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The Therac 20 6-MeV scanned electron beam may be used for partial or total skin therapy. The maximum field size at 1 m is 30 X 30 cm defined by a set of primary photon collimators in conjunction with secondary trimmers. We have studied electron beam profiles with and without trimmers at the nominal source-skin distance of 1 m versus extended distances of 3-5 m. We find that the trimmers limit the field size and add little to the beam uniformity at extended distances. Beam energy, dose distributions, and output factors at extended distances were measured for single and multiple field arrangements with and without trimmers. Beam parameters were measured after introducing a degrader that lowered the energy to 3.7 MeV.  相似文献   

Dosimetric verification of a new Monte Carlo beam model for multi-leaf collimated electrons was performed using experimental data from an add-on electron multi-leaf collimator (eMLC) prototype. The measurements were compared against calculations using an electron phase space sampled from a parameterized electron beam model and the voxel Monte Carlo++ (VMC++) code for in-phantom energy deposition. Verification of the calculations was performed in a water phantom with the developed eMLC attached to a Varian 2100 C/D radiotherapy accelerator with nominal energies 6 MeV, 9 MeV, 12 MeV, 16 MeV and 20 MeV. The eMLC prototype consisting of 2 cm thick and 5 mm wide steel leaves is fixed under the 20 x 20 cm(2) electron applicator with a source-to-leaf distance 97.2 cm. The eMLC prototype has non-motorized leaves with straight leaf edges and a maximum field size of 20 x 20 cm(2) at SSD 100 cm. The beam model is a coupled multi-source model with parameters derived from detailed beam characterization measurements and a kernel model for the indirect leaf-scattered electrons. Typical calculation times with a 2% mean statistical uncertainty was under 5 min. In extensive set of in-water measurements 88% of the voxels were within 2% /2 mm acceptance criterion. Although at SSD 100 cm the dose near the phantom surface is slightly pronounced due to the short collimator-to-surface distance, the new beam model was suitable for dose calculation of the add-on type eMLC.  相似文献   

Dosimetric characteristics of acrylic and stainless steel cones for electron beam therapy were investigated. Acrylic and stainless steel cylindrical cones of 6, 7, and 8 cm in diameter and electron beams of energies 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, and 21 MeV were used for the measurements. Both acrylic and stainless steel cones showed high dose areas along the rim. The dose along the rim grew with increasing electron beam energy. The highest dose along the rim was 115% of the maximum dose on a central axis when a 6-cm-diameter acrylic cone and 21-MeV electrons were combined.  相似文献   

A dosimetric comparison was performed on external-beam three-dimensional conformal partial breast irradiation (PBI) and whole breast irradiation (WBI) plans for patients enrolled in the National Surgical Adjuvant Breast and Bowel Project (NSABP) B-39/Radiation Therapy Oncology Group (RTOG) 0413 protocol at our institution. Twenty-four consecutive patients were treated with either PBI (12 patients) or WBI (12 patients). In the PBI arm, the lumpectomy cavity was treated to a total dose of 38.5 Gy at 3.85 Gy per fraction twice daily using a four-field noncoplanar beam setup. A minimum 6 h interval was required between fractions. In the WBI arm, the whole breast including the entirety of the lumpectomy cavity was treated to a total dose of 50.4 Gy at 1.8 Gy per fraction daily using opposed tangential beams. The lumpectomy cavity volume, planning target volume for evaluation (PTV_EVAL), and critical structure volumes were contoured for both the PBI and WBI patients. Dosimetric parameters, dose volume histograms (DVHs), and generalized equivalent uniform dose (gEUD) for target and critical structures were compared. Dosimetric results show the PBI plans, compared to the WBI plans, have smaller hot spots in the PTV_EVAL (maximum dose: 104.2% versus 110.9%) and reduced dose to the ipsilateral breast (V50: 48.6% versus 92.1% and V100: 10.2% versus 50.5%), contralateral breast (V3: 0.16% versus 2.04%), ipsilateral lung (V30: 5.8% versus 12.7%), and thyroid (maximum dose: 0.5% versus 2.0%) with p values < or = 0.01. However, similar dose coverage of the PTV_EVAL (98% for PBI and 99% for WBI, on average) was observed and the dose difference for other critical structures was clinically insignificant in both arms. The gEUD data analysis showed the reduction of dose to the ipsilateral breast and lung, contralateral breast and thyroid. In addition, preliminary dermatologic adverse event assessment data suggested reduced skin toxicity for patients treated with the PBI technique.  相似文献   

Most current electron beam models, as are used in commercial treatment planning systems, combine measured broad beam central axis depth dose data with measured or modeled functions to approximate radial scatter and heterogeneity effects. In this paper, we extend a recently developed pencil beam model to calculate doses outside the field edge and doses in heterogeneous media. We have also explored use of this model as a tool for evaluating commercial electron planning programs. The algorithm we have developed, based on the concept of the lateral buildup ratio (LBR), enables calculation of dose at any point in an irregular electron field, and is capable of generating both on- and off-axis depth dose curves and isodose profiles. This model includes the effects of density and mass-angular scattering power in measured broad beam central axis depth dose data, which when combined with small field reference data, can be used to generate LBR ratios. From these ratios one can infer the depth dependent, effective pencil beam radial spread parameter a in water or other materials, which can be used to model any arbitrary field. We have used this approach to calculate fractional depth doses for small fields incident on aluminum and cork, which we have then compared against measurements and the calculations of several commercial planning systems.  相似文献   

Dosimetric evaluation of MRI-based treatment planning for prostate cancer   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the dosimetric accuracy of MRI-based treatment planning for prostate cancer using a commercial radiotherapy treatment planning system. Three-dimensional conformal plans for 15 prostate patients were generated using the AcQPlan system. For each patient, dose distributions were calculated using patient CT data with and without heterogeneity correction, and using patient MRI data without heterogeneity correction. MR images were post-processed using the gradient distortion correction (GDC) software. The distortion corrected MR images were fused to the corresponding CT for each patient for target and structure delineation. The femoral heads were delineated based on CT. Other anatomic structures relevant to the treatment (i.e., prostate, seminal vesicles, lymph notes, rectum and bladder) were delineated based on MRI. The external contours were drawn separately on CT and MRI. The same internal contours were used in the dose calculation using CT- and MRI-based geometries by directly transferring them between MRI and CT as needed. Treatment plans were evaluated based on maximum dose, isodose distributions and dose-volume histograms. The results confirm previous investigations that there is no clinically significant dose difference between CT-based prostate plans with and without heterogeneity correction. The difference in the target dose between CT- and MRI-based plans using homogeneous geometry was within 2.5%. Our results suggest that MRI-based treatment planning is suitable for radiotherapy of prostate cancer.  相似文献   

A technique for post-mastectomy irradiation in breast cancer patients is described. The chest wall and internal mammary nodes are irradiated with single, anterior electron beam. The axillary and supraclavicular nodal regions are treated with parallel opposed telecobalt beams. A total of 124 patients have been subjected to this procedure. All, except five, completed the treatment. Desquamation, dry as well as wet, was of universal occurrence in electron irradiated zones. The follow up period is 2-26 months with a median of 12 months. Out of the 106 followed up patients, two developed local recurrence while distant metastases were observed in 13 patients.  相似文献   

A rotating beam splitter was designed and fabricated for use in treating tangential breast fields on an AECL Theratron-80 cobalt teletherapy unit. Its dosimetric properties were studied using a 0.6-cm3 Baldwin-Farmer ionization chamber with Keithley electrometer and a Scanditronix RFA-3 three-dimensional water phantom scanner with semiconductor detector. An aluminum plate, which held the semicircular rotating 5-HVL (half-value layer) lead block, extended to the phantom surface (80-cm source-surface distance). The beam was blocked directly along the central axis and also at distances up to 7.5 mm off-axis, corresponding to the projected extent of the 1.5-cm-diam source. The penumbra at the central ray and at each off-axis point was measured at dmax and at 5-cm depth in water. A reduction in the penumbra from 8 to about 2 mm for 20 X 20 cm2 beam was observed regardless of the off-axis distance of the block. Isodose distributions obtained for various field sizes indicated that the percent depth doses of the split fields agree well with the equivalent squares of the irradiated field sizes. Output measurements in water and in air indicated that scatter from the aluminum plate more than compensates for the reduction in backscatter factor, due to the decrease in irradiated area when the beam splitter is used. Isodose curves in various planes were obtained at clinically useful rotational angles of the beam splitter. Computer generated isodose curves have been obtained that match the measured curves to be used in treatment planning.  相似文献   

A Monte Carlo based treatment planning system for modulated electron radiation therapy (MERT) is presented. This new variation of intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) utilizes an electron multileaf collimator (eMLC) to deliver non-uniform intensity maps at several electron energies. In this way, conformal dose distributions are delivered to irregular targets located a few centimetres below the surface while sparing deeper-lying normal anatomy. Planning for MERT begins with Monte Carlo generation of electron beamlets. Electrons are transported with proper in-air scattering and the dose is tallied in the phantom for each beamlet. An optimized beamlet plan may be calculated using inverse-planning methods. Step-and-shoot leaf sequences are generated for the intensity maps and dose distributions recalculated using Monte Carlo simulations. Here, scatter and leakage from the leaves are properly accounted for by transporting electrons through the eMLC geometry. The weights for the segments of the plan are re-optimized with the leaf positions fixed and bremsstrahlung leakage and electron scatter doses included. This optimization gives the final optimized plan. It is shown that a significant portion of the calculation time is spent transporting particles in the leaves. However, this is necessary since optimizing segment weights based on a model in which leaf transport is ignored results in an improperly optimized plan with overdosing of target and critical structures. A method of rapidly calculating the bremsstrahlung contribution is presented and shown to be an efficient solution to this problem. A homogeneous model target and a 2D breast plan are presented. The potential use of this tool in clinical planning is discussed.  相似文献   

The accuracy of dose calculations from a pencil-beam algorithm developed specifically for arc electron beam therapy was evaluated at 10 and 15 MeV. Mid-arc depth-doses were measured for 0 degrees and 90 degrees arcs using 12 and 15 cm radius cylindrical water phantoms. Calculated depth-doses for the 90 degrees arced beams in the build-up region were as much as 3% less than measured values; the maximum dose was similar in magnitude but at a greater depth; and the therapeutic depth, R80, was 2-4 mm deeper. Calculated values of output (dose per monitor unit) at the depth of the maximum calculated dose were compared with measured values; for arcs ranging from 0-90 degrees, 12 and 15 cm radius water phantoms, and collimator widths of 4, 5 and 6 cm, results showed differences as great as 7%. Isodose countours for a 90 degrees arc were also measured in a 15 cm radius PMMA phantom. At the depth of maximum dose the algorithm predicted doses in the penumbral regions, both with and without collimation, which agreed within a few per cent of measured values. The largest discrepancies were 5%, which occurred in the penumbral portion of the depth-dose fall-off region. Differences between measurement and calculation are not believed to be clinically significant and are believed to be primarily due to the fact that the algorithm models neither large-angle scattering nor the effects of range straggling on the pencil-beam dose distribution.  相似文献   

Dosimetric effect of respiration-gated beam on IMRT delivery   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) with a dynamic multileaf collimator (DMLC) requires synchronization of DMLC leaf motion with dose delivery. A delay in DMLC communication is known to cause leaf lag and lead to dosimetric errors. The errors may be exacerbated by gated operation. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of leaf lag on the accuracy of doses delivered in gated IMRT. We first determined the effective leaf delay time by measuring the dose in a stationary phantom delivered by wedge-shaped fields. The wedge fields were generated by a DMLC at various dose rates. The so determined delay varied from 88.3 to 90.5 ms. The dosimetric effect of this delay on gated IMRT was studied by delivering wedge-shaped and clinical IMRT fields to moving and stationary phantoms at dose rates ranging from 100 to 600 MU/min, with and without gating. Respiratory motion was simulated by a linear sinusoidal motion of the phantom. An ionization chamber and films were employed for absolute dose and 2-D dose distribution measurements. Discrepancies between gated and nongated delivery to the stationary phantom were observed in both absolute dose and 2-D dose distribution measurements. These discrepancies increased monotonically with dose rate and frequency of beam interruptions, and could reach 3.7% of the total dose delivered to a 0.6 cm3 ion chamber. Isodose lines could be shifted by as much as 3 mm. The results are consistent with the explanation that beam hold-offs in gated delivery allowed the lagging leaves to catch up with the delivered monitor units each time that the beam was interrupted. Low dose rates, slow leaf speeds and low frequencies of beam interruptions reduce the effect of this delay-and-catch-up cycle. For gated IMRT it is therefore important to find a good balance between the conflicting requirements of rapid dose delivery and delivery accuracy.  相似文献   

Dosimetric characteristics of Novalis shaped beam surgery unit   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Yin FF  Zhu J  Yan H  Gaun H  Hammoud R  Ryu S  Kim JH 《Medical physics》2002,29(8):1729-1738
The dosimetric characteristics of a new dedicated radiosurgical treatment unit are systematically measured in terms of its percent depth dose, beam profile, and relative scatter factor. High-resolution diode detector, mini-ion-chamber detector, and conventional Kodak XV films are used to measure dosimetric data for a range of field sizes from 6x6 mm to 100x100 mm. The effects of collimator size, micro-multileaf collimator shape, and detector type on the dosimetric data are investigated. Results indicate that, with careful design, accurate dosimetric data could be acquired using either a dedicated diode detector or a mini-ion-chamber detector, and film detector. Special attention is required when measuring dosimetric data for small field sizes such as 6x6 mm.  相似文献   

The ability to undergo predictable and controlled degradation allows biopolymers to release prescribed dosages of drugs locally over a sustained period. However, the bulk or homogeneous degradation of some of these polymers like poly(L-lactide) (PLLA) and poly(lactide-co-glycolide) (PLGA) work against a better controlled release of the drugs. Inducing the polymers to undergo surface erosion or layer-by-layer degradation could provide a better process of controlled drug release from the polymers. This study has demonstrated that surface erosion degradation of PLGA is possible with the use of a multilayer film system, with PPdlLGA [plasticized poly(D,L-lactide-co-glycolide) (PdlLGA)] as the surface layers and poly(L-lactide-co-glycolide) as the center layer. The use of the more hydrophilic PPdlLGA as the surface layer resulted in a faster degradation of the surface layers compared to the center layer, thus giving a surface erosion degradation effect. The rate of surface degradation could also be controlled with electron beam (e-beam) radiation, where e-beam irradiation was shown to alter the degradation time and onset of polymer mass loss. It was also shown that the more highly irradiated PPdlLGA surface layers had an earlier onset of mass loss, which resulted in a faster reduction in overall film thickness. The ability to control the rate of film thickness reduction with different radiation dose promises a better controlled release of drugs from this multilayer PLGA film system.  相似文献   

Ma L 《Medical physics》2004,31(11):2973-2977
A method of generating magnetically collimated electron beams is developed and the dosimetric properties of magnetically collimated electrons are investigated. An in-air magnetic collimator device was designed and constructed for the study. The magnetic collimator was placed above the exit port of a 14 x 14 cm2 electron cone. Axial magnetic field of approximately 0.6 Tesla is generated inside the collimator via an array of permanent magnets. Fixed and rotational magnetically collimated electron beams were delivered and measured in phantoms. We found that magnetically collimated electron beams significantly lower the surface dose as compared with conventional electron beams. A magnetically collimated arc beam further reduces the surface dose to less than 20% of the maximum dose inside the target. The dose per monitor unit at d(max) for the magnetically collimated electron beams was significantly (approximately 40%) higher than that of the conventional electron beams. The use of magnetic collimation may lead to improved delivery techniques for breast and head and neck cancer treatments.  相似文献   

Metallic fiducial markers are frequently implanted in patients prior to external-beam radiation therapy to facilitate tumor localization. There is little information in the literature, however, about the perturbations in proton absorbed-dose distribution these objects cause. The aim of this study was to assess the dosimetric impact of perturbations caused by 2.5 mm diameter by 0.2 mm thick tantalum fiducial markers when used in proton therapy for treating uveal melanoma. Absorbed dose perturbations were measured using radiochromic film and confirmed by Monte Carlo simulations of the experiment. Additional Monte Carlo simulations were performed to study the effects of range modulation and fiducial placement location on the magnitude of the dose shadow for a representative uveal melanoma treatment. The simulations revealed that the fiducials caused perturbations in the absorbed-dose distribution, including absorbed-dose shadows of 22% to 82% in a typical proton beam for treating uveal melanoma, depending on the marker depth and orientation. The clinical implication of this study is that implanted fiducials may, in certain circumstances, cause dose shadows that could lower the tumor dose and theoretically compromise local tumor control. To avoid this situation, fiducials should be positioned laterally or distally with respect to the target volume.  相似文献   

A neutron irradiation cavity for in vivo activation analysis has been characterized to estimate its dosimetric specifications. The cavity is defined to confine irradiation to the hand and modifies the neutron spectrum produced by a low energy accelerator neutron source to optimize activation per dose. Neutron and gamma-ray dose rates were measured with the microdosimetric technique using a tissue-equivalent proportional counter at the hand irradiation site and inside the hand access hole. For the outside of the cavity, a spherical neutron dose equivalent meter and a Farmer dosemeter were employed instead due to the low intensity of the radiation field. The maximum dose equivalent rate at the outside of the cavity was 2.94 microSv/100 microA min, which is lower by a factor of 1/2260 than the dose rate at the hand irradiation position. The local dose contributions from a hand, an arm and the rest of a body to the effective dose rate were estimated to be 1.73, 0.782 and 2.94 microSv/100 microA min, respectively. For the standard irradiation protocol of the in vivo hand activation, 300 microA min, an effective dose of 16.3 microSv would be delivered.  相似文献   

【摘要】目的:评估发泡胶在6 MV光子束放疗中的剂量学影响。方法:制作10块2 cm厚的发泡胶模体,获取CT影像、导入放疗计划系统(TPS),计算其平均线性衰减系数,并用电离室进行测量验证。在固体等效水上表面叠加上述模体成2、4、6、8、10 cm厚度,计算并测量不同厚度发泡胶的剂量学影响。随机选取8例由发泡胶辅助固定的鼻咽癌患者,制定9野均分调强计划,分别计算包含与不包含发泡胶的剂量分布。结果:TPS计算得到的平均线性衰减系数为0.16×10-2 cm-1。发泡胶厚度>4 cm时,γ通过率(1%/1 mm)<90%,且厚度越厚通过率越低。相较于剂量跌落区,发泡胶对剂量建成区的影响更大,仅加入2 cm发泡胶时,表面剂量由16.22%增加到63.73%。发泡胶使靶区PTVnd+nx、PTV1、PTV2的平均剂量分别从(72.61±0.98) Gy减少到(72.12±1.00) Gy、(69.11±0.79) Gy减少到(68.72±0.77) Gy、(62.61±1.04) Gy减少到(62.22±1.03) Gy,100%处方剂量靶区覆盖率分别从0.97%±0.01%降低到0.95%±0.03%、0.98%±0.01%降低到0.97%±0.01%、0.94%±0.04%降低到0.92%±0.05%,总剂量γ通过率(1%/1 mm)为94.06%±0.86%。结论:发泡胶厚度越厚对剂量扰动越大,并导致建成区和表面剂量的显著增加,其衰减作用降低了靶区的平均剂量和处方剂量覆盖率。在临床应用时建议发泡胶厚度不超过4 cm,并应将发泡胶勾画在外轮廓中以评估皮肤剂量是否安全。  相似文献   

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