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伊拉克战争对我军野战卫生装备发展的启示   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
伊拉克战争已经过去了1年多,这是一场实力悬殊的“不对称”战争,美英联军占有绝对优势,伤亡也不多。这场战争反应了现代局部战争的模式和特点的变化,通过分析伊拉克战争中美军卫勤保障的特点,可以从中吸取一些对我军卫勤保障,特别是野战卫生装备发展的启示,推动我军野战卫生装备的发展。  相似文献   

在阿富汗、伊拉克战争中,美军快速、机动、高效的卫勤保障大大提高了伤病救治成功率。本文分析讨论美军在战场上卫勤保障措施的特点和新变化,并根据我军实际情况,就现代战争条件下提升卫勤保障能力提出建议。  相似文献   

信息化战争卫勤保障核心能力探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从信息化战争卫勤保障主要任务出发,分别从一体化卫勤保障能力、全维卫勤保障能力、时效卫勤保障能力、机动卫勤保障能力和精确卫勤保障能力五个方面,阐述未来信息化战争卫勤保障核心能力。  相似文献   

外军卫生装备能力建设刍议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,战争的形态从根本上已经从机械化战争转变为信息化战争。基本战争形态的改变对卫生装备的发展提出了新的能力需求,为此,外军在卫生装备领域开展了相应的“能力建设”。为了满足现代战争对卫勤保障人员的要求.重点发展了卫勤模拟训练装备;为了提高适时卫勤保障能力,开展了卫生装备信息化建设;为了全面提升全维防护能力,强调发展三防卫生装备;为了增强非战争军事行动卫勤保障能力,不断完善非战争军事行动卫生装备体系。  相似文献   

非战争军事行动卫勤保障预案体系框架构建   总被引:12,自引:4,他引:12  
简要介绍非战争军事行动卫勤保障预案的研究现状,初步构建军队非战争军事行动卫勤保障预案体系框架,确定非战争军事行动卫勤保障预案的基本内容,指出存在的问题及发展趋势,并提出可能的解决办法。  相似文献   

未来战争的突发性、多元性、复杂性和残酷性对卫勤保障提出新的要求.为应对未来智能化战争挑战,研究基于人工智能、大数据、云计算等新信息技术,提出卫勤云概念和架构,构建以卫勤云为核心的海上卫勤保障云生态模式,以期为海军卫勤指挥、伤员救治、战斗力评估和资源调度提供高效、可靠、安全、便捷的信息化保障平台.提升海上卫勤保障数据共享共用的能力,跨系统整合卫勤应用服务,为海上卫勤组织指挥以及相关业务提供数据支撑,提高卫勤数据集约化、标准化建设效能.  相似文献   

参加“5.12”汶川特大地震卫勤保障,不仅考验了军医大学附属医院“应对多种安全威胁、完成多样化军事卫勤保障任务”的能力,也为做好非战争军事行动卫勤保障中的政治工作,提供了实践平台和科学借鉴。实践证明,要加强非战争军事行动卫勤保障中政治工作的实效性,就必须要认真研究和把握非战争军事行动卫勤保障中政治工作特点规律,在以统求效、以快求效、以实求效、以活求效上下功夫、见实效。  相似文献   

汶川抗震救灾卫勤保障特征及思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:分析汶川地震卫勤保障行动特征,为提高我军非战争军事行动卫勤保障综合能力提供依据。方法:通过对汶川地震抗震救灾卫勤保障的系统调研,在回顾性调查与描述性分析的基础上形成非战争军事行动卫勤保障的几点思考。结果:汶川地震伤亡及卫勤行动呈现出“两期三段”特征。伤亡报告数以两周为界分为“增长期”和“持平期”,卫勤行动划分为三个阶段,分别是应急阶段、有效阶段和维持阶段。结论:应着力优化非战争军事行动中的卫勤定位、卫勤指挥、卫勤力量模块化、卫勤协同和医疗后送体系,推进非战争军事行动卫勤保障能力建设。  相似文献   

非战争军事行动卫勤力量模块化研究   总被引:3,自引:4,他引:3  
本文借鉴模块化基本原理与方法,对非战争军事行动卫勤力量模块化进行界定与机理研究,并通过汶川抗震救灾卫勤力量使用的实证分析,获得了由功能模块标准化抽组到模块化体系优化部署的卫勤力量模块化基本规律,提出目前非战争军事行动卫勤力量抽组的标准化程度与效率高于卫勤力量部署,为进一步提高非战争军事行动卫勤保障水平提供借鉴。  相似文献   

由人民军医出版社出版,张雁灵任总主编的《非战争军事行动卫勤保障丛书》由三部分组成,一是《非战争军事行动—卫生勤务学》,张雁灵主编,主要分析、研究和总结了新形势下非战争军事行动卫勤保障的特点、规律、方法和经验,分总论和各论两篇,共25章。二是《非战争军事行动—卫勤保障案例》,黄伟灿主编,主要收集和整理了我军开展各类非战争军事行动卫勤保障行动的真实案例,共分为卫勤组织指挥、医疗后送、卫生防疫、药材保障、心理干预、国外相关案例6章。三是《非战争  相似文献   

The US hospital service price structures are complex and tend to be significantly higher than the actual cost to provide the service. Health care consumers have been given more authority to drive health care decisions. Transparency in health care is forcing hospitals to critically review and substantiate service prices. It is vital that US hospitals review their pricing strategies in order to continue as strong leaders in the health care market.  相似文献   

文章分析研究了二十一世纪以来美国卫生服务循证决策。十年来,美国卫生服务调查数据分析显示,其疾病格局发生改转,美国卫生服务体系的工作重点已由急性损伤和传染病的救治,逐渐转变为慢性病和传染病的救治和预防、保健。及时调整、准确定位卫生服务体系的功能,制定了有针对性的医疗卫生政策。中国作为发展中国家,现已进入老龄化社会,原来的疾病和健康问题依然存在,同时也出现了美国等发达国家面临的健康问题。美国所遇到的挑战及其所采取的对策,以及发展趋势,为当前在中国开展卫生服务政策研究提供了启示。  相似文献   

通过英、德、美医疗卫生服务模式与诉讼制度异同,评析我国相关体制现状与新医改对其影响。  相似文献   

PURPOSE: The purpose of this paper is to discuss the need for the service line management approach in health care. Service line management is increasingly utilized by US health care organizations as an innovative method for providing the needed stimulus to increase viability and profitability for the ailing health care sector. DESIGN/METHODOLOGY/APPROACH: Using current literature, this study describes a paradigm shift from traditional health care management approaches to focus on the importance of a service line management approach with its specific emphasis on competencies of leaders. RESEARCH LIMITATIONS/IMPLICATIONS: Four essential competencies--conceptual, participation, interpersonal, and leadership--must be gained by leaders to bring about organizational growth. PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: Health care managers must understand and practice these four key competencies to become effective health care leaders. ORIGINALITY/VALUE: This paper provides useful information on the need for the service line management approach in health care.  相似文献   

Dental service utilization rates among 1.2 million Pennsylvania Blue Shield dental insureds are compared to rates in the US population. Insurance appears to stimulate the utilization of dental services above national norms; children appear to be a major beneficiary of insurance's incentive effect on dental service use. The implications of these findings for health planners and dental insurance providers are discussed.  相似文献   

In 1979, the US Veterans Administration conducted a health survey of 11,230 veterans. The present analysis of these data focuses on the association between Vietnam service and combat experience with eight post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms among the 1,787 Vietnam era veterans who entered military service between 1965 and 1975. The advantages of this study are that it includes a large random sample selected from the total US population, had a high interview response rate (93%), and collected data prior to the recent public controversy surrounding the issue of the health effects of possible exposure of Vietnam veterans to Agent Orange. After adjustment for the potential confounding effects of military service and demographic factors, the level of combat exposure was significantly associated with all eight symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder in a dose response pattern. For seven of the eight symptoms, a twofold increase in the factor-adjusted prevalence odds ratio was observed when non-Vietnam service veterans were compared with Vietnam veterans who experienced the most intense combat experience. Being younger, less well educated, or nonwhite at the time of military service are factors which independently further increased the probability of stress symptoms.  相似文献   

The health care industry within the United States continues to face unprecedented increases in costs, along with the task of providing care to an estimated 46 million uninsured or underinsured patients. These patients, along with both insurers and employers, are seeking to reduce the costs of treatment through international outsourcing of medical and surgical care. Knows as medical tourism, this trend is on the rise, and the US health care system has not fully internalized the effects this will have on its economic structure and policies. The demand for low-cost health care services is driving patients to seek treatment on a globally competitive basis, while balancing important quality of care issues. In this article, we outline some of the issues facing legislators, health care policy makers, providers, and health service researchers regarding the impact of medical tourism on the US health care system.  相似文献   

随着互联网的快速发展,在线医疗服务点评网站的数量逐渐增加,越来越多的患者使用这些网站分享就诊经验,点评医疗服务的质量或给医生评分,以及搜寻更多关于医疗机构和医生的信息。本文选取了这一领域发展较快的英、美两国作为典型案例,并聚焦英国的NHS Choices和美国的Rate MDs、Healthgrades及Yelp网站,主要对其现状、组织、内容、特点、经验和问题分别进行总结与分析。当前,我国医疗服务在线点评方兴未艾,但相关政策和学术研究都很缺乏。本文在借鉴英美两国经验并结合中国国情的基础上,提出由政府主管部门或权威行业协会牵头,组建一个整合健康信息查询、检索及医疗服务点评功能于一体的大型综合性医疗卫生服务平台,通过科学、专业的组织架构对平台实施规范、有序的治理,将主观点评与客观指标、绩效评估相结合,以期提高医疗服务透明度和反应性,推动医疗服务质量提升。  相似文献   

Latinos living with HIV residing in the US-Mexico border region frequently seek care on both sides of the border. Given this fact, a border health perspective to understanding barriers to care is imperative to improve patient health outcomes. This qualitative study describes and compares experiences and perceptions of Mexican and US HIV care providers regarding barriers to HIV care access for Latino patients living in the US-Mexico border region. In 2010, we conducted in-depth qualitative interviews with HIV care providers in Tijuana (n = 10) and San Diego (n = 9). We identified important similarities and differences between Mexican and US healthcare provider perspectives on HIV care access and barriers to service utilisation. Similarities included the fact that HIV-positive Latino patients struggle with access to ART medication, mental health illness, substance abuse and HIV-related stigma. Differences included Mexican provider perceptions of medication shortages and US providers feeling that insurance gaps influenced medication access. Differences and similarities have important implications for cross-border efforts to coordinate health services for patients who seek care in both countries.  相似文献   

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