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The relative effects of azathioprine (AZA) and prednisone (PRED) on natural killer (NK) activity and the antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC) of K (killer) cells and the number of FcR and other lymphoid cells were examined in renal transplant recipients. In addition to both long-term (>6 months) and short-term (<6 months) transplant recipients receiving conventional AZA-PRED therapy, an important group of long-term recipients receiving PRED but not AZA was studied for the first time. Both NK activity and ADCC are profoundly reduced in the long-term AZA-PRED group but are normal in the long-term PRED-alone (no-AZA) group. The short-term AZA-PRED group exhibits NK and ADCC levels significantly lower than normal but not as low as those of the long-term AZA-PRED group. Patient groups with low NK and ADCC also have low circulating Fc receptor-bearing (FcR) cells. A single patient in the long-term AZA-PRED group was removed from AZA therapy, and approximately 3 months was required for the patient's suppressed NK and ADCC to return to normal. These findings indicate that AZA rather than PRED is the major drug important in suppressing ADCC and NK activity in renal transplant recipients. Several months are required for combination AZA-PRED therapy to reduce these cytotoxic activities. Similarly, several months are required for suppressed ADCC and NK activity to return to normal upon discontinuation of AZA.  相似文献   

《Human immunology》2015,76(5):385-391
Cytokine-induced killer (CIK) cells represent a heterogeneous cell population, including a large majority of CD3+CD56+ cells, a relatively minor fractions of typical T cells (CD3+CD56−), and natural killer (NK) cells (CD3−CD56+). In order to elucidate the tumor killing mechanism of these three subpopulations of CIK cells, this review summarized the concordances and differences among CD3+CD56+ CIK cells, CD3−CD56+ NK cells and CD3+CD56− T cells to the following aspects: the effects of cell surface molecules, mechanisms of tumor killing, and clinical applications of these cells in immunotherapy. NK cells can be classified into CD56brightCD16− NK cells, which produce cytokines in response to monokine co-stimulation, and the CD56dimCD16+ NK cells, which contribute to lysing susceptible target. Also, the immunity of NK cells is mainly regulated by several immune-receptors, such as ACR, ICR, NCR and KIRs. T cells require TCR and co-stimulatory molecules for initiation of T cell activation. The CD3+CD56+ CIK cells co-express with T-cell marker CD3 and NK cell marker CD56 to appear the most potent cytotoxicity and high impact on adoptive cellular immunotherapy. These CIK subpopulations share some similar tumor killing mechanisms. LFA-1 not only mediates the binding of NK cells to target cells through its ligand ICAM-1 to localize actin accumulation but also acts as a co-stimulatory receptor on NK cells. LFA-1 also functions as co-stimulatory receptor for T cells to transmit intracellular signals from the TCR to LFA-1. Furthermore, cytotoxic effect of CD3+CD56+ CIK cells is blocked by antibodies directly against LFA-1 and its counter receptor, ICAM-1. Clinically, antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity (ADCC) is shown in both NK cells and T cells for tumor killing while dendritic cells are another main regulator for the activation of three subpopulations. In summary, CD3+CD56+ CIK cells have dual-functional capability as T-cell subsets which acquire NK cells function and reserve TCR-mediated specific cytotoxicity. Meanwhile, CIK cells play important roles in tumor immunology. It paves the way to more effective immunotherapies for various tumors.  相似文献   

Approximately 20% of normal blood lymphocytes expressing the T-helper (Leu 3/T 4+) surface phenotype display natural killer (NK)-like features such as cytoplasmic granules and the ability to bind NK-cell targets. In this study, we have assessed the frequency, phenotypic features, and functional capabilities of such cells in a variety of lymphoid malignancies or solid tumors. In each patient group, the percentage of granular lymphocytes within the Leu 3/T 4+ T-helper subset was significantly increased. A large percentage of these cells coexpressed the Leu 7 or Leu 15 marker. When Leu 3+ cells from patients with high proportions of such NK-like cells (or Leu 3+-Leu 15+ cells from selected patients) were isolated with a fluorescence-activated cell sorter, these cells did not proliferate in response to allogeneic cells or T-cell mitogens, nor did they provide help for B-cell differentiation. They also did not suppress T-cell proliferative responses or B-cell differentiation. Freshly prepared Leu 3+ granular lymphocytes did not display NK-cell cytotoxic functions. However, after short-term culture in the presence of phytohemagglutinin (PHA), Leu 3+-Leu 15+ cells expressed T-cell growth factor (TCGF) receptors, had a detectable proliferative response to exogenous TCGF, and acquired the ability to lyse NK-cell targets. These studies demonstrate that, in a variety of malignancies, the lymphocyte subpopulation expressing the T-helper (Leu 3/T 4+) phenotype may be comprised largely of cells with NK-like features and functional capabilities distinct from those of classical helper T cells.  相似文献   

Lymphoproliferative responses to three affinity chromatography purified amastigote antigens of Leishmania pifanoi, P-2, P-4 and P-8, were evaluated in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) from patients with Ethiopian cutaneous leishmaniasis. Antigen-stimulated cells were analysed for the percentage of CD4+, CD8+ and CD16/56+ cells and the expressed levels of gamma interferon (IFNgamma) and interleukin (IL)-10 were determined in culture supernatants. The amastigote antigens induced cellular responses in leishmaniasis patients with heterologous Leishmania parasite infection. These responses were compared to those of freeze-thawed L. aethiopica promastigote antigen stimulation. The membrane protein (P-8), and to a lesser extent the megasomal/cytoplasmic cysteine proteinase(P-2), induced proliferation with high levels of IFNgamma and IL-10 production in cells from patients with active L. aethiopica lesions. CD16/56+ NK cells were the main cell types induced to proliferate in response to P-8 and P-2 stimulation, followed by CD8+ cell populations. P-4 had no such effect. This contrasts from previous studies of New World human leishmaniasis where P-4 and P-8 were stimulatory. The success of a particular molecule in the induction of a response with a protective phenotype may be dependent on the infecting Leishmania spp. To our knowledge, there are no studies that directly compare the New versus Old World cutaneous leishmaniasis in respect of NK cell and IL-10 responses. Our studies indicate that some leishmanial molecules are recognized across the species, while others are apparently more species specific.  相似文献   

PROBLEM: Mating of CBA/J (H-2k) with DBA/2 (H-2d) males leads to a high rate of spontaneous resorption (about 40%), which is not seen in other mating combinations, such as CBA/J X BALB/c. The activation of natural killer cells (NK cells) seems to be a key mechanism for the maternal-fetal intolerance in allogeneic pregnancy, and recurrent spontaneous abortion. The effect of expression of the NK cell activating receptor Ly49D recognizing BALB/c or DBA/2 class I MHC was investigated. METHOD OF STUDY: Intracellular interleukin (IL)-100 production was detected and target cell survival rates were calculated after 22 hr coincubation of rat NK cells transfected, or not. with a murine Ly49D receptor, with either male BALB/c or male DBA/2 splenocytes, by using flow cytometry. RESULTS: Ly49D negative rat NK cells produced 13.7% more IL-10 than Ly49D positive rat NK cells, and more splenocytes were killed by Ly49D transfected rat NK cells (survival rate 2.45%) than by Ly49D negative rat NK cells (survival rate 4.36%). CONCLUSION: After physiological stimulation with BALB/c or DBA/2 splenocytes, rat NK cells are able to synthesize IL-10. Recognition of mouse splenocyte major histocompatibility complex (MHC) by Ly49D mice receptor decreased IL-10 production. The observed increase in killing activity might be a result of this phenomenon. NK cell activation via the Ly49D receptor might play an important role in pregnancy failure, but cannot explain why CBA/J X DBA/2 matings are abortion prone, and CBA/J X BALB/c matings are abortion resistant.  相似文献   

Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) from cutaneous leishmaniasis patients with ongoing Leishmania aethiopica infection and individuals cured/under treatment from L. infantum or L. donovani infection were stimulated in vitro with LACK, the Leishmania homologue of receptors for activated C kinase. The LACK protein is conserved in related leishmanial species and is expressed both in the promastigote and amastigote stages of Leishmania. Our results show that LACK induced marked NK and some CD8+ cell proliferation in PBMC from cutaneous leishmaniasis patients with active disease. These responses were coupled with high levels of IFN-gamma and IL-10 production. At the concentration tested, the proliferative responses to freeze-thawed Leishmania antigen (Ft-Leish) were higher, while the levels of IFN-gamma were consistently lower than that of LACK. Although cells from individuals cured of leishmaniasis could respond to whole Leishmania lysate by proliferation and IFN-gamma production, there was no evident response to LACK. Ethiopian controls tested at the same time also showed LACK induced proliferation with IFN-gamma and IL-10 responses. Thus LACK reactivity in terms of proliferation and cytokine induction were present in cells from some healthy donors and most of the patients with active lesions, while this response was absent in individuals cured of L. infantum or L. donovani leishmaniasis. Since cure from leishmaniasis often results in life-long protection, and active but not cured patients showed in vitro responses to LACK stimulation, questions arose as to how this highly immunodominant molecule functions during human leishmanisasis. Some possible mechanisms are discussed.  相似文献   

The acquisition and maintenance of NK‐cell function is mediated by inhibitory killer‐cell immunoglobulin‐like receptors (KIRs) through their interaction with HLA class I molecules. Recently, HLA‐C expression levels were shown to be correlated with protection against multiple outcomes of HIV‐1 infection; however, the underlying mechanisms are poorly understood. As HLA‐C is the natural ligand for the inhibitory receptors KIR2DL1 and KIR2DL2/3, we sought to determine whether HLA‐C group haplotypes affect NK‐cell responses during primary HIV‐1 infection. The phenotypes and functional capacity of NK cells derived from HIV‐1‐positive and HIV‐1‐negative individuals were assessed (N = 42 and N = 40, respectively). HIV‐1 infection was associated with an increased frequency of KIR2DL1–3+ NK cells. Further analysis showed that KIR2DL1+ NK cells were selectively increased in individuals homozygous for HLA‐C2, while HLA‐C1‐homozygous individuals displayed increased proportions of KIR2DL2/3+ NK cells. KIR2DL1–3+ NK cells were furthermore more polyfunctional during primary HIV‐1 infection in individuals also encoding for their cognate HLA‐C group haplotypes, as measured by degranulation and IFN‐γ and TNF‐α production. These results identify a novel relationship between HLA‐C and KIR2DL+ NK‐cell subsets and demonstrate that HLA‐C‐mediated licensing modulates NK‐cell responses to primary HIV‐1 infection.  相似文献   

This paper presents the initial characterization of a mouse monoclonal antibody (RH1-38) which blocks, in the absence of complement, three different systems of cell-mediated cytotoxicity. This monoclonal antibody markedly inhibits cytotoxicity mediated by human natural killer cells, a monocyte-like cell [phorbol myristate acetate (PMA) stimulated HL-60], and cytotoxic T-lymphocytes generated in a mixed leukocyte reaction. RH1-38 is not nonspecifically toxic to cells since antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity was not inhibited and viability as assessed by trypan blue exclusion was not affected. Inhibition is specific since control hybridoma culture supernatants, parent (NS-1) ascites supernatant, monoclonal anti-HLA and normal mouse IgG were not significantly inhibitory. In the NK system, the inhibitory effect appears to be due to binding of monoclonal antibody to effector cell surface since exposure of targets to antibody followed by washing yielded no inhibition of killing. Inhibition requires the antigen-binding portion of the antibody molecule and thus appears to be related to steric hindrance of an effector cell surface molecule which is important in the expression of cell-mediated cytotoxicity. Immunoprecipitation of surface-radioiodinated membranes from PMA-stimulated HL-60 cells and analysis on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels revealed a bimolecular complex (195,000 and 125,000 daltons) without significant change under reducing conditions. Control immunoprecipitates yielded no peaks of activity. This monoclonal antibody should serve as a useful probe of the function and biochemistry of a killer cell surface antigen important in the expression of cell-mediated cytotoxicity. Since RH1-38 inhibits cytotoxicity mediated by at least three apparently unrelated effector cells, the relevant antigen may be part of a common mechanistic step. As the companion paper demonstrates, this monoclonal antibody does not affect the conjugation step, but appears to block a late step in the NK cytolytic mechanism. Thus, RH1-38 recognizes either an epitope district from previously-described anti-LFA-1 antibodies or alternatively recognizes a distinct functional killer cell surface molecule.  相似文献   

Wild-type and congenitally athymic nude mice injected with herpes-simplex virus type 2 (HSV 2) responded with a local outburst of non-antigen-specific killer cells masking any virus-specific response. Cytolytic activity could be assayed on mouse-tumor cell lines and on syngeneic or allogeneic non-transformed cells from various sources. Some of the tumor cell lines and proteose-peptone-induced peritoneal exudate cells were lysed more efficiently after infection with either HSV 2, vaccinia or influenza A virus. Preference for virus-infected target cells was already expressed 24 hours after HSV -2 injection. Killing activity was not H-2- restricted, not complement- or immunoglobulin-dependent and did not involve Fc receptors. The cytotoxic cells were non-adherent and could be shown to express Thy1, Quat4, and Quat5 cell-surface antigens. They lacked immunoglobulin and Lyt1 : Lyt2,3 determinants. The functional and serological characteristics identify the HSV-2-induced cytolytic cells as natural killer (NK) cells. The potential importance of this cell population for natural resistance will be discussed.  相似文献   

Human lymphocyte subpopulations (B cells, B1, B2, T1, T2, T3, and T4 cells; our denomination) have been previously identified and isolated by bacterial adherence and functional differences between them have been demonstrated. Here we examined the binding properties of Salmonella schottmulleri to human lymphocytes in peripheral blood smears and found that it binds to more lymphocyte subpopulations, namely B, T1, T2 and T3 cells, than any bacteria previously tested. Thus, using only four bacteria: Salmonella schottmulleri, Brucella melitensis, Arizona hinshawii and Bacillus globigii we identified in blood smears B cells, two B and four T cell subpopulations. When we used gelatin-coupled monolayers of Sal. schottmulleri to isolate lymphocyte subpopulations, we showed that the nonadherent (T4) cells could be efficiently separated from the adherent cells. Furthermore, we tested the isolated subpopulations for natural killing (NK) activity and for antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity (ADCC). Using both NK and ADCC assays, we observed a significantly higher cytotoxic activity in the nonadherent cell population than in the unseparated or adherent cell populations. Also the nonadherent cells contained most of the lymphocytes that have receptors for the Fc portion of IgG and those cells described as large granular lymphocytes. We concluded that Sal. schottmulleri is a valuable new reagent for the identification and separation of human lymphocyte subpopulations.  相似文献   

A range of studies have shown that the complex process of implantation and an establishment of a pregnancy also involves immune factors. Disturbances in these underlying immune mechanisms might lead to implantation and pregnancy failure and may be involved in the pathogenesis of unexplained infertility. Several studies have reported that imbalances in uterine NK (uNK) cell abundance are associated with infertility; however, controversies exist. An increased amount of CD56+ uNK cells along with a decrease in CD16+ uNK cells have been associated with normal fertility in some studies. Very few studies of FoxP3+ regulatory T cells (Tregs) in the pre-implantation endometrium have been performed. Results are sparse and controversial, studies reporting both increased and decreased numbers of Tregs, respectively, in women suffering from infertility. In conclusion, studies imply that uNK cells, Tregs and HLA-G carry pivotal roles regarding the establishment of a healthy pregnancy, and that abnormal immune mechanisms involving these parameters may be associated with infertility. However, more research in early phases of the reproductive cycle, such as investigating the conditions in the endometrium before implantation, is needed to further clarify the underlying mechanisms.  相似文献   

Radio-adaptive response (RAR) is a biological mechanism, where cells primed with a low dose exhibit reduced DNA damage with a high challenging dose. Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of DNA repair genes including base excision repair (BER) pathway are known to be associated with radio-sensitivity but involvement in RAR is not yet understood. In the present study, attempt was made to correlate genotype frequencies of four BER SNPs [hOGG1(Ser326Cys), XRCC1(Arg399Gln), APE1(Asp148Glu) and LIGASE1(A/C)] with DNA damage, repair and mRNA expression level among 20 healthy donors (12 adaptive and 8 nonadaptive). Our results revealed that LIGASE1 (p = .002) showed significant correlation with DNA damage and mRNA expression level with increasing dose. hOGG1 (Ser326Cys), XRCC1 (Arg399Gln) and LIGASE1(A/C) polymorphisms showed significant difference with DNA damage (%T) and mRNA expression profile in primed cells among adaptive donors. In conclusion, BER gene polymorphisms play important role in identifying donors with radio-sensitivity and RAR in human cells.  相似文献   

Myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSCs) comprise a group of heterogeneous and immature myeloid-derived cells. MDSCs accumulate in the blood, lymphoid organs, spleens and tumor tissues under different pathogenic conditions such as infection, trauma, hematosepsis, and especially oncogenesis. MDSCs can suppress both adaptive and innate immunities through multiple mechanisms. However, most of our knowledge of MDSCs is based on pre-clinical studies. Clinical observations have shown that the number of MDSCs in the peripheral blood of patients is closely related to tumor stage, tumor burden, remote metastasis and prognosis, though inconsistencies in MDSC phenotypes among cancer patients mean that results have been inconclusive, and subsequent research progress has been slow. This review summarizes recent studies that have investigated MDSCs in cancer patients.  相似文献   

《Human immunology》2022,83(1):86-98
The global outbreak of coronavirus-2019 (COVID-19) still claims more lives daily around the world due to the lack of a definitive treatment and the rapid tendency of virus to mutate, which even jeopardizes vaccination efficacy. At the forefront battle against SARS-CoV-2, an effective innate response to the infection has a pivotal role in the initial control and treatment of disease. However, SARS-CoV-2 subtly interrupts the equations of immune responses, disrupting the cytolytic antiviral effects of NK cells, while seriously activating infected macrophages and other immune cells to induce an unleashed “cytokine storm”, a dangerous and uncontrollable inflammatory response causing life-threatening symptoms in patients. Notably, the NK cell exhaustion with ineffective cytolytic function against the sources of exaggerated cytokine release, acts as an Achilles’ heel which exacerbates the severity of COVID-19. Given this, approaches that improve NK cell cytotoxicity may benefit treatment protocols. As a suggestion, adoptive transfer of NK or CAR-NK cells with proper cytotolytic potentials and the lowest capacity of cytokine-release (for example CD56dim NK cells brightly express activating receptors), to severe COVID-19 patients may provide an effective cure especially in cases suffering from cytokine storms. More intriguingly, the ongoing evidence for persistent clonal expansion of NK memory cells characterized by an activating phenotype in response to viral infections, can benefit the future studies on vaccine development and adoptive NK cell therapy in COVID-19. Whether vaccinated volunteers or recovered patients can also be considered as suitable candidates for cell donation could be the subject of future research.  相似文献   

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