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Muscular sound and force relationship during isometric contraction in man   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary The contracting muscle generates a low frequency sound detectable at the belly surface, ranging from 11 to 40 Hz. To study the relationship between the muscular sound and the intensity of the contraction a sound myogram (SMG) was recorded by a contact sensor from the biceps brachii of seven young healthy males performing 4-s isometric contractions from 10% to 100% of the maximal voluntary contraction (MVC), in 10% steps. Simultaneously, the electromyogram (EMG) was recorded as an index of muscle activity. SMG and EMG were integrated by conventional methods (iSMG and iEMG). The relationship between iSMG and iEMG vs MVC% is described by parabolic functions up to 80% and 100% MVC respectively. Beyond 80% MVC the iSMG decreases, being about half of its maximal value at 100% MVC. Our results indicate that the motor unit recruitment and firing rate affect the iSMG and iEMG in the same way up to 80% MVC. From 80% to 100% MVC the high motor units' discharge rate and the muscular stiffness together limit the pressure waves generated by the dimensional changes of the active fibres. The muscular sound seems to reflect the intramuscular visco-elastic characteristics and the motor unit activation pattern of a contracting muscle.  相似文献   

Summary The study of the relations between the electrical activity of a group of synergistic muscles and the biomechanical parameters characterizing the resultant movement is generally reduced to one of the muscles of this group, this muscle being considered as equivalent. This is in particular the case for the biceps brachii in the group of elbow flexor muscles. The validity of this concept in the case of isometric, isotonic contraction can be tested by the simultaneous utilization of surface-electrode and wire-electrode detection techniques.It has been shown 1. that the quadratic relation between the global integrated EMG of the biceps brachii and the external force resulting from the action of the group of flexors can be extended to each of the muscles of this group (brachialis, brachioradialis, pronator teres); 2. that the slope of the relation between the integrated EMG of the biceps brachii and the force differs according to whether the hand is supine or prone. An explanation of a mechanical nature has been proposed for this phenomenon; 3. that in a given situation the relations between the different integrated EMG's remain constant whatever the value of the force.It follows that 1. each value of the integrated EMG of a muscle equals a coefficient times the value of the force exerted by this muscle; 2. the notion of muscle equivalent is justified for a given situation.  相似文献   

Summary Contracting muscle generates sounds which can be recorded easily by means of a microphone. To determine if a phonomyogram (PMG) can be used to monitor muscle force, a comparison was made between simultaneous recordings of PMG and monopolar electromyogram (EMG) from the isometrically contracting biceps brachii muscle and the external flexion force. Locations of the monopolar electrode and microphone were identified in relation to the motor point. Whatever the recording site, PMG amplitude was proportional to EMG amplitude and both showed a quadratic relationship to muscle force. Changes in the PMG spectrum with force were similar to those in EMG, i.e. the mean power frequency increased up to about 30% maximal voluntary contraction and then reached a plateau. De spite a slightly higher variability, PMG was shown to be a valid index of muscular isometric force. At the same force, the amplitude of both PMG and EMG was lower in the prone than in the supine position of the hand. This result indicated a selective recording of biceps brachii muscle activity.  相似文献   

Summary To elucidate the influence of muscle length on surface EMG wave form, comparisons were made of surface EMGs of the biceps and triceps brachii muscles during isometric contractions at different muscle lengths. Muscle lengths were altered by setting the elbow joint angle at several intervals between the limits of extension and flexion. The intensity of the isometric contractions was 25% of maximum voluntary contraction at the individual joint angles. Slowing was obvious in the EMG wave forms of biceps as muscle length increased. The so-called Piper rhythm appeared when the muscle was more than moderately lengthened. The slowing trend with muscle lengthening, though less marked, was also seen in triceps. Zero-cross analysis revealed quasi-linear relationships between muscle length and slowing. Frequency analysis confirmed the development of Piper rhythm. An attempt was made to interpret the slowing associated with muscle lengthening in terms of the propagation of myoelectric signals in muscle fibers. Given the effect of muscle length on EMG wave forms, a careful control of joint angle may be required in assessing local muscle fatigue when using EMG spectral indices.  相似文献   

Summary The recruitment and firing rate of biceps brachii (BB) and brachioradialis (BR) motor units (MUs) were studied in the course of fatiguing isometric contractions at 20%–30% of maximal voluntary contraction (MVC). MU recruitment generally occurred throughout the maintained contraction and was similar for BB and BR muscles. Newly recruited MUs started to discharge in the form of bursts, the duration of which increased until a continuous rhythmical firing was achieved. Within each burst, the first interval between two consecutive discharges was usually the shortest. MU threshold was lowered just after the limit time of the maintained contraction. The MU's firing rate either increased or remained stable as a function of the elapsed time. It is concluded that (1) in fatiguing isometric contractions at 20%–30% MVC contractile failure is mainly compensated for by MU recruitment and a lowered MU threshold and (2) differences between in surface changes in the electromyogram of BB and BR muscles cannot easily be explained by related differences in MU firing rate and recruitment.  相似文献   

A computer program is described which can provide either on-line or off-line analysis of the surface electromyogram (EMG) in man during submaximal isometric contractions. The intention of the program was to quantify the tension developed by, and the degree of fatigue induced in muscle during this form of exertion from the surface EMG. Six male and female volunteers served as subjects to test the program by exerting brief isometric contractions of their handgrip muscles at tensions ranging from 3 to 100% of their maximum strength and fatiguing isometric contractions at tensions ranging between 20 and 95% of their maximum strength. The results of these experiments showed that the program was able to estimate the tension developed by muscle within an average of 2.4% of the subject's maximum strength and estimate the duration of fatigue contractions within an average of 3.5% of the actual recorded endurance. The applications of this form of analysis to work physiology are discussed.  相似文献   

To determine the differences between rock-climbers and controls in finger flexor (FF) motor units (MUs) features and activation strategy, eleven climbers and ten controls volunteered for the study. After maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) assessment, five levels of isometric contractions at 20, 40, 60, 80 and 100% MVC were performed. During contractions, electromyogram (EMG) and mechanomyogram (MMG) were recorded, from which the root mean square (RMS) and mean frequency (MF) were calculated. Climbers showed significantly higher MVC. EMG RMS was statistically higher in climbers than in controls from 60 to 100% MVC. In climbers MMG RMS increased up to 80% MVC, whereas in controls it increased only up to 60% MVC. MMG MF was higher in climbers than in controls from 60 to 100% MVC (P < 0.05). EMG–MMG combined analysis revealed significant differences in MU activation strategy between the two groups. The results are compatible with a shift of climbers’ muscles toward faster MUs.  相似文献   

Summary Fast goal-directed voluntary movements of the human upper extremity are known to be associated with three distinct bursts of EMG activity in antagonistic muscles. The role of each burst (AG1, ANT, AG2) in controlling motion is not fully understood, largely because overall limb response is a complex function of the entire sequence of bursts recorded during experimental trials. In order to investigate the role of each burst of muscle activity in controlling motion, we studied fast voluntary arm movements and also developed two simulation techniques, one employing a mathematical model of the limb and the other using electrical stimulation of human arm muscles. These techniques show that two important movement parameters (peak displacement, time to reach peak displacement) are non-linear functions of the magnitude of the antagonist input (torque and stimulation voltage, respectively, in our two simulations). In the fastest movements, the agonist muscle is primarily responsible for the distance moved, while the antagonist muscle provides an effective means of reducing movement time. The third component of the triphasic pattern moderates the antagonist braking forces and redirects the movement back to the target.  相似文献   

The main purpose of this study was to determine the extent to which blood flow through the profunda artery within the triceps brachii muscle may be compromised during maintained low-force isometric fatiguing contractions. Doppler ultrasound techniques were used to record mean blood velocity and arterial diameter of the profunda brachii artery during sustained isometric contractions of 20% maximal voluntary contraction. The arterial diameter did not change throughout the contraction. Thus, blood velocity was considered to be an indicator of blood flow. The mean blood velocity increased initially and then remained constant during the contraction period. When compared to rest [0.06 (SD 0.03) m s–1] mean blood velocity was significantly larger at the start of the contraction [0.13 (SD 0.07) m s–1] and larger yet during recovery following the contraction [0.30 (SD 0.14) m s–1]. Although blood flow through the conduit artery did not drop during the contraction, the post-contraction hyperaemia suggested that circulatory compromise might have occurred at the level of the capillary beds. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

Summary Blood pressure and heart rate changes during sustained isometric exercise were studied in 11 healthy male volunteers. The responses were measured during voluntary and involuntary contractions of the biceps brachii at 30% of maximal voluntary contraction (MVC), and the triceps surae at 30% and 50% MVC. Involuntary contractions were evoked by percutaneous electrical stimulation of the muscle.Measurements of the time to peak tension of maximal twitch showed the biceps brachii (67.0±7.9 ms) muscle to be rapidly contracting, and the triceps surae (118.0±10.5 ms) to be slow contracting. The systolic and diastolic blood pressures increased linearly throughout the contractions, and systolic blood pressure increased more rapidly than diastolic. There was no significant difference in response to stimulated or voluntary contractions, nor was there any significant difference between the responses to contractions of the calf or arm muscles at the same relative tension.In contrast the heart rate rose to a higher level (P<0.01) in the biceps brachii than the triceps surae at given % MVC, and during voluntary compared with the electrically evoked contractions in the two muscle groups.It was concluded that the arterial blood pressure response to isometric contractions, unlike heart rate, is primarily due to a reflex arising within the active muscles (cf. Hultman and Sjöholm 1982) which is associated with relative tension but independent of contraction time and muscle mass.  相似文献   

Summary Muscular fatigue was studied in the human m. biceps brachii by contracting the muscle as long as possible at 50% of maximum voluntary strength. For 8 subjects changes in the muscle fibre action potential conduction velocity could successfully be measured using the cross-correlation technique between two surface EMG signals. Shifts in the EMG power spectrum were quantified using the mean power frequency (MPF) of the EMG power spectral density function.During fatigue the EMG power spectrum gradually shifted to lower frequencies. The mean value and standard deviation of the MPF value decreased from (115±20) Hz at the beginning of the experiment to (60±18) Hz at the end. For 4 of the 8 subjects the decrease in MPF value was accompanied by a substantial decrease in conduction velocity (mean decrease was 33% of the initial velocity value). For the other 4 subjects, despite the great MPF changes, there was hardly any change in conduction velocity (mean decrease was 3%).The present study shows that great EMG power spectral shifts during muscular fatigue may occur without a concomitant change in muscle fibre action potential conduction velocity.  相似文献   

Movements have been described as being governed by a speed-sensitive (SS) or speed-insensitive (SI) strategy. The SS strategy is used when the subject controls, either explicitly or implicitly, movement speed or time. In contrast, the SI strategy is utilized when there is no intention or requirement to control movement speed. The different strategies demonstrate a specific relationship between torque trajectories and muscle activity. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of accuracy and force level on strategy selection. Ten healthy adults were instructed to generate isometric pulse contractions of the right soleus at 20%, 40%, and 60% of maximum voluntary contraction (MVC) to reach five target sizes of percentage MVC (4%, 8%, 12%, 16%, 20%). The following results were observed: (1) there was no difference in time to peak force, peak dF/dt, slope of force, and electromyographic (EMG) measures between the 12%, 16%, and 20% target sizes; (2) differences were noted, however, between the 12%, 16%, and 20% targets and the smaller targets; (3) for the dependent measures there were significant differences between each force level. No difference between the larger targets implies that subjects do not need to implement a strategy and suggests an upper limit to the dual-strategy hypothesis. The difference between the smaller and larger targets and the difference between the force levels is indicative of an SS strategy. When asked to use different force levels, subjects controlled the rate of rise of force and regulated time to peak force. Between target sizes, force and time were modulated equally. Received: 16 June 1997 / Accepted: 23 April 1998  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to investigate the electromyography (EMG) to torque relationship of the vastus intermedius (VI) muscle. Thirteen healthy men performed maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) and submaximal contraction during isometric knee extension at 10% of the MVC to 90% of the MVC at intervals of 10% of the MVC level. Surface EMG was detected from four muscle components of the QF muscle group, i.e., VI, vastus lateralis (VL), vastus medialis, and rectus femoris (RF) muscles. Normalized muscle activation in the VI muscle was significantly lower than in the VL muscle at a lower torque level (20 and 40% of MVC) and significantly lower compared to the RF muscle at a higher torque level (from 60 to 90% of MVC). These results suggest that neuromuscular activation in the VI muscle is not consistent with the other components of QF muscle group during submaximal knee extension contractions.  相似文献   

Summary The influence of temperature on the amplitude and frequency components of the EMG power spectra of the surface EMG recorded over the forearm muscles was examined in five male and five female subjects during brief and fatiguing isometric contractions of their handgrip muscles. Brief (3 s) isometric contractions were exerted at tensions ranging between 10 and 100% of each subject's maximum strength while fatiguing contractions were exerted at tensions of 25, 40, and 70% of their maximum strength. The temperature of the muscles during those contractions was varied by placing the forearms of the subjects in a controlled temperature water bath at temperatures of 10, 20, 30, and 40 C. The results of these experiments showed that the center frequency of the power spectra of the surface EMG was directly related to the temperature of the exercising muscles during brief isometric contractions. During fatiguing isometric contractions, the amplitude of the EMG increased while the center frequency of the EMG power spectra decreased for all tensions examined.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the characteristics of the specific phonomyogram (PMG) of active motor units activated during voluntary isometric contractions. The electromyogram (EMG) and PMG were recorded from 87 anconeus motor units in 14 subjects. The elementary PMG from single motor units was analysed with a spike-triggered averaging technique. The electro-acoustical delay was 3.5 (SD 1.1) ms, which is within the range of values reported in the literature for PMG evoked by motor nerve stimulation. All motor units demonstrated a pattern of impulsive sounds with a duration of 87.2 (SD 10.7) ms. These results would imply that PMG is linked to the contractile activity of the motor units. These results also would suggest that PMG recorded from a contracting muscle in situ reflects the summation of elementary PMG during voluntary contraction more than the overall mechanical properties of the muscle.  相似文献   

Summary To investigate the relative activation of the synergistic muscles during three different types of muscle contraction, the electromyograms (EMG) of two elbow flexor muscles, the biceps brachii (BB) and the brachioradialis (BR), have been compared. To accomplish this eight healthy human subjects performed the following elbow flexions against the same load — concentric, eccentric and isometric contractions. The isometric contractions were performed at three elbow angles: 10, 45 and 90° (0° equal to full expension). The EMG were recorded by bipolar surface electrodes, and the relative activation between the two muscles was evaluated as the quotient of mean EMG activities (BR/BB). For the isotonic elbow flexions, BR/BB were calculated at three angle divisions: 0–30°, 30–60° and 60–90°. Results indicated that the relative activation of the BR during the concentric contractions was higher than that of the eccentric contraction, particularly at the extended elbow angles, i.e. the BR/BB of the concentric contractions for the elbow joint angles ranging from 0–30° and 30–60° were significantly greater (P<0.05) than those of the eccentric contractions. During the isometric and eccentric contractions, the BR/BB at the flexed joint angles tended to be greater than those at the extended angles. In contrast, there were no angle-dependent BR/BB variations during the concentric elbow flexions. Further, changing patterns in the EMG power spectra due to the type of contraction were different between BB and BR. These results indicated that the activation pattern in the two elbow flexor muscles varied with the muscle contraction pattern.  相似文献   

The study was conducted to contrast exertion-dependent changes in electromyography (EMG), force fluctuation (FF), and limb acceleration (LA) during isometric contraction to attain a versatile picture of muscle fatigue. Fifteen volunteers performed sustained index abduction at 25 and 75% maximal voluntary contractions (MVC) until failure at the tasks; meanwhile, changes in temporal/spectral features of force, muscle activity of the first dorsal interosseous (FDI), and acceleration of the index and hand were monitored. The results showed a manifest increase in all recorded signals for the 25% MVC paradigm, especially for LA, which demonstrated the largest increment in amplitude. In addition to progressive enhancement of the mechanical coupling of the metacarpophalangeal (MCP) joint, the 25% MVC paradigm added to EMG–FF and EMG–LA coherences (CohEMG–FF and CohEMG–LA) at 8–12 Hz and the shift of the spectral peak of the LA to higher frequencies. In contrast, the 75% MVC paradigm did not modulate significantly the spectral peak of LA. Also, CohEMG–FF, CohEMG–LA at 8–12 Hz, and the mechanical coupling of the MCP joint, were conversely undermined consequent to the high exertion paradigm. The present study suggests that LA was most susceptible to muscle fatigue following sustained contraction at a lower exertion level, and diverging alternations among various physiological signals ascribed to exertion-dependent contributions of central and peripheral origins to muscle fatigue.  相似文献   

To provide evidence that motor imagery (MI) is accompanied by improvement of intramuscular conduction velocity (CV), we investigated surface electromyographic (EMG) activity of 3 muscles during the elbow flexion/extension. Thirty right-handed participants were asked to lift or to imagine lifting a weighted dumbbell under 3 types of muscular contractions, i.e. concentric, isometric and eccentric, taken as independent variables. The EMG activity of the agonist (long and short heads of biceps brachii) and the antagonist (long portion of triceps brachii) muscles was recorded and processed to determine the median frequency (MF) of EMG power spectrum as dependant variable. The MF was significantly higher during the MI sessions than during the resting condition while the participants remained strictly motionless. Moreover, the MF during imagined concentric contraction was significantly higher than during the eccentric. Thus, the MF variation was correlated to the type of contraction the muscle produced. During MI, the EMG patterns corresponding to each type of muscle contraction remained comparable to those observed during actual movement. In conclusion, specific motor programming is hypothesized to be performed as a function of muscle contraction type during MI.  相似文献   

Summary The energy turnover in contracting skeletal muscle was studied by measuring the rate of temperature rise during voluntary, isometric contractions and circulatory arrest in M. soleus, M. sacrospinalis and M. biceps brachii in 14 males, by thermoelements inserted in the muscles. A linear relationship between rate of temperature rise and force intensity given as per cent of maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) was demonstrated in biceps (r=0.95), but not so clearly confirmed in soleus (r=0.73). Muscle biopsies were taken from the same muscles and fibre type distribution was determined histochemically by staining for ATPase. The rate of heat production at MVC showed positive correlation to the percentage of fast twitch (FT) fibres in the muscles (r=0.90). Linear extrapolation indicates that the maximal energy turnover in human FT fibres is approximately six times that of slow twitch (ST) fibres during voluntary isometric contractions.This work was submitted by G. Bolstad as a thesis to the University of Bergen in June 1975, in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Candidatus realium  相似文献   

Summary The relationship between muscle fibre conduction velocity (MFCV) and the power spectrum of surface EMGs in 3 human volunteers was studied during isometric contractions at 40% maximum voluntary contraction. In addition, the recovery of these two parameters was measured during short lasting contractions at the same force level every 30 s. The recovery phase was also studied during ischaemia, thereby preventing the recovery of MFCV.The mean MFCV was calculated by the cross-correlation method. The measurements were facilitated by a real-time estimation of the cross-correlation and the MFCV and by a graphic display of the digitised signal.During contraction a nearly linear relation was found between MFCV and the median frequency of the power spectrum (MPF). During recovery this relationship was lost in one subject: MPF restored much faster then MFCV. During recovery under ischemia MFCV did not recover, but MPF recovered partially in all subjects.It is concluded that the shift of the power spectrum to lower frequencies during fatigue cannot be explained by changes in MFCV alone. Central mechanisms also influence the power spectrum and studying the recovery of local muscle fatigue during ischemia may separate these influences from that of MFCV on the power spectrum during fatigue.  相似文献   

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