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The right posterior parietal cortex (PPC) is critically involved in visual exploration behaviour, and damage to this area may lead to neglect of the left hemispace. We investigated whether neglect-like visual exploration behaviour could be induced in healthy subjects using theta burst repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS). To this end, one continuous train of theta burst rTMS was applied over the right PPC in 12 healthy subjects prior to a visual exploration task where colour photographs of real-life scenes were presented on a computer screen. In a control experiment, stimulation was also applied over the vertex. Eye movements were measured, and the distribution of visual fixations in the left and right halves of the screen was analysed. In comparison to the performance of 28 control subjects without stimulation, theta burst rTMS over the right PPC, but not the vertex, significantly decreased cumulative fixation duration in the left screen-half and significantly increased cumulative fixation duration in the right screen-half for a time period of 30 min. These results suggest that theta burst rTMS is a reliable method of inducing transient neglect-like visual exploration behaviour.  相似文献   

Predictability in the visual environment provides a powerful cue for efficient processing of scenes and objects. Recently, studies have suggested that the directionality and magnitude of saccade curvature can be informative as to how the visual system processes predictive information. The present study investigated the role of the right posterior parietal cortex (rPPC) in shaping saccade curvatures in the context of predictive and non-predictive visual cues. We used an orienting paradigm that incorporated manipulation of target location predictability and delivered transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) over rPPC. Participants were presented with either an informative or uninformative cue to upcoming target locations. Our results showed that rPPC TMS generally increased saccade latency and saccade error rates. Intriguingly, rPPC TMS increased curvatures away from the distractor only when the target location was unpredictable and decreased saccadic errors towards the distractor. These effects on curvature and accuracy were not present when the target location was predictable. These results dissociate the strong contingency between saccade latency and saccade curvature and also indicate that rPPC plays an important role in allocating and suppressing attention to distractors when the target demands visual disambiguation. Furthermore, the present study suggests that, like the frontal eye fields, rPPC is critically involved in determining saccade curvature and the generation of saccadic behaviors under conditions of differing target predictability.  相似文献   

A recently published study used the interference strategy of transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) to demonstrate the role of the right posterior parietal cortex (PPC) in the mental rotation of alphanumeric stimuli. We used similar stimulation parameters over the same left and right PPC regions, and examined the ability to rotate more complex 3D Shepard and Metzler (1971) images. There was reduced accuracy of performance with both right and left PPC stimulation for different angles of rotation of the visual stimuli. Right PPC stimulation led to reduced accuracy to rotate stimuli by 1200, whereas left PPC stimulation affected 180 degrees C rotation. We hypothesise that the two hemispheres make different contributions to the processing underlying visuospatial mental imagery: the right PPC is important for spatial rotations through smaller angles; the left hemisphere has a unique role when the stimuli to be compared are rotated through 180 degrees C, a task that engages verbal strategies due to the well-documented special nature of enantiomorphs.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Phantom pain is linked to a reorganization of the partially deafferented sensory cortex. In this study we have investigated whether the pain syndrome can be influenced by repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS). METHODS: Two patients with a longstanding unilateral avulsion of the lower cervical roots and chronic pain in the arm were studied. As a control the acute effects of rTMS (15 Hz, 2 s duration) on pain were studied in 4 healthy subjects. Pain intensity was assessed with the Visual Analogue Scale. RESULTS: Stimulation of the contralateral parietal cortex led to a reproducible reduction in pain intensity lasting up to 10 min. Stimulation of other cortical areas produced only minor alterations in the severity of the pain. Both 1 and 10 Hz rTMS trains applied to the contralateral parietal cortex on weekdays for 3 consecutive weeks did, however, not lead to permanent changes in the pain intensity. Experimentally induced pain (cold water immersion of the right hand) in normal subjects was not influenced by rTMS. CONCLUSIONS: These results do not favor the use of rTMS in the treatment of phantom limb pain. The results, however, support the concept that phantom pain is due to a dysfunctional activity in the parietal cortex. The transient rTMS-induced analgesic effect may be due to a temporary interference with the cerebral representation of the deafferented limb.  相似文献   

Single pulse transcranial magnet stimulation (TMS) was applied in five subjects during a saccadic gap task, i.e. with a temporal gap of 200 ms between the extinguishing of the central fixation point and the appearance of the lateral target. In all subjects, a significant increase of contralateral express saccades was found when TMS was applied over the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DPFC) at the end of the gap of 200 ms. Earlier stimulation over the DPFC during the gap had no significant effect. Furthermore, stimulation over the posterior parietal cortex with the same time intervals, and stimulation during a no gap task had no significant influence on express saccades. These results suggest that TMS is capable of interfering specifically with the functioning of the DPFC, probably by inhibition of this region. Possibly such stimulation of the DPFC reduces the inhibition by this region onto the superior colliculus, which results in a facilitation of express saccades.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the role of the right posterior parietal cortex (PPC) in the triggering of memory-guided saccades by means of double-pulse transcranial magnetic stimulation (dTMS). Shortly before saccade onset, dTMS with different interstimulus intervals (ISI; 35, 50, 65 or 80 ms) was applied. For contralateral saccades, dTMS significantly decreased saccadic latency with an ISI of 80 ms and increased saccadic gain with an ISI of 65 and 80 ms. Together with the findings of a previous study during frontal eye field (FEF) stimulation the present results demonstrate similarities and differences between both regions in the execution of memory-guided saccades. Firstly, dTMS facilitates saccade triggering in both regions, but the timing is different. Secondly, dTMS over the PPC provokes a hypermetria of contralateral memory-guided saccades that was not observed during FEF stimulation. The results are discussed within the context of recent neurophysiological findings in monkeys.  相似文献   

Attention involves three distinct networks for alerting, orienting, and executive control. Interventions targeting the specific attentional networks remain lacking. Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) has been shown to modulate cortical excitability, which potentially serves as an interventional tool to treat individuals with attention impairment. The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of applying tDCS over the right posterior parietal cortex (PPC) on the performance of the three attentional networks. Twenty‐six healthy young adults performed the Attention Network Test before and after anodal or sham tDCS stimulation over the right PPC. The alerting, orienting, and executive effects were assessed before and after the stimulation. The results demonstrated that the orienting effect was significantly improved after real tDCS relative to sham, whereas the alerting and executive control effects remained unaffected. Consistent with previous clinical and functional imaging studies, this suggests that the right PPC is actively engaged with the spatial orienting of attention.  相似文献   

We investigated the role played by the right parietal lobe in object identification and the ability to interpret object orientation, using transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) to momentarily interfere with ongoing cortical activity. Short trains of TMS pulses (12 Hz) were applied to a site overlying the right intraparietal sulcus/inferior parietal lobe while subjects performed either object identification tasks (i.e., picture-word verification and categorizing objects as natural or manufactured) or object orientation judgment tasks (i.e., picture-arrow verification and deciding whether an object was rotated clockwise or counterclockwise). Across different tasks, right parietal TMS impaired orientation judgments, but facilitated object identification, compared to TMS applied to a brain vertex control site. These complementary findings demonstrate that the right parietal lobe--a region belonging to the dorsal visual stream--is critical for processing the spatial attributes of objects, but not their identity. The observed improvement in object recognition, however, suggests an indirect role for the right parietal lobe in object recognition. We propose that this involves the creation of a spatial reference frame for the object, which allows interaction with the object and the individuation of specific viewing instances.  相似文献   

Understanding the contributions of the prefrontal cortex (PFC) to working memory is central to understanding the neural bases of high-level cognition. One question that remains controversial is whether the same areas of the dorsolateral PFC (dlPFC) that participate in the manipulation of information in working memory also contribute to its short-term retention (STR). We evaluated this question by first identifying, with functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), brain areas involved in manipulation. Next, these areas were targeted with repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) while subjects performed tasks requiring only the STR or the STR plus manipulation of information in working memory. fMRI indicated that manipulation-related activity was independent of retention-related activity in both the PFC and superior parietal lobule (SPL). rTMS, however, yielded a different pattern of results. Although rTMS of the dlPFC selectively disrupted manipulation, rTMS of the SPL disrupted manipulation and STR to the same extent. rTMS of the postcentral gyrus (a control region) had no effect on performance. The implications of these results are twofold. In the PFC, they are consistent with the view that this region contributes more importantly to the control of information in working memory than to its STR. In the SPL, they illustrate the importance of supplementing the fundamentally correlational data from neuroimaging with a disruptive method, which affords stronger inference about structure-function relations.  相似文献   

《Brain stimulation》2020,13(2):310-317
BackgroundThe ability to manipulate the excitability of the network between the inferior parietal lobule (IPL) and primary motor cortex (M1) may have clinical value.ObjectiveTo investigate the possibility of inducing long-lasting changes in M1 excitability by applying quadripulse transcranial magnetic stimulation (QPS) to the IPL, and to ascertain stimulus condition- and site-dependent differences in the effects.MethodsQPS was applied to M1, the primary somatosensory cortex (S1), the supramarginal gyrus (SMG) and angular gyrus (AG) IPL areas, with the inter-stimulus interval (ISI) in the train of pulses set to either 5 ms (QPS-5) or 50 ms (QPS-50). QPS was repeated at 0.2 Hz for 30 min, or not presented (sham condition). Excitability changes in the target site were examined by means of single-pulse transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS).ResultsQPS-5 and QPS-50 at M1 increased and decreased M1 excitability, respectively. QPS at S1 induced no obvious change in M1 excitability. However, QPS at the SMG induced mainly suppressive effects in M1 for at least 30 min, regardless of the ISI length. Both QPS ISIs at the AG yielded significantly different MEP compared to those at the SMG. Thus, the direction of the plastic effect of QPS differed depending on the site, even under the same stimulation conditions.ConclusionsQPS at the IPL produced long-lasting changes in M1 excitability, which differed depending on the precise stimulation site within the IPL. These results raise the possibility of noninvasive induction of functional plasticity in M1 via input from the IPL.  相似文献   

Theta Burst Stimulation (TBS) is a relatively new form of repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) used to probe neuroplasticity in the human cortex. Thirty-Hz TBS, a variation of the originally described 50Hz TBS, has been shown to induce cortical changes in several nonmotor regions. However, its effects over the primary motor cortex have not been examined. Due to TMS device mechanical properties, 30Hz TBS is advantageous over 50Hz TBS in that it can be delivered at higher stimulation intensities. The goal of this pilot study is to examine the neurophysiologic effects of 30Hz TBS on the primary motor cortex (M1) of healthy adults. Eighteen right-handed adults (33±9.0 years; M:F=8:10) completed intermittent TBS (iTBS) or continuous TBS (cTBS) over left M1. TBS was performed with Magstim? SuperRapid2 with stimulation bursts (3 pulses at 30Hz) repeating every 200ms. For iTBS, each 2-s stimulation train was separated by 8s but there was no pause between trains for cTBS. Each TBS consisted of a total of 600 pulses delivered at an intensity of 90%*Resting Motor Threshold. Motor-Evoked Potentials (MEP) in the right first dorsal interosseous muscle were measured before, and one and ten minutes after TBS. Pre/post-TBS MEP amplitudes were compared using repeated-measures ANOVA. MEP amplitudes increased after 30Hz iTBS and decreased after 30Hz cTBS (TBS-Type*Time effect p=0.009). In conclusion, 30Hz TBS induced similar neurophysiologic effects over M1 as conventional 50Hz TBS.  相似文献   

Neuroimaging findings, including repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) interference, point to an engagement of prefrontal cortex (PFC) in learning and memory. Whether parietal cortex (PC) activity is causally linked to successful episodic encoding and retrieval is still uncertain. We compared the effects of event-related active or sham rTMS (a rapid-rate train coincident to the very first phases of memoranda presentation) to the left or right intraparietal sulcus, during a standardized episodic memory task of visual scenes, with those obtained in a fully matched sample of subjects who received rTMS on left or right dorsolateral PFC during the same task. In these subjects, specific hemispheric effects of rTMS included interference with encoding after left stimulation and disruption of retrieval after right stimulation. The interference of PC-rTMS on encoding/retrieval performance was negligible, lacking specificity even when higher intensities of stimulation were applied. However, right PC-rTMS of the same intensity lengthened reaction times in the context of a purely attentive visuospatial task. These results suggest that the activity of intraparietal sulci shown in several functional magnetic resonance studies on memory, unlike that of the dorsolateral PFC, is not causally engaged to a useful degree in memory encoding and retrieval of visual scenes. The parietal activations accompanying the memorization processes could reflect the engagement of a widespread brain attentional network, in which interference on a single 'node' is insufficient for an overt disruption of memory performance.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Congenital brain lesions producing focal seizures may be accompanied by reorganization of the areas responsible for motor and sensory functions within the brain due to a phenomenon that has been termed "neuronal plasticity." This can be studied using functional MRI (fMRI) and transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS). Using either method, the motor cortex can be localized noninvasively, but to date there have been few studies correlating the level of agreement between the two techniques. METHODS: We used fMRI and TMS to localize the motor cortex in a young woman with intractable focal seizures, congenital left arm weakness, and a dysplastic right hemisphere on MRI. RESULTS: There was excellent agreement in the localization of motor representation for each hand. Both were predominantly located in the left hemisphere. fMRI also showed an area of posterior activation in the right hemisphere, but there was no evidence of descending corticospinal projections from this site using TMS, direct cortical stimulation, and Wada testing. CONCLUSIONS: Functional MRI (fMRI) and transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) were successfully used to localize cortical motor function before epilepsy surgery. Each technique demonstrated migration of motor function for the left hand to the left motor cortex. After resection of the dysplastic right precentral gyrus there was no permanent increase in weakness or disability. The two techniques are complementary; fMRI indicates all cortical areas activated by the motor task, whereas TMS identifies only those areas giving rise to corticospinal projections.  相似文献   

《Clinical neurophysiology》2019,130(4):558-567
Deep brain stimulation (DBS) implanted in different basal ganglia nuclei regulates the dysfunctional neuronal circuits and improves symptoms in movement disorders. However, the understanding of the neurophysiological mechanism of DBS is at an early stage. Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) can be used safely in movement disorder patients with DBS, and can shed light on how DBS works. DBS at a therapeutic setting normalizes the abnormal motor cortical excitability measured with motor evoked potentials (MEP) produced by primary motor cortical TMS. Abnormal intracortical circuits in the motor cortex tested with paired-pulse TMS paradigm also show normalization with DBS. These changes are accompanied with improvements in symptoms after chronic DBS. Single-pulse DBS produces cortical evoked potentials recorded by electroencephalography at specific latencies and modulates motor cortical excitability at certain time intervals measured with MEP. Combination of basal ganglia DBS with motor cortical TMS at stimulus intervals consistent with the latency of cortical evoked potentials delivered in a repetitive mode produces plastic changes in the primary motor cortex. TMS can be used to examine the effects of open and closed loop DBS. Patterned DBS and TMS delivered in a repetitive mode may be developed as a new therapeutic method for movement disorder patients.  相似文献   

To study the temporal organisation of memory-guided saccade control we used single-pulse transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) over the left posterior parietal (PPC) and prefrontal cortex (PFC) in eight healthy subjects. TMS was applied either following presentation of a visual target, i.e. 160, 260, and 360 ms after the flashed point, or during the period of memorisation, i.e. between 700 and 1500 ms, or finally 100 ms after extinguishing of the central fixation point (i.e. 2100 ms after the target presentation). Latency of memory-guided saccades and the percentage of error in amplitude (PEA) was measured and compared with results without stimulation.TMS over the left PPC 100 ms after the extinguishing of the central fixation point significantly increased memory-guided saccade latency bilaterally. Furthermore, stimulation over the left PFC had a significant effect on the PEA of contralateral memory-guided saccades when applied during the period of memorisation, i.e. between 700 and 1500 ms.In a previous study using identical methodology [13: Müri RM, Vermersch SI, Rivaud S, Gaymard B, Pierrot-Deseilligny C. Effects of single-pulse transcranial magnetic stimulation over the prefrontal and posterior parietal cortices during memory-guided saccades in humans. Journal of Neurophysiology 1996;76:2102-2106], we found that TMS over the right PPC increased the contralateral PEA when applied 260 ms after the flash, the effects on saccade latency after right PPC stimulation or on the PEA after right PFC stimulation being similar to those observed here. Taken together, these results show that (1) a hemispheric asymmetry in the preparation of memory-guided saccade amplitude during the early phase of sensorimotor integration exists, (2) memory-guided saccade triggering is controlled by PPC on both sides, and (3) PFC on both sides are involved in spatial working memory performance.  相似文献   

Du X  Chen L  Zhou K 《Human brain mapping》2012,33(10):2477-2486
Converging evidence from neuroimaging as well as lesion and transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) studies has been obtained for the involvement of right ventral posterior parietal cortex (PPC) in exogenous orienting. However, the contribution of dorsal PPC to attentional orienting, particularly endogenous orienting, is still under debate. In an informative peripheral cueing paradigm, in which the exogenous and endogenous orienting can be studied in relative isolation within a single task, we applied TMS over sub-regions of dorsal PPC to explore their possible distinct involvement in exogenous and endogenous processes. We found that disruption of the left posterior intraparietal sulcus (pIPS) weakened the attentional effects of endogenous orienting, but did not affect exogenous processes. In addition, TMS applied over the right superior parietal lobule (SPL) resulted in an overall increase in reaction times. The present study provides the causal evidence that the left pIPS plays a crucial role in voluntary orienting of visual attention, while right SPL is involved in the processing of arousal and/or vigilance.  相似文献   

Therapeutic repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) in depression is applied over the prefrontal cortex. This brain region is known to play an important role in the control of saccades. We wanted to investigate whether the fast rTMS procedure affected saccadic activity in depression. Reflexive saccades (RS) and voluntary saccades were studied in 11 patients before and after therapeutic rTMS for depression. Two types of voluntary saccade tasks were used: a voluntary prosaccade (VpS) task and an antisaccade (AS) task. Eye movements were registered by infrared oculography. Latency and directional error rate were analyzed. rTMS was applied over the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC). RS and VpS parameters were unchanged after 10 sessions of rTMS. However, the latency of antisaccades (AS) was significantly shorter after rTMS than before rTMS. It can be concluded that rTMS over the left DLPFC cortex in depression seems to have no important effect on reflexive saccades, while antisaccade activity is clearly favored by shortening of latency. As voluntary prosaccades were not significantly influenced, our findings may indicate that not merely the voluntary triggering of saccades but the inhibition of unwanted reflexive saccades is influenced by fast rTMS delivered over the DLPFC. These results suggest the intriguing possibility that rTMS might differentially affect specific aspects of saccade behavior.  相似文献   

Transcranial magnetic stimulation is an interesting technique for non-invasively stimulating the brain in awake alert humans. It is a powerful research tool for examining brain behavior relationships. Additionally many researchers are investigating whether repeatedly applying TMS to specific regions over several days to weeks might have therapeutic effects. By far the largest amount of work has been done investigating whether daily applications of prefrontal TMS can improve the symptoms of major depression. We review the literature combining TMS with brain imaging, and then overview the clinical work done to date with TMS in depression. The literature to date suggests that daily prefrontal TMS for several weeks clearly has antidepressant effects, but much work remains to establish the effect sizes and improve the methods of delivery in order to improve its potential clinical utility.  相似文献   

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