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Red blood cell (RBC) alloimmunization is a significant clinical complication of sickle cell disease (SCD). It can lead to difficulty with cross‐matching for future transfusions and may sometimes trigger life‐threatening delayed hemolytic transfusion reactions. We conducted a retrospective study to explore the association of clinical complications and age of RBC with alloimmunization in patients with SCD followed at a single institution from 2005 to 2012. One hundred and sixty six patients with a total of 488 RBC transfusions were evaluated. Nineteen patients (11%) developed new alloantibodies following blood transfusions during the period of review. The median age of RBC units was 20 days (interquartile range: 14–27 days). RBC antibody formation was significantly associated with the age of RBC units (P = 0.002), with a hazard ratio of 3.5 (95% CI: 1.71–7.11) for a RBC unit that was 7 days old and 9.8 (95% CI: 2.66–35.97) for a unit that was 35 days old, 28 days after the blood transfusion. No association was observed between RBC alloimmunization and acute vaso‐occlusive complications. Although increased echocardiography‐derived tricuspid regurgitant jet velocity (TRV) was associated with the presence of RBC alloantibodies (P = 0.02), TRV was not significantly associated with alloimmunization when adjusted for patient age and number of transfused RBC units. Our study suggests that RBC antibody formation is significantly associated with older age of RBCs at the time of transfusion. Prospective studies in patients with SCD are required to confirm this finding. Am. J. Hematol. 90:691–695, 2015. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Due to their role in oxygen transport and the presence of redox active haemoglobin molecules, red blood cells (RBC) generate relatively high levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS). To counteract the potential deleterious effects of ROS, RBCs have a well-integrated network of anti-oxidant mechanisms to combat this oxidative stress. ROS formation is increased in sickle-cell disease (SCD) and our studies in a murine SCD model showed a significant increase in the generation of ROS when compared with normal mice. Our data also indicated that murine sickle RBCs exhibit a significantly increased ATP catabolism, partly due to the increased activity of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase and glutathione reductase to regenerate intracellular glutathione (GSH) levels to neutralize the adverse milieu of oxidative stress. Higher ATP consumption by the murine sickle RBCs, together with the increased ROS formation and impairment of the aminophospholipid translocase or flipase may underlie the exposure of phosphatidylserine on the surface of these cells.  相似文献   

A rationale for clinical trials of hydroxyurea (HU) treatment in sickle cell disease is that the agent increases red blood cell (RBC) fetal hemoglobin content. However, an additional effect of HU is to raise the mean corpuscular volume (MCV). To investigate the action of HU in a species that makes no electrophoretically distinguishable fetal hemoglobin, we treated dogs with the drug and compared their response to that of five patients with sickle cell anemia. Both dogs and patients had an increase in MCV, but the effect of HU treatment on the mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC), density, and water content of the RBCs differed in the two species. The dog RBCs became low in MCHC, high in ion and water content, and low in mean density. Thus, HU can raise MCV and lower MCHC without influencing fetal hemoglobin synthesis. A different pattern was seen in the sickle cell patients during HU treatment. Although the MCV of their RBCs increased, there was no change in MCHC, ion content, or mean density. A notable change in the sickle cell patients' blood was that two subpopulations of cells were nearly eliminated during HU treatment; the hypodense reticulocyte fraction and the hyperdense fraction that contains irreversibly sickled cells. These findings lead us to suggest that trials of HU in sickle cell disease must recognize the possibility that any beneficial effect of this agent might be due not only to an increase in hemoglobin F alone, but perhaps also to the associated increase in MCV or the altered RBC density profile.  相似文献   

The human red cell has a life span of 120 days. The mechanism that determines cell removal from the circulation with such precision remains unknown. Most studies of red cell aging have been based on analysis of cells of progressively increasing age separated by density. The relationship between red cell age and density has been recently challenged, and the hypothesis has been put forward that cell death is not the result of a progressive deterioration of essential cell constituents. This theory was based on preliminary observations in transient erythroblastopenia of childhood, which could not later be confirmed. When the relationship between cell aging and increasing density is critically reviewed, it appears to be based on firm experimental evidence, confirmed by in vivo demonstration of decreasing survival of cells of increasing age. Analysis of studies using buoyant density gradients reveals that this technique can easily distinguish the single exponential slope of decline for those cell components that change progressively throughout the red cell life span from the biphasic decline of those that decrease drastically at the reticulocyte-mature red cell transition. The view that the aging of the red cell and its removal from the circulation result from a progressive series of events during the 120 days of its life span appears to be the most consistent with the available data. Density separation, validated by much experimental evidence, remains a most useful technique for the study of the mechanism of aging of the red cell. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Red blood cells (RBCs) have been ascribed a unique role in dilating blood vessels, which requires O2-regulated binding and bioactivation of NO by Hb and transfer of NO equivalents to the RBC membrane. Vasoocclusion in hypoxic tissues is the hallmark of sickle cell anemia. Here we show that sickle cell Hb variant S (HbS) is deficient both in the intramolecular transfer of NO from heme iron (iron nitrosyl, FeNO) to cysteine thiol (S-nitrosothiol, SNO) that subserves bioactivation, and in transfer of the NO moiety from S-nitrosohemoglobin (SNO-HbS) to the RBC membrane. As a result, sickle RBCs are deficient in membrane SNO and impaired in their ability to mediate hypoxic vasodilation. Further, the magnitudes of these impairments correlate with the clinical severity of disease. Thus, our results suggest that abnormal RBC vasoactivity contributes to the vasoocclusive pathophysiology of sickle cell anemia, and that the phenotypic variation in expression of the sickle genotype may be explained, in part, by variable deficiency in RBC processing of NO. More generally, our findings raise the idea that defective NO processing may characterize a new class of hemoglobinopathy.  相似文献   

We genotyped single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in: (1) the beta-globin gene-like cluster, (2) quantitative trait loci (QTL) previously associated with fetal hemoglobin (HbF) concentration on chromosomes 6q, 8q, and Xp, and (3) candidate genes that could effect HbF levels, in sickle cell anemia subjects. HbF concentration was modeled as a continuous variable with values in a finite interval using a novel Bayesian approach. We first tested the associations of SNPs with HbF in a group of 1,518 adults and children (CSSCD study), and validated the results in a second independent group of 211 adults (MSH study). In subjects aged >or=24 years, 5 SNPs in TOX (8q12.1), 2 SNPs in the beta-globin gene-like cluster, 2 SNPs in the Xp QTL, and 1 SNP in chromosome 15q22 were associated with HbF in the CSSCD and also validated in the MSH. Four other SNPs in 15q22 were associated with HbF only in the larger CSSCD data. When patients aged <24 years in the CSSCD were examined, additional genes, including 4 with roles in nitric oxide metabolism, were associated with HbF level. These studies confirm prior analyses using traditional analytical approaches showing associations of SNPs in TOX, GPM6B, and the beta-globin gene-like cluster with HbF levels. We also identified an additional candidate regulatory region in chromosome 15q22 that is associated with HbF level. By stratifying patients by age, our results also suggest that different genes might modulate the rate of decline of HbF and the final level of HbF levels in sickle cell anemia.  相似文献   

SINGER K  FISHER B 《Blood》1952,7(12):1216-1226
1. By transfusing sickle cell anemia erythrocytes with a relatively high concentration of F hemoglobin into normal recipients, it was demonstrated that thedisappearance rates of the transfused cells and of their alkali resistant pigmentconsistently showed great discrepancies. These observations suggest an unequaldistribution of the F pigment within the erythrocyte population. A nonuniformdistribution of F hemoglobin could also be detected in vitro by exposing sicklecell anemia bloods to mechanical trauma for a longer period of time. The cellsmost resistant to trauma contained a higher percentage of F hemoglobin thanthe original blood specimen.

2. The red cell population of patients with sickle cell anemia seems to be composed of three main fractions: (1) cells containing S hemoglobin and no or littleF hemoglobin, (2) cells containing both pigments and (3) cells containing Fpigment with no or little S hemoglobin.

3. The erythrocytes carrying mostly S hemoglobin have the shortest life span,whereas the red cells containing mostly F hemoglobin have the longest survivaltime.

4. The significance of these findings in regard to clinical and genetic aspectsof sickle cell anemia is discussed. No direct correlation is demonstrable in anindividual patient between the absolute amounts of either type S or type Fhemoglobin and the severity of the anemia. The latter depends on the variablesize of the portion of red cells containing mostly S hemoglobin, and also on theability of the marrow to replace this particular fraction.

Submitted on August 5, 1952 Accepted on September 10, 1952  相似文献   

Ascorbic acid can be important in sickle cell anemia (SCA) because significant oxidative stress occurs in the disease. Ascorbate could contribute to reduction of the increased oxygen free radicals generated in sickle red blood cells (SRBC) and to the recycling of vitamin E in the cells, while renal loss could contribute to the low plasma levels. Evaluation of red blood cell (RBC) and urine ascorbate in SCA has not been reported. Results showed (1) ascorbate levels in SRBC were similar to those in normals; (2) urine ascorbate excretion was increased in 36% of patients; (3) plasma levels of ascorbate were decreased. Conclusions: (1) Ascorbate is present in SRBC, most likely due to ascorbate recycling, despite increased free-radical generation. (2) The increase in renal excretion may contribute to the low plasma levels of ascorbate. (3) The presence of ample ascorbate in SRBC and decreased plasma ascorbate suggests that ascorbate movement across the SRBC membrane may differ from normal RBC.  相似文献   

Polymerization of the sickle hemoglobin (HbS) is a key determinant of sickle cell disease (SCD), an inherited blood disorder. Fetal hemoglobin (HbF) is a major modulator of the disease severity by both decreasing HbS intracellular concentration and inhibiting its polymerization. However, heterocellular distribution of HbF is common in SCD. For HbS polymerization inhibition, the hypothesis of an “HbF per red blood cell (HbF/RBC) threshold” requires accurate measurement of HbF in individual RBC. To date, HbF detection methods are limited to a qualitative measurement of RBC populations containing HbF - the F cells, which are variable. We developed an accurate method for HbF quantification in individual RBC. A linear association between mean HbF content and mean RBC fluorescence by flow cytometry, using an anti-Human-HbF antibody, was obtained from non-SCD subjects presenting homogeneous HbF distribution. This correlation was then used to measure HbF/RBC. Hydroxyurea (HU) improves SCD clinical manifestations, mainly through its ability to induce HbF synthesis. The HbF distribution was analyzed in 14 SCD patients before and during HU treatment. A significant decrease in RBC population containing less than 2 pg of HbF/RBC was observed. Therefore, we tested associations for %RBC above different HbF/RBC thresholds and showed a decrease in the pathognomonic vaso-occlusive crisis incidence from the threshold of 4 pg. This quantity was also correlated with the level of sickle RBC after in vitro deoxygenation. This new method allows the comparison of HbF/RBC distributions and could be a useful tool to characterize baseline patients HbF distribution and therapeutic response to HbF inducers.  相似文献   

Patients with sickle cell anemia were treated with daily doses of hydroxyurea, to assess pharmacokinetics, toxicity, and increase in fetal hemoglobin (Hb) production in response to the drug. Plasma hydroxyurea clearances were not a useful guide to maximum tolerated doses of the drug. The mean daily single oral dose that could be maintained for at least 16 weeks was 21 mg/kg (range, 10 to 35 mg/kg). Among 32 patients, last HbF levels were 1.9% to 26.3% (mean, 14.9%) with increases in HbF over initial values of 1.4% to 20.2% (mean, 11.2%). The most significant predictors of last HbF were last plasma hydroxyurea level, initial white blood count and initial HbF concentration. Last HbF was not related to beta globin haplotype or alpha globin gene number. No serious toxicity was encountered. Clinically significant bone marrow depression was avoided, and chromosome abnormalities after 2 years of treatment were no greater than those observed before treatment. The period of observation has been too short to evaluate the risk of carcinogenesis. Patient's red cells developed striking macrocytosis. Median red cell Hb concentrations did not change. Hb concentrations increased, on average 1.2 g/dL, but serum erythropoietin levels increased. Patients' body weights increased, and some returned to work or school, but no conclusions regarding therapeutic efficacy could be drawn from this uncontrolled open-label study.  相似文献   

Lipid phase transformations may occur in the membranes of sickle red cell shed-vesicles and sickle red cells. The presence of such phase changes could be important in sickle cell disease since membrane phase changes appear to contribute to the generation of antiphospholipid antibodies that are thrombophilic and occur in sickle cell disease. In the present study, we have evaluated sickle red cell shed-vesicles and sickle red cells for the presence of non-bilayer lipid phases using 31P-NMR spectroscopy. Results show that the spectra of both the shed-vesicles and the sickle red cells are compatible with the occurrence of non-bilayer phases in the membrane bilayers. The findings support the concept that these membranes could contribute to the generation of antiphospholipid antibodies in sickle cell disease. Am. J. Hematol. 58:177–182, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Several transgenic murine models for sickle cell anemia have been developed that closely reproduce the biochemical and physiological disorders in the human disease. A comprehensive characterization is described of hematologic parameters of mature red blood cells, reticulocytes, and red cell precursors in the bone marrow and spleen of a murine sickle cell model in which erythroid cells expressed exclusively human alpha, gamma, and betaS globin. Red cell survival was dramatically decreased in these anemic animals, partially compensated by considerable enhancement in erythropoietic activity. As in humans, these murine sickle cells contain a subpopulation of phosphatidylserine-exposing cells that may play a role in their premature removal. Continuous in vivo generation of this phosphatidylserine-exposing subset may have a significant impact on the pathophysiology of sickle cell disease.  相似文献   

Initial alterations in fetal hemoglobin (HbF) production among eight sickle cell anemia subjects treated with hydroxyurea (Hu) are summarized. Four of these subjects had been previously treated with 5-azacytidine (5-aza). All subjects treated with Hu (50 mg/kg/d for three to five days) had suppression of their total reticulocyte counts by seven days, whereas the four subjects previously treated with 5-aza (2 mg/kg/d for three to five days) had increased reticulocyte counts at day 7. The effect of Hu on increasing the number of HbF-containing reticulocytes (F reticulocytes) is extremely variable, ranging from ten-to less than onefold differences in maximal posttherapy v pretherapy levels. Recovery from marrow suppression did not result in greater than twofold increases in F reticulocyte counts. Mean day 7 F reticulocyte levels in the four subjects treated with both Hu and 5-aza were 4.1 X 10/microL and 15.4 X 10(4)/microL, respectively. Among Hu-treated subjects, increased F reticulocyte production was correlated with low serum creatinine levels and rapid removal of Hu from the plasma. Furthermore, suppression of CFU-E colony formation on day 2 of therapy with Hu was inversely correlated with maximal F reticulocyte response. We conclude that where Hu treatment results in marrow toxicity (decreased reticulocyte counts, decreased CFU-E colony formation) HbF production is less likely to increase. Those sickle cell anemia subjects with minimal renal dysfunction (serum creatinine level, greater than 1.0 mg/dL) exhibit the most cytotoxicity and least F reticulocyte response to Hu.  相似文献   

Variation in the level of fetal hemoglobin (HbF) accounts for much of the clinical heterogeneity observed in patients with sickle cell disease (SCD). The HbF level has emerged as an important prognostic factor in both sickle cell pain and mortality, and a % HbF of 10–20% has been suggested as a threshold level for diminished clinical severity. The number of erythrocytes that contain HbF (termed F cells) may also be critically important, as F cells resist intravascular sickling and have preferential in vivo survival. Since F cells can be enumerated with high accuracy using flow cytometry methods, we prospectively studied a cohort of 242 children with SCD. Children with HbS and hereditary persistence of fetal hemoglobin (S/HPFH) had essentially 100% F cells. In contrast, children with homozygous sickle cell anemia (HbSS), HbS/β0 thalassemia, or HbS/β+ thalassemia had significantly lower mean % F cell values (55.9, 61.6, and 51.3%, respectively; P < 0.001), and children with HbSC had even fewer F cells (27.0%; P < 0.001). There was a highly significant correlation between the % F cells and the log (% HbF), which was observed for the total population of children (r = 0.95, P < 0.001), as well as for each of the individual subgroups of children with HbSS (r = 0.94, P < 0.001), HbSC (r = 0.89, P < 0.001), or HbS/β0 thalassemia and HbS/β+ thalassemia (r = 0.95, P <0.001). This logarithmic correlation between % F cells and % HbF has not been previously described and has important implications for the pharmacologic manipulation of HbF in patients with SCD. Am. J. Hematol. 54:40–46, 1997 © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Peripheral blood stem cell (PBSC) infusions are associated with complications such as elevated blood pressure and decreased creatinine clearance. Patients with sickle cell disease experience similar manifestations, and some have postulated release of plasma-free hemoglobin with subsequent nitric oxide consumption as causative. We sought to evaluate whether the infusion of PBSC grafts containing lysed red blood cells (RBCs) leads to the toxicity observed in transplant subjects. We report a prospective cohort study of 60 subjects divided into 4 groups based on whether their infusions contained dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) and lysed RBCs, no DMSO and fresh RBCs, DMSO and no RBCs, or saline. Our primary end point, change in maximum blood pressure compared with baseline, was not significantly different among groups. Tricuspid regurgitant velocity and creatinine levels also did not differ significantly among groups. Our data do not support free hemoglobin as a significant contributor to toxicity associated with PBSC infusions. This study was registered at clinicaltrials.gov (NCT00631787).  相似文献   

The hallmark of the phenotypic expression of sickle cell disease is the remarkable degree of heterogeneity in the clinical manifestations. They vary latitudinally among patients and longitudinally in the same patient. The pathogenesis of sickle cell anemia centers on the sequence of events that occur between polymerization of deoxy hemoglobin S and increased red cell destruction, vasoocclusion, and end organ damage. Cellular dehydration, changes in sickle red blood cell rheology, adhesion of sickle red cells to vascular endothelium, inflammatory response, and tissue injury are some of the factors that contribute to hemolytic anemia, vasoocclusion, and eventual multiorgan damage. The focus of this review is on the rheology of sickle blood and microrheology of sickle RBC. Determinants of sickle RBC rheology and the factors that modulate its severity are discussed.  相似文献   

Erythrocytes and progenitor-derived erythroblasts of sickle cell anemia patients from the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia contain increased fetal hemoglobin and G gamma globin. A distinctive DNA polymorphism haplotype in the beta globin gene cluster (++- +-), tightly coupled to a C----T substitution at position -158 5' to the cap site of the G gamma globin gene, is strongly associated with sickle cell disease in this region. To determine whether the increased fetal hemoglobin production and/or elevated G gamma globin content are tightly linked to this haplotype, we studied 55 members of five Saudi families in which sickle cell disease is present. The results did not suggest a tight linkage of the haplotype to increased fetal hemoglobin production. On the other hand, several sickle trait family members heterozygous for the haplotype had normal fetal hemoglobin production in culture but elevated G gamma to A gamma ratios in peripheral blood. This observation suggests that in this genetic background increased expression of the G gamma globin gene may occur without a measurable increase in total fetal hemoglobin production. The family studies also clearly demonstrate that increased fetal hemoglobin production by erythroid progenitors is dependent on zygosity for the sickle gene in this population. These findings strongly suggest that other factors, such as the products of genes stimulated by hemolytic stress or other genetic determinants associated with the Saudi beta S chromosome, may interact with the -158 C----T substitution and influence gamma globin gene expression in this population.  相似文献   

Occasional complications and even death in subjects with sickle cell trait have been attributed to severe physical exertion. However, the extent to which sickling actually occurs during exercise has not been reported. This study examined the red blood cell morphological features immediately following near maximal upright graded bicycle exercise in five asymptomatic black subjects with hemoglobin AS. Exercise produced minimal sickling in vivo, which was not proportional to the intensity of exercise. The amount of sickling in vivo was small in comparison to that observed in the presence of severe hypoxia in vitro, never exceeding 0.75%. in seven normal subjects with hemoglobin AA, exercise did not cause changes in red blood cell morphological features. We conclude that exercise may initiate sickling in subjects with sickle cell trait.  相似文献   

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