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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of a three-months’ training rehabilitation on the physical capacity of patients suffering from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).


The aerobic and anaereobic capacity was evaluated in 36 patients (Stage 2) before and after a training rehabilitation period: (duration: three months, frequency: two sessions per week, intensity: 65% of aerobic threshold for 25 min, type: regular exercise on a bicycle).


Training rehabilitation caused a statistically significant specific improvement of submaximal aerobic capacity and an increase of quadriceps and flexor of the fingers’ strength.  相似文献   

IntroductionThe isokinetic position of rotator muscles are numerous. A reference position is essential for reliable, reproductible and comparable assessment.Synthesis of factsThe position used must be close to the function while isolating the muscles to evaluate. The position must be comfortable, safe and reproducible, providing an invariable axis of movement.ConclusionTo evaluate the rotator muscles, now it is advisable to use: Davies's position in the pathological contexts, and the position in the supine position with a 90° abduction of the shoulder in sporting arm.  相似文献   

With regard to the present state of technology, the representation of the movement of the human body with a digital computer is very challenging. The wide range of approaches to represent the human movement, the wide variety of disciplines involved in this research and the various motivations contribute to create a certain confusion. One of the major difficulties which confront any researcher who wishers to study this question is the lack of consensus on how movement should be described and how the power of modern computers should be used for the purpose of analyzing and displaying it. Throughout the literature, the general issue of movement representation is approached from three points of view: 1) notation systems designed for recording movement (input); 2) animation systems created for the display of movement (interface) and 3) modeling techniques for the representation of human body (output).
1) The digital representations may be based on various modalities such as film or videotape, natural language or movement notation systems designed to record human movement in symbolic form: Labanotation and Benesh notation are two of the best known recording systems.
2) The animation systems rely either on two-dimensional techniques such as key-frames and interpolation, or on computer animation expressing position and velocity as functions of time. Simulation provides another source of animation.
3) There are three methods for modeling the three-dimensions of the human body: the curved surfaces, the collection of volumes and the stick figure.
The most recent investigations which use real time display, natural language input, techniques of pattern recognition and scene analysis from the successive frames of a film, seem to announce a very exciting development in the near future.  相似文献   

Aprotinin is a collagenase inhibitor previously shown to be effective for treating tendinopathies but associated with systemic allergic reactions. This historical cohort study aimed to determine whether or not the injection regime used affected the risk of allergic reaction and outcome. It compared 223 tendinopathy cases (group R) generally treated with a rapid series of aprotinin injections spaced one to two weekly and 158 cases (group D) generally given a single injection or a delay in their repeat injection(s) of over 6 weeks. Side effects and outcome measures were documented by questionnaire with a response rate of 75%. Systemic allergic reactions occurred in 7% of group R cases compared with 2% in group D (NS). Injections given 2–4 weeks after a previous injection were significantly more likely to lead to allergic reactions (6%) than initial injections (0.3%) and injections given >6 weeks after a previous injection (0.9%) (p < 0.05). Overall patient rated satisfaction and outcome measures were similar between groups. In summary the current published regime of multiple aprotinin injections over a period of a few weeks has a fairly high rate of systemic allergic reactions. This can be reduced by minimising repeat injections and recommending a delay of at least 6 weeks between injections. Practitioners using aprotinin must have available facilities to treat anaphylaxis.  相似文献   

Introduction. – The object of this study consisted in analysing the changes in cardiorespiratory fitness of fourteen sportsmen having undergone a surgical operation following a lesion of the anterior cruciate ligament of the knee.Methods and results. – Two triangular and maximum tests starting from the upper limbs were carried out before and after the operation with 7 days of interval. The results showed that the operation followed by a few days of bed rest generates a fast and significant reduction in the maximum oxygen consumption (–7%, p < 0.05) and peak aerobic power (–8%, p < 0.05).Conclusion. – These results could encourage therapists to propose endurance training during rehabilitation protocols.  相似文献   

The purpose of this review is to present: (1) perceived exertion scales adapted to children and teenagers, (2) practical interests of the perceived exertion. In adult, perceived exertion is frequently used for various applications and objectives. However, the perceived exertion scales validated in adult are not always adapted for children and teenagers. Moreover, the practical interests of the measurement of perceived exertion are still badly known. Consequently, this review presents several perceived exertion scales adapted to children and teenagers, as well as their interests during an incremental test and training program.  相似文献   

Objectifs. – Le but de cette étude a été de vérifier que l'hyperoxie permettait d'augmenter les performance d'un exercice physique.Méthodes. – Vingt-deux sportifs de spécialités différentes, « explosif » (musculation) et « endurance » (cyclisme) ont été étudiés. Les groupes « explosif » et « endurance » comportaient respectivement six sujets hyperoxie + trois contrôles et six sujets hyperoxie + sept contrôles. Douze séances d'entraînement de 90 minutes ont été réalisées : groupe hyperoxie = 100 % d'oxygène à 1,6 b (PO2 = 160 kPa), groupe témoin = pression atmosphérique normale (PO2 = 21 kPa). Des paramètres anthropométriques et biologiques , la force utile maximale (groupe « explosif ») et la VO2 max (groupe « endurance ») ont été mesurés avant et après les 12 séances. L'évolution des puissances développées à la fréquence cardiaque correspondant au seuil de 4 mmol d'acide lactique a été suivie dans le groupe « endurance ».Résultats. – Il n'existait pas de différence significative entre les groupes pour les paramètres anthropométriques, sanguins et la VO2 max. Le groupe « explosif » hyperoxie présentait à la fin des séances, une force utile maximale plus importante (p = 0,03) que celle des témoins. Le groupe « endurance » présentait une augmentation plus importante (p < 0,05) des puissances sous-maximales que le groupe témoin.Conclusion. – L'hyperoxie permet une optimisation de l'entraînement du sportif.Aims. – Evaluate the effect of hyperbaric oxygen on physical exercise performance.Methods. – Twenty two athletes with different specialties: “explosive” (musculation) and “endurance” (cycling), were studied. The “explosive” and “endurance” groups included respectively 6 “hyperoxy” subjects + 3 controls and 6 “hyperoxy” subjects + 7 controls. Twelve 90 min-sessions of training were scheduled: “hyperoxy” group = 100% oxygen at 1.6 b (PO2 = 160 kPa), control group = atmospheric pressure (PO2 =21 kPa). Anthropometric and biologic parameters, useful maximum strength (“explosive” group) and VO2max (“endurance” group) were assessed before and after the 12 sessions. Modifications of strength developed at the cardiac frequency corresponding to the 4 mmol threshold of lactic acid were noted in the “endurance” group.Results. – No difference was noted between the two groups in the variations of the anthropometric and biologic parameters as well as in the VO2max determinations. The “explosive/hyperoxy” group developed, at the end of the sessions, a more important (P = 0.03) increase of the useful maximum strength that controls. The “endurance” group developed a more important increase (P < 0.05) of sub maximum powers that controls.Conclusion. – Hyperbaric oxygen optimize athletic training.  相似文献   

In the field of radiation measurements the energy transfering mechanism has not been described in the case of liquid scintillators containing naphtalene. However, now, this one is an usual component of scintillating solutions. The experiments related in this paper show that naphtalene acts like an intermediate and a secondary solvent. The transfer processes chain is not the same when the energy transfer from the solvent to the primary solute is slow or when it is rapid. The quenching law is still linear with regard to quencher concentration when the scintillator contains naphtalene. But the quenching constant of many quenchers is smaller than the one measured when naphtalene is absent.


B oблacти иэмepeний иэлyхeния (дoэимeтpии) нe был oпиcaн мeхaниэм пepeдaхи знepгии для cлyхaeв, кoгдa жидкocтныe cцинтиллятopы coдepжaт. нaфтaлин. oднaкo тeпepь oн являeтcя oбыхным кoмпoнeнтoм cцинтиллиpyыщих pacтвopoв. Упoминaeмыe в зтox cтaтвe oпыты пoкaзывaют, хтo нaфтaлин дexcтвyeт, кaк пpoмeжyтoхныx и втopихныx pacтвopитeль. Цeпь пpoцeccoв пepeдaхи нe являeтcя oдинaкoвox в cлyхaях мeдлeннox или быcтpox пepeдaхи знepгии oт paтвopитeля к пepвихнoмy pacтвopoннoмy вeщeтвy. Пpи coдepжaнии нaфтaлинa в cцинтиллятope зaкoн тyшeния ocтaeтcя в линexнoм cooтнoшeнии c кoнцeнтpaциex ингибитopa. Ho кoнcтaнтa тyшeния мнoгих ингибитopoв нижe, хeм кoнcтaнтa пpи иэмepeниях, кoгдa нoгдa нaфтaлин oтcyтcтвycт.


Auf dem Gebiete der Strahlungsmessungen ist der Energieübertragungs-mechanismus mit einem Naphtalingehalt noch nicht beschrieben worden. Dies ist jedoch nunmehr ein üblicher Bestandteil der Szintillator-lösungen. Die in diesem Beitrag beschriebenen Versuche zeigen, dass Naphtalin wie ein Zwischen- und ein Sekundär-Lösungsmittel wirkt. Die Kette der Übertragungsvorgänge ist nicht dieselbe bei einer langsamen Energieübertragung vom Lösungsmittel auf die gelöste Substanz wie bei einer schnellen Übertragung. Das Lchgesetz ist immer noch linear mit Bezug auf die Löschmittelkonzentration, wenn der Szintillator Naphtalin enthält. Die Löschkonstante vieler Löschmittel ist jedoch kleiner als bei Abwesenheit von Naphtalin gemessen.
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Enregistrements vidéos et moments de force mesurés sur cycloergomètre : étude du transfert d'énergie entre membre inférieur et manivelle à vitesse élevée
Video data and torque measurement during cycling at very high pedalling frequency: study of energy transfer between leg and crank  相似文献   

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