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A 160,000 mol wt precursor of the epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor has been identified in human A-431 carcinoma cells and skin fibroblasts. The presence of one discrete precursor band indicates the presence of a slow processing step. We have determined that this slow processing step involves the conversion of high mannose N-linked oligosaccharides on the receptor precursor to primarily complex oligosaccharides on the mature form of the receptor. This is shown by 1) the presence of fucose, a characteristic terminal sugar of complex oligosaccharides, in only the mature receptor and by 2) the susceptibility of the precursor to digestion with endoglycosidase H, which cleaves high mannose N-linked oligosaccharides, but not complex oligosaccharides from glycoproteins. The precursor to mature receptor transition half-time is 1.7 h in A-431 cells. This long transition half-time causes an accumulation of approximately 7.2 X 10(5) precursor molecules per cell (approximately 12% of the total population of EGF receptors). The net quantity of mature EGF receptors, but not of receptor precursors, is reduced when EGF is added to the culture medium of A-431 cells. The presence of EGF in the growth medium also decreases electrophoretic migration (as a result of increased phosphate incorporation) of the mature receptor, but not that of the precursor. The EGF-insensitive state of the precursor is most likely due to its intracellular location.  相似文献   

Using a monoclonal antibody to the human epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor (EGF-R1), we have followed the metabolism of the receptor and the pathway of its internalization in KB cells after the addition of EGF. Measurement of surface binding of 125I-labeled EGF showed that about 80% of EGF binding activity disappeared from the plasma membrane after a 10-min exposure to EGF at 37 degrees C. Immunoprecipitation of the receptor from [35S]methionine-labeled cell extracts with EGF-R1 showed that EGF caused the receptor to be degraded with a half-life of 40 min. Immunofluorescence using EGF-R1 showed an EGF-dependent redistribution of the EGF receptor. In cells not exposed to EGF, almost all of the receptor was diffusely distributed on the cell surface. After EGF addition, the receptor was rapidly internalized, first appearing in small punctate organelles characteristic of receptosomes and then in larger perinuclear lysosome-like structures. By 120 min almost all of the immunoreactive EGF receptor had disappeared from the cells. Immunocytochemistry at the electron microscopic level confirmed these light microscopic findings. The diffusely distributed receptor on the cell surface first clustered into clathrin-coated pits in the presence of EGF, next was internalized into receptosomes, appeared transiently in transreticular Golgi elements, and finally was seen in lysosomes. This EGF-dependent down-regulation and degradation of the EGF receptor in KB cells provides a striking example of ligand-dependent clustering and internalization of a receptor, followed by degradation in lysosomes of both ligand and receptor.  相似文献   

曲娴  陈杰 《世界华人消化杂志》2006,14(35):3414-3416
目的:建立稳定表达反义表皮生长因子受体(EGFR)的人结肠癌细胞系,研究细胞的生物学行为.方法:应用脂质体介导法将重组克隆携带反义EGFR的逆转录病毒载体转染人结肠癌细胞系LST174,利用细胞计数、生长曲线、MTT法及软琼脂集落形成率测定细胞生长、增殖及恶性表型的转化.结果:转染稳定后的细胞易脱落,细胞膜毛糙,细胞生长呈小片状,不密集.细胞继续培养后,LST174/AS-EGFR组细胞生长受到抑制,生长曲线较LST174组速度减慢,差别显著(A值:0.322±0.014vs0.422±0.033,P<0.05);细胞生长抑制率为23.7%,LST174/AS-EGFR组细胞几乎失去了集落形成能力,且少、松散,而对照组呈叠落堆积生长.结论:反义EGFR对内源性EGFR自分泌因子表达的阻断可抑制结肠癌细胞的生长、增殖及恶性表型的转化.  相似文献   

Mice were immunized with human epidermoid carcinoma cells (A-431 cell line) that possess an unusually high number of membrane receptors for epidermal growth factor (EGF). Spleen cells from these mice were fused with NSI cells, a nonsecreting murine myeloma. The immunoglobulins secreted by the obtained hybridomas were screened for specific binding to A-431 cells and selected according to their ability to inhibit the binding of radiolabeled EGF to the membrane of A-431 cells. Several antibodies secreted by cloned hybrid lines were found to inhibit the binding of radiolabeled EGF to membrane receptors of living A-431 cells, human foreskin fibroblasts, and mouse 3T3 fibroblasts and also to membrane preparations from A-431 cells. These monoclonal antibodies induced the early and delayed biological effects mediated by EGF. Like EGF, the antibodies induced morphological changes in A-431 cells and enhanced the phosphorylation of endogenous membrane proteins in membranes from these cells. They also stimulated DNA synthesis in human foreskin fibroblasts. These observations support the notion that the biological information of the EGF-receptor complex resides in the membrane receptor. Furthermore, the antibodies offer a powerful tool to study the structure, processing, and mode of action of EGF receptors.  相似文献   

Purified murine epidermal growth factor (EGF) binds to mouse and human cells. Two mouse transformed cell lines of different origins, PG19 and B82, were found to lack EGF receptors (EGFR). The defect in each of these two cell lines seems to be identical because they fail to complement each other. Somatic cell hybrids between these EGFR-deficient mouse cells and human cells expressing EGFR were produced. Several of these hybrids bound labeled EGF. Detailed cytogenetic analysis of these cell hybrids, followed by correlation of EGFR expression with human chromosomes revealed that EGFR presence correlated with human chromosome 7. The results suggest that the structural gene or a gene necessary for expression of the human EGF receptor is located on human chromosome 7.  相似文献   

Epidermal growth factor (EGF) has been shown to enhance both the proliferation and dedifferentiation of thyroid cells in culture, leading to a maintained dedifferentiated state, even in the presence of thyrotropin (TSH). Since this maintained loss of differentiated function is not seen with other mitogens, it may relate to a regulatory role for EGF in thyroid function. Therefore, we have examined the loci affected by the dedifferentiative actions of EGF using porcine thyroid cells in culture. EGF (10 ng/ml) induces a loss of thyrotropin (TSH) receptors with a time course identical to the loss in ability to transport iodide. This could account for the difference in extent of iodide uptake and morphological dedifferentiation seen between TSH- and cAMP-supported cells, although the fact that cAMP-supported cells also dedifferentiate implies a lesion distal to the cyclase. Reciprocal plot analysis of iodide uptake in control and EGF-treated cells shows that EGF increases the Km for iodide transport, corresponding to a decreased affinity of iodide pump sites for iodide. These effects on iodide pump affinity and TSH receptor number may result from reversal of thyroid cell polarity in monolayer culture, or they may be the result of more specific actions of EGF at these loci. It has been possible to discriminate between the proliferative and dedifferentiating actions of EGF using amiloride, a non-specific inhibitor of the Na+/H+ antiporter. An optimum concentration of amiloride (0.1 mM) was able to block EGF-stimulated incorporation of [3H]thymidine into DNA without preventing the blockade of iodide uptake, which implies that dedifferentiation is not a consequence of proliferation.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The addition of epidermal growth factor (EGF) to cultured rat pituitary cells (GH3) leads to increased synthesis of prolactin and to partial inhibition of cell proliferation. Monoclonal antibodies generated against EGF receptor from human epidermoid carcinoma (A-431) cells were used to characterize the EGF receptor kinase system of GH3 cells and to investigate the role of the hormone-receptor complex in the expression of the prolactin gene in these cells. The EGF receptor of GH3 cells is a 170,000-dalton protein associated with a protein kinase. It is similar but not identical to the EGF receptor identified in other tissues. The immunoprecipitated membrane receptor is phosphorylated on both serine and tyrosine residues. The monoclonal antibody denoted 2G2-IgM binds to EGF receptor on GH3 cells. Like EGF, the monoclonal antibody induced the synthesis of prolactin and morphological changes in these cells. Hence, EGF receptor in GH3 cells, when properly triggered, contains all of the biological attributes necessary for the induction of EGF-induced gene expression and morphological changes in GH3 cells.  相似文献   

Difficulties with the nondestructive delivery of macromolecules into living cells have limited the potential applications of antibodies, genes, enzymes, peptides, and antisense oligonucleotides in biology and medicine. We have found, however, that the natural endocytosis pathway for the vitamin folate can be exploited to nondestructively introduce macromolecules into cultured cells if the macromolecule is first covalently linked to folate. Thus, treatment of KB cells with folate-conjugated ribonuclease, horseradish peroxidase, serum albumin, IgG, or ferritin allowed delivery of greater than 10(6) copies of the macromolecules within a 2-hr period. Cytochemical staining using 4-chloro-1-naphthol further demonstrated that the horseradish peroxidase retained activity for at least 6 hr after internalization. Since folate is an essential vitamin required in substantial quantities by virtually all cells, these observations may open the possibility of scientific and medical applications for many of the above macromolecules.  相似文献   

生长因子受体反义基因逆转肝癌细胞的恶性表型   总被引:12,自引:6,他引:6  

Efficient fusion of phospholipid vesicles with monolayer cultures of eukaryotic cells was accomplished by attaching glycolipid-containing vesicles to the cell surface by using a lectin displaying binding for both the cell surface and the glycolipid, followed by treatment with polyethylene glycol. Fusion was inferred from the transfer of fluorescent lipid analog probes embedded in the vesicle membrane over the entire cell surface and of fluoresceinated proteins from the aqueous space of the vesicle to the cytoplasm of the cell. Fluorescence recovery after photobleaching showed that both the injected membrane and the cytoplasmic markers were mobile. Two different lectin--glycolipid combinations [Ricinus communis agglutinin I-lactosylcerebroside and concanavalin A-tetradecyl- (or hexadecyl-) maltobionamide] were used to promote attachment of lipid vesicles before polyethylene glycol-induced fusion with BG-9 human fibroblasts, NIL-8M2 hamster cells, or L-929 mouse cells. In the absence of lectin or polyethylene glycol, fusion was negligible. However, when both the lectin and the glycol were used, a dramatic increase in the transfer of both vesicle membrane and aqueous space markers from the liposomes to the cells occurred.  相似文献   

The role of the epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor system in mediating the biological activities of sarcoma growth factor (SGF) has been assessed by using specific anti-EGF receptor antibodies. There are two classes of anti-EGF receptor antibodies, those that block binding of 125I-labeled EGF (125I-EGF) and those that do not block binding but do interact with a portion of the EGF receptor on the surface of intact cells. Antisera of both types have been assayed for their capacity to affect the biological activities of SGF. The antisera that block 125I-EGF binding to its receptor block the induction of DNA synthesis in human fibroblasts by either EGF or SGF but not by other polypeptide mitogens. Titration of the anti-EGF receptor antiserum indicates the presence of one population of antibody that blocks the site of both EGF and SGF action. Antisera to the EGF receptor that block 125I-EGF binding also inhibited the SGF-dependent anchorage-independent growth of normal cells in soft agar. The antisera to the EGF receptor that does not block 125I-EGF binding or EGF activity did not inhibit any of the biological activities of SGF. The results suggest that occupation of the EGF receptor is required for both the mitogenic and colony-forming activity of SGF.  相似文献   

We analyzed epidermal growth factor receptors (EGF-R) and the growth stimulatory effects of epidermal growth factor (EGF) in the presence or absence of TSH on cultured human non-neoplastic and Graves' thyroid cells. All cells studied possessed EGF-R composed of two components. There was no significant differences in the binding characters of EGF-R among non-neoplastic thyroid cells whether they were obtained from thyroid tissues adjacent to malignant carcinoma or benign adenoma. Ten nM of EGF stimulated (3H)-thymidine (dTR) incorporation of non-neoplastic thyroid cells by about 50%. However, TSH had no effect on the growth of these cells. Both EGF-R binding parameters and cell proliferation effects of EGF and TSH were simultaneously examined in non-neoplastic thyroid cells from 8 patients. A significant inverse correlation (r = -0.757) was observed between binding affinity (Ka1) and EGF-induced increase of dTR incorporation. Binding capacity (Cmax) did not correlate significantly with dTR incorporation. In Graves' thyroid cells, all parameters of EGF-R were significantly lower than those of non-neoplastic thyroid cells, higher basal dTR incorporation was observed, and their goiter size significantly correlated with EGF-induced increase of dTR incorporation (r = 0.879) and also appeared to correlate inversely with Ka1. These data indicate a close relationship between the binding affinity of EGF-R and thyroid cell growth.  相似文献   

The epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) gene is amplified in 40% of malignant gliomas, and the amplified genes are frequently rearranged. We have characterized the genetic alterations associated with these rearrangements in five malignant gliomas. In one tumor the rearrangement resulted in the deletion of most of the extracytoplasmic domain of the receptor, resulting in a hybrid mRNA between new sequences and the truncated EGFR sequence. The predicted amino acid sequence of the protein from this tumor was remarkably similar to that described for several viral erbB oncogenes. Four other tumors were noted to have internal deletions of the EGFR gene. These rearrangements brought about in-frame deletions affecting either of two cysteine-rich domains in the extracytoplasmic portion of the molecule. The clonal nature of these alterations, and the fact that identical alterations were seen in more than one tumor, suggests a role for these mutant receptor proteins in tumorigenesis. Further, these studies document the existence of tumor-specific cell surface molecules resulting from somatic mutation.  相似文献   

Owing to several recent developments, the cultivability of epidermal keratinocytes, particularly those of the human, has been greatly improved. Under the conditions used, single cultured cells generate stratified colonies that ultimately fuse and form an epithelium that is reasonable approximation of the epidermis. It will be shown here that large amounts of cultured epithelium can be generated from a small piece of epidermis in a short time. We wish to bring to the attention of surgeons and cell biologists the possibility of using culture-grown epithelium derived from the same individual to restore defects in the epidermis.  相似文献   

D N Challacombe  E E Wheeler 《Gut》1991,32(9):991-993
The action of epidermal growth factor on the human duodenal mucosa has been studied by estimating the crypt cell production rate in cultured explants, using a stathmokinetic technique with crypt microdissection. The addition of epidermal growth factor (400 ng/ml) to paired explants from five patients caused an almost fivefold increase in the crypt cell production rate, showing that epidermal growth factor has a trophic action on the human duodenal mucosa in vitro.  相似文献   

Human A431 epidermoid carcinoma cells in culture exhibit epidermal growth factor (EGF)-induced "down-regulation" of cell-surface and total cellular (Triton X-100 extractable) EGF receptors caused entirely by an enhanced rate (4-fold) of receptor inactivation [Krupp, M. N., Connolly, D. T. & Lane, M. D. (1982) J. Biol. Chem. 257, 11489-11496]. The following observations show that this enhanced rate of EGF receptor inactivation is closely correlated with an increased cellular activity of plasminogen activator (PA), a serine protease. First, EGF-induced down-regulation of cell-surface and total cellular EGF receptors and the concomitant increase in cellular PA activity occur with identical kinetics, the t 1/2 for both processes being 3-3.5 hr. Second, the EGF dose-response curves for down-regulation of total cellular EGF receptor and increased PA activity are similar. The EGF concentrations for half-maximal responses of both processes are 10-15 nM and 20 nM, respectively. Third, the removal of EGF from previously down-regulated cells results in the recovery of total cellular EGF binding activity with a concurrent loss of cellular PA activity. Fourth, blocking PA synthesis or activity with cycloheximide or dexamethasone prevents down-regulation of the EGF receptor. Fifth, the addition of leupeptin, an inhibitor of PA and plasmin action, blocks EGF-induced receptor down-regulation as well as the increase of PA activity. That EGF receptor down-regulation is independent of plasminogen per se in the culture medium suggests that PA-mediated events may initiate the rapid inactivation of the EGF receptor that occurs during down-regulation.  相似文献   

To better understand the possible roles and interactions of transforming growth factor-alpha (TGF alpha) and its receptor, the epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor in human breast epithelium, we have studied the expression of TGF alpha and the EGF receptor in a series of normal human mammary epithelial cells derived from reduction mammoplasty before in vitro propagation, during short term proliferation in vitro, and after immortalization. Increased TGF alpha mRNA expression coincided with conversion of the cells to a proliferative state in vitro. After establishment, propagation, and proliferation in vitro, the cells expressed high levels of both TGF alpha and EGF receptor mRNAs. Addition of diverse growth inhibitory agents, including 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA), TGF beta, and sodium butyrate, to one of these rapidly proliferating cell populations (no. 184) failed to reduce the expression of either TGF alpha or the EGF receptor. Likewise, cessation of growth associated with both senescence and confluence of the 184 cells did not result in reduced expression. However, regulation of TGF alpha mRNA could be demonstrated by withdrawal of EGF from the medium or by antibody-mediated blockade of the EGF receptor in 184 cells. Antibody-mediated EGF receptor blockade also results in inhibition of growth and [3H]thymidine labeling. An autoregulatory autocrine loop appears operant in proliferating breast epithelial cells. Both growth and levels of TGF alpha mRNA expression are controlled by binding of ligand to the EGF receptor. These studies suggest a role for the TGF alpha/EGF receptor pathway in normal breast cell physiology.  相似文献   

Previous studies had shown that epidermal growth factor (EGF) will stimulate growth of cultured thyroid cells in vitro, and TSH will stimulate total assayable EGF receptor in cultured porcine thyroid cells. In this study, we report the effect of TSH on EGF binding to human thyroid cells. Addition of bTSH (1 mU/mL) in binding buffer during receptor assay stimulated specific EGF binding to cells, with an increase of 44% observed over the control after 1 h incubation at 37 degrees C. Affinity crosslinking of the [125I]EGF-receptor complex showed a single labeled band with molecular size of 170 kD. No additional band was detected in the presence of TSH. Preincubation of cells with chloroquine, which inhibits lysosomal degradative enzyme activity, caused a continuous accumulation of bound EGF over a 4 h study period at 37 degrees C, and TSH stimulated an increase in internalized EGF. In the presence of chloroquine, total specific bound EGF was linearly correlated to incubation time up to 4 h and can be expressed as Bound = slope*time+intercept (time0) Addition of TSH during the binding assay significantly increased the value of the slope when compared to control (p < 0.002). The rate at which prebound [125I]EGF was released into medium was not affected by the presence of TSH, indicating that TSH-enhanced binding may not be attributed to a reduction in EGF degradation. Coincubation of thyroid cells with EGF at 0 and 1 ng/mL and increasing concentrations of TSH (0-10 mU/mL) indicated that EGF stimulated thymidine incorporation, although TSH failed to synergistically enhance EGF-stimulated cell growth.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

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