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大型医院医技科室医疗质量评价体系的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为科学、准确的考评医技科室的医疗质量状况,为医院管理者实施横向比较提供依据,笔者运用德尔菲法,分两轮请医技科室主任和医院管理专家,对Ⅰ类和Ⅱ类指标存在的合理性和权重提出意见,以确定最后的指标并测算出相应的权重。从而研究并构建出医技科室医疗质量评价体系。  相似文献   

目的为医院管理者提供一套医技科室质量综合考评方案。方法采用三雏框架和树状结构的方法设置指标内容,根据工作实际设定指标权重,应用动态区间平移法和静态取值法制订指标计划值,通过计划值比较法、内差法和特尔菲法获取指标积分值。结果与结论建立医技科室质量综合评价体系,实现医技科室之间的横向比较。针对性强,灵敏度高,可比性好。  相似文献   

吴庆华  杨人懿  孙娜 《西南军医》2006,8(6):104-105
医技科室质量管理一直是医疗质量管理中的难点。医技科室专业多,涉及范围广,专科技术含量高;按传统质量管理的观点,以各专科的最高专业标准来进行质量考核难以实现:不仅质量考核标准制定困难,质量管理人员也无法精通各专业以实施考核。我院应用《军队大型医院医技科室考评指标体系》,以医技科室工作质量的最终目标为考核方向,  相似文献   

医院分级管理是医疗改革的重大举措,而医疗质量是医院分级评定的主要依据。自1993年开始,我院制定了以三级甲等医院质量指标为基础的质量手分制评分系统,并将医疗质量指标系统与科室管理挂钩,全面衡量科室工作,收到了较好的效果。1主要内容和特点该评分系统包括6个方面,共计46项指标,总分1000分,见附表。附表医疗质量指标系统构成主要内容和特点:(l)调整权重,突出重点。例如:在医疗质量指标中,增大床位使用率、病案质量管理评分权重;(2)分解指标,落实到科。例如:床位使用率、床位周转次数、出院者平均住院日、治愈出院者…  相似文献   

军队中心医院医技科室集中了医院许多大中型医疗检诊设备。如何使用和管理好这些设备,发挥设备的最大效能,减少维修成本,是医技科室日常管理中重要工作之一。  相似文献   

医院医技科室的工作质量是医院医药质量管理的重要环节,本通过对几所医院医技科室工作质量情况进行详细分析,找出了医技科室工作质量中存在的5个问题5点原因,并提出了5项对策。  相似文献   

浅谈医院医技科室管理的特点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着医学科学技术的飞速发展,医技科室专业种类多、技术更新快和投入产出高为特点。在医院建设与发展中具有重要的地位。随着医技科室的范围不断扩展、内涵不断深化、技术不断更新、投入不断增大,有的科室已从单一的辅助临床科室检查治疗疾病,发展成为能够独立完成疾病预防、诊断、治疗和康复全过程的科室,在医院管理中占有重要的地位,医技科室的发展,不仅影响着医院日常工作的正常运转,也决定着医院的技术进步和发展。本文就医院医技科室的特点与管理体会如下:1医技科室的工作特点1.1分工日趋专业化目前我国各类医院医技科室的专业种类有数…  相似文献   

石河子人民医院是一所集医疗、科研、教学、急救和社区卫生服务为一体,有500张床位,16个临床科室,7个医技科室,18个职能科室和14个社区卫生服务站的综合性医院。随着医疗卫生体制的改革和医保制度的推行,面对人们医疗服务需求的日趋增高,如何提高医疗  相似文献   

医技科室综合效率纵向评价及分析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
医技科室是指具有为病人实施诊断、检查功能的非临床科室。随着医学科学技术的进步和发展 ,其在医院诊疗工作中起着越来越重要的作用 ,为医院创造着可观的经济效益和社会效益。但是 ,长期以来对医技科室工作的综合评价一直是一个较为困难的问题 ,加权秩和比法 (WRSR法 )在医学领域的应用为分析医院医技科室复杂、零乱的指标体系提供了一种新的简洁实用的方法 ,为医技科室综合评价开拓了一条新途径。为了全面、准确地掌握我院 7年来医技科室工作运行情况 ,进一步认识和挖掘医技科室发展的潜能 ,本文用WRSR法对我院医技科室综合效率进…  相似文献   

远航及亚非五国医疗服务中医技科室工作优化的体会   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
医院船承担着海上卫勤保障、多样化军事行动卫勤保障、突发公共事件医疗保障、远海护航舰队官兵医疗服务保障和其他临时性任务,医务人员必须牢固树立服务医院、热爱医院、献身国防的意识,加强临床与医技科室之间工作协调、完善医技科室工作秩序、提高工作效率和服务质量.本文初步摸索和总结医院船的卫勤保障规律,为尽快形成医院船岸基依托卫勤...  相似文献   

The paper introduces the developing history of the military medical institution management laws and regulations of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, which consists of 9 categories, including general principles, medical division and transfer system, medical quality, personnel resources, department construction, medical equipment, Medicines and preparation, Medical Malpractice handling and hospital infection control. And in this paper, we summarizes the legislation organization into 3 levels, discuss the relationship between the Military Medical Institution Management Law and related laws as well as the national regulations.  相似文献   

Medical civil-military operations are important for deployed military medical units engaged in counter-insurgency missions. There are few reports on military support for a host nation's military medical infrastructure, and we describe an initiative of the 21st Combat Support Hospital in 2010 during the postsurge phase of Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation New Dawn. The goal was to incrementally improve the quality of care provided by Iraqi 7th Army medical personnel using existing clinic infrastructure and a low budget. Direct bedside teaching to include screening and treatment of ambulatory patients (sick call), focused pharmacy and medical supply system support, medical records documentation, and basic infection control compliance were the objectives. Lessons learned include the requirement to implement culturally relevant changes, maintain focus on system processes, and maximize education and mentorship through multiple modalities. In summary, a combat hospital can successfully implement an advise and assist mission with minimal external resources.  相似文献   

 目的 构建武警部队医院卫勤应急药材保障评价指标体系。方法 在参考国内外相关资料文献、分析影响药材保障的主要环节和要素的基础上, 采用访谈法、问卷调查法、德尔菲法、层次分析法, 进行两轮专家咨询论证。结果 初步构建武警部队医院卫勤应急药材保障评价指标体系的结构框架。该框架由4个一级指标构成, 它包括制度预案、药材供给、信息通讯、配套措施。另外, 从众多初选指标中选出最具代表性和可操作性的14个指标构成了二级指标。结论 通过卫勤应急药材保障评价, 指出药材保障方案的可行性, 发现药材保障的薄弱环节和不足之处, 并提出改进意见和建议。  相似文献   

Rapid development of land-based units in Operation Desert Shield/Storm presented critical needs for medical support. Integration of small Navy mobile medical teams in Bahrain and a larger United States Army Hospital unit in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, at host nation hospitals presented an innovative method of providing this support. The success of these ventures in convenience and quality of care establishes the host nation interaction with military medical professionals as a workable, satisfying, and important adjunct to standard military medical care.  相似文献   

The authors discuss one of the important aspects of military medicolegal laboratory activities connected with the quality control of medical care rendered in the military treatment-and-prophylactic institutions in the nineties of the XX century. The example of medical care defects (MCD) permitted to reveal their nature, causes and sites of origin at pre-hospital (PHS) and hospital (HS) stages. Despite some decrease in the total number of MCD revealed HS defects prevail (more than 75%); the organizational defects at PHS and diagnostic defects at HS are predominant. The main MCD causes are inadequate qualification of medical workers, defects in organization of treatment-and-diagnostic process and inadequate examination of patients.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: This study analyzes the effect of outsourcing healthcare on career soldiers in the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) in different settings, so as to develop a model for predicting per capita medical costs METHODS: Demographic information and data on healthcare utilization and costs were gathered from three computerized billing database systems: The IDF Medical Corps; a civilian hospital; and a healthcare fund, providing services to 3,746; 3,971; and 6,400 career soldiers, respectively. Visits to primary care physicians and specialists, laboratory and imaging exams, number of sick-leave days, and hospitalization days, were totaled for men and women separately for each type of clinic. A uniform cost was assigned to each type of treatment to create an average annual per capita cost for medical services of career soldiers. RESULTS: Significantly more visits were recorded to primary care physician and to specialists, as well as imaging examinations by Leumit Healthcare Services (LHS), than visits and tests in hospitals or in military clinics (p < 0.001). The number of referrals to emergency rooms and sick-leave days were lowest in the LHS as compared to the hospital and military clinics (p < 0.001). The medical cost per capita/year was lowest in LHS as well. CONCLUSIONS: Outsourcing primary care for career soldiers to a civilian healthcare fund represents a major cost effective change, lowest consumption and lower cost of medical care. Co-payment should be integrated into every agreement with the medical corps.  相似文献   

For 175 years a hospital made a great contribution to the development of national health care, gaining a wealth experience in high quality health care for the soldiers. Especially the biggest merit was made by the hospital during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, when 82% of the wounded soldiers ware returned for further service. The hospital was glorified by famous medical scientists of XIX-XX-centuries, such as: V. Bekhterev, R. Wreden, N. Sklifosovsky, P. Kupriyanov, N. Petrov and others. Currently, the hospital takes a worthy place among the best military medical agencies of Russian Armed Forces. The hospital is equipped with modern medical equipment. There work highly qualified personnel: 17 distinguished doctors of the Russian Federation, 2 doctors and 27 candidates of medical sciences. In practice the hospital successfully uses achievements of the leading Russian military medical facilities. The staff treat with care historical traditions of the hospital.  相似文献   

军队医药卫生科技查新管理系统的设计与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:围绕军队医药卫生科技查新工作的实际需求开发一个查新管理系统。方法:以Delphi7.0、Access2000和SQL Server2000为开发平台实现系统的各项功能。结果与结论:军队医药卫生科技查新管理系统可实现对查新业务的全面管理,提高查新工作质量和效率,并为医学科研管理提供信息保障和决策支持。  相似文献   

论文研究目的是揭示军事医学系统的价值要素。作者研究提出了价值要素对军事医学工程系统发挥导向和支配作用;军事易损性和医学目标对象特殊性是军事医学特殊的价值属性;军事医学实践活动的价值主要是其军事价值、医学价值、科技价值和文化价值;军事医学知识体系的价值主要是丰富了医学、科学技术和军事学等知识体系;军事医学的价值观主要包括其军事价值观、医学价值观、经济价值观和人文价值观等;战斗力的演化,改变了军事医学价值的客观目标体系;对战斗力认识的深化,拓展了对军事医学价值的主观认识;军事医学的军事价值观决定了其发展目的和效果评价;军事医学的特殊价值属性决定了其认识和实践重点。  相似文献   

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