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Fluoridation of public water supply in Fangcun Guangzhou was carried out from 1965 to 1983. Data of dental caries of children aged 3-6 in Fangcun and other statistical data were in May 1986 and January 1988, which were 31 months and 52 months respectively after stopping water fluoridation in October 1983. Compared with that during the water fluoridation, the result of survey in 1986 showed that prevalence of dental caries and other statistical figures increased significantly (P less than 0.01) in the 3-year-old group, but non-significantly in the groups of children aged 4-6 because they were born during the water fluoridation period. The result of survey in 1988 demonstrated significant increase of dental caries in the groups of children aged 3-5, particularly the interdental caries of front teeth which went up most noticeably, but non-significantly in the 6-year-old groups for the same reason. The results confirmed that systemic effects of fluoridation were more important and the prevention of interdental caries was best in water fluoridation programs.  相似文献   

饮水氟对儿童龋齿的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的探讨饮水氟含量与儿童龋齿患病率之间的相关关系和预防龋齿的适宜饮水氟浓度.方法采用流行病学方法调查江苏省某县新淮村[饮水氟含量范围和均值分别为0.18~0.76和(0.36±0.11)mg/L,8~13岁小学生290名]和瓦庙村[饮水氟含量范围和均值分别为0.57~4.50和(2.46±0.80)mg/L,8~13岁小学生222名]儿童龋齿患病率,并按照饮水氟含量不同将儿童分为不同接触组,即<0.5,0.5,1.0,1.5,2.0,2.5,3.0,3.5和≥4.0mg/L等9个组,探讨饮水氟含量与儿童龋齿患病率之间的剂量-效应关系,并计算饮水氟含量的基准剂量95%可信限下限(BMDL).结果低浓度时(饮水氟含量<2.72 mg/L)随着饮水氟含量的增加,儿童龋齿患病率逐渐降低;当饮水氟含量>2.72mg/L时,随着饮水氟含量的增加,儿童龋齿患病率逐渐升高.饮水氟含量和儿童龋齿患病率之间的剂量-效应关系为U型曲线.根据这一剂量-效应关系,分别计算低浓度和高浓度时饮水氟含量的BMDL为3.09和2.59 mg/L.考虑到龋齿致病原因和摄氟途径的复杂性,计算所得的参考剂量(RfD)值为1.55和1.29 mg/L.结论根据WHO的推荐值及国内外的研究结论,结合本次调查结果,可以认为在研究地区预防龋齿最佳的饮水氟浓度为1.0~1.5 mg/L.  相似文献   

目的 研究饮水氟含量与龋齿率的剂量-效应关系,以确定预防龋齿的适宜水氟范围.方法 对检索国内外数据库得到的19篇关于我国饮水氟含量与龋齿率关系的文献进行Meta回归分析.采用分式多项式(fractional polynomial,FP)结合Logistic回归建立模型,同时考虑到数据质量差异,采取加权回归.结果 最优模型为最佳二阶FP模型,其拟合效果显著优于一般Logistic回归和最佳一阶FP模型.饮水氟含量与龋齿率呈U型剂量-效应关系,最低点的龋齿率为13.9%.饮水氟>1.1 mg/L时,随着饮水氟含量的升高,龋齿率下降的速率减慢,因此,将此值定为氟的防龋上限值.结合饮水氟含量在0.6~1.1 mg/L区间内的龋齿率计算值,确定控制龋齿率为35%、30%时的适宜饮水氟含量范围分别为0.7~1.1mg/L和0.9~1.1 mg/L.结论 氟表现为低浓度防龋齿、中浓度无明显作用、高浓度加重龋齿,且其防龋齿作用有限.  相似文献   

目的 观察真空臭氧消毒机对家庭饮用水的消毒效果。方法 以大肠杆菌(Escherichia coli)8099作为指示菌,按照 GB /T5750-2006《生活饮用水标准检验方法》对不同水量、水温、盛水容器下的饮用水消毒效果进行检测。结果 当消毒机箱内压强为50 kPa时,对各水样消毒15 min后,50、100、150 ml水样的平均杀灭率分别为(79.14±0.01)%、(70.99±0.00)%、(64.12±0.02)%;常温(22℃)和低温(4℃)水样的平均杀灭率分别为(70.99±0.00)%、(92.01±0.00)%;100 ml烧杯、250 ml烧杯、平皿(150 mm)所盛放水样的平均杀灭率分别为(67.48±0.01)%、(70.99±0.00)%、(97.75±0.00)%。结论 在本实验条件下,所用真空臭氧消毒机对家庭饮用水中的大肠杆菌有一定的杀菌效果,具有开发成为家庭日常杯量饮用水消毒机器的潜力。  相似文献   

Fluoridation of public water supplies is among the most important public health measures for control of dental caries. Through a review of the literature, this study intends to reaffirm the importance and scope of fluoridation for caries control, as this is acknowledged as one of the most effective ways of ensuring the constant presence of fluoride in the oral cavity, which is vital for controlling caries. Water fluoridation is rated as an important factor for reducing caries, meaning that it should be maintained and also monitored, ensuring adequate fluoride levels for controlling caries while avoiding dental fluorosis.  相似文献   

目的为了掌握上海港远洋船舶的饮用水卫生状况,保障船员饮水安全,保护船员身体健康,探索影响船舶饮用水水质的因素。方法在上海港采集远洋船舶装载的饮用水样本分别进行理化分析和微生物检测,研究不同供水方式、不同船龄的船舶饮用水的各项微生物指标和金属指标,通过分析并进行讨论。结果共采集了159艘远洋船舶的水样样本,其微生物指标的合格率为85.53%,金属指标的合格率为76.73%。说明上海港远洋船舶饮用水的水质存在一些卫生学问题。通过统计学分析,尚不能确定船舶自制的饮用水与码头供应的饮用水在微生物阳性率和金属指标数值的总体概率有所不同(P>0.1),但不同船龄(0~10年,11~20年,21年以上)的船舶饮用水的微生物阳性率和金属指标数值的组间比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。结论船龄越小,饮用水的卫生状况就越好。船龄指标提示了作为今后船舶饮用水监督的快速判定标准之一,对于保障船员饮水安全、保护船员身体健康具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

ObjectivesThis cross-sectional study examines the dental caries experience of new Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) members in relation to enrollment from municipalities with and without water fluoridation.MethodsThe study population consisted of recruits who enrolled in the CAF between 2006 and 2017 with an enrollment address in municipalities with known fluoridation status (n = 24,552). Odontogram statistics from dental examinations were used to calculate the number of decayed, missing, and filled teeth (DMFT) and tooth surfaces (DMFS) for each recruit. The average difference between recruits from municipalities with and without fluoridation was determined using a linear regression model which adjusted for confounding by age and gender and allowed effect modification based on socio-economic status.ResultsThe average recruit was male, 24 years of age, with 5.6 DMFT and 11.6 DMFS. After adjusting for age and gender, recruits residing in municipalities with water fluoridation had lower DMFT by 0.67 (CI − 0.55, − 0.79) points and lower DMFS by 1.77 (− 1.46, − 2.09) points. When allowing for effect modification by median income quintile of the recruits’ home census tract, the average reduction in DMFT and DMFS was similar in all income quintiles, with average reductions in DMFT ranging from 0.47 to 1.02 and average reductions in DMFS ranging from 1.33 to 2.70.ConclusionResidence in a municipality with water fluoridation was associated with reduced caries experience in a national sample of newly enrolled CAF members. The benefits of water fluoridation were uniform across neighbourhood income and military rank classes.  相似文献   

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