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甲型H1N1流感属新发传染病,这2年疫情蔓延至全球不少国家和地区,而且重症病例有较高的病死率,引起各国政府的重视。为此,本文就我国甲型H1N1流感的现状与思考作扼要的阐述。  相似文献   

我国的发育行为儿科专科医师培训尚处于起步阶段,并且正在不断完善。美国已经建立了完善的发育行为儿科专科医师培训体系和制度。本文从培养模式、培训准入制度、培训计划及内容、考核与评估、资格认证5个方面,对比分析了美国和中国发育行为儿科专科医师的培训现状。借鉴美国的培训体系,可以从完善培训制度及相关文件、构建合理的培训准入制度、构建以岗位胜任力导向的培训模式、完善基于胜任力的发育行为儿科考核评价体系、完善发育行为儿科专科医师资质认定等方面进一步完善我国的发育行为儿科专科培训体系。  相似文献   

美国牙医学院数量在2000年至2019年间由55所增加至66所。其中,公立、私立和私立-州立相关牙医学院分别为40所、22所和4所,主要位于西部、东部和南部经济最发达地区。同期内,新生入学人数由4 234人增加至6 231人,院均新生入学人数一直保持在100人以内。借鉴美国相关经验,我国应扩大口腔医学专业总体培养规模,以缓解医师短缺问题;多措并举,增加口腔医学院数量并优化分布;控制单点招生规模,以为保证人才培养质量奠定基础。  相似文献   

日本、美国和新加坡高职高专教育的发展与启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
日本、美国和新加坡3个国家的高等职业教育和高等专科教育分别经历了不同的发展历程,其办学经验值得我们借鉴。本文着重分析与比较了3个发达国家高职高专教育的办学经验,提出从实际出发,抓住机遇,探索具有我国特色和国际竞争能力的高职高专教育之路。  相似文献   

本文对中国医学影像学专业(医学影像技术方向)与美国和日本放射技术专业本科教育在培养目标、课程设置、专业选择和选课方式、授课方式等方面进行了比较,以达到借鉴和吸收美国、日本放射技术专业本科教育的先进经验,构建我国医学影像学专业(医学影像技术方向)本科教育的新模式。  相似文献   

Since its first mention in U.S. media in the early 1970s, the practiceof acupuncture and Oriental medicine (AOM) has grown in stature from a fringe,counter-culture movement to a valid, evidenced-based treatment option for patients.In the last 40 years, AOM schools and colleges have been accredited by the U.S.Department of Education, offering both masters and doctoral degree programs. Todate, forty-seven states and the District of Columbia license or certify acupuncturistsbased on competency proven through state examination or professional certificationby the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine(NCCAOM). As acceptance of AOM in the U.S. has increased through both theassurance of psychometrically sound certification and the education of the Americanpublic on this topic, many challenges have emerged. Problems such as theunderemployment of AOM clinicians, methodological hurdles for the investigation of mechanisms, and efficacyof acupuncture and other AOM treatment techniques have been observed. Investigative challenges also includegaps in research training as well as a dearth of the basic resources needed to conduct randomized controlledtrials (RCTs). As AOM research has sought integration into the Western research model, problems have beenidentified in the design of AOMRCTs, and strategies for their resolution through methods such as translationalresearch have been examined. Incorporating these strategies as well as efficacy, effectiveness, and qualitativemeasures will strengthen the evidence base and thus provide clinical decision makers with more tools that canbe used to design patient treatment regimens.  相似文献   

本文通过介绍美国临床实验学科认证机构(National Accrediting Agency for Clinical Laboratory Sciences,NAACLS)的认证模式和我国临床医学、口腔医学、药学和中医学本科教育试行专业认证的过程,分析了美国的认证体系对我国建立医学教育专业认证的积极意义,以及在认证实施过程中需要注意的问题.  相似文献   

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