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中美两国残疾人辅助技术服务的质量以及工作人员的素质存在较大的差距,美国已形成了辅助技术服务专业人员的资格证书(ATP)制度来规范该行业的发展,而中国还处于职业发展的初始阶段。文章介绍了该认证的发展现状、作用以及获得该证书的个人应具备的条件。  相似文献   

Clinical trials and quality control measures are characterized by evaluation of assistive technology by users, and feedback to providers for the purpose of improving devices or service delivery. These processes recognize that consumer satisfaction is an important measure of device and service delivery effectiveness. In this article, types of clinical trials are reviewed, and both prospective and retrospective methods of quality control are presented. The authors take the position that rehabilitation engineering centers providing customized devices and adapted technology should implement quality control measures in order to improve services to their clients.  相似文献   

Hubbard Winkler SL, Cowper Ripley DC, Wu S, Reker DM, Vogel B, Fitzgerald SG, Mann WC, Hoenig H. Demographic and clinical variation in Veterans Health Administration provision of assistive technology devices to veterans poststroke.


To examine variation in provision of assistive technology (AT) devices and the extent to which such variation may be explained by patient characteristics or Veterans Health Administration (VHA) administrative region.


Retrospective population-based study.




Veterans poststroke in fiscal years 2001 and 2002 (N=12,046).


Not applicable.

Main Outcome Measure

Provision of 8 categories of AT devices.


There was considerable regional variation in provision of AT. For example, differences across administrative regions in the VHA ranged from 5.1 to 28.1 standard manual wheelchairs per 100 veterans poststroke. Using logistic regression, with only demographic variables as predictors of standard manual wheelchair provision, the c statistic was .62, and the pseudo R2 was 2.5%. Adding disease severity increased the c statistic to .67 and the pseudo R2 to 6.2%, and adding Veteran Integrated Network System further increased the c statistic to .72 and pseudo R2 to 9.8%.


Our research showed significant variation in the provision of AT devices to veterans poststroke, and it showed that patient characteristics accounted for only 6.2% of the variation. VHA administrative region and disability severity accounted for equivalent amounts of the variation. Our findings suggest the need for improvements in the process for providing AT and/or provider education concerning device provision.  相似文献   


Aims: The objective of this study was to determine how occupational therapy practitioners use assistive technology (AT) when treating clients who have Alzheimer's disease and related dementia (ADRD). Methods: This study utilized a qualitative phenomenological approach in which occupational therapy practitioners were individually interviewed to explore their use of AT with clients who have ADRD. Results: Findings suggest that some assistive technology devices work better for clients at different stages. Clients in the earlier stages of dementia can use a broader range of assistive technology devices, while those in the later stages may not have the ability to use intricate assistive devices. It was also found that assistive technology is primarily used to address safety concerns with the ADRD population. These concerns include elopement, fall prevention, kitchen safety, and medication management. Three main themes were identified in the current study, including Education (for both the client and their family members/caregivers), Safety, and Selection Process. Conclusions: When using AT, occupational therapy practitioners must consider the stage of dementia their client is in, as well as the client's performance skills. Client safety and education were emphasized as key elements of the occupational therapy process.  相似文献   

A modified discriminant function analysis was performed to determine the interaction between the source of information for assistive technology used by persons with disabilities. In the sample of 1,412 such persons, 901 were found to use some form of assistive technology in their daily lives. Ten distinct sources of information were specified. Respondents were able to mention up to three sources of information for each example of assistive technology used. A total of 930 sources were mentioned. Overall, the most mentioned information source was a physician or other health care professional, accounting for 53% of all sources mentioned. The only other frequently mentioned sources were family and friends (15%) and vocational rehabilitation counselors (13%). We found that physicians and health care professionals provide information to all groups without significant variance—this source of information is clearly nondiscriminant. Respondents who use family and friends as a source of information tend to be older, poorer, unemployed, more severely impaired, non-White, and, most significantly, render a more negative opinion of the amount and utility of information they have received about assistive technology, as well as the helpfulness of assistive technology in general. Persons obtaining information from vocational rehabilitation counselors tend to be better educated, non-White, unemployed, and have a more positive opinion about assistive technology. The limited size of the national population-based sample (n = 1,412) and very low number of responses indicating a state-based agency as the source of information about assistive technology did not allow state-by-state comparisons; alternative approaches, however, suggest a slight decline in the usage of the primary source (physician or other health care professional) with decreasing population, and a larger increase in the usage of family and friends as a source of information.  相似文献   

Technology abandonment may have serious repercussions for individuals with disabilities and for society. The purpose of this study was to determine how technology users decide to accept or reject assistive devices. Two hundred twenty-seven adults with various disabilities responded to a survey on device selection, acquisition, performance, and use. Results showed that 29.3% of all devices were completely abandoned. Mobility aids were more frequently abandoned than other categories of devices, and abandonment rates were highest during the first year and after 5 years of use. Four factors were significantly related to abandonment—lack of consideration of user opinion in selection, easy device procurement, poor device performance, and change in user needs or priorities. These findings suggest that technology-related policies and services need to emphasize consumer involvement and long-term needs of consumers to reduce device abandonment and enhance consumer satisfaction.  相似文献   

目的 介绍辅助技术的基础知识,以及世界卫生组织(WHO)对辅助技术的最新认识.方法 收集有关辅助技术领域的文献,包括WHO自1948年成立以来的有关文件和国际标准ISO 9999,以及公开发表的有关文章进行分析和综述.结果 对辅助技术的认识经历了4个阶段:早期(不重视)、中期(残疾人需要康复工程)、近期(功能障碍者需要...  相似文献   

The terms assistive technology and universal design challenge designers, engineers, and technologists to consider the broadest possible use for the things they create, to make assistive technology as useful to non-disabled persons as to those with disabilities, and to make the products and environments we design as usable as possible for everyone, regardless of age or ability.  相似文献   

辅助技术-特殊教育发展值得关注的新趋势   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
辅助技术正在成为现代特殊教育领域的一个关键词汇,是特殊教育发展中一个值得关注的新趋势。作者在介绍辅助技术设施与辅助技术服务含义的基础上,探讨辅助技术与教育技术的联系,以及辅助技术的应用对特殊教育技术层面与观念层面的改变,提出加强辅助技术应用的建议。  相似文献   

辅助技术数据库ABLEDATA研究(二)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我们将ABLEDATA数据库标识符纵向展开,进一步说明ABLEDATA标识分类字典的第11大类中B子类的一部分符分类字典的结构:SectionXI.座位(SEATING)A.汽车座位(CARSEATS)B.坐垫(CUSHIONS)编码1.气体(Air)气体和泡沫浮动坐垫(airandfoamflotationseatcushion)XI.B.1.l气体衬垫(aircushionpadding)XI.B.1.2气体浮动坐垫和背垫(airflotationseatandbackcushion)XI.B.1.3气体浮动坐垫(airflotationseatcushion)XI.B.l.4可选择不同气体压力的浮动坐垫(alternatingalrpressureflotatlonseat…  相似文献   

辅助技术在特殊教育中的应用不仅使残疾人的教育安置多样化,而且为残疾学生提供了更多参与教学的机会.存在的问题包括应用层次较浅、应用效果缺乏系统评价等.应提高社会对辅助技术的关注度,培养专业教育辅助技术人员,建立辅助技术系统,加大相关人员培训力度,完善服务体系,逐步提高辅助技术在特殊教育中的应用水平.  相似文献   

Abstract The concept of assistive technology based on robotics,rehabilitation robot and intelligent assistive devices. Domestic intelligence assistive devices include intelligent prosthetics, intelligent orthotics, intelligent walker, assistive devices for smart home environment control, intelligent life assistive devices; Domestic intelligent rehabilitation robot include upper limb rehabilitation robot, hand rehabilitation robot, lower limb rehabilitation robot, robotic smart wheelchair, intelligent nursing bed, daily care robot,the development trend of intelligent assistive devices and rehabilitation robot.  相似文献   

Children with physical disabilities generally require more care, attention and direct supervision than children without disabilities. Research demonstrates that these higher care-giving demands are associated with poorer psychological and physical health states for parents and other family members. Assistive technologies may have a role in mitigating caregiver stress and burden by improving functional performance, social interaction and autonomy in children with physical disabilities. In this paper, we report on the initial development and testing of the Family Impact of Assistive Technology Scale - a new measure designed to detect the multidimensional effect of assistive device use on families who have young children with disabilities. To study the content validity and face validity of the Family Impact of Assistive Technology Scale, we conducted structured evaluations of the proposed constructs and items with 14 clinical experts and parents of young children with cerebral palsy. Experts agreed that the Family Impact of Assistive Technology Scale contains the key variables needed to study the effect of assistive technology use on child and family functioning. Parents concurred that items on the preliminary version were relevant and clear. Further research is planned to estimate the reliability and other aspects of validity of the Family Impact of Assistive Technology Scale.  相似文献   

中国残疾人辅助器具服务体系的构建   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
我国已初步建立起具有一定覆盖能力和服务能力的残疾人辅助器具服务体系,但距离满足日益增长的辅助器具服务需求尚有一定的差距。构建完善高效的辅助器具服务体系,需要进一步完善辅助器具服务网络并加强总体规划和组织协调,提高专业人员水平,增强辅助器具服务机构的服务能力,建立健全辅助器具服务相关法规政策。  相似文献   

《美国残疾人辅助技术法》是保障残疾人权益的重要法律。作者回顾了该法产生的历史背景,并通过对该法和《残疾人康复法案》等相关法律的保障措施的分析,为我国残疾人事业的发展和相关法律的制定寻找可供借鉴之处。  相似文献   

Assistive devices are now available that allow persons with severe physical disabilities to complete tasks independently. When the user has severe physical limitations, it may be advantageous to have an integrated control system where a single control interface (e.g., joystick, head switches, voice recognition system, keypad) is used to operate two or more assistive devices (e.g., power wheelchairs, augmentative communication devices, computers, environmental control units, and other devices that are controlled electronically). The advantages of integrated control are that persons with limited motor control can access several devices with one access site without assistance, and the user does not need to learn a different operating mechanism for each device. The purpose of this review is to convey the depth and breadth of the research that has been conducted on integrated control systems, as well as to provide some insights into future directions. We reviewed research works pertaining to communication and environmental control, computer access, and wheelchair guidance systems. Information gathered in this study will help people become fully aware of the status of contemporary integrated control technology in order to increase the quality of life of people who use electronic assistive devices.  相似文献   

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