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目的:利用膳食平衡指数(DBI-07)法,了解在校大学生的膳食质量,为指导大学生合理膳食和使用中国居民膳食指南及平衡膳食宝塔开展营养干预提供依据?方法:采用分层整群随机抽样方法对747名在校学生进行24 h膳食调查,采用DBI-07评分方法评价在校大学生膳食质量水平?结果:目前该人群的膳食状况仍以摄入不足为主,同时也存在着某些食物摄入过量的问题,大部分学生膳食结构特点为C模式?结论:该校大学生存在膳食结构不平衡问题,应开展有针对性的营养教育,并增加学生对水果类?奶类?蛋类及鱼类等的摄入,以改善他们的营养质量?  相似文献   

束莉  赵文红  吴学森 《蚌埠医学院学报》2015,40(11):1570-1572,1575
目的:采用膳食平衡指数(dietary balance index,DBI)法评价某医学院校大学生的膳食质量和营养结构,为指导其合理膳食提供参考依据。方法:采用分层整群抽样的方法对某医学院校641名在校大学生进行为期3 d的膳食调查,应用DBI评分方法对大学生的膳食质量进行评价。结果:影响大学生膳食质量的主要因素有性别、年级和营养知识掌握的程度。男生的DBI-负端分、正端分和总分均高于女生(P<0.05~P<0.01),大学三、四年级学生的DBI-负端分和膳食质量距均显著低于大学一年级学生(P<0.01)。处于模式B的人群比例最大(43.2%),而最优模式A仅为18.1%。结论:采用DBI评价系统能够较全面地反映大学生的膳食质量,应对大学生开展针对性的营养教育以增加蔬菜水果、奶类及动物性食物的摄入,提高大学生的膳食质量。  相似文献   

目的:了解某高校学生膳食营养状况,为科学指导营养与合理膳食提供理论科学依据。方法:采用整群抽样方法,对某高校196名学生进行连续3d的24h膳食回顾调查。结果:男生谷类、豆类、蛋类食物摄入量均高于全国平均水平,蔬菜、禽肉类食物摄入量低于全国水平;女生谷类、豆类食物摄入量均高于全国平均水平,禽肉类食物摄入量低于全国水平。结论:大学生膳食结构不合理,有必要对大学生开展膳食营养教育,提高其健康水平。  相似文献   

大学生的健康素质与膳食结构有密切关系,目前大学生食物消费结构不尽合理,必须采取措施改变这种现状。合理的膳食,中心问题是膳食结构问题。要改善学生的膳食结构,出路是营养配餐。实行营养配餐能为就餐者提供均衡、合理的营养,便于伙食部门科学地管理,有效地杜绝食品的浪费现象。实践证明,营养配餐对于提高学生的健康素质大有裨益。全面推行营养配餐是中国高校饮食部门改革的重点之一,营养配餐是一个系统工程,涉及宣传教育、饮食卫生、生产、管理等各个方面的问题。为此,必须做好如下几个方面的工作。1 加强对学生营养知识的宣传。膳食营…  相似文献   

目的:了解包头市部分大学生的膳食习惯状况,从而为大学生合理、营养膳食提供理论依据,为进一步的营养健康指导与营养干预提供参考依据.方法:抽取包头医学院与轻工业技术学院在校大学生936名,采用回顾性问卷调查的形式进行调查.结果:不同院校、不同性别、不同民族、不同年级的大学生膳食习惯有差别.结论:大学生的膳食结构不够合理,因此在大学生中普及营养知识、加强营养健康指导与营养干预刻不容缓.  相似文献   

重庆市高校学生膳食结构调查研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:采用膳食平衡指数(DBI)评价方法,了解重庆地区在校大学生膳食质量状况,为指导大学生合理膳食提供理论依据。方法:选取重庆市高等院校大学生基本情况和膳食调查资料,采用DBI评分及评价方法评价在校大学生膳食质量水平及存在的问题。结果:目前重庆市大学生膳食状况仍存在摄入不足和过量的问题;男、女生膳食质量存在着一定的差异;大部分学生膳食结构特点为B模式;经济因素对膳食质量无明显影响。结论:大学生仍存在膳食结构不平衡的问题,并存在性别差异,其主要影响因素并不是经济因素。模式B在人群中所占比例还较多,提示在校大学生的营养膳食状况还有值得改进之处。  相似文献   

在对大学生运动员饮食结构调查的基础上,分析四所院校(哈尔滨医科大学、哈医大大庆校区、大庆医专、黑龙江中医药大学)业余运动训练队学生的膳食结构,了解学生的膳食营养情况及营养认知态度,为其合理膳食结构提供科学的指导依据,保障学生健康身体、提高田径训练水平和完成学习任务。  相似文献   

大学生冬季营养调查杨玉亭河南医科大学总务处郑州450052关键词大学生;膳食调查;营养营养水平的高低是衡量学生生活水平的重要标志。随着我国经济的好转,大学生在校的生活水平不断提高,为了解本校大学生冬季营养状况,给合理调配膳食提供科学依据,1996年1...  相似文献   

目的通过调查了解百色市壮、汉族大学生的膳食结构与营养状况,为指导壮、汉族大学生合理膳食结构提供科学依据。方法采用随机整群抽样的方法抽取612名13年级壮、汉族大学生,采用24h回顾法进行膳食结构调查,了解壮、汉族大学生膳食结构、能量及各营养素摄入状况;通过测量身高、体重,了解其生长发育状况。结果壮、汉族大学生钙、铁、锌摄入量严重不足,壮族大学生钙、铁、锌摄入量比汉族大学生摄入量低;蛋白质、脂肪摄入量偏低,壮、汉族男生脂肪摄入量比女生摄入量低,而壮族男、女生摄入量又比汉族男生、女生摄入量低,壮、汉族大学生碳水化合物摄入量接近标准;以体质指数(BIM)标准对学生营养状况进行评价(χ2=1.615,P>0.05),壮族大学生中有14.44%男生、23.83%女生为消瘦,6.67%男生超重,汉族大学生中有13.22%男生、21.15%女生为消瘦,5.79%男生超重;百色市壮族大学生和汉族大学生在营养状况与三大营养素之间的差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论百色市壮、汉族大学生膳食结构不合理,各类营养素的摄入不均衡,同时百色市壮、汉族大学生营养状况分布不合理,存在一定程度的营养不良,因此膳食结构应有待提高和改善,需要加强对大学生的膳食结构的干预,指导其建立科学、合理的饮食习惯。同时增加微量元素钙、铁、锌以及维生素C的摄入,多吃蔬菜水果,少吃零食。  相似文献   

大学生营养状况与饮食行为调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
均衡合理的营养和科学的膳食是大学生身体健康的重要保证。为了进一步了解大学生的营养状况,指导大学生合理营养、平衡膳食,改善和提高他们的健康水平,笔者于2004年12月以整群抽样法,随机抽取在校2003级240名学生,进行营养调查和分析,现将结果报告如下。1资料与方法1.1一般资料  相似文献   

缓解期慢性阻塞性肺疾病和肺心病患者膳食调查分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的:探讨缓解期慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD)和肺心病患者营养不良与膳食营养物质摄入的关系,以提出相应的饮食治疗和支持措施。方法:采用24h膳食回忆调查法对北京地区和唐山地区共156例缓解期COPD和肺心病患者进行逐个入户调查。结果:热能和26种营养素,如蛋白质、脂肪、碳水化合物、钙、锌、硒、镁、铜、锰、钠、钾、铁、维生素A、维生素B1、维生素B2、维生素C、维生素PP、维生素E和8种必需氨基酸(异亮氨酸、亮氨酸、赖氨酸、蛋氨酸、苯丙氨酸、苏氨酸、色氨酸、缬氨酸)的摄入量与每人每天营养素标准供给量比较,均有显著性差异(P<001),其中只有铁和维生素E摄入尚足。同时,蛋白质、脂肪、碳水化合物三大供热营养素的产热百分比也存在明显不合理。结论:对缓解期COPD和肺心病患者进行正确的膳食指导和营养干预治疗是其综合治疗不可缺少的一个重要方面  相似文献   

[摘要]目的 了解云南地区毒性弥漫性甲状腺肿(GD)患者膳食营养状况,探讨GD患者膳食营养摄入水平.方法 采用食物频率法用自行编制的食物频率表对GD患者进行膳食调查;计算GD患者各类食物的每人每日摄入量、各种营养素每人每日摄入量并与中国居民平衡膳食宝塔建议值及膳食营养素参考摄入量(RNIS)相比较;现场测量患者体重、身高和计算体质指数. 结果 (1)膳食结构:云南地区GD患者食物摄入种类齐全,谷类薯类、肉禽类、油脂和坚果类的摄入高;蔬菜菌藻类、水果、蛋类、鱼虾类、奶类及奶制品摄入低;(2)能量和营养素摄入量:脂肪供能比超过推荐值,碳水化合物供能低于推荐值,膳食纤维、维生素A、硫胺素、核黄素、钙和钠摄入低,维生素E、磷和铁摄入高;(3)体格检查:GD患者消瘦率、超重率和肥胖率分别为25.2%、7.0%和1.7%,男性和女性的差异无统计学意义(P>0.05).结论 云南地区GD患者食物摄入种类齐全,但膳食结构不合理.  相似文献   

目的:了解深圳特区户籍居民膳食营养摄入水平。方法:对深圳市15岁以上户籍居民进行膳食摄入频率及三日膳食摄入调查。结果:共调查特区居民1705人。特区居民主食以大米为主,油类摄入以植物油为主。每标准入日摄入能量9.6MJ,占中国膳食营养素供给量标准(RDA)95.8%, 蛋白质97.1g,占RDA131.4%;脂肪79.9g;碳水化合物293.7g,维生素除VitB2外,其他维生素摄入充足,矿物质摄入以钙的缺乏最为显。结论:应加强营养卫生教育,普及相关知识,开展营养监测,提倡合理膳食和健康的生活方式。  相似文献   

ObjectiveThis study was design to develop a semi-quantitative Chinese Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ) and to conduct a validation study for the questionnaire.MethodsBased on the survey experience in recent years, a new Chinese food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) with 149 items in 17 food categories was developed. A validation study on this new FFQ was conducted in Jiangsu and Beijing of China between 1999 and 2001. The period of study covered 1 year and the FFQ was validated by comparing with data obtained by a six repeated 24-hour recalls for 3 consecutive days, or a totally 18-day 24-hour recall throughout the year. A total of 271 healthy adult subjects were enrolled in the study.Food and nutrient intakes measured by the 18-day dietary recalls and food frequency questionnaires (FFQs) were computed in the National Institute for Nutrition and Food Safety, China CDC using the existing nutrition database. The average daily intake of foods and nutrients over the 18-day recall was used to compare with FFQ1 and FFQ2, which was conducted at the beginning and the end of the year, respectively. All statistical analyses were carried out using SAS software version 6.12.ResultsThe reproducibility of FFQ in this study was evaluated at three levels between FFQ1 and FFQ2, i.e. comparison of the mean intake of foods and nutrients; correlation analysis of their intake; and cross-classification and agreement on their corresponding intake. The results showed a high degree of reproducibility for both foods and nutrients. Except for wheat flour and fishes, there were no significant differences in the mean intake of all other foods including rice, other cereals, fresh vegetables, salted vegetables, fresh fruits, nuts, pork, poultry, egg, milk, vegetable oil, soy sauce, salt, and liquor; and this is also true for all nutrients except thiamin. The correlation coefficients ranged from 0.43 to 0.90 for foods and 0.23 to 0.73 for nutrients.Relative validity was tested by comparing the results of food consumption and nutrient intake from both FFQ1 and FFQ2 with those from the average of the 18-day 24-hour recall. The relative validity of FFQ1 was performed in the absence of the possible bias due to a learning effect in FFQ2. This was closer to the real situation where subjects were deprived of any previous experience in quantifying their diet. However, the relative validation of FFQ2 covered the same period as the 24-hour recall.By comparing the mean intake of foods and nutrients between FFQ1 and FFQ2 and the 24-hour recall significant differences were revealed in most foods and nutrients.The crude correlation coefficients between FFQ1 and means of the 24-hour recall ranged from 0.12 to 0.87 for foods and from 0.33 to 0.63 for nutrients. The crude correlation coefficients between FFQ2 and the 24-hour recall ranged from 0.33 to 0.85 for foods and from 0.22 to 0.84 for nutrients. The strongest correlations were found for staple food (rice and wheat flour), pork, poultry and fishes, milk, and liquor. The weakest correlations were found for foods which are not consumed regularly such as potatoes, nuts, legume, and products; and also for fresh vegetables. Adjustment for energy and for attenuation improved correlation for nutrients. The correlation coefficients ranged from 0.27 to 0.86 for FFQ1 and the 24-hour recall and ranged from 0.39 to 0.99 for FFQ2 and the 24-hour recall.DiscussionReproducibility: In conducting a reproducibility evaluation, it is unrealistic to administer the questionnaire at a very short interval, such as in a few days or weeks. When a longer interval of time is used, true changes in dietary intake, as well as variation in response, may lead to reduced reproducibility. This study used one year as an interval between the two interviews which was the most desirable one used in other studies. The reproducibility of FFQ in this study was evaluated in three aspects between FFQ1 and FFQ2, i.e. comparison of the mean intake of foods and nutrients; correlation analysis of their intake; and cross-classification and agreement on their intake A high degree of reproducibility was shown for both food consumption and nutrient intake.Validity: Relative validity was tested by comparing the results of food consumption and nutrient intake from both FFQ1 and FFQ2 with those from the average of the 18-day 24-hour recall. The correlation of FFQ2 with the average of the 18 day 24-hour recalls was generally stronger than that of FFQ1. The relative validity of FFQ1 was performed in the absence of the possible bias due to a learning effect in FFQ2. This was closer to the real situation where subjects were deprived of any previous experience in quantifying their diet. However, the relative validation of FFQ2 covered the same period as the 24-hour recall.Among the available and feasible comparison methods of validating a FFQ, diet records are likely to have the least correlation with FFQ which are due to the restrictions imposed by a fixed list of foods, memory, perception of portion size, and interpretation of questions. These sources of error are minimally shared by diet records because diet records are open-ended, do not depend on memory (foods are recorded on a meal-by-meal basis), and allow direct assessment of portion size. The primary alternative for the use of diet records as a standard of evaluating FFQ is the collection of multiple 24-hour recalls. The results of an evaluation of relative validation depend on several factors which include choice of reference method, the degree of homogeneity of intake values within the population, recall period, and the number of the days recorded. The standard method in our study was a six repeated 24-hour recall for three consecutive days, or a totally 18-day 24-hour recall, over one-year period. Our study subjects were a group of adult residents with a fairly fixed lifestyle. These may partly contribute to stronger correlations obtained in our study.A trend that FFQ overestimates the mean intake for most of the food groups and nutrients included in the study has been observed. There have been few studies to reveal information on over- or under-estimates of both food consumption and nutrient intake by FFQ and the 24-hour recall. The overestimates of both food and nutrient intake in our study may possibly be explained by the fact that the 24-hour recall estimates of food and nutrient intake are derived directly from reports of actual diet of 18 days and that in FFQ the intake comes from summaries or averages of foods consumed during the year and the 18 day 24-hour recall may be not long enough to estimate individual one year diet intake since diet variation exists cross the season and day to day. The results of high degree of reproducibility strongly support the assumption that FFQ could reflect the one year dietary information of the individual.Despite some overestimation of both foods and nutrients by FFQs, agreement on cross-classification is comparable to what other studies have shown, and classification in the same quartile in our study shows a mean of over 45% agreement, while classification in the same and next quartile reveals an mean agreement over 75%.Application: FFQ developed by this study has been applied in several other studies including the Chinese National Nutrition and Health Survey in 2002.ConclusionIn this study, the reproducibility and validity of FFQ were all satisfactory. The results have shown that FFQ can be used to classify study subjects according to their food consumption or nutrient intake over a one-year period. These findings have also confirmed that FFQ is an appropriate instrument to measure the usual food consumption and nutrient intake, as well as to assess the dietary patterns of adult Chinese. It could be used in studies with different purposes, especially in studying the relationship between diet, nutrition and chronic diseases.  相似文献   

目的了解海南省居民的膳食结构、营养素摄入现况,为国家制定相关政策、指导居民合理饮食提供依据。方法采用分层多阶段整群随机的方法从家庭抽样为单位,调查包括询问调查和膳食调查等。利用“海南省居民营养与健康状况调查”中的连续3d24h回顾法的食物数据、家庭食物称重法记录的家庭调味品消费量数据和家庭人均年收入数据,应用SAS软件进行统计分析。结果海南省居民动物性食物消费量增加,达人均207.0g/d;奶类、水果消费量低于推荐量;但畜禽肉类、油脂消费过多,分别为人均112.1、41.7g/d;食盐的消费量为6.7g/d,达到推荐量要求;奶类食物偏低,为人均5.8g/d;蔬菜消费不足,为人均235.8g/d。居民能量、蛋白质、脂肪及大多数营养素的摄入量基本充足,但钙、维生素A、B1、B2等仍不足。结论海南省居民膳食状况有较大提高,但膳食结构不尽合理;基本营养素摄入得到满足。但某些营养素依然缺乏。  相似文献   

目的:了解凉水口中学教师的营养状况及一日活动的耗能量。方法:采用称重记帐进行了5天膳食调查,并用生活观察法记录24h活动项目,计算活动能量消耗量。结果:教师膳食构成中荤蔬搭配较为合理,但豆及豆制品偏低,乳类几乎为零,而食用油,特别是动物性油偏高,热能消耗量与食物摄入量达到平衡,与供给标准比较也基本满足。蛋白质供能占9.2%,优质蛋白质为总热量的3.8%。由于大多数教师不吃干饭,早、晚餐热量偏高,中餐热量明显缺乏(仅为13.6%)。钙,锌,视黄醇,核黄素,硫胺素摄入低于供给标准。结论:教师总热量摄入基本能满足需要,但膳食结构和三餐分配不够合理。建议改善膳食结构,适当增加大豆制品,乳制品,水产品,深色绿叶蔬菜及猪肝,蛋类等食物,减少猪油的摄入量,逐步改善饮食习惯,增加中餐的摄入量。  相似文献   

本文研究了摄取平衡膳3周的5-6岁学龄前儿童12名,19-21岁成人男15名,女7名的锌代谢。研究对象的锌营养状态的均正常,本试验测定了各对象膳食锌摄取量,通过大便,尿,全身体表,头发和成年男性精液及成年女性月经排出量,也测定了一些有关生化指标。  相似文献   

目的 :探讨老年人的膳食及营养状况。方法 :选择 97名 60~ 69岁男性为调查对象 ;膳食调查采用 4天称量法 ;尿负荷试验 ,试验者于清晨空腹时口服维生素 B1、B2 各 5mg及维生素 C 50 0 mg,收集 4 h尿 ,用 2 ,4 -二硝基苯肼比色法测定尿中维生素 C含量 ;用荧光光度法测定尿中维生素 B1、B2 含量。结果 :维生素 A和钙的摄入量分别占供给量 2 1.5%和 52 .7% ,热能和其他营养素摄入量均超过或达到我国推荐的营养素供给量标准。结论 :老年人从膳食中摄入的热能和大多数营养素均达到了供给量标准  相似文献   

目的  观察长期高蛋白饮食对营养性肥胖大鼠胰岛素分泌和血浆Ghrelin水平的影响。  方法    采用高脂饲料喂养,建立营养性肥胖大鼠模型。将肥胖大鼠分为高蛋白饲料组(HP组,n=12,36.7%蛋白质)和普通饲料组(NC组,n=11,22.4%蛋白质),正常等热量饲养24周。观察饲养期间大鼠体质量、空腹血糖的变化。至24周,测定内脏脂肪、空腹血浆Ghrelin(酶联免疫法)和空腹胰岛素(放射免疫法)等指标含量,并行静脉葡萄糖耐量试验(IVGTT),观察两组大鼠葡萄糖刺激下的胰岛素分泌状况。  结果   与NC组相比,HP组体质量明显减轻[(490.92±39.47)g vs(545.55±31.08)g,P<0.01],内脏脂肪含量明显减少[(22.42±7.04)g vs(32.33±9.27)g,P<0.05];IVGTT结果显示,HP组5、10min血清胰岛素含量显著降低[(91.56±21.72)μIU/mL vs(121.29±34.03)μIU/mL,P<0.05;(58.62±15.80)μIU/mL vs(81.12±24.36)μIU/mL,P<0.05];HP组空腹血浆Ghrelin浓度有升高趋势[(2.36±0.82)ng/mL vs(1.95±0.64)ng/mL,P=0.20]。血浆Ghrelin浓度与体质量(r=-0.373,P<0.05)、内脏脂肪含量(r=-0.454, P<0.01)、空腹胰岛素含量(r=-0.390,P<0.05)呈负相关。  结论   长期等热量高蛋白饮食可降低肥胖大鼠胰岛素的第一时相分泌,并可导致空腹Ghrelin升高。这种胰岛素分泌的减少可能系Ghrelin升高、体质量减轻所致。  相似文献   

目的探讨膳食营养因素、人体成分分析与非酒精性脂肪性肝病( NAFLD)发生的相关性。方法选取 NAFLD患者82例( NAFLD组),正常对照者82例(对照组),对被选人群进行问卷调查、体格测量、人体成分分析及肝脏超声检查。收集其体检报告,利用自行设计的健康状况调查表对个人一般状况进行调查,采用食物频率调查表调查其膳食种类和摄入量。结果与对照组比较,NAFLD组总能量、脂肪的摄入量、体质指数( BMI)、内脏脂肪面积( VFA)、体脂百分比( PBF)、腰臀百分比( WHR)均明显升高,血生化指标空腹血糖( FBG)、三酰甘油( TG)、丙氨酸转移酶( ALT)、天冬氨酸转移酶( AST)、极低密度脂蛋白( VLDL)及血尿酸( UA)均较
  对照组明显上升,碳水化合物、蛋白质、膳食纤维、总胆固醇( TC)、尿素氮( BUN)、肌酐( Cr)两组间差异无统计学意义。结论通过NAFLD患者体脂成分测定及其膳食营养素摄入调查,NAFLD组人群膳食结构不够合理,人体成分分析与饮食因素相关性很大,高能量、高脂肪是NAFLD的膳食危险因素,肥胖、高血糖、高血脂、内脏脂肪面积高是NAFLD的患病危险因素。  相似文献   

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