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2023年,免疫学仍活跃在生命科学和医学创新的最前沿,取得了诸多免疫学根本核心问题上的理论进步以及具有重要临床应用和转化价值的技术突破。本文遴选了2023年国内外免疫学领域的代表性研究成果,与同行们共同回顾过往、展望未来。疏漏之处敬请批评指正。  相似文献   

过去一年中,突如其来的新型冠状病毒肺炎(COVID-19)在全球范围内迅速传播,给人们生活及社会造成巨大影响,也是对生命科学及医学研究的重大挑战.免疫学研究在解析新型冠状病毒与人体免疫系统的互相作用机制方面取得了诸多突破性进展,为揭示COVID-19发病机制、寻找有效治疗方法、设计开发新型疫苗提供了关键证据.与此同时,...  相似文献   

2019年,国内外免疫学研究在各个分支领域继续蓬勃发展,不仅在免疫系统发育分化机制、免疫与炎症的启动、活化和调控机制、代谢与免疫交叉调节等方面取得重大突破,在免疫相关疾病发病机制和治疗策略方面也获得重要进展。此文中,我们将探讨2019年国内外免疫学研究重要进展,不足之处敬请各位同行批评指正。  相似文献   

<正>转眼间已到与各位免疫学同仁共同回顾年度免疫学研究新热点新进展的第六个年头。总体而言,2014年,国际免疫学界在天然免疫识别与应答、T细胞免疫应答、免疫细胞分化发育、新型免疫细胞亚群鉴定与功能、免疫应答的表观遗传学调控机制、感染、炎症与肿瘤等疾病的免疫学机理等方面出现了许多令人兴奋的研究成果。国内免疫学者在传统优势领域如天然免疫信号调控、T细胞分化和功能、感染与肿瘤的免疫学机制等方向也均有令人瞩目的新成果。本文中,作者将遴选2014年国内外免疫学前沿热点领域一些有代表性的研究成果进行总结梳理,疏漏之处,请大家批评指正。  相似文献   

2011年国内外免疫学重要进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
回顾2011年,除了三位免疫学家获得诺贝尔奖令免疫学界感到振奋之外,我们欣喜地看到免疫学诸多领域取得了重要的突破性进展,这些新进展既有对免疫学经典问题的深入认识,如天然免疫应答的启动及活化的新机制、适应性免疫细胞的分化、发育、迁移及活化的新途径,也包括新型免疫细胞亚群的鉴定和研究,如固有淋巴细胞(Innate lymphoid cells,ILCs)、滤泡调节性T细胞(Follicular regulatory T cells,TFR),同时还包括免疫学的新兴分支领域的进展,如microRNA、表观遗传在免疫活化与调控中的作用.国内免疫学研究也取得了重要成果,受到国际同行的关注和认可.本文中,笔者将对2011年国内外免疫学重要进展进行浅显总结,旨在共同学习免疫学的最新进展,展望免疫学未来的发展方向.  相似文献   

悄然间已到笔者与读者共享年度免疫学研究重要前沿进展的第5个年头。5年来,免疫学的发展日新月异,免疫学的基础性关键理论不断拓展和完善,新型免疫学技术不断涌现与提升,免疫学在重大临床疾病发病机制研究与疾病预防、治疗中的应用日渐成熟和深入。这些新概念的提出、新机制的发现、新技术的突破、新领域的开拓为免疫学科的发展注入了强劲动力,也为研究人员带来了前所未有的  相似文献   

回顾2010年度国内外免疫学的发展与进步,我们作为从事免疫学研究的科技人员倍感兴奋,因为我们看到免疫学的多个传统分支领域均有突破性的科研成果,并且免疫学与表观遗传学、蛋白质组学等  相似文献   

2009年国内外免疫学研究重要进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2009年是国际免疫学界取得丰硕成果的一年,经过科学家们坚持不懈而卓有成效的工作,免疫学在过去的一年中取得了一系列令人振奋的突破性进展,对于帮助人们通过免疫学的视角和方法加深对疾病发生发展机制的理解及疾病防治起了积极的推动作用.  相似文献   

2021年,免疫学在基础理论研究和转化应用方面取得诸多突破性进展,深化了对免疫应答及其调控基本原理的认识,并为揭示免疫相关疾病发病机制和疾病防治提供了科学依据及方法策略.基础理论方面,天然免疫识别与炎症应答、细胞死亡的分子调控机制和免疫学效应以及神经系统与免疫系统的交叉调控等领域取得诸多创新性成果;临床转化应用方面,新...  相似文献   

2022年,国内外免疫学领域涌现出诸多具有重要科学和应用价值的研究成果。这些最新的免疫学成果解析了免疫应答和免疫调控的根本机制,为揭示免疫相关疾病发病机制并研制新型免疫治疗策略提供了重要思路。本文尽可能较为全面地梳理讨论了2022年国内外免疫学研究的代表性进展,并展望本领域的前沿方向,不足之处敬请批评指正。  相似文献   

Summary Our present knowledge of cellular and humoral factors which are involved in immunity to plasmodial infections are discussed. Immunization against plasmodial infection has been achieved in birds, rodents, simians, and humans. Avian hosts have been immunized against gametocytes which resulted in inhibition of gametocytes within the mosquito vector. Immunization of humans against plasmodial gametocytes would indirectly protect them against malaria by blocking mosquito transmission to other susceptible individuals. Immunization by sporozoites provides short-lived protection against sporozoite challenge, but gives no protection against erythrocytic forms. Some success has been obtained in immunizing avian and mammalian hosts with exoerythrocytic forms obtained from cultured avian cells. The most significant advances have occurred in immunizing simian hosts against simian or human malaria by vaccinating with fresh erythrocytic merozoites or a nonviable lyophilized antigen obtained from intraerythrocytic forms.The development of an antigen preparation suitable for use as a human malaria vaccine is dependent upon prior development of an in vitro system which would provide adequate amounts of parasite material. Efforts to cultivate the sporogonic, exoerythrocytic, and erythrocytic phases of plasmodia as well as the feasibility of using these forms for vaccination are discussed.  相似文献   

The transplantation of tissue and organs between individuals of different species, that is xenotransplantation, engenders a variety of severe immune responses. Xenogeneic immune responses mediated by naturally occurring antibodies and complement lead to hyperacute and acute vascular rejection of vascularized organ grafts and may also cause vascular rejection of cell and tissue grafts. Under some circumstances, however, a vascularized organ graft may evade humoral rejection despite the presence of antidonor antibodies in the circulation of the recipient; this condition is called accommodation. Xenogeneic immune responses mediated by T-lymphocytes and natural killer cells may cause acute cellular rejection. The extent to which cellular rejection of xenografts resembles cellular rejection of allografts remains to be determined. New insights into the molecular mechanisms underlying the immune responses to xenotransplantation have shed new light on the pathogenesis of immunological disease and have allowed the development of specific immunomodulatory strategies that may facilitate clinical application of xenotransplantation.  相似文献   

Every 4 years, researchers in the cross-disciplinary field of nutritional immunology convene for a FASEB-sponsored meeting entitled, "Nutritional Immunology: Role in Health and Disease", which was held this summer in Carefree, AZ, USA. The scope of the conference encompassed a diverse list of research topics, including, but not restricted to, obesity and immune dysfunction, nutrient-gene interactions, mucosal immunity and a discussion of future directions for the field. Here, we summarize some of the findings shared at the conference, specifically focusing on obesity, immunological function of dietary components (n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and flavanoids), gut immunity and the microbiota, and relevant emerging technologies and databases.  相似文献   

In this review, we summarize the major fundamental advances in immunological research reported in 2011. The highlights focus on the improved understanding of key questions in basic immunology, including the initiation and activation of innate responses as well as mechanisms for the development and function of various T-cell subsets. The research includes the identification of novel cytosolic RNA and DNA sensors as well as the identification of the novel regulators of the Toll-like receptor (TLR) and retinoic acid-inducible gene I (RIG-I)-like receptor (RLR) signaling pathway. Moreover, remarkable advances have been made in the developmental and functional properties of innate lymphoid cells (ILCs). Helper T cells and regulatory T (Treg) cells play indispensable roles in orchestrating adaptive immunity. There have been exciting discoveries regarding the regulatory mechanisms of the development of distinct T-cell subsets, particularly Th17 cells and Treg cells. The emerging roles of microRNAs (miRNAs) in T cell immunity are discussed, as is the recent identification of a novel T-cell subset referred to as follicular regulatory T (TFR) cells.  相似文献   

鱼类免疫学研究进展   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
唐玫  马广智  徐军 《免疫学杂志》2002,18(Z1):112-116
本文概述了鱼类免疫研究的发展史,简要介绍近年来鱼类免疫系统包括免疫组织和器官、免疫细胞和细胞因子的研究进展,以及鱼类免疫学在水产养殖和环境监测上的应用.  相似文献   

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