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Part of the 5' noncoding regions of all three Sabin vaccine strains of poliovirus contains determinants of attenuation that are shown here to influence the ability of these strains to grow at elevated temperatures in BGM cells. The predicted RNA secondary structure of this region (nt 464-542 in P3/Sabin) suggests that both phenotypes are due to perturbation of base-paired stems. Ts phenotypes of site-directed mutants with defined changes in this region correlated well with predicted secondary structure stabilities. Reversal of base-pair orientation had little effect whereas stem disruption led to marked increases in temperature sensitivity. Phenotypic revertants of such viruses displayed mutations on either side of the stem. Mutations destabilizing stems led to intermediate phenotypes. These results provided evidence for the biological significance of the predicted RNA secondary structure.  相似文献   

Microsatellite repeats are frequently found to be mutated in microsatellite-instable colorectal tumours. This suggests that these mutations are important events during tumour development. We have observed frequent mutations in microsatellite-instable (MSI-H) tumours and cell lines of a conserved A14 repeat within the 3'-untranslated region of the interferon-gamma receptor 1 gene (IFNGR1). The repeat was mutated in 59% (41 of 70) of colon carcinomas and in all four MSI-H colon cancer cell lines tested. In-vitro analysis of these cell lines did not show a decreased responsiveness to standard IFNgamma concentrations when compared to microsatellite-stable colon cancer cell lines. A functional consequence of the frequently found microsatellite instability in IFNGR1 is therefore not evident.  相似文献   

A Nomoto  H Toyoda  N Imura 《Virology》1981,113(1):54-63
Complementary DNAs (cDNAs) were synthesized with virion RNAS from immunologically distinct vaccine strains of poliovirus, that is, Sabin 1 (LSc, 2ab), Sabin 2 (p712, Ch, 2ab), and Sabin 3 (Leon 12a1b). Restriction endonuclease HaeIII cleavage patterns of these cDNAs suggested striking difference in RNA sequences among these poliovirus serotypes. The virion RNA of Sabin 3 was shown to have a genome-linked protein (VPg) and physical properties of the VPg were identical to those of VPgs of the other poliovirus strains. Virion RNA from each serotype was labeled with 125I-Bolton-Hunter reagent, after proteinase K treatment to remove all but a small peptide of the VPg which covalently linked to the 5′ terminus. The specifically 5′-end-labeled RNAs were analyzed by rapid RNA sequencing techniques. Sequences of the first 20 nucleotides were identical in Sabin 1, Sabin 2, and Sabin 3 strains, that is, VPg-pU-U-A-A-A-A-C-A-G-C-U-C-U-G-GG-G-U-U-G. Complete sequence homology was observed between virion RNAs of Sabin 1 and Sabin 2 strains up to the 43rd nucleotide from the 5′ end except for the 25th nucleotide by a “wandering spot” analysis of 125I-labeled RNA mixture of these two strains. These results suggested that serotypes of poliovirus were derived by numerous mutations from a putative prototype poliovirus, and that the homologous sequence at 5′ termini, conserved through a long evolutional process, may have essential roles for replication and viral function of poliovirus.  相似文献   

The oral poliovirus vaccine (OPV) has been effectively used in the control of poliomyelitis and in the eradication of wild polioviruses. Although there are many advantages in using attenuated OPV strains in the campaign to eradicate poliomyelitis, several studies have demonstrated that there are some disadvantages such as (a) excretion by vaccines of OPV-derived polioviruses with genomic modifications known to increase the neurovirulence, (b) appearance of vaccine-associated paralytic poliomyelitis (VAPP) and other adverse effects in vaccinees, (c) occurrence of persistent infections caused by OPV-derived strains in immunodeficient patients with VAPP, (d) transmission of OPV-derived polioviruses to susceptible individuals which develop VAPP, and (e) detection of OPV-derived polioviruses in the environment, which could be a source of infection for humans in the future. Different studies indicate that it is important to consider the possibility of persistent infections and excretion of OPV-derived polioviruses for long periods by humans, and also the survival in the environment of OPV-derived polioviruses excreted by humans, which could be transmitted and circulate in a non-immune population after stopping poliovirus vaccination. The findings reported here may have important implications for global poliomyelitis eradication initiative and indicate that surveillance of OPV-derived strains will also be important in the final step of eradication of poliomyelitis from the planet.  相似文献   

A model of secondary structure common for the central part (ca. 400 nucleotides) of the 5'-untranslated regions (5'-UTR) of all the so far sequenced genomes of polioviruses, coxsackieviruses, and rhinoviruses was derived on the basis of evolutionary and thermodynamic considerations. According to the model, this part of the genome comprises three domains, which appear to be involved, at least in the poliovirus genome, in the control of viral neurovirulence and in vitro translation. Some salient features of this model were supported by investigating RNAs of five poliovirus and one coxsackievirus strains with respect to their accessibility to modifications with dimethyl sulfate and sensitivity to single-strand- and double-strand-specific nucleases. In contrast to the previous suggestion, no major changes in the conformation of the Sabin vaccine poliovirus type 3 5'-UTR due to the transition in position 472 were observed. The biological relevance of the conserved primary and secondary structure elements in the picornaviral 5'-UTRs is discussed.  相似文献   

Stewart SR  Semler BL 《Virology》1999,264(2):385-397
Five revertants of a linker-scanning mutation adjacent to the stem-loop V attenuation determinant (X472) in the 5' noncoding region of poliovirus RNA were independently isolated from neuroblastoma cells and contained RNAs with seven nucleotide changes in the pyrimidine-rich region. Generation of the identical rare second-site mutations suggests the existence of a replicase-dependent mutagenesis mechanism during poliovirus replication. Enzymatic structure probing of the mutated pyrimidine-rich domain identified secondary structure changes between stem-loops V and VI. A consensus secondary structure model is presented for wild-type stem-loops V and VI and the pyrimidine-rich region located in the 5' noncoding region of poliovirus RNA. A pyrimidine-rich region mutant (X472-R4N) produced large plaques in neuroblastoma cells and small plaques in HeLa cells, but the plaque size differences were not due to cell-type differences in viral translation or RNA replication. Release of X472-R4N from HeLa cells was 10-fold lower than release from neuroblastoma cells, which may explain the small plaque phenotype of X472-R4N in HeLa cells. Wild-type poliovirus was also released more efficiently from neuroblastoma cells (approximately 4-fold increase compared with release from HeLa cells), indicating that poliovirus neurotropism may be influenced by the cell-type efficiency of virus release. Thermal treatment increased the levels of infectious X472-R4N virions but not wild-type virus particles; thus RNA sequence and structural changes in the mutated 5' noncoding region of X472-R4N may have altered RNA-protein interactions necessary for virus infectivity.  相似文献   

In this study, we attempted to identify the molecular determinants in the genome of the attenuated Sabin 2 vaccine strain of poliovirus that may change during vaccine production and result in an increase in monkey neurovirulence. An extensive search for suitable vaccine lots identified six batches that had failed the monkey neurovirulence test (MNVT). On repeated tests, these batches were found to have acceptable levels of monkey neurovirulence. One of the batches was additionally passaged six times under conditions used in vaccine production, and the resulting high-passage sample was screened for the presence of mutations and tested in monkeys. In addition to the previously described A --> G reversion at nucleotide 481, high-passage stock also contained a mutation in the VP1-coding region (3364 = G --> A) that consistently accumulated in the course of passaging. However, despite the presence of substantial amounts of these mutations, high-passage stock passed the MNVT. Replication of Sabin 2 poliovirus in the central nervous system of transgenic mice susceptible to poliovirus or in cultures of mouse cells, resulted in another mutation (3363 = A --> G). Even though its presence correlated with paralysis in mice, the introduction of 3363-G into the Sabin 2 genome did not increase neurovirulence of the virus. Previous studies identified the 481-G mutation as an important determinant of monkey neurovirulence. We prepared virus samples with varying amounts of genetically defined single mutants at this nucleotide and tested them in monkeys. The results demonstrated that even a 100% substitution at this site introduced into Sabin 2 strain did not increase monkey neurovirulence. The determination of the nucleotide sequence of an alternative strain used for the production of type 2 OPV (Chung 2) showed that it contained 100% of the wild-type 481-G but possessed an extremely low level of neurovirulence. These results demonstrate the remarkable stability of the attenuated phenotype of the Sabin 2 strain and show that (1) no batch of OPV 2 has ever repeatedly failed the MNVT, (2) growing the virus beyond the passage level allowed in vaccine production did not result in increased neurovirulence in monkeys, (3) a test for neurovirulence in transgenic mice may be more sensitive than the MNVT, and (4) determination of the mutational profile of vaccine batches detects inconsistencies in vaccine manufacturing processing that would not be detected by the MNVT.  相似文献   

The cell substrate has a pivotal role in live virus vaccines production. It is necessary to evaluate the effects of the cell substrate on the properties of the propagated viruses, especially in the case of viruses which are unstable genetically such as polioviruses, by monitoring the molecular and phenotypical characteristics of harvested viruses. To investigate the presence/absence of mutation(s), the near full-length genomic sequence of different harvests of the type 3 Sabin strain of poliovirus propagated in MRC-5 cells were determined. The sequences were compared with genomic sequences of different virus seeds, vaccines, and OPV-like isolates. Nearly complete genomic sequencing results, however, revealed no detectable mutations throughout the genome RNA-plaque purified (RSO)-derived monopool of type 3 OPVs manufactured in MRC-5. Thirty-six years of experience in OPV production, trend analysis, and vaccine surveillance also suggest that: (i) different monopools of serotype 3 OPV produced in MRC-5 retained their phenotypic characteristics (temperature sensitivity and neuroattenuation), (ii) MRC-5 cells support the production of acceptable virus yields, (iii) OPV replicated in the MRC-5 cell substrate is a highly efficient and safe vaccine. These results confirm previous reports that MRC-5 is a desirable cell substrate for the production of OPV.  相似文献   

Initiation of translation on poliovirus mRNA occurs by internal binding of ribosomes to a region within the 5'-noncoding portion of the mRNA. The mechanistic details and trans-acting factors involved in this event are not understood fully. We used a mobility-shift electrophoresis assay to identify a specific RNA-protein complex, which can form between an RNA fragment that contains nucleotides 559-624 of the poliovirus 5' UTR (untranslated region) and a component or components of a HeLa cell extract. Complex formation was reduced greatly in a reticulocyte lysate or a wheat-germ extract. A 52-kD polypeptide (p52) has been identified as part of the protein-RNA complex by use of an UV cross-linking assay. This polypeptide apparently is not a known translation initiation or elongation factor. The possible involvement of p52 in translation initiation of poliovirus protein synthesis is discussed.  相似文献   

The complete RNA sequence of Sabin 3 (LED3) used in vaccine in the United States has been determined. The LED3 Sabin 3 sequence contains the attenuating mutations at bases 472 and 2034 but differs from that published by Stanway et al. (Nucleic Acids Res., 11, 5629-5643, 1983) at two other base positions, 2493 and 6061. The change at base 6061 is silent and does not affect amino acid composition. The other base, a C at position 2493, is contained in the viral capsid protein VP1 and predicts a new Sabin 3 specific amino acid change of a threonine instead of an isoleucine at amino acid 6 of the protein [corrected]. Reversion of this base to that present in the pathogenic progenitor strain, Leon, is observed to occur after replication of vaccine virus in the gut of primary vaccines and in nervous tissue of neurovirulence test monkeys. Passage conditions have been identified that lead to the reversion of base 2493 as well as the reversion of the attenuated base to the parental base (Leon) at position 472 in the 5' noncoding region. The observation that these two bases delta position are found to revert during passage suggests that there is a selective advantage for virus containing the parental bases at these positions.  相似文献   

A type 2 vaccine-related poliovirus (strain CHN3024), differing from the Sabin 2 strain by 0.44% in the VP1 coding region was isolated from a patient with vaccine-associated paralytic poliomyelitis. Sequences downstream of nucleotide position 6735 (3D pol coding region) were derived from an unidentified sequence; no close match for a potential parent was found, but it could be classified into a non-polio human enteroviruses species C (HEV-C) phylogeny. The virus differed antigenically from the parental Sabin strain, having an amino acid substitution in the neutralizing antigenic site 1. The similarity between CHN3024 and Sabin 2 sequences suggests that the recombination was recent; this is supported by the estimation that the initiating OPV dose was given only 36–75 days before sampling. The patient’s clinical manifestations, intratypic differentiation examination, and whole-genome sequencing showed that this recombinant exhibited characteristics of neurovirulent vaccine-derived polioviruses (VDPV), which may, thus, pose a potential threat to a polio-free world.  相似文献   

Derivatives of Sabin 3 shed from recipients of oral poliovirus vaccine in the United States (U.S.) were examined for genetic changes identified in strains excreted by vaccinees in the United Kingdom [U.K.; Evans et al., 1985; Cammack et al., 1988, Macadam et al., 1989]. Among the eight primary vaccinees studied, the duration of excretion and molecular evolution of type 3 strains varied greatly. The period of virus excretion after vaccination ranged from as few as 2 days to as many as 36 days. Nucleotide sequence analysis of viral RNAs extracted from shed virus indicated that only fifty percent of the vaccinees exclusively excreted strains in which the attenuating mutation at nucleotide 472 in the 5' noncoding region of the genome had reverted from uracil (U) to cytosine (C), the nucleotide found in neurovirulent strains. Compared to the wild-type Leon strain, the low activity of stool isolate KW4 in a complete monkey neurovirulence test demonstrated that presence of C at 472 does not render a type 3 strain pathogenic. Conversely, an isolate was identified which efficiently replicated in monkey nervous tissue and maintained the attenuated U at 472. Oligonucleotide fingerprinting and sequence analysis of viral RNAs from stool isolates indicated that one vaccinee (KW) eventually excreted intertypic recombinant strains consistent with those reported in the U.K. studies. Unique to this study, one vaccinee (KS) excreted nonrecombinant virus possessing U at 472 for up to 21 days. The significance of the KS strain profile in relation to differences in the U.S. vaccine compared to the vaccine distributed in the U.K. and other countries is discussed.  相似文献   

In harvests of a feline calicivirus (FCV) grown in feline embryo cells two populations of viral components were observed after centrifugation in sucrose and CsCl gradients. Particles in the first (PI) were mature virions since they had a buoyant density of 1.39 g · cm?3, a sedimentation coefficient of 170 S, were infectious and showed characteristic calicivirus morphology by electron microscopy. The second particle (P2), which in terms of protein was 10 times as abundant as P1, had a buoyant density of 1.31 g · cm?3, a sedimentation coefficient of 15 S, and contained little or no infectivity. Evidence that P2 was virus specific was that P2 as well as P1 contained a polypeptide with a molecular weight of 65,000 which is the weight of the viral capsid protein, and P1 and P2 shared an antigenic determinant which was responsible for inducing neutralizing antibodies. The 15 S component was not generated from the virion by conditions encountered during viral growth and purification. It is considered likely that the 15 S particle is a stable product of FCV infection and may be a subunit in the assembly of the viral capsid.  相似文献   

The 5'-untranslated region (5'-UTR) of hepatitis C virus (HCV) contains an internal ribosome entry site (IRES) that directs translation of the viral open reading frame (ORF). The 5'-UTR consists of 341 nucleotides (nt) in most strains, and multiple segments within this region are important for its IRES activity. Sequencing analysis of a full-length HCV cDNA clone derived from a Japanese HCV1b-positive patient showed the 5'-UTR was 342 nt long due to a nucleotide T insertion at position 207. The influence of this T insertion on the IRES activity in directing cap-independent translation was investigated. The IRES of the 5'-UTR342 was approximately five- and two- to sevenfold more active in directing luciferase expression in monocistronic and bicistronic expression systems, respectively, when compared with the IRES of the 5'-UTR341 of a previously reported HCV1b strain. In addition to the T insertion, another point mutation involving an A to C transition at position 119 was also present in the 5'-UTR342. Simultaneous comparison of the IRES activities in engineered constructs that contained each of the two mutations indicated that the insertion at position 207 is responsible for the enhanced IRES activity of the 5'-UTR342. Further determination of the abilities of the engineered 5'-UTRs harbouring A, G, or C insertions at the same position to initiate translation indicated that both T and non-T nucleotide insertions lead to enhanced cap-independent translation.  相似文献   

The inward rectifier K+ channel Kir2.1 carries all Andersen's syndrome mutations identified to date. Patients exhibit symptoms of periodic paralysis, cardiac dysrhythmia and multiple dysmorphic features. Here, we report the clinical manifestations found in three families with Andersen's syndrome. Molecular genetics analysis identified two novel missense mutations in the KCNJ2 gene leading to amino acid changes C154F and T309I of the Kir2.1 open reading frame. Patch clamp experiments showed that the two mutations produced a loss of channel function. When co-expressed with Kir2.1 wild-type (WT) channels, both mutations exerted a dominant-negative effect leading to a loss of the inward rectifying K+ current. Confocal microscopy imaging in HEK293 cells is consistent with a co-assembly of the EGFP-fused mutant proteins with WT channels and proper traffick to the plasma membrane to produce silent channels alone or as hetero-tetramers with WT. Functional expression in C2C12 muscle cell line of newly as well as previously reported Andersen's syndrome mutations confirmed that these mutations act through a dominant-negative effect by altering channel gating or trafficking. Finally, in vivo electromyographic evaluation showed a decrease in muscle excitability in Andersen's syndrome patients. We hypothesize that Andersen's syndrome-associated mutations and hypokalaemic periodic paralysis-associated calcium channel mutations may lead to muscle membrane hypoexcitability via a common mechanism.  相似文献   

The PTEN (phosphatase and tensin homolog) phosphatase is unique in mammals in terms of its tumor suppressor activity, exerted by dephosphorylation of the lipid second messenger PIP(3) (phosphatidylinositol 3,4,5-trisphosphate), which activates the phosphoinositide 3-kinase/Akt/mTOR (mammalian target of rapamycin) oncogenic pathway. Loss-of-function mutations in the PTEN gene are frequent in human cancer and in the germline of patients with PTEN hamartoma tumor-related syndromes (PHTSs). In addition, PTEN is mutated in patients with autism spectrum disorders (ASDs), although no functional information on these mutations is available. Here, we report a comprehensive in vivo functional analysis of human PTEN using a heterologous yeast reconstitution system. Ala-scanning mutagenesis at the catalytic loops of PTEN outlined the critical role of residues within the P-catalytic loop for PIP(3) phosphatase activity in vivo. PTEN mutations that mimic the P-catalytic loop of mammalian PTEN-like proteins (TPTE, TPIP, tensins and auxilins) affected PTEN function variably, whereas tumor- or PHTS-associated mutations targeting the PTEN P-loop produced complete loss of function. Conversely, Ala-substitutions, as well as tumor-related mutations at the WPD- and TI-catalytic loops, displayed partial activity in many cases. Interestingly, a tumor-related D92N mutation was partially active, supporting the notion that the PTEN Asp92 residue might not function as the catalytic general acid. The analysis of a panel of ASD-associated hereditary PTEN mutations revealed that most of them did not substantially abrogate PTEN activity in vivo, whereas most of PHTS-associated mutations did. Our findings reveal distinctive functional patterns among PTEN mutations found in tumors and in the germline of PHTS and ASD patients, which could be relevant for therapy.  相似文献   

Upon translation of poliovirus RNA in reticulocyte lysates, initiation occurs largely "incorrectly," that is, at sites in the middle of the viral genome rather than at the beginning of the polyprotein reading frame; the anomaly appears to be due to an initiation factor deficiency. Here, a fraction which stimulated initiation at the correct site, provisionally called "initiation correcting factor" (ICF), was partially purified from Krebs-2 cells. The ICF activity appeared to copurify with a complex of initiation factors eIF-2 and eIF-2B. The ability of ICF to stimulate, in reticulocyte lysates, the correct initiation of translation on the RNAs from neurovirulent and attenuated type 1 and type 3 poliovirus strains was investigated. Like crude initiation factor preparations, ICF appeared to be relatively less active with the RNAs from attenuated strains, the difference being especially pronounced for the type 3 strains. For the latter strains, the data suggested an important role of the nucleotide at, and perhaps around, position 472 in determining a response to the addition of ICF. It is proposed that interaction of a specific segment of the viral RNA with one or more of initiation factors plays an important part in the mechanism of translation of the picornavirus genomes, poliovirus attenuation, and, possibly, pathogenesis of poliomyelitis.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The live-attenuated oral polio vaccine used to interrupt poliovirus transmission is genetically unstable. Reversion of some attenuating mutations, which normally occurs during vaccine strain replication in some recipients, and can rarely cause vaccine-associated paralytic poliomyelitis (VAPP). The poliovirus eradication program designed by the World Health Organization (WHO) includes immunization with OPV in addition to careful surveillance of all acute-flaccid paralysis (AFP) cases. OBJECTIVES: In Iran we last isolated imported wild poliovirus in 2000 and the immunization coverage was 100% in 2002. During 2001, there were three AFP cases with residual paralysis from which Sabin-like type 1 polioviruses were isolated in our national polio laboratory. STUDY DESIGN: The complete VP(1) region of the three isolates was sequenced and amino acid substitutions associated with these neurovirulent isolates were recorded. RESULTS: These isolates had either 4, 2 or 1 nucleotide substitution(s) in the VP(1) region, corresponding to amino acid change in the VP(1) of isolate 1 of either (H-[149]->Y), (T-[106]->A) or (I-[90]->L), respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Surveillance of the VAPP cases in countries where endemic transmission has recently ceased increases our understanding of the important neurovirulent mutations in vaccine-strain isolates and assists in planning the next step in the eradication program in these countries.  相似文献   

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