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Fucoidans (high-molecular-weight sulfated polysaccharides extracted from brown seaweeds) have anticoagulant and antithrombotic effects. They inhibit thrombin by catalyzing both serpins (antithrombin and heparin cofactor II) according to their chemical structures and origins. In this study, a low-molecular-weight (LMW) fucoidan of 8 kDa was obtained by chemical degradation of a high-molecular-weight fraction. The antithrombotic and anticoagulant activities of this new compound were compared to those of a low-molecular-weight heparin (LMWH), dalteparin, following subcutaneous administration to rabbits. This LMW fucoidan exhibited dose-related venous antithrombotic activity, with an ED80 of about 20 mg/kg, 2 h after a single subcutaneous injection. Its activity was comparable to that of dalteparin (close to 200 anti-Xa IU/kg) and was maximal 30 min after a single subcutaneous injection. The activity remained stable (about 70%) from 1 to 4 h after injection, but disappeared by 8 h. The antithrombotic activity was not associated with either a prolongation of the thrombin clotting time (TCT) or an increase in anti-Xa activity, contrary to dalteparin. A slight prolongation of APTT occurred with both compounds. This venous antithrombotic activity was associated with a decrease in ex vivo thrombin generation and with a significant increase in the lag phase in a thrombin generation test. LMW fucoidan thus has potent antithrombotic activity and a potentially weaker haemorrhagic effect (i.e. a smaller effect on coagulation tests and a smaller prolongation of the bleeding time) than dalteparin.  相似文献   

The anticoagulant and potential profibrinolytic effect of a combination of low molecular weight heparin with dihydroergotamine (LMWH-DHE) and of unfractionated heparin was studied in eight healthy volunteers. Each volunteer received a subcutaneous injection of either LMWH-DHE (1,500 U anti-Xa of LMWH + 0.5 mg DHE), unfractionated heparin (5,000 IU) or of placebo (saline) between 7 and 8 h in the morning on three different occasions. Anti-Xa activity, and fibrinolytic activity measured by the euglobulin clot lysis time (ECLT) and by the fibrin plate assay were determined before and at different times after administration of the three substances. Anti-Xa activity in plasma reached a maximum four hours after injection of both LMWH-DHE and unfractionated heparin. LMWH-DHE showed a better bioavailability when compared to unfractionated heparin; the anti-Xa activity peak was two and a half fold higher after LMWH-DHE despite injection of a three fold lower dose of anti-Xa units. The half-life of anti-Xa activity was approximately 4 hours for LMWH-DHE but only 90 min for unfractionated heparin. The fibrinolytic activity measured by ECLT as well as by fibrin plate assay, showed a significant increase during the day reaching a peak 8-12 h after injection regardless of the product administered (including the placebo). The profile of the diurnal fibrinolytic activity curve was identical for all three substances. The increase in fibrinolytic activity, observed after administration of LMWH-DHE or unfractionated heparin, was therefore not due to these drugs but reflected the circadian physiological fluctuation of fibrinolysis.  相似文献   

In six healthy volunteers we have estimated the pharmacokinetic parameters of the anti factor Xa (AXa) and anti factor IIa (AIIa) activities of a LMW heparin, Logiparin. For the AXa the following parameters were estimated in a 1-compartment model (mean and 95% confidence limits in brackets): elimination half life 82 minutes (60–127 min), absorption half life (s.c.inj.) 200 minutes (137–368 min), bioavailability 90% (24–156 %), and apparent volume of distribution 3.9 1 (3.1–5.2 1). The plasma activity was linearly correlated to the dose given and to the body weight of the volunteer. For the AIIa the parameters estimated in a 1-compartment model were: elimination half life 71 minutes (52–115 min), absorption half life 257 minutes (133–3442 min), bioavailability 67% (44–90 %), and apparent volume of distribution 10.1 1 (7.2–16.7 1). The plasma activity was dependent on dose and body weight but it also seemed to be influenced by individual factors. This study shows that the absorption rate is the rate limiting factor and the explanation for the long lasting effect of this LMW heparin after subcutaneous injection. The slow absorption rate and the high bioavailability are probably the major advantages of LMW heparins compared to conventional heparin.  相似文献   

The effect of heparin and a low molecular weight heparin fragment (LMWH, mean molecular weight 4000-6000) on plasma anticoagulation and lipolysis was studied in eight healthy men. The activities of antifactor Xa (antiFXa), lipoprotein lipase (LPL), hepatic lipase (HL) and plasma levels of free fatty acids (FFA) were analysed after the injection of 5000 antiFXa units of heparin or LMWH subcutaneously. In comparison with heparin, the administration of LMWH resulted in a significantly higher antiFXa activity (p less than 0.001) but a lower release of LPL and HL (p less than 0.001), which did not increase plasma FFA. It is concluded that subcutaneous injection of LMWH in men elicits an adequate anticoagulant effect measured as antiFXa activity but has a negligible effect on plasma lipolytic activity.  相似文献   

A commercial mucosal heparin preparation has been fractionated by gel filtration into five different MW fractions of approximate mean MWs 11500–21500. These five heparins were randomly administered to 5 normal volunteers by intravenous and subcutaneous injection. The anticoagulant effects of the fractions were then determined by KCCT, anti-Xa clotting and anti-Xa chromogenic substrate assays. Following intravenous injection the high MW fraction produced identical elimination curves in all three assays, but with decreasing MW there was a divergence between results obtained by KCCT and anti-Xa assays. The lowest MW fraction produced between 2–3 times greater heparin levels when measured by anti-Xa assay. This divergence in assay results was produced as a consequence of the differences in specific activities seen when fractionated heparins were assayed in vitro by the different assay methods. That is, low MW heparin fractions had a higher anti-Xa specific activity than that determined by the KCCT assay. Conversely, high MW heparin had a greater specific activity when determined by the KCCT assay. When the response to intravenous heparin injection (measured by KCCT and anti-Xa assays) was compared to the dose administered it was found that the anti-Xa response was greater than expected. This increased plasma heparin like activity was not dependant upon the MW of the heparin fractions, and could not be neutralised by PF4. A MW dependance was observed for the absorption of the heparin fractions into the circulation following subcutaneous injection, with low MW heparin producing higher heparin levels determined by all the assays.  相似文献   

The effects on the fibrinolytic system after a single s.c. bolus injection (at 9 a.m.) of either 5000 IU conventional heparin or 5000 anti-Xa U of a fractionated low molecular weight heparin (Fragmin, KabiVitrum, Sweden) were investigated in 9 healthy volunteers. The effects were compared to those of an injection of normal saline in 6 volunteers. Samples for biochemical analyses were taken regularily during 6 hours after drug or placebo administration. In the coagulation system the following parameters were measured: Activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT), anti-Xa activity, thrombin time and fibrinogen. The fibrinolytic system was monitored by analysing: plasminogen, alpha 2-antiplasmin, fibrin(ogen) degradation products (FDP), euglobulin clot lysis time (ECLT), tissue plasminogen activator (t-PA) activity, t-PA antigen and plasminogen activator inhibitor (PAI) activity. Injection of the 2 drugs was followed by elevations in APTT and anti-Xa activity, and were more pronounced for Fragmin than heparin. The fibrinolytic system exhibited a diurnal variation with decreasing PAI activity and increasing t-PA activity during the day. Volunteers receiving normal saline (placebo) showed a similar pattern. The results were unrelated to heparin. It is concluded from this study that neither heparin nor Fragmin had any significant effect on the fibrinolytic parameters when measured after a single s.c. bolus injection since the observed variations were within the diurnal range.  相似文献   

Standardization of low molecular weight heparins: a collaborative study   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A collaborative study was carried out, in which eight laboratories each assayed eight low molecular weight (LMW) heparins against the International Standard (IS) for heparin. APTT assays and three types of anti-Xa method were used. The results of this study showed that: LMW heparins cannot be validly assayed against the IS by APTT or anti-Xa methods. Potencies of LMW heparins vs. the IS differed considerably between the four types of assay method used and also between different laboratories using the same type of method. Adoption of a single LMW heparin standard would improve validity, improve inter-laboratory variation, and largely abolish the differences between the three types of anti-Xa method. However, since calibration of a LMW heparin standard against the IS would give potencies that differ widely by the different assay methods, a single assay method such as the anti-Xa amidolytic, plasma, would need to be chosen for this calibration.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that unmodified heparin (bovine lung or porcine mucosal) and a low molecular weight heparin fraction, PK 10169, cause platelet aggregation in a dose and molecular weight-dependent manner. In this report, we show that two other low molecular weight heparin fractions, CY 216 and CY 222, also cause platelet aggregation in a dose and molecular weight-dependent manner. Utilizing heparin and defined fractions of CY 216 and CY 222 separated on the basis of molecular weight, we determined dose/response (D/R) relationships for each of these agents and their individual fractions. In comparison to an unmodified porcine mucosal heparin, CY 216 yielded a D/R curve that was shifted down and to the right, indicating that this agent is less potent in causing platelet aggregation. The D/R curve for CY 222, which has a lower molecular weight that CY 216, was shifted further down and to the right, indicating that it was less potent than CY 216. The D/R curves obtained with the fractions of CY 216 and CY 222 demonstrate that as the molecular weight of the fractions decrease, they become progressively less potent in causing platelet aggregation. Fractions with molecular weights of less than approximately 3,000 daltons are essentially without activity in causing platelet aggregation. Platelet aggregation studies with CY 216 and CY 222 fractions separated on the basis of affinity for antithrombin III (AT III) indicate that the platelet aggregating activity of these agents may not be related to their affinity for AT III. However, these latter results are not conclusive and need to be expanded.  相似文献   

The binding ability of low molecular weight heparin (FR-860), and conventional unfractionated heparin (UF-heparin) to factor Xa (F.Xa), thrombin and ATIII was investigated using FR-860- and UF-heparin-Sepharoses. FR-860 could not bind directly to F.Xa. FR-860 bound to thrombin and ATIII with stronger affinity to ATIII than to thrombin. On the other hand, UF-heparin bound to F.Xa, thrombin and ATIII with the strongest affinity to AT III followed by thrombin and F.Xa. AT III mediated the binding between F.Xa and FR-860 and accelerated the reaction between F.Xa and UF-heparin. On the other hand, ATIII did not affect the binding between thrombin and FR-860 or UF-heparin. Diisopropyl fluorophosphate-treated thrombin inhibited the binding between ATIII and FR-860, but not that between ATIII and UF-heparin. These results suggest that the anti-F.Xa activity of FR-860 is mediated by AT III. Furthermore, the difference of antithrombin activity between FR-860 and UF-heparin depends on the capability to form ternary complex of FR-860 or UF-heparin, ATIII and thrombin.  相似文献   

Recent clinical trials have shown that the risk of developing osteoporosis is substantially lower when low molecular weight heparins (LMWHs) are used in place of unfractionated heparin. While the reason(s) for this difference has not been fully elucidated, studies with animals have suggested that heparin causes bone loss by both decreasing bone formation and increasing bone resorption. In contrast, LMWHs appear to cause less bone loss because they only decrease bone formation. Whether all LMWHs decrease bone formation and therefore cause bone loss is unknown. For example, preliminary in vitro studies with the synthetic pentasaccaride, Fondaparinux, have suggested that it may not decrease bone formation and thus, may have no deleterious effects on bone. Further studies are required in order to determine if all LMWHs cause bone loss equally.  相似文献   

A significant difference in anticoagulant response to subcutaneous administration of heparin between two strains of mice has been discovered. Agouti C3H mice had a faster, greater and more prolonged response than albino Swiss mice. On addition of heparin to the blood of the two strains in vitro, identical clotting times were obtained. There was no significant difference in anticoagulant response to intravenous injection in the two strains of mice for a quantity of heparin which gave blood levels similar to those obtained with subcutaneous injection in the Swiss mice. The difference in response to subcutaneous heparin in these two strains of mice can be obtained at different injection sites. The C3H mice also showed greater anticoagulant response than the Swiss mice, after introducing heparin together with citric acid into the small intestine. Injection of 35S-heparin in the foot pad subcutaneously demonstrated that the removal of radioactivity from the injection site was faster and the plasma level of radioactivity was higher in C3H mice than Swiss mice. These results indicate a strain difference in the transfer of heparin to the circulation after subcutaneous or intestinal administration and suggest this provides a suitable animal model for study of absorption mechanisms for heparin.  相似文献   

Introduction: Statins have been shown in randomized trials to reduce coronary events independent of baseline LDL-C level. In the case of pravastatin sodium (PS), there is conflicting evidence as to what is the actual mechanism of its non-lipid lowering beneficial effects. Because pravastatin has been found to prolong the clotting time in vitro, we conducted a study to determine if pravastatin plus low molecular weight heparin (LMWH) would result in a synergistic effect on the in vitro clotting time, thus supporting the hypothesis that pravastatin exerts antithrombotic effects through reduction of fibrin formation. Materials and methods: Aliquots of PS were combined with dalteparin, a LMWH, in 500 μl of human whole blood. The clotting time in seconds was analyzed on a Sonoclot® Coagulation Analyzer, a miniviscometer that is sensitive to early fibrin generation. Results: PS and LMWH, each resulted in a significant prolongation of the clotting time compared with control. The combination of PS and LMWH resulted in a significantly prolonged clotting time compared with either given alone. All values were significantly different from each other (p<0.05). Our results showed that the combination of PS and a LMWH prolongs the clotting time to a significantly greater degree when compared to either administered alone. Conclusions: The synergistic effect of PS and LMWH on prolongation of the clotting time suggests that PS exerts its effect by inhibition of the coagulation cascade and fibrin formation.  相似文献   

Recently, the development of low molecular weight heparin fractions and fragments (LMHF) as potential antithrombotic agents has gained increased attention. However, the lack of antagonists to neutralize the anticoagulant effects of these drugs may seriously exclude them from possible uses in extracorporeal therapy. This is mainly because of the concern that the high dosage of the drugs employed in extracorporeal therapy could lead to serious bleeding risks. Our earlier work has demonstrated that immobilized heparinase can remove polydisperse heparin both in vitro and in vivo. To examine whether such a system may be used as a novel approach to neutralize the anticoagulant effects of LMHF, different LMHF were tested using heparinase. In vitro data showed that both the APTT and anti-FXa activities of the LMHF including Kabi 2165, PK 10169, Cy 216 and CY 222 were nearly completely eliminated by heparinase in less than 20 min. This study suggests that an immobilized heparinase system may be an useful element for the acceptance of the LMHF for their use in extracorporeal therapy.  相似文献   

Addition of heparin or heparin derivatives to citrate anticoagulated platelet-rich plasma caused platelet aggregation in a dose-dependent manner. Utilizing heparin, a low molecular weight heparin derivative (PK 10169) and its various subfractions, we determined dose/response relationships for platelet aggregation and found that the ability of these agents to cause platelet aggregation was dependent upon the molecular weight of the individual subfraction used. In comparison to unmodified porcine mucosal heparin, the lower molecular weight derivative (PK 10169) yielded a dose/response curve that was shifted down and to the right, and indicated that this agent was less potent in causing platelet aggregation. In addition, as the molecular weight of PK 10169 subfractions decreased, their dose/response curves were progressively shifted down and to the right. The lowest molecular weight subfraction was essentially without platelet aggregating activity. We also measured the anti IIa and anti Xa activities of these agents and concluded that these activities did not appear to correlate with platelet aggregating activity. Platelet aggregation studies with PK 10169 subfractions of high and low affinity for antithrombin III (AT III) indicated that the platelet aggregating activity of these compounds may not be related to their affinity for AT III, but results were not definitive.  相似文献   

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