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The effect of ketanserin, a selective serotonin-2 (5-HT2) receptor blocking agent, on the secretion of anterior pituitary hormones was studied in 4 healthy volunteers. Ketanserin (10 mg) was administered as a slow iv injection and its effect was compared with that of saline. Ketanserin influenced neither the basal plasma levels of HGH, ACTH, TSH, LH or prolactin, nor the plasma levels of T4, T3, cortisol or glucose. Even if a single dose of ketanserin had no hormonal effects, this must also be studied after long term use.  相似文献   

A series of experiments were conducted which demonstrate that estradiol-17β directly affects bovine pituitary cells in primary culture causing an increase in basal and thyrotropin releasing hormone (TRH)-induced prolactin secretion. Prolactin release by pituitary cells incubated with TRH at concentrations of 0.001, 0.01, 0.1 and 1 ng/ml increased linearly with increasing log concentrations. Exposure of pituitary cells to 5, 50 or 500 ng/ml estradiol for 4 h did not affect basal or TRH-induced prolactin release. However, when the period of exposure to estradiol was prolonged to 6, 12, or 24 h, 0.5, 5 or 50 ng estradiol/ml medium caused pituitary cells to release more prolactin and there was more total prolactin in the system (medium +cell content) than for comparable controls. These increases were linearly related to increasing log concentrations of estradiol used. To determine the chronic effect of estradiol on prolactin secretion, pituitary cells were incubated with estradiol-17β for 11 days during which medium was collected at 24 h intervals beginning on day 3. On day 3, prolactin accumulation in medium of control cultures averaged 2.5 ng/ml, and decreased gradually reaching relatively low levels by day 11 (100 ng/ml). Although prolactin secretion decreased during the culture period, stimulatory effects of estradiol were evident throughout. In addition, these cells still released prolactin in response to TRH (1 ng/ml) on day 11 and magnitude of TRH-induced prolactin release increased with increasing concentrations of estradiol-17β. We conclude that estradiol will increase basal and TRH-induced prolactin release by bovine lactotrophs. These results are consistent with the view that the increase in estradiol that occurs at the end of pregnancy in cattle, may participate in the prolactin surge that occurs at parturition in this species.  相似文献   

Neuropeptide Y (NPY) has recently been localized in the rat hypothalamus. We have evaluated the effects of NPY on hypothalamic and pituitary function by injecting NPY into the third ventricle in vivo and by examining its action on perifused pituitary cells in vitro. Injections of NPY into the third ventricle of conscious ovariectomized rats led to a dramatic and highly significant reduction in plasma luteinizing hormone (LH) relative to pretreatment levels in these animals or to those of controls injected with physiological saline. Significant inhibition was obtained with doses ranging from 0.02 to 5.0 micrograms (4.7-1175 pmol) of NPY. These inhibitory effects on LH release were dose dependent and lasted for at least 120 min after injection of 5.0 micrograms of NPY. Intraventricular injection of NPY also significantly decreased plasma growth hormone; however, the threshold dose was 2.0 micrograms (470 pmol), a dose 100-fold greater than the lowest dose that inhibited LH release. Plasma follicle-stimulating hormone was unaffected by injection of NPY. NPY (10(-6) and 10(-7) M) stimulated secretion of LH, growth hormone, and follicle-stimulating hormone from perifused anterior pituitary cells loaded in a Bio-Gel P-2 column. These results indicate that NPY acts on structures adjacent to the third ventricle to inhibit the secretion of LH and growth hormone but not follicle-stimulating hormone, whereas it can directly stimulate the secretion of all three hormones from the cells of the anterior pituitary in vitro. Since NPY has been found in the hypothalamus and median eminence, it is quite likely that it plays a physiologically significant role at both hypothalamic and pituitary sites: influencing secretion of pituitary hormones.  相似文献   

In order to examine pituitary gonadotropin secretion and responsiveness to GnRH after photic-induced changes in reproductive condition, an in vitro pituitary perifusion system was established for male golden hamster tissue. Anterior pituitaries from adult males which had been maintained on 14 h light:10 h dark (long days) or 6 h light:18 h dark (short days) for 10 weeks were perifused using an Acusyst perifusion system. Perfusates from unstimulated tissue (basal secretion) and from tissue stimulated with hourly pulses of GnRH (25, 50, or 100 ng/ml) were assayed for LH and FSH by RIA. Tissue from short-day animals had lower basal LH secretion than tissue from long day animals, but there were no significant photoperiodic differences for GnRH-stimulated LH secretion. In contrast, there were no photoperiodic differences in basal FSH secretion, but tissue from short-day animals secreted more FSH than tissue from long-day animals when stimulated with GnRH. Bioactivity of a small number of perfusate samples was assessed using in vitro rat granulosa cell and mouse Leydig cell assays for FSH and LH, respectively, and did not show any photoperiodic differences in LH or FSH bioactivity for GnRH-stimulated tissue. These studies indicate that the pituitaries of gonadally regressed hamsters are capable in vitro of responding to GnRH with similar or greater levels of gonadotropin release compared to pituitaries from animals with functional gonads. Therefore, it appears that the lowered serum gonadotropin levels seen in vivo in gonadally regressed animals are not due to a reduction in intrinsic pituitary sensitivity to GnRH.  相似文献   

Ren SG  Melmed S 《Endocrinology》2006,147(8):3936-3942
Pyridoxal phosphate (PLP), a bioactive form of pyridoxine, dose-dependently (10-1000 microm) inhibited cell proliferation in rat pituitary MMQ and GH3 cells and in mouse AtT-20 cells. After 4 d, MMQ cell numbers were reduced by up to 81%, GH3 cell numbers were reduced by up to 64% (P < 0.05), and AtT-20 cell numbers were reduced by up to 90%. Cell proliferation rates recovered and dose-dependently reverted to control levels after PLP withdrawal. After 4 d, PLP (400 and 1000 microm) decreased [3H]thymidine incorporation by up to 71% (P < 0.05). PLP (400-1000 microm) reduced GH3 cell GH and prolactin secretion and AtT-20 cell ACTH secretion (adjusted for cell number) by approximately 70% after 2 d. The 100 microm PLP also inhibited prolactin secretion (65%, P < 0.05) in primary rat pituitary cells treated for 2 d. PLP decreased the percentage of AtT-20 and GH3 cells in S phase and increased those in G0-G1 phase. Furthermore, PLP induced AtT-20 and GH3 cell apoptosis (28 vs. 6, P < 0.05; 26 vs. 3, P < 0.05, respectively) and dose-dependently reduced content of the antiapoptosis gene Bcl-2. These results indicate that pharmacological doses of PLP inhibit pituitary cell proliferation and hormone secretion, in part mediated through PLP-induced cell-cycle arrest and apoptosis. Pyridoxine may therefore be appropriate for testing as a relatively safe drug for adjuvant treatment of hormone-secreting pituitary adenomas.  相似文献   

Cells were dissociated from normal rat pituitaries by a combination of mechanical agitation and enzymatic action, seeded into culture flasks and grown in monolayer culture. When such cells were exposed to an extract of the hypothalamic stalk-median eminence area (HSME) a dose-dependent secretion of ACTH was observed. A 2-h exposure to Ca-free media significantly reduced the HSME-stimulated release of ACTH but the measured levels were still greater than the unstimulated controls. When the 45Ca2+ uptake into the cultured cells was measured both control and HSME-stimulated cells yielded identical results (60-80 nmol Ca/mg cell protein). Upon removal of the calcium associated with the surface coat it was found that HSME actually decreased the cellular uptake of calcium. Since variations in uptake can result from changes in influx or efflux as well as from variations in pool size or turnover times of calcium exchange with intracellular compartments, a series of isotope washout experiments were performed. Neither HSME nor theophyline affected the rate constant of calcium efflux from what is believed to be the cytosol pool to the extracellular media. Both agents, however, prompted a shift of intracellular calcium into a more tightly bound compartment. The data suggest that the calcium required for pituitary hormone secretion is derived primarily from an intracellular rather than extracellular origin. It may be that, via the action of cyclic AMP, such calcium can be mobilized from intracellular stores and shifted to a more tightly bound compartment where it can participate in the intracellular processes associated with secretion.  相似文献   

Dopamine agonists and pituitary tumor shrinkage.   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
The primary aim of this review has been to clarify the tumor shrinking effects of dopamine agonists on pituitary macroadenomas of different cell types. Shrinkage is most dramatic for macroprolactinomas and is due to cell size reduction. Seventy-nine percent of 271 definite macroprolactinomas were reduced in size by at least 25%, and 89% shrank to some degree. Most shrinkage occurs during the first 3 months of treatment, although in a minority shrinkage is delayed. Dopamine agonist resistance during long-term therapy is exceptional. Drug withdrawal nearly always leads to a return of hyperprolactinemia, even after several years treatment, although early tumor reexpansion is unusual. About 10% of true macroprolactinomas do not shrink with dopamine agonists; the molecular mechanisms of such resistance have yet to be determined. Alternative formulations of BC and new dopamine agonists (CV 205-502 and cabergoline) are useful for the minority of patients unable to tolerate oral BC, but do not seem to further improve overall shrinkage rates. The risks of pregnancy have probably been overstated, and BC is suitable primary treatment for women with prolactinomas of all sizes; the drug can be used safely during pregnancy in the event of clinically relevant tumor expansion. The interpretation of different degrees of hyperprolactinemia is discussed and management strategies suggested. Most patients with macroprolactinomas now avoid surgery, but drug-induced, time-dependent tumor fibrosis should be remembered if surgery is contemplated. Nonfunctioning pituitary tumors are mostly of gonadotroph cell origin and may be associated with significant disconnection hyperprolactinaemia. Seventy-six of 84 well-characterized tumors showed no tumor shrinkage during dopamine agonist therapy. Possible explanations include abnormalities of dopamine receptor number and function. Preliminary evidence suggests that dopamine agonists may restrain the growth of some functionless tumors; most of these tumors, however, can be satisfactorily debulked using transsphenoidal surgery. In contrast to macroprolactinomas, other functioning pituitary tumors (GH-, TSH-, and ACTH-secreting) rarely shrink during dopamine agonist therapy, although the number of tumors studied is small.  相似文献   

In a group of 5 healthy subjects salmon CT (sCT) infusion was unable to induce significant variations on basal secretory levels of LH, FSH, PRL and TSH. In a second group of 5 normal subjects, GnRH and TRH tests were performed both during sCT and saline infusion; a clear inhibition of TSH-stimulated levels and of PRL area was documented, while gonadotropin secretion was not significantly affected by sCT infusion. These results suggest that CT effect might be attributed to a change in intracellular calcium of pituitary cells; however the different behavior between TRH-and GnRH-stimulated hormones might be due to a different hormonal release mechanism. Furthermore the widespread recognition of CT-like immunoreactivity in adenohypophysis and in portions of the central nervous system suggests that CT may be a neurotransmitter or paracrine regulator.  相似文献   

To study patterns of hormone production and secretion in glycoprotein-producing pituitary tumors, 12 patients with such tumors underwent the following studies. Preoperatively, all patients had serum TSH, LH, FSH, and alpha-subunit levels measured every 15 min for 24 h. Hormone pulses were located by cluster analysis, and pulse parameters were compared to those in healthy young men, healthy young women, healthy postmenopausal women, and subjects with primary hypothyroidism. After surgery, immunocytochemistry for the four glycoproteins was performed on all tumors, and Northern blot analysis was performed in six tumors with probes for the four subunits. By immunocytochemistry, 42% of the tumors were positive for TSH beta, 83% for LH beta, 75% for FSH beta, and 92% for alpha-subunit. Preoperative serum hormone levels varied widely between patients and were not well correlated with the intensity of immunocytochemical staining. Northern blot analysis did not appear to be as sensitive as immunocytochemistry for detection of the glycoproteins. All patients had pulsatile glycoprotein secretion, with pulses of normal frequency but varied amplitude. These results suggest that in patients with glycoprotein tumors, hormone pulses may be an integral part of autonomous secretion, or that hypothalamic control is involved in glycoprotein secretion and, perhaps, in the pathogenesis of these tumors.  相似文献   

In rats hyperprolactinemia increases corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) concentration and secretion in hypophysial portal blood and the serum concentration of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH). To determine whether the stimulatory effect of prolactin (PRL) on CRH and ACTH in vivo is exerted directly on the hypothalamus, hypothalamic explants and primary anterior pituitary cell cultures from adult male and female rats were used. Hypothalami explanted from male and female rats were preincubated during 90 min and treated for 30 min with rat PRL (rPRL) at concentrations of 10(-8), 10(-7), and 10(-6) M (about 200, 2,000, and 20,000 ng/ml, respectively), corticosterone at concentrations of 10(-7), 10(-6), and 10(-5) M (about 35,350 and 3,500 ng/ml, respectively), ACTH at concentrations ranging from 10(-10) to 10(-7) M (0.46, 4.6, 46, and 460 ng/ml, respectively), and graded concentrations of testosterone or estradiol. Concentrations of immunoreactive CRH (iCRH) were measured by radioimmunoassay. rPRL at 10(-6) M stimulated iCRH secretion by 360 and 400% of the basal iCRH output (about 14 pg/hypothalamus), respectively, from hypothalami explanted from male and female rats. ACTH and corticosterone did not suppress rPRL (10(-6) M) induced iCRH secretion. Corticosterone at the concentration of 10(-6) M potentiated rPRL (10(-6) M) induced iCRH secretion in hypothalami explanted from male, but not female rats. Gonadal steroids had no effect either on the basal or rPRL (10(-6) M) stimulated iCRH secretion, with the exception of estradiol which augmented the response to 10(-6) M rPRL by about fivefold, but only at the concentration of 10(-8) M (about 2.7 ng/ml).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

To determine if progesterone (P) does affect gonadotropin secretion by acting directly on the pituitary, six women with hypothalamic gonadotropin deficiency were studied. They were treated with 17 beta-estradiol (E2; 2 mg/day, orally) to induce P receptors and maintain constant plasma E2 levels during two 15-day periods separated by 1 month. GnRH was administered iv at a dose of 10 microgram/pulse every 90 min during the last 5 days of E2 treatment. Either P (400 mg/day) or a placebo was administered intravaginally in a cross-over randomized design during the 5 days of pulsatile GnRH therapy. A baseline study of pulsatile LH secretion was performed, with sampling performed every 10 min for 8 h. The sampling was then repeated on day 15 of each study period at the end of pulsatile GnRH administration. Plasma levels of E2 and P were measured every day during the 5 days of either GnRH and P or GnRH and placebo treatment. In the six patients, the observed apulsatile pattern of LH during the baseline study confirmed the diagnosis of complete gonadotropin deficiency. Plasma E2 levels were not significantly different at the time of each pulse analysis (288 +/- 61 vs. 252 +/- 77 pmol/L). The plasma P level achieved with the vaginal pessaries was 22 +/- 5 nmol/L. P treatment resulted in all cases in a significant increase in the mean plasma LH level (5.2 +/- 0.9 vs. 3.6 +/- 0.7 IU/L after GnRH plus placebo; P less than 0.001). Furthermore, LH pulse amplitude was significantly increased by P compared to placebo (3.1 +/- 0.3 vs. 1.4 +/- 0.1 IU/L, respectively; P less than 0.01). Mean plasma FSH levels were significantly increased by GnRH regardless of whether P or placebo was present. In conclusion, these data indicate that a short exposure to physiological levels of P in the range of early luteal phase levels has a stimulatory effect on LH secretion by acting directly at the pituitary level.  相似文献   

Forskolin, an activator of adenylate cyclase, has been used to investigate the effects of raising pituitary cell cyclic AMP concentrations on prolactin and growth hormone secretion and to examine the role of cyclic AMP in the inhibitory actions of dopamine and somatostatin. Incubation of cultured ovine pituitary cells with forskolin (0.1-10 microM; 30 min) produced a modest dose-related increase in prolactin release (120-140% of basal) but a much greater stimulation of growth hormone secretion (170-420% of basal). Cellular cyclic AMP concentrations were only increased in the presence of 1 and 10 microM forskolin (2-5.5 times basal). A study of the time course for forskolin (10 microM) action showed that stimulation of prolactin (1.5-fold) and growth hormone (4.7-fold) secretion occurred over 15 min; subsequently (15-60 min) the rate of prolactin secretion from forskolin-treated cells was equivalent to that measured in controls, while growth hormone release remained elevated. Cellular cyclic AMP concentrations were also rapidly stimulated by forskolin (10 microM); they reached a maximum (12 times control) within 15 min, and then declined (15-60 min) but remained elevated relative to those in untreated cells (4.9 times control at 60 min). Dopamine (0.1 microM) inhibited basal secretion of both prolactin and growth hormone. In the presence of forskolin (0.1-10 microM), dopamine (0.1 microM) inhibited prolactin secretion to below the basal level and considerably attenuated the stimulation of growth hormone secretion. Similarly, somatostatin suppressed both basal and forskolin-induced prolactin and growth hormone secretion. However, neither dopamine nor somatostatin significantly decreased the stimulatory effect of forskolin on cellular cyclic AMP accumulation.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

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