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主动脉弓离断(interruption aortic arch,IAA)又称弓中断,是指主动脉弓与降主动脉之间的连续性中断,约占先天性心脏病的1%,绝大多数患者在婴幼儿时期死亡.1959年被其分为3型:A型是离断发生在左锁骨下动脉远端,B型是离断发生在左颈总动脉与左锁骨下动脉之间,C型是离断发生在无名动脉与左颈总动脉之间.其中B型最常见,占53%:其次为A型,占43%;C型少见,占4%[1].国内外关于C型的IAA报道目前非常少.近期我们发现1例以癫痫发病的C型IAA病例,现将其临床资料并结合文献复习报道如下.  相似文献   

颅内多发动脉瘤合并脑膜瘤在临床上较为少见。该文报道1例颅内多发动脉瘤合并颅底脑膜瘤患者的临床资料及治疗过程,并结合相关文献进行探讨。[国际神经病学神经外科学杂志,2023,50(4):44-49]  相似文献   

目的:探讨颅内皮样囊肿合并动脉瘤诊治特点。方法回顾性分析1例颅内皮样囊肿合并动脉瘤病人的临床资料,并结合相关文献对其可能的发病机制、临床表现、影像学特点及诊疗方式进行探讨。结果术前诊断明确,术中肿瘤全切及动脉瘤完全夹闭。随访3个月,病人恢复良好。结论颅内皮样囊肿合并动脉瘤极其罕见,术前容易漏诊动脉瘤,头颅 CTA 有助于诊断,降低手术风险。  相似文献   

<正>吉兰-巴雷综合征(Guillain-Barrésyndrome,GBS)又称格林巴利综合征,是一种以周围神经和神经根脱髓鞘病变及小血管炎性细胞浸润为病理特点的自身免疫性周围神经病。经典型GBS称为急性炎症性脱髓鞘性多发性神经病,主要损害脊神经根和周围神经,常累及脑神经,临床上表现为急性对称性弛缓性肢体瘫痪,神经损伤可较严重,患者6个月致残率约20%,总体病死率3%~7%,国内住院病死率约1.12%[1-2]。GBS是全球急性神经肌肉麻痹最常见的原因,每10万人中有1~2人受到影响[3]。  相似文献   

1型神经纤维瘤病 (neurofibromatosis type 1,NF1)是一种复杂的常染色体显性遗传疾病,与NF1肿瘤抑制基因的种系突变相关[1].NF1 属于一类称为RASopathies的先天性异常综合征,这是一组由 Ras/丝裂原活化蛋白激酶( RAS/MAPK)通路突变引起的罕见遗传病[2].通常,NF1...  相似文献   

中小型颅内动脉瘤自发性闭塞(四例报告并文献复习)   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的 探讨蛛网膜下腔出血血管造影阴性病例动脉瘤自闭假说的起初真实性,以及导致动脉瘤自闭发生的相关因素。方法 回顾性分析临床上出现的经全脑血管造影证实的4例明确的动脉瘤症例动脉瘤自闭现象,对动脉瘤自闭发生的因素进行了分析。结论 在蛛网膜下腔出血全脑血管造影阴性时,要考虑到动脉瘤自闭的可能,不论是否巨大动脉瘤,均有发生自闭的可能。与动脉瘤自闭有关的因素有:血流速度的改变、动脉瘤的大小、形态、部位及动脉  相似文献   

患者 男,25岁.因突发剧烈头痛,以蛛网膜下腔出血收入院.颅脑CTA示后交通动脉瘤.平素体健.由右侧股动脉穿刺行伞脑血管造影,造影导管无法进入主动脉弓,只能进入左侧椎动脉和左侧的锁骨下动脉,推注造影剂,见到血液沿着椎动脉逆流入锁骨下动脉和降主动脉.然后,由右侧肱动脉穿刺置人造影导管,发现降主动脉是通过右侧的椎动脉,左侧椎动脉供血,属于b型主动脉弓离断(图1,2).  相似文献   

目的探讨大脑中动脉远端动脉瘤破裂的手术治疗。方法手术治疗1例破裂的大脑中动脉M3段动脉瘤并复习有关文献。结果术前CTA提示右侧大脑中动脉M3段动脉瘤,术中成功夹闭动脉瘤并清除血肿减压,术后患者恢复良好。结论大脑中动脉远端动脉瘤少见,破裂后易形成脑内血肿,早期行开颅手术夹闭并清除血肿,预后较好。  相似文献   

颅内动脉瘤合并垂体瘤(一例报告并文献复习)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
患者 男,54岁。1991年2月5日因用力突然出现剧烈头痛,以右顶枕为著伴恶心呕吐。发病后4小时急诊行头颅CT扫描示蛛网膜下腔出血,收住院。患者曾于1988年患自发性蛛网膜下腔出血,经保守治疗治愈。入院查体神志清楚,语利,视力右眼0.5,左眼0.3,视野检查双侧周边视野缩小。头颅平片示蝶鞍明显扩大,鞍底下陷呈双边影,头颅  相似文献   

A 2-month-old male infant presented with intracranial haemorrhage caused by ruptured intracranial mycotic aneurysm. Computed tomography and cerebral selective angiography revealed a large haematoma in the left sylvian fissure and a mycotic aneurysm of a peripheral branch of the middle cerebral artery. Despite the successful surgical removal, the child did not recover from the initial brain injury and died 2 months later. There have been fewer than 10 reported cases of infantile mycotic aneurysms and its occurrence in the absence of infectious endocarditis is exceptionally rare. Received: 16 July 1999  相似文献   

Summary A spontaneous dissecting aneurysm of the intracranial portion of the dominant right vertebral artery presented as massive subarachnoid hemorrhage, excruciating headache, and respiratory arrest in a 57-year-old white man with a history of systemic hypertension. He died on the 3rd day. Postmortem examination revealed a dissecting hemorrhage extending for 2.1 cm along the artery; rupture of the intima, media, and adventitia could be demonstrated. The intramural accumulation of blood in the proximal segments appeared to be related to retrograde dissection within a media weakened by cystic degeneration. Accumulation of pools of mucoid ground substance was also demonstrated in other intracranial and extracranial arteries. Hemodynamic stresses due to arterial hypertension and physical exertion may have played a contributory role in the etiopathogenesis of this uncommon form of cerebrovascular accident. A comprehensive literature review permits a comparison of supratentorial and infratentorial dissecting aneurysms; vertebral and basilar artery dissections are presented in tabular form.
Zusammenfassung Ein spontan dissezierendes Aneurysma des intrakraniellen Abschnittes der dominanten rechten A. vertebralis mit massiver Subarachniodalblutung bei einem 57jährigen Mann mit anamnestisch bekannter Hypertonie führte zu starken Kopfschmerzen, Atemstillstand und schließlich am 3. Tag zum Tode. Die Autopsie ergab eine Blutung aus einer 2,1 cm langen Dissekation mit einem Riß durch Intima, Media und Adventitia. Die Blutansammlung im proximalen Abschnitt spricht für eine retrograde Dissekation innerhalb der durch eine zystische Degeneration geschwächten Media. Eine Häufung poolförmiger mucoider Grundsubstanz wurde auch in anderen intraund extrakraniellen Arterien nachgewiesen. Hämodynamischer Streß infolge Hypertonie und körperliche Belastung konnten eine mitbestimmende Rolle in der Ätiopathogenese der ungewöhnlichen Form eines cerebralen Insultes spielen. Ein umfassender Literaturüberblick gestattet eine Vergleich supra- und subtentorieller dissezierender Aneurysmen; diese werden tabellarisch einmal im Bereich der Vertebralarterien, zum anderen im Bereich der A. basilaris dargestellt.

目的 探讨表现为颅内占位的巨大动脉瘤的临床特点和治疗方法.方法 结合文献复习,回顾性分析1例表现为颅内占位的巨大动脉瘤的手术治疗病例资料.结果 病人经术前行CT及MRI增强扫描,曾误诊为颅内占位病变,术中进行巨大动脉瘤的完全切除,术后未出现神经功能障碍.结论 表现为颅内占位的巨大动脉瘤术前易误诊,应尽量完善影像资料,并根据动脉瘤的具体情况来制定手术方案.  相似文献   

目的 探讨先天性颅内静脉回流异常所致脑积水的临床特点和治疗方法.方法 对1例先天性颅内静脉回流异常所致脑积水患者,经CT、MRI、MRV及DSA检查明确诊断后,行脑室-腹腔体外可调压分流术治疗,对其病史结合文献进行回顾分析.结果 先天性颅内静脉回流异常导致的脑积水临床上非常罕见,患儿常有头颈部皮肤毛细血管扩张,对高颅压耐受较好,回流静脉受损可致颅内压调节失代偿,DSA检查能够明确颅内静脉回流的异常路径,体外可调压脑室-腹腔分流可随时根据患儿反应调节分流压力,分流压力一般需维持在较高水平,以保证静脉回流.结论 出生后有头颈部毛细血管扩张者需考虑先天性颅内静脉回流异常,DSA检查有助于明确诊断,体外可调压脑室-腹腔分流可安全有效地控制先天性颅内静脉回流异常所致脑积水引起的头颅进行性增大.  相似文献   

Paragangliomas are rare neuroendocrine tumors of neural crest origin. They are mostly benign, however; malignant tumors with aggressive behavior and distant metastasis can also occur. Intracranial involvement is extremely rare and has been sporadically reported in the literature. Here we report a case who presented with progressive neurologic deficits due to multiple intracranial lesions found to be metastasis from an occult retroperitoneal malignant paraganglioma.  相似文献   

Many tumors have been reported to coexist with cerebral aneurysm. However, intracranial dermoid cysts associated with cerebral aneurysm are very rare. We report a case in which rupture of a cerebral aneurysm resulted in a ruptured dermoid cyst. We present this interesting case and review current literature about the relationship between tumors and aneurysm formation.  相似文献   

We reported a case of multiple intracranial tuberculoma associated with miliary tuberculosis and reviewed the cases reported as intracranial tuberculoma in the past 11 years. A 41-year-old diabetic man was admitted to our hospital for the treatment of miliary tuberculosis and respiratory insufficiency. On admissIon, he had no neurological deficits except mild consciousness disturbance due to respiratory failure. He developed headache and mental confusion three weeks after the beginning of antituberculous therapy with isoniazid, streptomycin, rifampicin, and ethambutol. Neurological examination revealed that he had progressive right hemiparesis and was in a confusional state. Enhanced CT showed multiple intracranial nodular lesions. During 6 weeks, he had progressive neurological manifestations in spite of his initial antituberculous treatment. He responded well, however, to the chemotherapy with combination of isoniazid, kanamycin, pyrazinamide and ethionamide that were sensitive to tuberculous bacilli separated from his sputum. He became minimally right-hemiparetic by 6 weeks after the change of antituberculous medication. Serial enhanced CT scan proved to be of great value in the diagnosis and follow-up study of intracranial tuberculoma. From 1978 to 1988, there were 72 reported cases of intracranial tuberculoma in Japan; 37 were male, 32 were female and 3 were uncertain because of no detailed document. The age of onset was distributed from 6 month to 81 years in age and 2 peaks were seen in the second decade and fifth to seventh decade. Thirty-three (48%) out of 69 cases had multiple intracranial lesions. A few reports commented that neurological complications tended to appear even if they were under antituberculous therapy.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Introduction  Intracranial aneurysms are exceptional in neonatal patients: There are only 16 cases previously reported. We describe the first case of neonatal posterior inferior cerebellar artery (PICA) aneurysm and review the literature. Case report  A 7-day-old girl presented with irritability, anorexia, fever and abnormally enlarging head circumference. Computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance (MR) imaging demonstrated intraventricular haemorrhage, secondary hydrocephalus and a pontine cistern haematoma. A PICA aneurysm was suspected on the CT angiogram (CTA) and the diagnosis was confirmed by conventional cerebral angiography. She was successfully treated by surgical clipping of the parent vessel and excision of the aneurysm. Postoperatively, she experienced transient swallowing difficulties and required a ventriculo-peritoneal shunt for hydrocephalus. Histopathological evaluation demonstrated a calcified arterial wall with thrombosis, signs of prior haemorrhage and the absence of the internal elastic lamina. Conclusion  Neonatal intracranial aneurysms are rare. Clinical presentation of subarachnoid haemorrhage in this age group is often non-specific. First-line investigation should start with transfontanelle cranial ultrasound, followed by MR angiography then CTA if necessary. Posterior circulation aneurysms and large or giant aneurysms are more frequent in neonates and children than in adults. Early diagnosis and treatment are important for improved outcome. Surgery is better tolerated than in adults.  相似文献   

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