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Acne vulgaris (AV) is the most common skin condition affecting adolescents, most likely due to elevated androgen levels during puberty. Androgens stimulate and enlarge the sebaceous glands and keratinocytes, resulting in increased production of sebum and abnormal hyperproliferation of keratinocytes which lead to the formation of acne lesions. Current standard of care for AV includes topical therapies for mild cases and antibiotics or oral retinoids for severe cases. In recent years, spironolactone, an aldosterone antagonist and diuretic, has been applied to the treatment of AV due to its anti‐androgen effects. Spironolactone is currently recommended in women who use oral contraceptives, are refractory to or contraindicated for standard treatment, show clinical signs of hyperandrogenism, or present with late‐onset or persistent‐recurrent AV past the teenage years. It is not prescribed to adolescents due to potential side effects; however, current data studying adults indicate that most side effects are mild, and that potential associations with hyperkalemia and increased risk of cancer are not sufficiently supported. Hence, we believe that spironolactone may be a safe and effective therapy for adolescent AV.  相似文献   



Acne vulgaris is a chronic inflammatory disease with multifactorial etiology. Studies on the pathogenesis of acne are still important. Recently, various studies have been conducted on the significance of genetics in the pathogenesis of acne. Blood group is transferred genetically and could affect the development, progress, and severity of certain diseases.


In the current study, the correlation between the severity of acne vulgaris and ABO blood groups was investigated.

Materials and Methods

A total of 380 patients (263 mild and 117 severe acne vulgaris patients) and 1000 healthy individuals were included in the study. Severity of acne vulgaris patients and healthy controls was determined based on the blood group and Rh factor data obtained retrospectively from the patient files in the hospital automation system.


In the study, the rate of females was significantly higher in the acne vulgaris group (X2:154.908; p:0.000). The mean age of the patient was significantly lower when compared to the controls (t:37.127; p:0.0001). The mean age of the patients with severe acne was significantly lower when compared to those with mild acne. When compared to the control group, the incidence of severe acne was higher in those A blood type when compared to the patients with mild acne, while the incidence of mild acne was higher in other blood groups when compared to the control (X2:17.756; p:0.007). No significant difference was determined between the Rh blood groups of the patients with mild, severe acne and the control group (X2:0.812; p:0.666).


The results revealed a significant correlation between acne severity and ABO blood groups. Future studies that would be conducted with larger samples in different centers could confirm the current study findings.  相似文献   

A staple clinical skill in a dermatologist’s repertoire is the ability to treat acne vulgaris effectively. Light‐based therapies such as photodynamic therapy (PDT) widen the therapeutic options available for acne. Numerous review articles have agreed on the answer to core questions such as: ‘Does PDT work?’ and ‘Which acne lesions respond best to PDT?’ They conclude that PDT is especially useful in inflammatory acne and may be superior to light therapy alone. This literature review seeks to offer guidance regarding treatment‐specific queries about the photosensitizer, route of administration, treatment intervals, light sources and patient selection. Ovid Medline, PubMed and EMBASE database searches were executed between January 2007 and March 2008. Due to the scarcity of data, all five randomized trials, four of which were at least investigator blinded and controlled, 12 open clinical studies, two case reports and two abstracts published in English were considered. Four hundred and nineteen patients were recruited. As the quality of the data was suboptimal in a significant number of articles, the conclusions are drawn in very broad strokes: topical short‐contact (90 min or less) 5‐aminolaevulinic acid or methyl aminolaevulinate using a noncoherent light source at 2–4‐week intervals for a total of two to four treatments produces the greatest clinical effect. Papulopustular acne is more responsive and all Fitzpatrick skin types are eligible. However, patients with skin types I–III have a reduced risk of postinflammatory hyperpigmentation seen in darker skin types. These treatment parameters demonstrate a good side‐effect profile resulting in acne remission for at least 3 months to a year in a relatively cost‐effective manner. Well‐designed nonsplit‐face randomized controlled trials would offer further guidance, especially for queries surrounding the light source and illumination schemes.  相似文献   

Acne vulgaris is a common adolescents' disorder. Nevertheless, there is lack of knowledge about acne among adolescents. To evaluate the adolescents' knowledge and beliefs about acne, to investigate help‐seeking behavior and treatment preferences. A cross‐sectional study conducted in 10 public high schools in Tirana. A total of 2036 students enrolled. All participants were asked about socio‐demographic data, knowledge and beliefs about acne, treatment‐seeking behaviors and clinical preferences. Of participants 45.3% thought acne is a medical problem, 23.1% thought it's a cosmetic problem, and less than 10% thought acne is a normal condition for their age. Of adolescents 30% did not know that acne is not contagious, 49.7% believed acne is curable with prescribed medication, 33.4% thought acne heals by itself, and only 0.9% believed acne is non‐curable. Male adolescents were more likely to have lower level of knowledge and misconceptions about acne compared to females. Only 18.5% had consulted a dermatologist. The majority (54.7%) were using anti‐acne products recommended by their friends or pharmacists. Only minority of Albanian adolescents with acne consults a dermatologist. Age, gender and acne severity play a significant role in determining help‐seeking behavior. Patient and parent education can significantly improve the treatment outcome.  相似文献   

Acne vulgaris is a common adolescent disorder but the data related to acne vulgaris is insufficient in Albania. The aim of this study was to assess the epidemiologic features of acne vulgaris and to identify lifestyle and constitutional factors in formulating a proper management protocol. A cross‐sectional study conducted on a representative sample of 2036 adolescents from 10 high schools located in Tirana. A self‐administered questionnaire was administered to collect the data. The binary logistic regression was applied to assess the factors linked to the presence of acne vulgaris in adolescents. The mean age in the study population was 16.2 ± 0.9 years. The self‐reported prevalence of acne was 50.3% (52.1% in females and 47.9% in males). Lifetime prevalence was 68.5%. The factors significantly associated with an increased likelihood over time were: frequent consumption of sweets, frequent endurance of stress, poor quality of sleep, positive family history of acne, oily and combination skin, menstrual disorders. Acne vulgaris is common among adolescents in our country. The identification of various modifiable factors related to acne generates opportunities to tailor and focus prevention efforts and better management and treatment planning in relevant high‐risk groups.  相似文献   

Background Some past studies reported that oxidative stress components such as reactive oxygen species (ROS) or lipid peroxide (LPO) are involved in the pathogenesis and progression of acne vulgaris. In this study, we hypothesized that the pathogenesis of acne vulgaris may depend on the differences in antioxidative activity among antioxidants in our body. We collected samples of stratum corneum from acne patients and healthy subjects and compared the quantity of gluthathione (GSH), one of many antioxidative components in our body, for comparison. Methods Samples of stratum corneum were collected from facial acne‐involved lesion, facial uninvolved area, and the medial side of the upper arm in acne vulgaris patients. Similarly, samples were collected from a facial uninvolved area and the medial side of the upper arm in healthy subjects. The quantity of GSH was measured in each area. In vitro effects of alpha‐melanocyte stimulating hormone (α‐MSH) on GSH synthesis‐related gene were also examined. Results The quantity of GSH in stratum corneum from each area was significantly lower in acne vulgaris patients than that of healthy subjects. There was no significant difference in quantity of GSH between the acne‐involved lesion and uninvolved area in acne patients. In vitro studies showed that the expression level of Glutamate‐cysteine ligase catalytic subunit (GCLC), one of the GSH synthesis‐related genes, was significantly decreased by the additional use of α‐MSH. Conclusions We conclude that a decline in antioxidative activity led by a decrease in GSH quantity may play an important role in pathogenesis of acne vulgaris. The use of α‐MSH may further decrease the GSH level.  相似文献   

异维A酸治疗中度寻常痤疮临床疗效观察   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
目的:评价异维A酸治疗中度痤疮的疗效和安全性。方法:采用随机、阳性药物平行对照的临床试验。试验组患者每日服用异维A酸(泰尔丝);对照组患者每日服用维胺酯,两组患者均治疗6周。治疗2、4、6周,对两组痤疮患者的粉刺、丘疹、脓疱、结节囊肿、皮脂溢出等评分比较。结果:试验组皮损的总评分差值从(0.2166±0.1291)分增至(6.2469±1.1826)分,对照组则从(0.1290±0.3191)分增至(5.6297±1.4489)分,两组间痤疮评分差值比较,差异有显著性。治疗结束时,试验组痊愈率和有效率分别为58.18%和100.00%,对照组分别为22.41%和82.75%,二组间疗效比较差异有显著性。试验组有23例患者出现局部不良反应,对照组有31例患者出现局部不良反应。结论:异维A酸治疗中度寻常痤疮疗效好于维胺酯。  相似文献   

Background Acne vulgaris is a common skin disease with a large quality of life impact, characterized by comedones, inflammatory lesions, secondary dyspigmentation and scarring. There are few large objective studies comparing acne epidemiology between racial and ethnic groups. Objective This study aimed to define the prevalence and subtypes of acne in women of different racial groups from four ethnicities. Methods The sample consisted of 2895 (384 African American, 520 Asian, 1295 Caucasian, 258 Hispanic and 438 Continental Indian) women ranging in age from 10 to 70 years. Photographs of subjects were graded for acne lesions, scars, dyspigmentation, and measurements taken of sebum excretion and pore size. Results Clinical acne was more prevalent in African American and Hispanic women (37%, 32% respectively) than in Continental Indian, Caucasian and Asian (23%, 24%, 30% respectively) women. All racial groups displayed equal prevalence of both subtypes of acne with the exception of Asians, for whom inflammatory acne was more prevalent than comedonal (20% vs. 10%) acne, and in Caucasians, for whom comedonal acne was more prevalent than inflammatory (14% vs. 10%) acne. Hyperpigmentation was more prevalent in African American and Hispanic (65%, 48% respectively) than in Asian, Continental Indian and Caucasian (18%, 10%, 25% respectively) women. Dyspigmentation and atrophic scarring were more common in African American and Hispanic women than in all other ethnicities. There was a negative correlation between pore size and skin lightness for all ethnicities. Sebum production was positively correlated with acne severity in African American, Asian and Hispanic women, and pore size was positively correlated with acne in African American, Asian and Continental Indian women, (for all above results, P < 0.05). Limitations Only female participants were recruited. Data collection was restricted to four cities, with some ethnicities from single cities. Acne was evaluated only on the left side of the face and the two‐dimensional nature of photography may not capture all skin surface changes. Conclusion Acne prevalence and sequelae were more common in those with darker skin types, suggesting that acne is a more heterogeneous condition than previously described and highlight the importance of skin‐colour tailored treatment.  相似文献   

Background In acne vulgaris patients, the presence of a dysregulation of the production of innate and specific antimicrobial peptides has been postulated. Objective This study aims to determine whether human neutrophil proteins (HNP) 1–3 are expressed in acne patients. Materials and methods HNP 1–3 expression was investigated in 35 acne patients treated with isotretinoin and in 25 healthy subjects. At the beginning of the study, two skin biopsies were taken from acne patients; one biopsy was taken from an established pustule and one from uninvolved skin, and the biopsies were repeated after treatment. Only one biopsy was obtained from controls. Results The statistical analysis showed that pustular lesions of acne patients had significantly higher levels of perivascular and interstitial HNP 1–3 expression when compared with the biopsy of uninvolved skin of these patients (P = 0.003, P = 0.001, respectively) and with that of healthy controls (P = 0.007, P = 0.014, respectively). Isotretinoin treatment achieved a decrease in the perivascular and interstitial HNP 1–3 expression of pustular lesions (P = 0.01, P = 0.001, respectively). Conclusion Our current study demonstrates the novel observation that a recently identified antimicrobial peptide, HNP 1–3, is expressed in neutrophils of acne inflammation but not in uninvolved skin of these patients. These results suggest that HNP 1–3 may contribute to the development of inflammatory lesions of acne.  相似文献   

Background Acne vulgaris is one of the common dermatological diseases and its pathogenesis is multifactorial. In this study, we aimed to determine the effects of oxidative stress in acne vulgaris. Materials and methods The study involved 32 patients with acne vulgaris in the patient group and 34 healthy adults in the control group. The parameters of oxidative stress such as catalase (CAT), superoxide dismutase (SOD), xanthine oxidase (XO), nitric oxide (NO) and malondialdehyde (MDA) in the venous blood of patients were measured spectrophotometrically. The values were compared with those of the control group. Results The serum levels of MDA and XO activity in the patients with acne vulgaris were significantly higher than those of the controls. A significantly lower SOD and CAT activity was found in the patient group than in the control group. Although the patient group had higher serum levels of NO than the control group, the difference was not statistically significant. Conclusion These results suggest that oxidative damage may play a role in the pathogenesis of acne; therefore, significant alterations may occur in the antioxidant defence system.  相似文献   

Background Acne vulgaris in females may be resistant to treatment in spite of topical and systemic therapy for a sufficient period. In this condition, acne may be a manifestation of underlying endocrine conditions such as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Objective To evaluate the frequency of PCOS in females with resistant acne vulgaris. Patients and methods This case‐controlled study was conducted in the Department of Dermatology and Venereology in The Teaching Hospital in Al‐Najaf during the period from October 2007 to November 2008. One hundred and twenty‐three female patients with resistant acne vulgaris were included in this study. One hundred and twenty‐three women, age‐matched, without acne were enrolled as a control group. Detailed history, clinical examination, abdominal ultrasound study, and hormonal assays were obtained for the patients and the control group. Results One hundred and twenty‐three females with resistant acne were included; their ages ranged from 17 to 40 years with a mean of 25.016 ± 6.041 (SD). One hundred and twenty‐three control women without acne were enrolled; their ages ranged from 17–40 years with a mean of 26.014 ± 6.251 (SD). The patients and the control group are age‐matched (P = 0.192). It was found that 63 patients (51.2%) with resistant acne have PCOS in comparison to only eight control women (6.2%). The difference is highly significant. Conclusion Polycystic ovary syndrome is an important contributing factor in females with resistant acne vulgaris.  相似文献   

目的:评估青少年痤疮患病情况及其危险因素。方法:采用横断面问卷调查方法,随机整群抽取2552人12~20岁的青少年,进行问卷调查。结果:总患病率为32.8%,其中男34.2%,女31.6%,两性间患病率差异无统计学意义(P=0.161);11~16岁为青少年痤疮初发高峰期。结论:广州市天河区青少年痤疮初发年龄为11~16岁,危险因素有消化道功能紊乱、生活环境、生活习惯、遗传、内分泌等。  相似文献   

Summary Background Clinical trials require valid and reliable outcome measures to facilitate the interpretation and communication of results, and the secondary use of data for systematic reviews. There are numerous tools available to assess the severity of acne vulgaris in clinical trials, and extensive debate about the merits of these. Objectives To review the literature about investigator‐assessed outcome measures used in clinical trials for acne vulgaris; and to evaluate the measurement properties of these tools. Methods A systematic literature review was conducted of articles outlining and evaluating investigator‐assessed outcome measures for acne. Results Thirty‐one papers met the criteria for inclusion in the literature review, including nine papers proposing a novel means of assessing acne, and five evaluating existing outcome measures. Variable attempts had been made to evaluate these tools. Conclusions The array of evaluation tools used in acne trials prohibits good secondary analysis of trial data, and complicates the interpretation of study results, potentially compromising clinical care. Existing outcome measures need to be assessed further and agreement reached about which should be used more widely. Other innovative methods of assessing acne should also be explored.  相似文献   

果酸联合丹参酮治疗痤疮疗效评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
目的:评价果酸联合丹参酮治疗寻常痤疮的疗效。方法:90例寻常痤疮患者随机分成两组,治疗组采用果酸治疗,每周2次,同时口服丹参酮胶囊,4粒/次,3次/d;对照组单纯用果酸治疗,8周后观察疗效。结果:治疗组有效率为80.43%,对照组为61.36%,两组疗效比较差异有显著性(P0.05),两组均未发现明显不良反应。结论:果酸联合丹参酮治疗寻常痤疮疗效较好。  相似文献   

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