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一、名词解释1、预告值。2、恒定系统误差。3、比例系统误差。4、缓冲容量。5、离子强度。6、米氏常数。7、电渗8、阴离子隙。9酸碱平衡。10、血气分析。11、HbO2解离曲线。12、氯离子转移。13、肿瘤标志物。14、药物代谢的动力学二、填空1、受检者剧烈运动后可使()、()升高。2、收集24小时尿液时常用()ml()作为防腐剂。3、草酸盐类抗凝剂对()有抑制作用。4、决定性方法应用于()与()。5、参考方法多用于()和()。6、常规方法分为()和()两类。7、空腹血浆(清)葡萄糖的参考值为()~()。8、脑脊液中精含量明显降低…  相似文献   

别名:黄花仔(汕头专区、汕头市、韶关、连南、广西)。黄花草(潮安、澄海、惠阳)。七寸金(南澳、饶平、南昌)。千下槌或千打槌(普宁、海丰)。四稔槌(普宁)。百花草(饶平)。寸金草(江西)。禾虾气、鸡骨香(惠阳)。花舌草(广州)。雀舌草、降龙草、黄花气或黄花尿(五华)。禾霞气(五华、惠阳)。肝炎草(海南)。禾下屎(五华)。禾下丝、禾震气、耳盆草(五华)。痧子草、合掌草、耳挖草、斑鸠窝、一条香(福建)。一枝春、地耳茸、疳虫药、红孩儿(南昌)。千层塔(江西)。散血丹(韶关、始兴、阳山、仁化)。铜盘草(新丰)。小田基黄、小本黄花草、小叶夹食草(江西、南昌)等。  相似文献   

[问35]以下各组哪些是错误的? a.荨麻疹—抗组织胺药。 b.全身牲红斑狼疮—皮质类固醇激素。 c.寻常性鱼鳞病—维生素A。 d.掌蹠脓疱病—抗真菌药物。 e.银屑病—低脂饮食。 [问36]哪些病用D、D、S治疗有效? (1)、持久性隆起性红斑。(2)、疱疹样皮炎。 (3)、寻常疣。(4)、股癣、(5)、麻风。 a、(1)、(2)、(3)。b、(1)、(2)、(4)。 c、(1)、(2)、(5)。d、(2)、(3)、(4)。 e、(3)、(4)、(5)。##属性不符  相似文献   

一、目标。二、灌能。三、关系与沟通。四、弹性。五、最佳绩效。六、肯定与欣赏。七、士气。  相似文献   

中华人民共和国第四届全国人民代表大会第一次会议于一九七五年一月十三日至十七日在北京隆重举行。大会的议程是:一、修改宪法;二、政府工作报告;三、选举和任命国家领导工作人员。大会在人民大会堂举行。会场主席台上悬挂着伟大领袖毛泽东主席的巨幅画像。画像两边树立着鲜艳的红旗。大会选举了由二百一十八名代表组成的主席团。朱德、董必武、宋庆龄、康生、刘伯承、吴德、韦国清、赛福鼎、郭沫若、徐向前、聂荣臻、陈云、谭震林、李井泉、张鼎丞、蔡畅、乌兰夫、阿沛·阿旺晋美、周建人、许德珩、胡厥文、李素文、姚连蔚为主席团常务主席。吴德为秘书长。  相似文献   

一、单选题1、D2、D3、D4、A5、D6、D7、A8、A9、B10、D11、C12、A13、A14、D15、C二、判断题1、XZ、wt3、wt4、XS、wt6、X7、wt8、X9、X10、X11、wt12、V13、wt14、X15、\16、\17、wt18、wt19、X20、X三、多选题1。ABC2.ABD3.ABC4.AC5.BD6.BC7.ABCD8.BCD9、AC10.BCD四、境空题1、大量的文献。2‘情报意识。3‘规范化检索语言、非规范化。4‘外表特征、内涵。5、英、法、德。日、俄、SOO‘WHO、核心期刊。6‘用代、等同、款目。主要叙词、次要叙词。7‘目次表、前言和范文、正文。8‘PB、AD、NASA、D…  相似文献   

呼吸器官包括鼻、咽、喉、气管、支气管和肺。鼻、咽、喉、气管、支气管是空气进出的通道,最小的支气管和肺泡则是进行气体交换的场所。气管上通喉部,下端分为左右支气管。消化器官包括口腔、咽、食管、胃、小肠、大肠和肛门。食管是从中腔到胃的通道。它在气管后面。  相似文献   

必备项目: 瘀血的腹证。 一股项目: 1.皮肤:甲错、粗糙、色素异常(颜面及全部体表)。 2.舌:暗紫色。 3.固定性疼痛(心、肺、肝、脾、脑、腰、臀、背、四肢)。 4.病理性肿块:包括内脏肿大、新生物、炎性或非炎性包决、组织增生变性。 5.血管异常: (1)舌下、下肢、腹壁静脉扩张。 (2)毛细血管扩张(细络、手掌红斑)。  相似文献   

茯苓茯苓甘、淡,平。归心、脾、肾、膀胱经。功能利水渗湿,健脾宁心。主治水肿尿少、痰饮眩悸、脾虚食少、便溏泄泻、心神不安、惊悸失眠等。  相似文献   

前言根据《中华人民共和国职业病防治法》制定本标准。本标准由中华预防医学会提出并归口。本标准按照GB/T 1.1-2020给出的规则起草。本标准起草单位:苏州市疾病预防控制中心、杭州医学院、江苏省疾病预防控制中心、无锡市疾病预防控制中心、江苏康达检测技术股份有限公司。本标准主要起草人:王春民、吴春霞、张秋萍、刘强、钱亚玲、唐红芳、阮征、刘华良、朱峰、吴宇伉、刘文卫、付杰、李军、李建、沈强、杨海兵。  相似文献   

Bacteriologic evaluation of the Servo 150 hygroscopic condenser-humidifier   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The Servo 150 hygroscopic condenser-humidifier was evaluated during use to determine if the inner foam core became contaminated and if a bacteria-laden aerosol was produced during the inspiratory cycle of the patient's mechanical ventilator. Cultures from the core and of inspired gas were obtained from seven patients with known culture-positive sputum, after 4, 8, 12 and 24 h of humidifier use. In each case, the inner foam core was grossly contaminated after 4 h of use and colony counts increased during the 24-h testing period. The bacteria recovered were the same as those cultured from sputum. Despite the core's heavy bacterial growth, a bacteria-laden aerosol occurred in only 43% of the samples obtained during humidifier use. The Servo humidifier does not appear to increase the risk of airway exposure to airborne bacteria during mechanical ventilation.  相似文献   

Objectives: To be useful in development of clinical decision rules, clinical variables must demonstrate acceptable agreement when assessed by different observers. The objective was to determine the interobserver agreement in the assessment of historical and physical examination findings of children undergoing emergency department (ED) evaluation for blunt head trauma. Methods: This was a prospective cohort study of children younger than 18 years evaluated for blunt head trauma at one of 25 EDs in the Pediatric Emergency Care Applied Research Network (PECARN). Patients were excluded if injury occurred more than 24 hours prior to evaluation, if neuroimaging was obtained at another hospital prior to evaluation, or if the patient had a clinically trivial mechanism of injury. Two clinicians independently completed a standardized clinical assessment on a templated data form. Assessments were performed within 60 minutes of each other and prior to clinician review of any neuroimaging (if obtained). Agreement between the two observers beyond that expected by chance was calculated for each clinical variable, using the kappa (κ) statistic for categorical variables and weighted kappa for ordinal variables. Variables with a lower 95% confidence limit (LCL) of κ > 0.4 were considered to have acceptable agreement. Results: Fifteen‐hundred pairs of observations were obtained. Acceptable agreement was achieved in 27 of the 32 variables studied (84%). Mechanism of injury (low, medium, or high risk) had κ = 0.83. For subjective symptoms, kappa ranged from 0.47 (dizziness) to 0.93 (frequency of vomiting); all had 95% LCL > 0.4. Of the physical examination findings, kappa ranged from 0.22 (agitated) to 0.89 (Glasgow Coma Scale [GCS] score). The 95% LCL for kappa was <0.4 for four individual signs of altered mental status and for quality (i.e., boggy or firm) of scalp hematoma if present. Conclusions: Both subjective and objective clinical variables in children with blunt head trauma can be assessed by different observers with acceptable agreement, making these variables suitable candidates for clinical decision rules.  相似文献   

To determine if a culture of blood obtained through an arterial catheter reflects culture of the catheter's tip, we studied 68 arterial catheters removed from 65 patients with and without suspected catheter infections. Cultures of blood obtained before catheter removal were compared to catheter-tip cultures. The arterial catheter blood culture was neither sensitive nor highly predictive of positive catheter-tip cultures. Suspicion of catheter infection was not associated with a significantly higher rate of positive catheter-tip or blood cultures.  相似文献   

A prospective observational study was performed in 706 chest pain patients who underwent our chest pain evaluation protocol which consists of continuous 12-lead ST-segment monitoring with automated serial ECG (SECG) and a 2-hour delta (delta) CK-MB level determination before ED physician making final disposition decision to determine the incremental value of our 2-hour protocol for identifying myocardial infarction (MI) as compared with the initial ECG in combination with a baseline CK-MB. The initial ECG was obtained on presentation and considered positive if it revealed injury or ischemia. SECGs were obtained at least every 10 minutes and considered positive if it revealed new injury or ischemia. The baseline CK-MB value was considered positive if it was > or =12 ng/mL and index > or =4%. ACK-MB was defined as a difference between the 2 hour and baseline CK-MB and was considered positive if the value was > or =+1.5 ng/mL. MI was defined as acute myocardial infarction (AMI) or recent AMI (ie, AMI patients presenting on falling curve of CK-MB). The incremental value of the 2 hour protocol (ie, SECG in conjunction with deltaCK-MB) was more sensitive for identification of MI than the baseline protocol (ie, initial ECG in conjunction with the baseline CK-MB) (94.0% versus 55.4%; P < .0001) and reliably both identified (+LR = 14.6) and excluded MI (-LR = 0.06). SECG monitoring in conjunction with the 2 hour deltaCK-MB allows for early identification and exclusion of MI, and can assist the ED physician in making appropriate treatment and disposition decisions.  相似文献   

A presumption based on the literature obtained from general hospitals is widespread among physicians, namely that patients with active malignant disease, particularly if metastatic, should not be resuscitated if they have a cardiorespiratory arrest. This attitude is not supported by studies performed on cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) in cancer centres which report results similar to those obtained in non-cancer patients. In fact, cancer, even if metastatic, is not a contraindication in itself to CPR. The stage of the neoplastic disease, the cause of the cardiac arrest and the patient's choice have to be taken into consideration in order to decide whether or not to perform CPR.  相似文献   

The effect of the polyclonal T-cell activators (PTA) Con A and PHA on the specific immune response to sheep red blood cells (SRC) was studied. Addition of PTA either enhanced or suppressed the anti-SRC response, and two variables were found to affect the results: time of addition of the PTA and the strength of the response in control cultures not given PTA. If the response was high, even suboptimal PTA concentrations induced suppressive effects, but if the control response was low, due to deficient batches of sera or because of the absence of serum, the addition of PTA increased the response or restored it to normal levels. Suppression could be obtained if the PTA were added before or at the same time as the antigen and required high (optimal) PTA concentrations. If addition was delayed for 12-24 h the suppressive effects disappeared and previously suppressive concentrations of the PTA now caused an enhanced response. Analogous results were obtained if preactivated lymphocytes were added to the cultures instead of soluble PTA. Neither Con A, PHA, or lymphocytes preactivated by these PTA suppressed the polyclonal response induced by LPS or PPD. Irrespective of the time of addition and the culture conditions, enhancement of the anti-SRC response occurred at lower PTA concentrations than suppression. It was concluded that suppressor T cells, if they exist, do not act on B cells, but rather on helper cells needed for induction of thymus-dependent responses. The findings in this system are not compatible with the existence of a specific subset of suppressor T cells, but rather with the notion that suppression is caused by too much help.  相似文献   

Rabbits were made immunologically tolerant to either human serum albumin or bovine gamma globulin by the neonatal administration of antigen. At 10 wk of age, they were challenged with the tolerogenic antigen and found to be non-responsive. However, these tolerant rabbits could respond with humoral antibody formation directed toward the tolerogenic antigen if they were treated with normal, allogeneic bone marrow or bone marrow obtained from a rabbit made tolerant toward a different antigen. They were incapable of responding if they were given bone marrow obtained from a rabbit previously made tolerant to the tolerogenic antigen. Irradiated rabbits were unable to respond if treated with tolerant bone marrow, but could respond well if given normal bone marrow. Since it has previously been demonstrated that the antibody-forming cell, in an irradiated recipient of allogeneic bone marrow, is of recipient and not donor origin, the data presented strongly indicate that the unresponsive cell in the immunologically tolerant rabbit is the antigen-reactive cell.  相似文献   

Objectives. A pilot study aimed to investigate if interventional MRI could detect changes in the spine and surrounding soft tissues as a result of a posteroanterior mobilisation, and to determine if such an effect was specific to the level of application.

Design. A prospective pilot study to investigate the kinematics of cervical spine mobilisation.

Background. Posteroanterior mobilisation is a manual physiotherapy technique that is commonly used as an examination tool and a form of conservative treatment. The efficacy of this technique is controversial and little is known regarding the underlying mechanisms.

Methods. Five control subjects were recruited and written informed consent obtained. Subjects were scanned, using a General Electric Signa SP10 Open Interventional MRI scanner, in the prone position with their necks in either a neutral or flexed position. In each position a posteroanterior mobilisation to the 2nd and 6th cervical vertebrae was performed. Sagittal images of the spine were obtained prior to, during and following the mobilisation.

Results. Clear images of vertebral position could be obtained during the application of a posteroanterior mobilisation. Measurements of intervertebral angulation and translation demonstrated little if any motion during the application of a posteroanterior mobilisation, in both a flexed and neutral position. Changes were seen in terms of soft tissue compression and in some instances overall angulation of the cervical spine.

Conclusions. Interventional MRI can produce images of posteroanterior mobilisation. Dynamic imaging of the procedure produced images of unsuitable quality for analysis. The quasi-static images of suggested that the application of a posteroanterior mobilisation to the cervical spine produces minimal if any intervertebral motion, but significant soft tissue deformation of the overlying structures.Relevance statement

Posteroanterior mobilisation is frequently used in the assessment and management of spinal problems, but the efficacy of the technique remains controversial. This is hampered by the fact that little is known about the mechanisms involved during such a procedure.  相似文献   

Accurate measurement of low IgE concentrations if technically difficult. In this paper results obtained by a direct sandwich and three inhibition methods of radioimmunoassays are compared. For values above 50 U/ml good correlation was obtained with all methods. Below 50 U/ml, however, the inhibition methods tended to yield falsely high values. For very low concentrations, 1--10 U/ml the best correlation was obtained between the direct sandwich test (PRIST) and the inhibition test using a correction factor to allow for the non-specific effect of serum. The four methods were used to quantify IgE in cord serum samples from healthy individuals. The mean value obtained by PRIST was 0-4 U/ml and by the inhibition test, using a correction factor, 0-6 U/ml respectively. Because of its greater simplicity the direct sandwich test is recommended.  相似文献   

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