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目的 将精细管理工程引入老年病房管理,以达到为病人提供更优质、更细致的服务.方法 通过导入精细化管理理念、加强护理人员培训、强化流程管理、合理使用人力资源、实行严密的考核制度进行精细管理.结果 引入精细管理后,护理人员改变了观念,增强了服务意识,巩固了专业知识,提高了工作效率和病人满意度.结论 精细管理模式是提升病人满意度和护理工作绩效的有效方法.  相似文献   

<正>新形势下的医学人才不仅要有扎实的医学理论知识,还必须具备创新意识、科研能力,以适应当代社会对医学人才的需要。加强医学生的自学能力、实践能力和创新精神的培养,提高医学生的综合素质,已成为目前高等教育改革的主要目标Ⅲ。  相似文献   

目的探讨本科生科研训练计划(SRTP)在提高本科阶段临床本硕学生的科学研究兴趣、基本认识及基本能力中的作用。方法通过问卷调查形式调查了69名参与并完成SRTP的2015、2016级临床本硕连读医学生,并统计分析学生们SRTP组队立题、课题执行、满意度、及学术成果(发表论文)情况。结果 85%课题方向是课题小组成员在导师的指导下自主完成;课题进展后期学生的科研综合能力明显高于课题开始阶段;超过85%学生对SRTP课程完成情况满意;SRTP对学生科研思维、沟通协作能力、实验习惯、学习能力的改变有较明显的提高意义;存在学生论文发表少、质量较低的不足。结论 SRTP可作为本硕医学生本科阶段科研能力提升的预培养环节,起到了对本科-硕士科研能力连续培养的桥梁作用,对医学高校人才培养具有重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

目的:考查少数民族预科生的民族认同、社会支持和生活满意度的状况,并探讨三者之间的关系,为高校开展少数民族预科生心理健康教育提供依据。方法:选取某民族预科学校少数民族预科生430名,使用少数民族认同问卷中的本民族认同分问卷、社会支持评定量表(SSRS)和青少年学生生活满意度量表(ASLSS)进行施测。结果:ASLSS得分与本民族认同分问卷得分、SSRS得分均呈正相关(r=0.47、0.48,P<0.01)。以民族认同得分作为自变量,社会支持得分和生活满意度得分作为因变量进行回归分析发现,民族认同感分别能够解释社会支持14%和生活满意度22%的变异量;以社会支持得分作为自变量,生活满意度得分作为因变量进行回归分析发现,社会支持能解释生活满意度23%的变异量。社会支持得分的中介效应检验发现,社会支持得分在民族认同得分和生活满意度得分间起部分中介作用,中介效应占总效应的比例为28.12%。结论:民族认同和社会支持与少数民族预科生生活满意度存在相关,增强少数民族预科生的民族认同和社会支持感可有助于提高其生活满意度。  相似文献   

随着我国高等教育改革的不断推进,高校教师工作压力过大的问题或隐或显地一直存在。过大的工作压力对心理健康会产生负面影响已成定论,但是工作压力和工作绩效的关系如何尚未有定论。本文通过梳理国内外高校教师工作压力与工作绩效关系的实证研究,发现对于二者的关系主要有四种观点,同时概括了工作压力影响工作绩效的机制。本研究旨在为高校改进绩效管理和高校教师调控工作压力以维护心理健康、提高绩效提供启示。  相似文献   

<正>应用型本科高校,是介于研究型和高职高专院校之间的一种高等教育类型~([1]),其人才培养的目标是培养专业理论和实践技能扎实,具备一定的专业技术创新水平,能够从事本行业相关技术服务,并具备创新意识和创业精神的应用型人才~([2])。动物解剖学与组织胚胎学实验室是应用型本科高校重要的专业基础实验室,是培养动物医学和动物科学专业的学生掌握动物解剖学与组织学胚胎学基础知识和实践应用能力的重要场所。因此,本文将5S现场管理模式应用于动物解剖学与组织学胚胎学  相似文献   

目的分析北京某三甲医院科研现状和需求并提出相应对策,提高医务人员科研积极性,提升医院科研管理水平。方法通过查阅医院科技处的数据,对科研项目情况进行分析;在预调查基础上,对医务人员开展科研需求问卷调查。结果医院科研实力有待加强,有89.72%的被调查者认为目前开展科研工作的难度很大,晋升需要(63.24%)仍然是当前医务工作者开展科研工作的主要动力,科研工作中面临的困难较多,科研培训的需求量大。结论该院需通过政策引导、加强科研培训、搭建科研创新平台、改善学术氛围等措施提升医院科研水平。  相似文献   

探讨核心自我评价和社会支持在大学生的人格特质作用于主观幸福感的影响机制,本研究采用埃森克简易量表、核心自我评价量表、领悟性社会支持量表、主观幸福感量表对500名大学生进行调查。结果发现:①人格的外倾性特质显著的正向预测大学生的主观幸福感、生活满意度和积极情绪;神经质特质显著的负向预测大学生的主观幸福感、生活满意度和积极情绪,显著地正向预测消极情绪;②核心自我评价和社会支持在外倾性特质预测幸福感的作用中起部分中介作用;核心自我评价和社会支持在神经质预测幸福感的作用中起完全中介作用。本研究结果表明,高校心理健康教育和心理咨询工作中,要重视提高自我核心评价能力和领悟社会支持能力,特别是针对神经质特质大学生,提高核心自我评价,既提高他们自信、自尊、自我效能感、自立等能力和领悟社会支持的能力有助于提高他们生活满意度、积极情绪、主观幸福感以及促进心理健康水平的有效途径。  相似文献   

目的:分析耳鼻喉科护理中实施优质护理服务的临床效果。方法分别选取我院耳鼻喉科2010年1月~2011年12月间实施优质护理前和2012年3月~2013年12月间实施优质护理后的住院患者各120例,比较实施优质护理服务前后患者满意度及护理工作质量。结果实施优质护理服务后,患者护理满意度达到99.38%,较实施优质护理服务前(95.25%)明显提高;护理工作质量较实施优质护理服务前明显提高。结论耳鼻喉科中实施优质护理服务有利于提高患者满意度和护理工作质量,值得临床推广应用。  相似文献   

医学生是未来医学科研和临床工作的主力军,社会的进步要求医学生不仅需要精湛的专业技能还应从医学、社会、道德和伦理等不同角度去思考问题,树立以人为本以病人为中心的高尚医德,具备良好的与人沟通的能力,深入的了解服务对象的需求,以帮助患者走出身心困境。要达到这一目标,单纯的专业教育是远远不够的,必须同时加强人文教育,这是社会发  相似文献   

The pediatric psychologist's role in children's inpatient medicalhospitals has rapidly expanded. Few studies have examined thetypes of referrals for psychological consultation or programevaluation of these services. This paper describes an archivalevaluation of the types of referrals received by a pediatricpsychology inpatient service over a period of 4 1/2 years andan evaluation of these services by physicians, nurses, and socialworkers. The survey of services indicated that the most frequentreferrals were for depression/suicide attempt, poor adjustmentto a chronic illness, and behavior problems. Medically relatedproblems accounted for 42% of all of the consults. Approximatelytwo-thirds of the children were referred for outpatient psychologicalservices. The pediatric psychology service was more likely tofollow, on an outpatient basis, children with medically relatedproblems. A 26-item questionnaire obtained an overall responserate of 48% and response rate of 84 and 60% for faculty andresident physicians having contact with the pediatric psychologyconsult service. The evaluation of the pediatric psychologyservice by physicians, nurses, and social workers indicatedoverall satisfaction with the services they received. The levelof satisfaction was strongly related to the level of diagnosticagreement between the physicians/nurses and psychologist. Thelowest level of satisfaction was on verbal and written feedback.Suggestion for further research was offered.  相似文献   

目的探讨护理硕士的社会适应性水平及其影响因素。方法以15所高校238名全日制护理硕士为研究对象,采用社会适应性问卷(Social Adaptation Questionnaire,SAQ)进行调查。结果①SAQ总分标准分为(3.43±0.35),其中9.2%得分低于3,心理控制感和人际适应性维度优于心理能量和心理弹性维度(χ2=61.34,P0.001);②采用多重线性回归法分析,人际交往能力、体育锻炼强度、发表论文压力、研究生生活满意度、身体健康状况、性格和经济压力是社会适应性的主要影响因素(总分及各维度的调整R2在15.2%~41.6%,P0.001)。结论护理硕士的社会适应性特别是心理能量和心理弹性有待进一步提高。学校加强对其论文写作的指导、合理安排临床和教学实践、增设勤工助学岗位,护理硕士自身加强体育锻炼、注重人际交往能力、良好性格和健康体格的培养将有利于其社会适应性的提高。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND. Recent policy developments, embracing the notions of consumer choice, quality of care, and increased general practitioner control over practice budgets have resulted in a new competitive environment in primary care. General practitioners must now be more aware of how their patients feel about the services they receive, and patient satisfaction surveys can be an effective tool for general practices. AIM. A survey was undertaken to investigate the use of a patient satisfaction survey and whether aspects of patient satisfaction varied according to sociodemographic characteristics such as age, sex, social class, housing tenure and length of time in education. METHOD. A sample of 2173 adults living in Medway District Health Authority were surveyed by postal questionnaire in September 1991 in order to elicit their views on general practice services. RESULTS. Levels of satisfaction varied with age, with younger people being consistently less satisfied with general practice services than older people. Women, those in social classes 1-3N, home owners and those who left school aged 17 years or older were more critical of primary care services than men, those in social classes 3M-5, tenants and those who left school before the age of 17 years. CONCLUSION. Surveys and analyses of this kind, if conducted for a single practice, can form the basis of a marketing strategy aimed at optimizing list size, list composition, and service quality. Satisfaction surveys can be readily incorporated into medical audit and financial management.  相似文献   



To describe the course of social support in spouses of patients with stroke, and to examine direct and indirect relationships between social support and life satisfaction over time.


Prospective cohort study (N = 180) with measurements at 2 months after discharge from inpatient rehabilitation, 1 year, and 3 years after stroke. Social support was assessed using the Social Support List-12, Life satisfaction with the Life Satisfaction Questionnaire (LiSat-9) and Caregiver strain with the Caregiver Strain Index. Random coefficient analyses was used.


Total social support and the 3 subtypes of social support decreased significantly over time. In all models, caregiver strain was associated with lower life satisfaction and social support was associated with higher life satisfaction, but there were no interaction effects between caregiver strain and social support on life satisfaction.


Spouses of patients with stroke experienced a decline of social support over time. Social support was positively associated with life satisfaction, regardless of the amount of caregiver strain experienced by the spouses.

Practice implications

It is important to discuss with caregivers of stroke patients the importance of maintaining their own social contacts and to facilitate this by arranging support if appropriate.  相似文献   

It is unclear to what extent poor social relationships are related to the development of dementia. A comprehensive systematic literature search identified 19 longitudinal cohort studies investigating the association between various social relationship factors and incident dementia in the general population. Relative risks (RRs) with 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were pooled using random-effects meta-analysis. Low social participation (RR: 1.41 (95% CI: 1.13–1.75)), less frequent social contact (RR: 1.57 (95% CI: 1.32–1.85)), and more loneliness (RR: 1.58 (95% CI: 1.19–2.09)) were statistically significant associated with incident dementia. The results of the association between social network size and dementia were inconsistent. No statistically significant association was found for low satisfaction with social network and the onset of dementia (RR: 1.25 (95% CI: 0.96–1.62). We conclude that social relationship factors that represent a lack of social interaction are associated with incident dementia. The strength of the associations between poor social interaction and incident dementia is comparable with other well-established risk factors for dementia, including low education attainment, physical inactivity, and late-life depression.  相似文献   

The happy-productive worker hypothesis has most often been examined in organizational research by correlating job satisfaction to performance. Recent research has expanded this to include measures of psychological well-being. However, to date, no field research has provided a comparative test of the relative contribution of job satisfaction and psychological well-being as predictors of employee performance. The authors report 2 field studies that, taken together, provide an opportunity to simultaneously examine the relative contribution of psychological well-being and job satisfaction to job performance. In Study 1, psychological well-being, but not job satisfaction, was predictive of job performance for 47 human services workers. These findings were replicated in Study 2 for 37 juvenile probation officers. These findings are discussed in terms of research on the happy-productive worker hypothesis.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The contribution of general practice and primary care teams to stroke care has received surprisingly little attention despite research evidence on the importance of coordinated care. AIM: To determine general practitioners' (GPs') and their patients' satisfaction with hospital and community services for stroke patients in Grampian Region, Scotland. METHOD: A questionnaire survey of 138 stroke patients and their GPs was carried out six weeks after each patient was discharged home between June 1995 and January 1996. Outcomes measured were GP and patient satisfaction with services, Barthel Index, Hospital Anxiety and Depression scores, London Handicap Score, and Homsat and Hospsat scores (satisfaction with stroke services). RESULTS: Response rates of 95% (131) for GPs and 91% (125) for patients were obtained. GPs and patients were generally satisfied with services. Stroke patients were more likely to have had contact with their GP than with any other service. Adverse comments from GPs focused on problems with hospital discharge letters. At six weeks, patients received an average of 2.5 community services and 1.5 hospital services, but there was wide variation across disability groups. CONCLUSIONS: Levels of satisfaction were high, but the wide range and variation in services used by patients emphasized the complexity of the primary care of stroke patients; the need for coordination, review and effective links with hospital; and the key role of the GP.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: There is poor access to neurology services for patients in the community. AIM: To describe the training of GPs with special interest (GPwSI) in headache and the setting up of a GPwSI clinic in general practice, and report on a comparison with the existing neurology service in terms of case severity, patient satisfaction, and cost. DESIGN OF STUDY: New service provision and evaluation by a questionnaire survey. SETTING: General practice and hospital neurology service in inner-city London. METHOD: The intervention involved training GPs as GPwSIs and setting up a GP headache service. A questionnaire survey was conducted, measuring headache impact, satisfaction, and cost estimates. RESULTS: Headache impact was not significantly different between the two groups of patients, referred to hospital and to a GPwSI. Patients were significantly more satisfied with the GPwSI service, particularly that the service was effective in helping to relieve their symptoms (89% versus 76%; adjusted odds ratio=7.7; 95% confidence interval=2.7 to 22.4). The cost per first appointment was estimated to be pound sterling 136, with pound sterling 68 for subsequent contacts. These are lower than costs for neurologist contacts. CONCLUSION: GPwSI services can satisfy the needs of patients with similar headache impact at costs that are lower than those for secondary care services.  相似文献   

Although the challenge of access to care for undiagnosed rare disease patients is well documented in the literature, little is known about lack of diagnosis preventing access to social services. Yet this has serious consequences for patients and their families because disability associated with rare disease requires frequent and costly multi-disciplinary support.The aim of this research is to explore, in the French context, access to social assistance for rare disease patients. We investigate the link between diagnosis and access to social services to identify potential barriers and unmet needs for patients.Our study is based on a self-administered online questionnaire, adressed to parents or legal representatives of a child under ten years old with a rare disease and development disorders. The survey has been carried out between November 2019 and the end of January 2020 and includes 103 respondents.While our data does not show any differences in the possibility of obtaining a social benefit depending on the diagnosis status, there are differences in the length of time they are granted and in the satisfaction of families with the assistance obtained. Families with an undiagnosed child obtained social assistance for a shorter period on average. They were also more likely to be dissatisfied with the amount of benefit they received. The results of this pilot study need to be confirmed by further extended studies.  相似文献   

Social support, AIDS-related symptoms, and depression among gay men.   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
This study examined the impact of social support and HIV-related conditions on depression among 508 gay men participating in the San Francisco Men's Health Study, a population-based prospective study of single men aged 25-54 years. The number of HIV-related symptoms experienced significantly predicted depression cross-sectionally and 1 year later. Satisfaction with each of three types of social support (emotional, practical, informational) was inversely correlated with depression. Men who were more satisfied with the social support they received were less likely to show increased depression 1 year later. Degree of satisfaction with informational support appeared especially critical in buffering the stress associated with experiencing HIV symptoms. These findings offer valuable insight in understanding the psychological needs of gay men confronting the AIDS crisis and have important practical implications for designing mental health services to meet those needs.  相似文献   

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