者颁发证书和勋章""害怕献血会感染疾病和影响健康""怕痛""献血地点交通不方便"等因素影响。结论激励措施、阻碍措施、心理因素、献血服务等因素都会影响市民献血,应针对不同人群,制订不同的招募策略。  相似文献   

目的 探讨成都地区不同时段,不同地域,不同人群,结合不同招募手段在固定献血点全血的采集情况.方法 成都地区2014~2018年街头固定献血点全血采集数据,按照工作日和周末及法定节假日,主城区和郊县,初次和重复献血人次,本地户籍和非本地户籍情况进行统计学分析.工作日以固定献血点现场招募全血献血者,周末及法定节假日以现场招...  相似文献   

summary The aim of this study was to assess the hypothesis that blood donation rates vary with Hispanic ethnicity (family origin in Spanish‐speaking countries) in addition to race in the United States. Lower blood donation rates have been reported among African Americans (AAs) compared with non‐Hispanic European Americans (EAs). Adequate published reports on donation rates are not available for Hispanic Americans (HAs). Using data from a 2002 national survey, which included 4923 men and 7600 women aged 15–44 years with complete data, we tested the hypothesis using weighted bivariate and multivariate statistics. Among men aged 25–44 years, the percentage [95% confidence limits (95% CL)] with a history of blood donation since 1985 was similar at ages 25–34 years (46%, 42–49) and 35–44 years (41%, 37–45). It was highest in non‐Hispanic EA (49%, 45–52%), intermediate in AA (35%, 30–40%) and lowest in HA (30%, 25–36%) (P < 0·001). Other variables significantly (P < 0·01) associated with history of blood donation in bivariate analyses were nativity (United States/other), education (<12/≥12 years), poverty (<200%/≥200% poverty limit) and married (yes/no). Variables that are not significantly associated were age, metropolitan residence (yes/no), receipt of public assistance (yes/no), current labour‐force participation (yes/no) and religion raised. Compared with non‐Hispanic EA, the adjusted odds ratios were essentially the same for Hispanics 0·66 (95% CL 0·47–0·92) and AAs 0·64 (95% CL 0·49–0·84). Only 34% of women had donated blood, but the association with race/ethnicity was similar. Similar patterns were also seen at ages 15–24 years. HAs and AAs have similar low blood donation rates compared with non‐Hispanic EAs. The difference is not explained by sociodemographic variables.  相似文献   

目的了解分析石家庄各县区献血网点血液采集情况,为下一步制定合适的献血招募方式方法以推进固定献血屋(房车)的辐射功能提供可靠依据。方法利用中心启奥9.0系统,调取2011—2018年石家庄市18个县区血液采集数据采血量(U),并对各县区血液采集总体情况、固定献血屋(房车)、流动采血车的采集情况进行分析。结果各县区有固定献血屋(房车)采集占比较好的县有矿区、平山、辛集、晋州,采集占较差的县有深泽、赵县、藁城、新乐、鹿泉、高邑;2011—2018年县区固定献血屋(房车)采血量占比逐年增长,8年县区总采集量为1 299 908.4 U,固定献血点采集量占比由2011年4.7%(3 949/84 207)增长至27.5%(358 104/1 299 908),流动采血车采集量占比由2011年95.3%(80 258/84 207)下降至72.5%(948 104/1 299 908),县区血液采集仍主要依靠流动采血车。结论如何推进固定献血屋(房车)的选址、宣传和后期维护建设,做好数据总结分析、平衡各县区同步发展,对于更好的发挥固定献血屋(房车)的辐射作用,使县区固定献血屋(房车)逐步成为无偿献血...  相似文献   

不同人群无偿献血心态分析及对策   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
目的了解不同人群献血心态,制定针对性的招募对策。方法对1115名不同人群无偿献血者分发自制调查问卷,列出8种献血心态,由被调查者按主次填写,将第1选择进行归纳、分析。结果8种无偿献血心态按选择例次大小依次为无私奉献、索取利益、被动从众、尝试体检、预防疾病、好奇冲动、储蓄保险、永久纪念。大部分献血者的献血心态是积极的,其中无私奉献心态占67.7%,最多见于军人、在校大学生、医务人员和外来务工人员;另有少数献血者心态是被动或是非积极的,其中索取利益占8.5%,以部分机关工作人员和乡镇农民计划献血为多见。结论针对不同人群进行正确的宣传引导,制定不同的干预对策,促使公民对无偿献血的理解、态度、行为有大的转变,使其成为无偿固定自愿献血者,确保无偿献血工作持续、和谐、健康发展。  相似文献   

目的探讨激励机制在无偿献血志愿工作发展中的作用。方法增进与无偿献血志愿者的交流,深入了解他们的需求,根据其多元化的需求,适时有效地进行激励。结果通过实施因人而异的多种激励措施,激发无偿献血志愿者的工作热情。结论建立充分、有效的激励机制,促进无偿献血志愿工作的持续、稳定、健康发展,是采供血机构无偿献血志愿工作进一步发展的必然趋势。  相似文献   

We evaluated whole blood integral filtration to produce leucocyte-depleted red cells and plasma by using the WBF1 whole blood filter (Pall Medsep). Whole blood units were filtered after either warm (2-4 h at room temperature) or cold (12-24 h at 4 degrees C) holds. Filtered and control units were processed using either a bottom-and-top or top-top method. Red cells were tested weekly for 6 weeks, and plasma 3 monthly for 12 months. All filtered red-cell packs contained < 5 x 10(6) leucocytes/unit with 71 of 72 containing < 1 x 10(6) leucocytes/unit. No clinically significant differences in red-cell storage parameters were seen, although haemolysis was less and pO2/pCO2 values were better maintained in filtered units. Plasma units contained < 2.5 x 10(3) leucocytes/unit with no significant loss of factor VIII except in the warm hold units processed by the top-top method. There was no evidence of complement or coagulation activation with significant removal of preformed C3a in cold hold units. Plasma storage parameters were maintained at control levels for 12 months.  相似文献   

25 692例无偿献血者血液检测结果分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨有效降低无偿献血报废率,减少血液浪费,组织低危人群献血,防止血源性疾病的发生.方法 对深圳市龙岗区血站2005年1月至2006年12月25 692例无偿献血者血液进行检测.结果 25 692例无偿献血者血液中不合格总数是1 594例,总不合格率为6.20%,5项指标不合格率分别是谷丙转氨酶增高843例,乙型肝炎病毒表面抗原阳性347例,抗丙型肝炎病毒抗体阳性276例,梅毒202例,抗艾滋病毒抗体阳性2例.结论 通过引导高危人群自检,并主动退出献血和采用较好的实验方法可以提高无偿献血的血液质量.  相似文献   

目的 调查分析高校学生献血服务质量,为提升高校献血服务水平提供依据.方法 基于SERVQUAL量表设计调查问卷,调查宜昌市3所高校的学生献血者的献血服务质量感知,分析高校学生献血服务的改进方向.结果 按高校学生献血者对献血服务的期望分值排序依次为:保证性、可靠性、有形性、响应性、移情性.实际感受分值排序为:可靠性、移情...  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: There are few reports about thrombopoietic responses in whole blood (WB) and platelet-pheresis donors. This study compares the thrombopoietic responses of such donors and their platelet values. STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS: The effect of WB donation or selective platelet loss (plateletpheresis) was evaluated prospectively. WB and platelet donor samples before donation and for 7 days thereafter were assessed for platelet count, mean platelet volume, and platelet reticulocytes. RESULTS: Reticulated platelets appeared in the circulation of plateletpheresis donors by 24 hours. The proportion of reticulated platelets was highest on Day 2, and above-normal levels of reticulated platelets persisted until Day 7. The mean platelet volume was high on Days 2 and 3, which corresponded with the appearance of reticulated platelets. After plateletpheresis, platelet counts were higher than could be accounted for by new platelets, which suggested the release of sequestered platelets. WB donors manifested no changes in platelet counts but had a peak of circulating platelet reticulocytes 2 days after the donation. CONCLUSION: The thrombopoietic peak in WB and plateletpheresis donors occurs 2 days after donation, and the response level is related to the amount of platelets lost. The impact of platelet loss on the number of circulating platelets is modulated by the release of platelets from the spleen.  相似文献   

目的 探讨在献血者中开展丙氨酸氨基转移酶(ALT)筛查的可行性.方法 通过对2010年7月1日至9月30日5 376例无偿献血者进行ALT筛查,将其筛查结果与同时期3年内实验室无偿献血者ALT检测结果进行对比分析.结果 在无偿献血者中,再次献血不合格率(8.56%)较初次献血者(10.47%)偏低,复检不合格率(5.42%)较初筛(9.80%)偏低,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).通过开展献血前ALT筛查,2010年ALT不合格率较2008年和2009年低,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01).ALT不合格主要与献血前饮酒(26.00%)、疲劳(29.60%)等相关.结论 在献血前开展ALT项目的 筛查,既保护了献血者的身体健康,也有效避免血液不必要的浪费,节约了血液资源.  相似文献   

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