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In the aftermath of the Francis Report nurses are being called to account for an apparent lack of care and compassion, leading to debate around pedagogy in nurse education. Absent from this debate is a consideration of student volunteering within undergraduate nursing programmes and its potential to promote student nurses self-esteem and to enhance the development of critical thinking skills. The aim of this study was therefore to understand the extent of and attitudes towards volunteering among nursing students. A mixed methods approach using a specifically developed questionnaire, followed by in-depth interviews to ascertain extent, variability, and attitudes towards volunteering revealed low levels of volunteering among nursing students. Limited time, limited access, and lack of academic support were cited as reasons. Nevertheless, students displayed positive attitudes towards volunteering. While volunteering has been shown to impact upon students abilities to think critically, to develop personal values and respond to the needs of others, volunteering within the UK undergraduate nursing programme considered here is neither structured nor formalized. Nurse educators should pay attention to the positive benefits of volunteering for nursing students and consider ways in which volunteering might be incorporated into the curriculum.  相似文献   

Understanding the cultural contexts of training nurses in different countries is an important element for all nurse educators. In understanding other cultures we may be better prepared to understand our own. This paper identifies some similarities and differences between nurse education in Thailand and the UK. A notable difference is that 'Thai culture' is taught in Thai educational programmes whereas equivalent programmes are perhaps missing from UK colleges of nursing. The paper closes by identifying an on-going research project into 'academic levels in nursing' that has been developed between the Royal Thai Army Nursing College, Bangkok and the School of Nursing and Midwifery Studies, University of Wales College of Medicine, Cardiff.  相似文献   

目的通过对护理专业不同学历学生进行调查与分析,了解其对临床护理带教的需求以及差异,为制订有针对性的教学计划提供参考依据方法自行设计调查问卷,便利选取120名护理实习生进行调查。结果本科学生对"掌握健康教育的技能"的需求最高;大专学生对"掌握专科仪器设备的使用""掌握病房管理的方法"的需求最高;中专学生对带教教师学历、职称、理论水平的需求比本科和大专学生低;不同学历学生一致认为,带教教师最重要的素质是尊重学生。不同学历学生对掌握科研知识、护理文书记录、护理程序的应用的需求情况均不乐观。结论不同学历学生对临床护理带教教师的资格、素质及带教内容的需求不同,因此教学管理者要针对不同学历学生需求的差异,制订切实的教学计划与措施,满足其不同需求。  相似文献   

尼春萍  刘喜文  郎红娟 《护理研究》2007,21(35):3229-3231
[目的]探讨临床见习护生工作压力源及应对方式、自尊水平与人际信任度,以便采取有效的管理措施,引导护生减少或有效应对各种压力.[方法]采用中国护士工作压力源量表、简易应对方式问卷(CSQ)、自尊量表(SES)与信赖他人量表对临床见习的本科护生87人进行集体测查,并与临床护士压力源进行比较.[结果]见习护生的工作压力源得分显著低于临床护士(P<0.01或P<0.05),护生前3位的工作压力源是护理工作的社会地位很低、病区太拥挤、没有时间对病人进行心理护理;护生在护理专业及工作方面、管理及人际关系方面的压力感知与人际信任程度呈显著负相关(P<0.05或P<0.01),病人护理、管理及人际关系方面的压力感知与消极应对方式呈显著正相关(P<0.05).[结论]见习护生对护理工作的压力感受有其自身的特点,需考虑护生的应对方式、人际信任等因素,有针对性地进行健康教育.  相似文献   

Escalating mental health care needs coupled with a decreasing nurse labor force demand a fundamental paradigm shift in undergraduate education and service partnerships among psychiatric-mental health nursing students and practicing nurses. The purpose of this two-group comparative study was to identify factors that contribute to a successful learning partnership between nursing students and practicing nurses engaged in a clinical specialty partnership program within an acute psychiatric-mental health setting. The convenience sample consisted of 51 partners: 33 undergraduate students and 18 practicing nurses. The Learning Partnership Survey was administered to all partners allowing comparison of ranking among factors important to the partner relationship. Contrary to previous research, student and nurse partners were more similar in their factor ranking in the present study. Statistically significant differences were noted in the ranking of 2 of the 15 factors that fostered successful learning partnerships. Implications for professional learning partnerships between nursing academia and service institutions are discussed.  相似文献   

This study took place in Thailand where didactic and lecture‐driven teaching styles are beginning to transform into student‐centered methods. At Chiang Mai University Faculty of Nursing in Thailand, the readiness of 272 undergraduate students to undertake self‐directed learning was investigated using two instruments: a demographic data questionnaire and Guglielmino's Self Directed Learning Readiness Scale. The study found that the overall self‐directed learning readiness of participants was at a high level in the categories of openness to learning opportunities, self‐concept as an effective learner, initiative and independence in learning, informed acceptance of responsibility for one's own learning, creativity, and the ability to use basic study and problem‐solving skills. The findings provide encouragement to nurse educators to further apply self‐directed learning in nursing courses, to improve teaching and learning methods, and promote life‐long learning for nurses within Thailand and elsewhere.  相似文献   

During the coronavirus pandemic, UK Academics were required to adjust their learning and teaching environment and pedagogical approaches, with little guidance or time. Feelings of frustration and uncertainty around student engagement were commonplace across Higher Education Institutions. This was heightened in professionally regulated courses, such as nursing. The shift to online learning created a situation where academics were frequently faced with a ‘sea of black screens’ and unable to ascertain student engagement.This study investigated undergraduate nursing students’ experience of online education during the COVID-19 pandemic. An anonymous survey was distributed to each year of the undergraduate nursing programme and data subsequently analysed. Responses from 54 students revealed that engagement varied between different year groups. There were significant differences between those with pre-COVID (traditional face-to-face) teaching experience (years 2 and 3) and those without (year 1) in regard to self-reported engagement with online learning. The findings from this study revealed some powerful and emotional insights into the experience of online learning amongst UK students undertaking an undergraduate nursing programme during the COVID-19 pandemic.  相似文献   

This article discusses the important role that preconceptions play in the process by which students learn to be nurses. The importance of preconceptions emerged from the analysis of data in a grounded theory study that sought to gain a greater understanding of how undergraduate student nurses in New Zealand experienced and responded differences they perceived between the theory and the practice of nursing. It became clear that the preconceptions each student nurse held about the nature of nurses and nursing care were the standards against which the worth of the formal, practical and personal theories to which students were exposed during their nursing degree was evaluated. It was clear that preconceptions functioned as the mediator between the intentions of nursing education and the learning that eventuated for each student from practicum experiences. The implications for nursing education, for which preconceptions are not generally highly valued as a basis for learning about professional nursing are that the individual experience and personal characteristics of each student receive significant focus when a nursing programme is planned. This means that the orthodox principles that underpin the design of nursing curricula should be reviewed and an overtly constructivist perspective adopted for nursing education for which the prior experiences of the student are the starting point.  相似文献   

目的了解中医本科护生专业价值观现状并分析其影响因素,为高等护理教育机构培养护生专业价值观提供参考。方法采用护理专业价值观量表(NPVS—R)对223名中医本科护生进行现场调查。结果中医本科护生专业价值观总均分为(83.90±13.93);4个维度中信任维度得分指标最高(69.5%),行动主义得分指标最低(61.6%);根据每个条目的得分排序,排在前5位的条目是:维护患者的隐私权、保持患者对医护人员的信任、为自己的护理实践行为承担责任和义务、拒绝参与违背自己专业价值观伦理要求的护理工作、维护患者的道德尊严和法定权利。不同年级护理专业价值观总均分无明显差别,但在照顾提供维度,二年级护生得分高于三年级护生,差别有统计学意义(P=0.014);学习成绩自我评价不同的护生护理专业价值观认同度有明显不同,差别有统计学意义(F=2.452,P=0.035)。LSD两两分析结果显示:自我评价成绩好的护生专业价值观总均分低于自我评价成绩较好(P=0.008)或一般(P=0.006)的护生,且4个维度得分均低于自我评价成绩较好或一般的护生。结论中医本科护生专业价值观总体水平有待进一步提高,特别是“行动主义”维度认同度较低。与在职护士相比,护生更加注重维护病人的尊严和权利,而对于不断更新知识与技能的认知度不高。护理教育者应该更加关注成绩相对较好以及高年级特别是进入临床实习期护生专业价值观的培养与巩固。  相似文献   

目的:通过调查福州市某医院实习护生自尊与主观幸福感现状及其关系,了解护生的心理健康状况,为促进临床实习护生心理健康提供依据。方法:采用自尊量表(SES)及总体幸福感量表(GWB)对142名实习护生进行问卷调查,调查数据用SPSS13.0软件进行统计学分析。结果:护生的自尊得分为(30.85±2.30)分,总体幸福感得分为(97.04±11.40)分,在护生中,高自尊组感受到的主观幸福感较低自尊组高,而本科学历护生感受到的主观幸福感较大专学历护生低。结论:应采取有效措施,利用医院及社会支持资源,提高实习护生的自尊水平;应当对本科学历护生给予更多的关注和心理干预,提高其幸福感指数。  相似文献   

Both nursing and government policy indicate the crucial role that all nurses have in the public health arena and yet it would seem that the role of the nurse in general within public health is open to debate and criticism. The author has a responsibility for the development of public health across the undergraduate curriculum within a university. This paper presents a discussion of some of the issues raised from student nurses, nurse lecturers and nurse managers. These discussions are as a result of both a 5 year PhD study undertaken by the author and a revalidation the undergraduate nursing programme within the author's organisation. The aim of the paper being to consider what is needed to put public health at the core of all and every nurse's practice across the UK. It takes the approach of lessons learned as it discusses some of the changes made to the author's own organisations undergraduate nurse curriculum, and those changes which still need to happen in order for nursing to identify its public health capacity. Such changes it may be suggested are easily transferable across all UK nursing curricula.  相似文献   

目的了解本科实习护生对连续护理模式的认知状况。方法采用质性研究的现象学研究法对9名本科实习护生进行半结构式深度访谈,并对访谈资料进行分析、整理、提炼主题。结果护生的认知状况包括3个主题,即护生对连续护理模式认识模糊,对连续护理模式知识的获取途径不规范,对连续护理模式的应用不了解。结论护生对连续护理模式认识程度较低,应加强护生在校实习期间对连续护理模式的相关教育,以促进护生形成连续性护理的意识。  相似文献   

Self-image and job satisfaction of the Nigerian nurse: a comparative study Congruity or lack of it between the perception of student and professional nurses about the self-image and job satisfaction of the Nigerian nurse was examined. The expectation was that as a result of the socialization processes involved in nursing education, the student nurse and the senior nursing professionals (who are the socializing agents) should not differ significantly on their ratings on the self-image and job satisfaction of the Nigerian nurse. The subjects were 30 male and female student nurses and 23 male and female professional nurses who scored the Self-image of the Nurse Scale (SINS) and the Job Satisfaction Scale (JSS). The results showed that the student and the professional nurses were minimally differentiated in their perception of the self-image of the Nigerian nurse. On the whole the student nurses were more dissatisfied with nursing than the professional nurses. The occupational position of the student nurse was said to have been partially responsible for the differences.  相似文献   

Aims. This study was aimed at comparing perceptions of portfolios between student nurses at the early and latter stages of their training and how they compare with their lecturers’ perceptions. Background. Portfolios are used widely in nurse education. There has been research into how portfolios are perceived and understood, but there is little evidence into how student nurses and lecturers compare quantitatively in perceptions of portfolio use. Design. Survey. Method. Forty‐eight nursing lecturers and 413 nursing students, from a multi‐centred School of Nursing in the UK, completed a questionnaire. Data were analysed with exploratory factor analysis, varimax rotation of the factor solution, internal consistency analysis, and analysis of variance. Results. Five factors were extracted, which were labelled: (1) portfolios as a means of skills acquisition, (2) other means of teaching and learning beyond using portfolios, (3) processes of showing the portfolio to others, (4) having favourable attitudes towards portfolios and (5) lecturers’ ability to share knowledge about portfolios. Scales developed from these five factors had high levels of internal consistency. Lecturers were the most positive of the three respondent groups in their views of portfolios, whereas third‐ and fourth‐year students were the least positive. There were significant differences between student nurses and their lecturers, concerning how information on portfolios is communicated by the lecturer. Conclusion. There were significant discrepancies between lecturers and student nurses in their views on how portfolios are used. The value of portfolios becomes less salient to student nurses towards the end of their training. Relevance to clinical practice. Lecturers and clinical mentors need to look at students’ perceptions and why some nursing students’ views on portfolios deteriorate. There could be regular discussions with students to see how and why the students begin to see portfolios as less useful for their education and continual professional development.  相似文献   

杨丽杨杨  杨永丽 《现代护理》2006,12(30):2925-2926
目的调查不同层次毕业实习护生在临床实习过程中自我保护意识的现状。方法采用问卷调查法于2006年3月~2006年4月对100例实习护生进行调查,其中本科护生21例,大专护生40例,中专护生39例。结果不同层次实习护生在身体健康和法律法规两方面存在差别(P<0.01),在心理和社会因素方面,无显著性差异(P>0.05)。结论本科生的自我保护意识强于大、中专学生,建议在实习前应加强对大、中专实习护生护理理论知识和相关法律知识的培训,提高大、中专护生的自我健康防护意识和法律方面的自我保护意识。  相似文献   

The use of clinical simulation involving standardised patients is increasing in nursing education programmes. In this study, we sought to identify whether participation in simulation through taking on the role of standardised patients benefited student nurses in terms of knowledge and skill development, and if so, how. Data was collected in two focus group interviews with fifteen senior undergraduate nursing students in 2011 and subjected to processes of thematic analysis. Four main themes were identified—seeing the nurse through the eyes of the patient, using observation skills, using reflection and evaluation. Being in the standardised patients role provided students with the opportunity to apply the clinical skills of observation, reflection and evaluation to gain new insights into their own practice, particularly their communication skills. Although there were unique learning opportunities for senior student nurses offered by their experience as standardised patient, more research is need to determine how well this knowledge is translated into practice as they take on the role of registered nurses in the future.  相似文献   

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