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The bone mineral density was determined by dual-photon absorptiometry on the proximal femur in 32 women with femoral neck fractures, 30 with trochanteric fractures, 39 with a fracture elsewhere than the hip, and 16 premenopausal healthy women. Single-photon absorptiometry was performed at two sites on the radius. The bone mineral density in the neck and intertrochanteric area was greater in the women with femoral neck fractures than in those with trochanteric fractures. The bone mineral distribution in the proximal femur was essentially the same for the femoral neck fracture group as for the reference group of healthy women. Neither the Singh index, determined in radiographs, nor the measurements on the radius by single photon absorptiometry provided a reliable estimate of the bone mineral density in the proximal femur.  相似文献   

Bone mass was measured by single photon absoptiometry in 52 women with hip fractures and compared to controls of similar age. No difference in the forearm bone mineral content (BMC) was detectable between the groups. Extracapsular fractures had lower forearm BMC than intracapsular fractures, but these differences were eliminated by allowance for age. Clinical management therefore was not influenced by such measurements.  相似文献   

Bone mineral density in chinese elderly women with hip fracture   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In order to examine the status of osteoporosis of the patients with hip fracture, we assessed the bone mineral density (BMD) of the contralateral hip of 81 elderly females with hip fracture and compared those with 77 normal Chinese women. The age of fracture subjects was 73.5±6.6 years (mean±SD), and 69.2±6.9 years for the controls. All of these fractures were caused by minor trauma, such as falls from a standing position or slipping to the ground. The Norland 2600 dual-photon absorptiometer (DPA) was used to evaluated the BMD in the femoral neck, trochanter, and Ward's triangle areas. The BMD for the fracture subjects was significantly lower than those of the controls. By linear regression, the probability of fracture increased exponentially with age and low BMD. The mean BMD for femoral neck of the fracture subjects versus controls was 0.556 versus 0.624 g/cm2; for trochanter: 0.505 versus 0.566 g/cm2; for Ward's triangle: 0.432 versus 0.485 g/cm2. Both negative predictive value (NPV) and positive predictive value (PPV) were acceptable at the prevalence of hip fracture of 5% or 20% and at a cutoff point of 0.65 g/cm2. These data revealed that the degree of relative osteoporosis in the patients with hip fractures was more severe than that of controls.  相似文献   

Soft tissue body composition strongly affects bone health. Our aim was to investigate the relationship between both skeletal muscle mass (SMM) and fat mass (FM) and femoral bone mineral density (BMD) in a sample of elderly women with hip fracture. We assessed 293 of 325 hip fracture women admitted consecutively to a rehabilitation hospital. Soft tissue body composition and BMD were assessed by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA), 23.2 ± 7.7 (mean ± SD) days after fracture occurrence. BMD was measured at four sites (neck, total femur, trochanter, intertrochanteric area) in the unfractured femur. Appendicular lean mass (aLM) was calculated as the sum of LM in arms and legs. We used two approaches to adjust aLM for body size: aLM divided by height squared (aLM/ht2), and aLM adjusted for height and FM (residuals). Both FM and aLM were significantly correlated with femoral BMD. However, the correlation coefficients for aLM were lower than for FM; they further decreased after adjustment for height squared, and were no longer significant after correction for both height and FM (residuals). When FM, aLM/ht2, age, and time spent between fracture occurrence and DXA assessment were included together as the independent variables in a regression model, FM was the only independent variable significantly associated with BMD. The coefficients of partial correlation ranged from 0.414 to 0.647 depending on the femoral region of BMD assessment (P < 0.001). FM, but not SMM emerged as a pivotal determinant of BMD in our sample of hip fracture women.  相似文献   

Bone mineral density (BMD) was measured by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) in 133 normal females on five regions of the femoral site: neck, trochanteric, intertrochanteric, Ward's triangle, and total area of the proximal femur. One hundred and twenty-five women (56 older than 65, range 65-97, and 69 with an age range of 21-65) were also examined for spinal bone mineral density. The mean in vivo precision (CV%) of the measurements with repositioning assessed on five young and eight elderly patients was ranged from 0.7% to 1.7% but lower for Ward's triangle (CV = 2.95% and 3.87%). Between 30 and 90 years, a linear age-related bone mineral decrease was found at all sites with a similar magnitude of bone loss for the femoral neck, total or intertrochanteric regions (-33% to -39%). A greater decrease was found for the Ward's triangle region (-61%). In the subgroup of elderly women (65-97 years old), the lumbar BMD measured with an anteroposterior incidence did not decrease significantly with age, contrasting with an average 27% decrease of the BMD of the hip between 65 and 90 years of age. In addition, 31 patients suffering either from a cervical (n = 12) or pertrochanteric (n = 19) fracture were measured on their contralateral femur 15 to 30 days after the fracture event. The mean calculated BMD values were, depending on the measured area, from 14% to 21% lower than those reported for age-matched controls (z-score from -1.11 to -0.65). A fracture threshold was determined for each site from this population and the elderly controls.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

《Acta orthopaedica》2013,84(5):380-385
Bone density in the lumbar spine and distal radius of 98 postmenopausal women was measured by quantitative computed tomography and in the distal radius by gamma ray attenuation. Nineteen had spinal fragility fractures, 30 had recent hip fractures while 49 were healthy control subjects. The trabecular bone density in spines of the control subjects showed a linear correlation with age corresponding to an annual decrease of 1 per cent and total decrease of 44 per cent between 46 and 86 years of age. Both patient groups had bone density reduction at the spine and peripheral measuring sites as compared with controls. In the distal radius, the reduction in bone density was of the same magnitude in both patients groups but in the spine, the reduction in patients with spinal fracture was more extensive than that in patients with hip fracture. Trabecular bone density in the distal radius and spine correlated in control and hip fracture patients, but not in spinal fracture patients. The results support the opinion that two forms of osteoporosis exist. One is characterised by excessive trabecular bone loss in the axial skeleton leading to spinal fractures; the second is due to equal extents of axial and peripheral osteopenia, found in connection with hip fractures.  相似文献   

Bone density in women with spinal and hip fractures   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Bone density in the lumbar spine and distal radius of 98 postmenopausal women was measured by quantitative computed tomography and in the distal radius by gamma ray attenuation. Nineteen had spinal fragility fractures, 30 had recent hip fractures while 49 were healthy control subjects. The trabecular bone density in spines of the control subjects showed a linear correlation with age corresponding to an annual decrease of 1 per cent and total decrease of 44 per cent between 46 and 86 years of age. Both patient groups had bone density reduction at the spine and peripheral measuring sites as compared with controls. In the distal radius, the reduction in bone density was of the same magnitude in both patients groups but in the spine, the reduction in patients with spinal fracture was more extensive than that in patients with hip fracture. Trabecular bone density in the distal radius and spine correlated in control and hip fracture patients, but not in spinal fracture patients. The results support the opinion that two forms of osteoporosis exist. One is characterised by excessive trabecular bone loss in the axial skeleton leading to spinal fractures; the second is due to equal extents of axial and peripheral osteopenia, found in connection with hip fractures.  相似文献   

Bone density in the lumbar spine and distal radius of 98 postmenopausal women was measured by quantitative computed tomography and in the distal radius by gamma ray attenuation. Nineteen had spinal fragility fractures, 30 had recent hip fractures while 49 were healthy control subjects. The trabecular bone density in spines of the control subjects showed a linear correlation with age corresponding to an annual decrease of 1 per cent and total decrease of 44 per cent between 46 and 86 years of age. Both patient groups had bone density reduction at the spine and peripheral measuring sites as compared with controls. In the distal radius, the reduction in bone density was of the same magnitude in both patients groups but in the spine, the reduction in patients with spinal fracture was more extensive than that in patients with hip fracture. Trabecular bone density in the distal radius and spine correlated in control and hip fracture patients, but not in spinal fracture patients. The results support the opinion that two forms of osteoporosis exist. One is characterised by excessive trabecular bone loss in the axial skeleton leading to spinal fractures; the second is due to equal extents of axial and peripheral osteopenia, found in connection with hip fractures.  相似文献   

Bone death in hip fracture in the elderly   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Summary We examined femoral head bone from 50 cadavers and from 21 patients who had suffered pathologic fracture of the femoral neck. We used a histochemical technique for lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) activity to demonstrate osteocyte viability. The femoral heads were removed within 36 hours of death or fracture, as LDH activity persists in the cytoplasm of viable cells for this time at 37° after interruption of the blood supply. In the controls, there was an age-related reduction in mean osteocyte viability, from 88±7% (mean±SD) at age 10–29 years to 58±12% at age 70–89 years. In the hip fracture patients, mean osteocyte viability was 58±21% but there was much variability in both osteocyte viability and bone mass. In 5 fracture patients, there was extensive osteocyte death, suggesting that most of the femoral head bone was nonviable; these patients had little microfracture callus. Others had predominantly viable bone which was usually osteoporotic, and their bone frequently showed microfracture callus. Osteomalacia was not seen in any patient. It is suggested that bone death, in addition to osteoporosis, may sometimes contribute to hip fracture in the elderly.  相似文献   

To assess the correlation between osteoid and vitamin D in patients with a proximal femoral fracture, bone biopsies of the fracture site and the iliac crest were studied; and vitamin-D levels were measured in fasting blood taken on the day of admission. No osteomalacia was found at either site in any of the 95 patients investigated. In 65/95 patients, levels of 25-hydroxy-vitamui D (25-OHD) and 24, 25-dihydroxy-vitamin D(24, 25 -OH2D) were within the normal range, whereas 30/95 patients were deficient. Because there was no correlation between the amount of osteoid and vitamin-D metabolites in our patients, we concluded that osteomalacia was not a contributory factor in the pathogenesis of the hip fracture.  相似文献   

To assess the correlation between osteoid and vitamin D in patients with a proximal femoral fracture, bone biopsies of the fracture site and the iliac crest were studied; and vitamin-D levels were measured in fasting blood taken on the day of admission. No osteomalacia was found at either site in any of the 95 patients investigated. In 65/95 patients, levels of 25-hydroxy-vitamin D (25-OHD) and 24,25-dihydroxy-vitamin D (24, 25-OH2D) were within the normal range, whereas 30/95 patients were deficient. Because there was no correlation between the amount of osteoid and vitamin-D metabolites in our patients, we concluded that osteomalacia was not a contributory factor in the pathogenesis of the hip fracture.  相似文献   

In a survey of 125 patients with hip fracture vitamin D deficiency was frequently observed, but overt osteomalacia was not found in the bone biopsies (Lips et al., 1982). In order to detect a possible hypomineralization in these vitamin D-deficient patients, we measured the bone mineral content in 64 transilial biopsies, embedded in methylmethacrylate for histomorphometric evaluation. The results were compared with those of 18 bone samples obtained at autopsy from subjects who did not suffer from metabolic bone disease. The calcium:hydroxyproline ratio, the phosphorus:hydroxyproline ratio, and the calcium:phosphorus ratio were similar in the two groups. The magnesium:hydroxyproline ratio was higher in the hip fracture group than in the controls. The ratios did not correlate with serum concentrations of the vitamin D metabolites. The results are not consistent with a decreased bone mineralization in patients with hip fracture.  相似文献   

Impairment of bone turnover in elderly women with hip fracture   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Summary Hip fracture is one of the most severe consequences of osteoporosis affecting aged women. However, abnormalities of bone turnover responsible for bone loss in this condition have not been clearly defined. To further evaluate the bone metabolic status of women sustaining hip fracture, we have prospectively measured serum osteocalcin as a marker of bone formation and urinary excretion of pyridinoline (Pyr) and deoxypyridinoline (D-pyr) cross-links as markers of bone collagen degradation in 174 independently living women (80 ± 8 years) within a few hours after a hip fracture. Comparison was made with 77 age-matched controls (80 ± 5 years) and 17 premenopausal women (39 ± 3 years). In addition 15 of the patients were followed with daily measurements during the first postoperative week. At the time of admission osteocalcin was 20% lower in the fractured women compared to the elderly controls (7.6 ± 3.8 vs. 9.5 ± 4.5 nglml,P = 0.001). Pyr and D-pyr were 36% and 40% higher, respectively (P = 0.0001), than in elderly controls and 85% and 76% higher than in premenopausal controls (P = 0.0001). Serum osteocalcin did not correlate with the cortisol level measured at the same time (r = 0.03, ns), nor with serum albumin and creatinine. Serum osteocalcin remained unchanged within 18 hours after fracture, whereafter it progressively decreased until the third postoperative day. No correlation was noted between the excretion of pyridinoline cross-links and the time elapsed from fracture.These data suggest that the abnormal levels of osteocalcin and pyridinolines are unrelated to traumatically induced acute changes, but reflect abnormalities of bone turnover existing prior to the fracture. Thus, hip-fracture patients have biochemical evidence of decreased bone formation and increased bone resorption when compared to age-matched controls. We suggest that these abnormalities may play a role in the decrease of the bone mass and the consequently increased bone fragility that characterize the osteoporotic hip fracture in the elderly.  相似文献   

To assess the usefulness of the measurement of the os calcis by ultrasound, a method that probably reflects bone quality as well as density, we have studied 54 women with hip fracture of the proximal femur and a control group. Ultrasound evaluation of the os calcis [broadband ultrasound attenuation (BUA), speed of the sound (SOS), and a combined index (stiffness)], and bone mineral density (BMD) determination over the proximal femur by dual X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) were performed. Weight, BMD, and ultrasound values in the hip fracture patients were significantly lower than controls (P<0.001). The Z-scores for BUA and stiffness were not different than that for femoral neck. Ward's triangle or trochanteric BMD (between-1.7 and -1.5). The odds ratios determined by receiver-operating characteristics (ROC) analysis were greater at the femoral neck (25.1) and BUA (24.4). Intermediate values were found at stiffness (16.9), Ward's triangle (12.8), and trochanter (11.1), and lower values were obtained at SOS (4.2). In turn, patients with trochanteric hip fractures had a significantly lower femoral neck and Ward's triangle BMD, stiffness, and BUA than patients with cervical hip fractures. Comparing a subgroup of 30 women with hip fractures without vertebral fractures with an age-matched group of 87 women with osteoporotic vertebral fractures, both groups were of similar weight and BMD but all ultrasound values were significantly lower in the hip fractures compared with vertebral fracture patients (P<0.05-P<0.01). Our findings suggest that in women with hip fractures, ultrasound evaluation of the os calcis has diagnostic sensitivity comparable to DXA of the femur and could be useful to predict hip fracture risk. Ultrasound values are lower in hip fractures compared with vertebral fracture, age-matched women and in older compared with younger hip fracture patients.  相似文献   

《Acta orthopaedica》2013,84(4):453-459
Background and purpose Although the incidence of hip fracture during the past 50 years has increased, a break in this trend has been reported in the last decade. Whether this change is attributable to changes in bone mineral density (BMD) or whether it varies between urban and rural regions is unknown.

Methods We evaluated changes in annual hip fracture incidence in women aged 50 years in one urban population (n = 51,757) and one rural population (n = 26,446) from 1987 to 2002. We also examined secular differences in BMD (mg/cm2), evaluated by single-photon absorptiometry at the distal radius, prevalence of osteoporosis, and several other risk factors for hip fracture in one population-based sample of urban women and one sample of rural women aged 50–80 years at two time points: 1988/89 (n = 257 and n = 180, respectively) and 1998/99 (n = 171 and n = 118, respectively).

Results No statistically significant changes were evident in annual age-adjusted hip fracture incidence per 104 when analyzing all women (–0.01 per year (95% CI: –0.37, 0.35)), rural women (–0.38 per year (-1.05, 0.28)), or urban women (0.19 per year (–0.28, 0.67)). BMD (expressed as T-score) was similar in 1988/99 and 1998/99 when analyzing all women (–0.09 (–0.26, 0.09)), urban women (–0.04 (–0.27, 0.19)), or rural women (–0.15 (–0.42, 0.13)) women.

Interpretation Since no changes in age-adjusted hip fracture incidence and no differences in BMD were found during the study period, changes evident in the other risk factors for hip fracture that we investigated (such as gait velocity and balance) are either of minor importance or are counteracted by changes in other risk factors.  相似文献   

Summary This retrospective study examined bone mineral density (BMD) for discrimination of female patients with fractures. Bone densitometry was done in 146 patients over the age of 50 years at radius, lumbar spine, and proximal femur sites using single and dual photon absorptiometry. The patients were divided into three groups: (A) no osteoporotic fractures (n=92); (B) mild spine fractures with >15% compression (n=38); and (C) hip fractures (n=16). Groups B and C did not differ significantly from each other in BMD, but these groups differed significantly from group A for spine and femur BMD. No significant differences between groups were found for the radius. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis showed that the BMD of the proximal femur had the highest diagnostic sensitivity for both spine and femur fractures; the radius had the lowest overall sensitivity, and the spine was intermediate.  相似文献   

It is generally accepted that the hallmark of osteoporosis is a reduction in bone mass. There is significant overlap, however, in bone mineral density between osteoporotic and normal individuals. This study examined the chemical composition of bone tissue obtained from women who had sustained a fracture and women without fracture to determine if there are differences between the two groups. Nineteen fractured and eleven non-fractured proximal femurs were obtained, matched for age and bone volume fraction obtained from micro-computed tomography. Trabecular bone specimens were examined by Raman spectroscopy to determine measures of chemical composition. A subset of the specimens was utilized to compare locations at the fracture and regions at least 2 mm away from apparent tissue damage using Raman spectroscopy. In addition, fifteen iliac crest biopsies each were obtained from women who had sustained a fracture and from normal controls. Raman spectroscopy was used to determine measures of chemical composition of trabecular and cortical bone. The results demonstrated that femoral bone tissue in the region of visible damage had a trend towards differences compared to regions at least 2 mm from visible damage. Femoral trabecular bone in fractured women had a higher carbonate/amide I area ratio than in unfractured women. Iliac crest biopsies revealed a higher carbonate/phosphate ratio in cortical bone from women who had sustained a fracture. Results suggest that the chemical composition of bone tissue may be an additional risk factor for osteoporotic fracture.  相似文献   

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