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The neuroanatomic connections of the inferior lobe and the lateral torus of the percomorph Hemichromis lifalili were investigated by 1,1', dioctadecyl-3,3,3',3'-tetramethylindo-carbocyanine perchlorate (DiI) tracing. The inferior lobe and the lateral torus both receive afferents from the secondary gustatory nucleus. Additional afferents reach the inferior lobe from the nucleus glomerulosus, nucleus suprachiasmaticus, dorsal and central posterior thalamic nucleus, nucleus lateralis valvulae, magnocellular part of the magnocellular nucleus of the preoptic region, caudal nucleus of the preglomerular region, posterior tuberal nucleus, area dorsalis of the telencephalon, and a tegmental nucleus (T2). Efferents from the inferior lobe and the lateral torus terminate in the dorsal hypothalamic neuropil and corpus mamillare. Furthermore, the inferior lobe projects to the medial nucleus of the lateral tuberal hypothalamus and perhaps makes axo-axonal synapses in the tractus tectobulbaris rectus. The inferior lobe and the torus lateralis have reciprocal connections with the preglomerular tertiary gustatory nucleus and posterior thalamic nucleus and are also mutually interconnected. The inferior lobe is also reciprocally connected with the medial nucleus of the preglomerular region, reticular formation and sparsely with the anterior dorsal thalamic and the ventromedial thalamic nuclei. Thus, whereas the lateral torus is exclusively connected with the gustatory system, the inferior lobe is of a multisensory nature. In comparison with the goldfish (Carassius auratus), the connectivity pattern of the inferior lobe of Hemichromis lifalili reflects its specialization with respect to the visual system, as it receives qualitative (i.e., dorsal posterior, anterior, and ventromedial thalamic nuclei) as well as quantitative (i.e., nucleus glomerulosus) additional visual input.  相似文献   

Fiber connections of the lateral valvular nucleus were investigated in a percomorph teleost, the tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus), by tract-tracing methods. Following tracer injections into the lateral valvular nucleus, neurons were labeled in the ipsilateral dorsal part of dorsal telencephalic area, corpus glomerulosum pars anterior, dorsomedial thalamic nucleus, central nucleus of the inferior lobe, mammillary body, semicircular torus, valvular and cerebellar corpus, in the bilateral rostral regions of the central part of dorsal telencephalic area, dorsal region of the medial part of dorsal telencephalic area, habenula, anterior tuberal nucleus, posterior tuberal nucleus, and spinal cord, and in the contralateral lateral funicular nucleus. Labeled fibers and terminals were found in the ipsilateral cerebellar corpus and bilateral valvula of the cerebellum. Tracers were injected into portions of the telencephalon, pretectum, inferior lobe, and cerebellum to confirm reciprocally connections with the lateral valvular nucleus and to determine afferent terminal morphology in the lateral valvular nucleus. Telencephalic fibers terminated mainly in a dorsolateral portion of the lateral valvular nucleus. Terminals from the corpus glomerulosum pars anterior, central nucleus of the inferior lobe, and mammillary body showed more diffuse distributions and were not confined to particular portions of the lateral valvular nucleus. Labeled terminals in the lateral valvular nucleus were cup-shaped or of beaded morphology. These results indicate that the lateral valvular nucleus receives projections from various sources including the telencephalon, pretectum, and inferior lobe to relay information to the valvular and cerebellar corpus. In addition, the corpus glomerulosum pars anterior in tilapia is considered to be homologous to the magnocellular part of superficial pretectal nucleus in cyprinids.  相似文献   

Fiber connections of the corpus glomerulosum pars rotunda (GR) in a teleost, tilapia Oreochromis niloticus, were studied by biotinylated dextran amine injections into the GR and inferior lobe. After tracer injections into the GR, major groups of labeled somata were found bilaterally in the cortical nucleus and ipsilaterally in the nucleus intermedius. Numerous labeled terminals were found ipsilaterally in the central nucleus, nucleus of lateral recess, and diffuse nucleus (NDLI) of the inferior lobe. Some other connections were also elucidated in the present study, although these were less abundant. Notably, efferent projections to the inferior lobe were not evenly distributed within each lobar nucleus. Labeled terminals were confined to the cell body zone of central nucleus and the outer cell-sparse layer of the nucleus of lateral recess. The rostrolateral portion of NDLI and ventrolateral portion of middle to caudal NDLI received few GR fibers, the rostromedial portion of NDLI a moderate density of fibers, and the rest of the nucleus numerous fibers. These different portions of the NDLI, to some extent, also differed in other afferent and efferent connections, suggesting regional specialization of the nucleus. Furthermore, restricted injections to the lobar nuclei suggest different efferent projections of the component cells of the GR: large and small cells. The large cells project only to the central nucleus, whereas the small cells project to the NDLI and nucleus of lateral recess. Therefore, the two types of GR cells appear to constitute parallel pathways from the pretectum to the inferior lobe.  相似文献   

The chemosensory epithelium of vertebrates retains the ability to produce new receptor neurons throughout life, presumably as a mechanism to replace aging or damaged receptors. We examined cell division in the main olfactory and vomeronasal epithelia of red-backed salamanders (Plethodon cinereus) because previous studies had shown that the volume of sensory epithelia changes seasonally. Cell division was compared throughout the year by injecting salamanders once with 5-bromo-2'-deoxyuridine (BrdU), which is incorporated into the DNA of cells during DNA synthesis, and sacrificing them one hour after injection. We used immunocytochemistry to locate cells that had arisen from cell division since BrdU injection and compared the number of labeled cells per area among animals. Animals collected in May had significantly more labeled nuclei than animals collected in any other month. However, proliferation rates among the other months were not significantly different and were quite low. Labeled nuclei also were found around the cerebral ventricles of salamanders collected in May, but rarely in any other month, although other tissues in the head often were heavily labeled. Cell proliferation appears to be up-regulated in the chemosensory epithelia and in the telencephalon during May, and we hypothesize that new receptors, and perhaps their interneurons in the telencephalon, are being generated in anticipation of seasonal events that are mediated by chemoreception.  相似文献   

Distribution patterns of ganglion cells in the retina were examined in Nissl-stained retinal whole mounts of Sebastiscus and Navodon. The existence of area centralis in the temporal retina in both species suggests binocular vision. In Navodon, another high density area was found in the nasal retina, and a dense band of ganglion cells was observed along the horizontal axis between the two high-density areas. There is an obvious trend for the ganglion cell size to increase as the density decreases. The total number of ganglion cells was estimated to be about 45 × 104 in Sebastiscus and 87 × 104 in Navodon, whereas the total number of optic nerve fibers was about 35 × 104 and 70 × 104, respectively. The retinal ganglion cells labeled with HRP were classified into six types according to such morphological characteristics as size, shape, and location of the soma as well as dendritic arborization pattern. Type I cells have a small round or oval soma in the ganglion cell layer and a small dendritic field in the inner plexiform layer. Type II cells are similar to type I cells, but the dendrites arborize more closely to the ganglion cell layer in the innermost region of the inner plexiform layer. Type III cells have a medium-sized round soma in the ganglion cell layer, and the dendrites extend in an extremely wide area in the inner plexiform layer with few branches. Type IV cells have a large soma which is located in the ganglion cell layer. Dendrites emanate from the soma in all directions, branching out several times within a rather small region in the innermost part of the inner plexiform layer. Type V cells have large somata of various shapes, usually dislocated to the inner plexiform or granular layer. The dendrites extend in every direction and occupy an extremely large area in the inner plexiform layer. Type VI cells have the largest somata, which are also dislocated to the inner plexiform or granular layer. Type VI cells have a characteristic triangular or fan-shaped dendritic field. Soma size and the axon diameter are intimately linked, that is, small somata of type I and II cells give off thin axons, and large somata of type V and VI give off thick axons. Medium-sized somata of type III cells or large somata of type IV cells, which have rather small dendritic fields, give off medium-sized axons. The histograms of the soma areas in the whole retina are quite similar to the histograms of the diameters of the optic nerve fibers.  相似文献   

Cytoarchitecture and fiber connections of the nucleus isthmi in a teleost (Navodon modestus) were studied by means of Nissl, Bodian, toluidine blue, Golgi, and Fink-Heimer methods. Synaptic terminals were classified by the ultrastructural characteristics, and their origins were determined by electron microscopic degeneration experiments. The nucleus isthmi is composed of an outer cellular area or shell and an inner noncellular area or core. The shell covers anterior, dorsal, and ventral aspects of the core. The cell bodies in the shell are oval (15 × 20 μm) with an anteroposterior long axis, and have many somatic spines. Spines are also seen on the initial segment of the axon. Primary dendrites extend postermedially and branch out in the core. The core contains thin and thick myelinated fibers, which originate in the optic tectun and in the nucleus pretectalis, respectively. At least two types of axons terminal were distinguished in the nucleus isthmi: S type, containing spherical vesciles, and F type, containing flattened vesicles. S terminals are derived from thin myelinated fibers and are only seen in the core where they form asymmetric synapses with dendrites. Frequently a portion of the S terminal membrane near the usual synaptic cleft is in close apposition with the membrane of an adjacent small dendrite or spine. F terminals, which derived from thick myelinated fibers, make symmetric synaptic contacts with both cell bodies in the shell and dendrites in the core. S terminals degenerate after ipsilateral ablation of the optic tectum, whereas F terminals degenerate after destruction of the nucleus pretectalis.  相似文献   

The sensory trigeminal nucleus of teleosts is the rostralmost nucleus among the trigeminal sensory nuclear group in the rhombencephalon. The sensory trigeminal nucleus is known to receive the somatosensory afferents of the ophthalmic, maxillar, and mandibular nerves. However, the central connections of the sensory trigeminal nucleus remain unclear. Efferents of the sensory trigeminal nucleus were examined by means of tract-tracing methods, in a percomorph teleost, tilapia. After tracer injections to the sensory trigeminal nucleus, labeled terminals were seen bilaterally in the ventromedial thalamic nucleus, periventricular pretectal nucleus, medial part of preglomerular nucleus, stratum album centrale of the optic tectum, ventrolateral nucleus of the semicircular torus, lateral valvular nucleus, prethalamic nucleus, tegmentoterminal nucleus, and superior and inferior reticular formation, with preference for the contralateral side. Labeled terminals were also found bilaterally in the oculomotor nucleus, trochlear nucleus, trigeminal motor nucleus, facial motor nucleus, facial lobe, descending trigeminal nucleus, medial funicular nucleus, and contralateral sensory trigeminal nucleus and inferior olive. Labeled terminals in the oculomotor nucleus and trochlear nucleus showed similar densities on both sides of the brain. However, labelings in the trigeminal motor nucleus, facial motor nucleus, facial lobe, descending trigeminal nucleus, and medial funicular nucleus showed a clear ipsilateral dominance. Reciprocal tracer injection experiments to the ventromedial thalamic nucleus, optic tectum, and semicircular torus resulted in labeled cell bodies in the sensory trigeminal nucleus, with a few also in the descending trigeminal nucleus.  相似文献   

Fiber connections of the carp torus longitudinalis were re-examined by means of tract-tracing methods. The torus longitudinalis projected mainly to the stratum marginale of the optic tectum, area pretectalis, and corpus cerebelli. The stratum marginale was anterogradely labeled only by biocytin, but not by horseradish peroxidase. Because the stratum is composed of extremely fine axons of the small toral neurons, this may be ascribed to different molecular weights of the tracers. The main afferent sources to the torus longitudinalis were the nucleus subvalvularis, which was located beneath the nucleus lateralis valvulae, the nucleus subeminentialis pars magnocellularis, and neurons along the posterior mesencephalo-cerebellar tract. Some labeled cells also appeared in the area pretectalis, nucleus paracommissuralis, optic tectum, and torus semicircularis. In a previous paper, it was incorrectly reported that the valvula cerebelli was the main source of afferents to the torus longitudinalis. Here we report the reason for the previous mistake in relation to the techniques employed.  相似文献   

Electron microscopic and Golgi studies on the inferior lobes of sunfish and goldfish are described. The inferior lobe consists primarily of a nucleus ventricularis of densely packed cells surrounding the lateral recess of the third ventricle, and a peripherally situated nucleus diffusus consisting mostly of scattered neurons. A cell-sparse zone of dense neuropil is located between the two cellular areas. Neurons of both nuclei have spiny dendrites and axons which originate from basal dendrites. In some cases axons are found to send a collateral into the cell-sparse zone. Neurons of the nucleus diffusus possess collaterals that extend a considerable distance within the nucleus itself. The ultrastructure of cells of both nuclei reveals cytoplasmic organelles typical of most neurons. Synapses containing dense-cored and clear vesicles are present on the spines and shafts of the dendrites of both neuronal types. In only rare cases synapses were observed on the soma of neurons of the nucleus ventricularis. Possible anatomical substrates involved in the control of feeding and aggression in teleosts are considered in light of the present findings. Morphological similarities of the inferior lobes and related areas in various fishes and amphibians are discussed and their possible significance for the understanding of the evolution of hypothalamic mechanisms is considered.  相似文献   

The connections of the superficial pretectum and of nucleus isthmi were examined in a percomorph teleost, Lepomis cyanellus. Horseradish peroxidase was injected either with a pin into the parvicellular nucleus of the superficial pretectum or pressure injected into nucleus isthmi; the isthmal injections retrogradely labelled the neurons of the magnocellular nucleus of the superficial pretectum. Two main visual pathways can be recognized: The first projects from the retina to the parvicellular nucleus, and then to the intermediate nucleus of the superficial pretectum, the inferior raphe nucleus, and the trochlear nucleus. The second projects from the retina via the optic tectum to the magnocellular nucleus of the superficial pretectum, and from there to nucleus isthmi and the lateral thalamic nucleus; nucleus isthmi and the lateral thalamic nucleus project back to the optic tectum, and nucleus isthmi also projects back to the magnocellular nucleus. The two pathways are interconnected to some extent because both nucleus isthmi and the optic tectum project to the parvicellular nucleus; nevertheless, we suggest that they may be functionally and evolutionarily distinct. Compared to percomorphs, the first pathway appears reduced in cyprinid teleosts such as goldfish. Furthermore, the magnocellular nucleus of the second pathway is completely different in cyprinids, both in cellular architecture and in efferent connections. A phylogenetic analysis suggests that cyprinid ancestors went through a period of reduced vision and that the magnocellular nucleus of the superficial pretectum in modern cyprinids has been either extensively modified from the primitive condition or lost entirely and replaced by a superficially similar structure.  相似文献   

In the rockling, Ciliata mustela (Teleostei), a portion of the dorsal fin is a specialized chemosensory organ possessing solitary chemoreceptor cells innervated by a recurrent branch of the facial nerve. Previous studies have demonstrated that the specialized solitary chemoreceptor cell system is represented in the dorsal segment of the medullary facial lobe (DFL), whereas the taste buds in the remainder of the facial-nerve-innervated skin are represented in the ventral division of the lobe (VFL). The carbocyanine dye DiI was used to investigate the secondary and higher order brain connections of these two distinct subdivisions of the facial lobe. Both segments of the facial lobe sent fibers into the contralateral DFL via a dorsocaudal facial commissure and to the contralateral vagal lobes and VFL via fibers arching ventrally through the reticular formation. Ascending fibers from both facial lobe segments were traced into the secondary gustatory nucleus and into the lateral superficial facial nucleus, a small area in the dorsolateral brainstem laterally adjacent to the nucleus medialis of the octavolateral complex. Additionally, the VFL had reciprocal connections with a newly described nucleus adjacent to the incoming facial nerve root. Both DFL and VFL had descending fibers reaching two portions of the funicular nuclear complex, although the VFL contribution to this area is far more extensive than the DFL input. Thus, substantial overlap exists in the connections of the two facial subsystems; i.e., the solitary chemoreceptor information is not processed in nuclei distinct from those making up the usual gustatory lemniscus. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The fiber connections of the accessory optic system (AOS) were investigated in a balistid fish, Navodon modestus (filefish), by means of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) and degeneration methods. Following injections of HRP into the corpus cerebelli, neurons in two retinal recipient nuclei, the area pretectalis pars dorsalis (APd) and area pretectalis pars ventralis (APv), were labeled retrogradely. In addition, a few neurons near the nucleus of the accessory optic tract (nAOT) were labeled. These neurons have dendrites extending into nAOT. Neurons in APv were also labeled by HRP injections into the oculomotor complex (nIII). However, no neurons were labeled in APd or nAOT. A few neurons in the lateral part of APv were labeled by HRP injections into the abducens nucleus (nVI). Three nuclei of the AOS, APd, APv and nAOT, were shown to receive tectal projections by the Fink-Heimer method. Thus, APv receives retinal and tectal projections, and in turn projects to corpus cerebelli, nIII and nVI. Specific efferent connections of the AOS in teleosts are discussed from phylogenetic aspects.  相似文献   

Fiber connections of the nucleus ventromedialis thalami (VM) of Schnitzlein (J. Comp. Neurol. 118:225-267, '62) in a teleost (Sebastiscus marmoratus) were examined by means of the horseradish peroxidase (HRP) tracing method. This nucleus receives fibers from the ipsilateral telencephalon (area dorsalis pars centralis), contralateral retina, contralateral VM, ipsilateral optic tectum, ipsilateral torus semicircularis, contralateral corpus cerebelli, contralateral sensory nucleus of the trigeminal nerve, bilateral bulbospinal reticular formation, contralateral obex region, and contralateral dorsal portion of upper spinal segments. In turn, axons arising from VM terminate in the dorsal telencephalic areas (pars centralis, pars dorsalis, and pars medialis) ipsilaterally, ventral telencephalic area (pars supracommissuralis) bilaterally, nucleus prethalamicus of Meader (J. Comp. Neurol. 60:361-407, '34) bilaterally, nucleus dorsomedialis thalami bilaterally, VM contralaterally, optic tectum bilaterally, torus semicircularis bilaterally, and nucleus lateralis valvulae ipsilaterally. Based on the cytoarchitecture and fiber connections, VM is subdivided into rostral and caudal components. The caudal part of VM in Sebastiscus is considered to be a multimodal thalamic complex that contains some cells that constitute the dorsal thalamus in other vertebrate groups.  相似文献   

Cytoarchitecture, synaptic organization and fiber connections of the nucleus olfactoretinalis (NOR) in a teleost, Navodon modestus, have been studied light- and electron-microscopically using an HRP or HRP-degeneration combined method. Following HRP injections into the optic nerve, most contralateral and a few ipsilateral neurons in the NOR were labeled. There are two types of neurons in NOR. Type I neurons have a medium-sized spindle-shaped soma with a round nucleus, and type II neurons have a large oval soma with an invaginated nucleus and contain cored vesicles (80-130 nm in diameter). Afferent terminals which form synaptic contacts with cell bodies of NOR neurons were classified into 3 types according to their morphological characteristics; S, F1 and F2 terminals. S terminals originated in ipsilateral area ventralis telencephali pars supracommissuralis (Vs). These terminals contain both spherical and cored vesicles, and make synaptic contacts with both type I and type II neurons. F1 terminals, which originated in ipsilateral area dorsalis telencephali pars posterior (Dp), are large in profile, and contain flat vesicles and mitochondria with irregularly arranged cristae. These terminals make synaptic contacts only with type I neurons. F2 terminals are small in profile, and contain flat vesicles, cored vesicles and small mitochondria with regularly arranged cristae. F2 terminals make synaptic contacts with both type I and type II neurons. The functional significance of NOR and the relationship between NOR and the ganglion of the nervus terminalis are discussed.  相似文献   

Fiber connections of the so-called nucleus geniculatus lateralis (or the nucleus pretectalis superficialis pars parvocellularis) in a teleost, Navodon modestus, were examined by means of the horseradish peroxidase (HRP) tracing method. The nucleus receives fibers from the contralateral retina, ipsilateral optic tectum and nucleus isthmi, and projects bilaterally to the nucleus intermedius of Brickner and ipsilaterally to the optic tectum and raphe nuclei. The fiber connections suggest that the nucleus relays mainly visual information to the inferior lobe (hypothalamus) but not to the telencephalon. The nucleus is not a homologous structure to the lateral geniculate nucleus in other vertebrate classes.  相似文献   

Local field potentials evoked either by auditory or by mechanosensory (water displacement) lateral line stimuli were recorded in sensory subregions of the telencephalic nucleus dorsalis pars medialis (Dm) in the weakly electric fish Gnathonemus petersii. The neural tracer Neurobiotin was injected into these two physiologically defined subregions. A reciprocal connection between the two subregions of Dm, as well as cell bodies and terminals in other telencephalic regions, whose distribution was somewhat different for the two injection types, were found. The course of labeled fibers outside the telencephalon was similar after injections in both Dm regions. Fibers were seen running through the lateral forebrain bundle (lfb) to the ventral surface area of the brain within the diencephalic preglomerular region (PGv). Within a narrow streak along the ventral side of the brain densely arranged cell bodies were labeled. The locations of labeled cells within PGv were indistinguishable after tracer was injected into either acoustical or lateral line areas of Dm. Only after injection into the mechanosensory Dm region labeled cell bodies were found in the anterior preglomerular nucleus (PGa), in addition. When crystals of the fluorescent tracer DiI were inserted in the ventral part of PGv, a path of labeled fibers similar to that after telencephalic injections was found. Labeled terminals, but no cell bodies, were located both in the acoustical and in the mechanosensory regions of Dm as well as in several other telencephalic areas. Even though sensory regions in Dm that process acoustical and mechanical stimuli are segregated and unimodal, they both receive input from neurons of PGv. The specificity of the mechanosensory region of Dm might originate from the additional input from PGa and from other endbrain areas.  相似文献   

After injections of HRP into area PG(7a) labelled cells have been found in architectonic areas OA, PE, the cingulate and retrosplenial areas medial to area PG; posteriorly areas MST, OA (V4), V2, V3 and the cortex in the walls and floor of the superior temporal sulcus have also been labelled. Small injections placed in PG have resulted in different parts of these areas being labelled, suggesting that these cortico-cortical connections are well organized and raising the possibility of an ordered representation of the visual field in PG. It is suggested that the vertical meridian is around the boundary and the horizontal meridian passes antero-posteriorly across about the middle of its medio-lateral extent; the central part of the visual field is in the depths of the intraparietal sulcus, and the periphery is on the surface of the inferior parietal lobule and in the anterior wall of the upper part of the superior temporal sulcus. The lower visual field is medial and the upper field is lateral.  相似文献   

The nucleus pretectalis (NP) is a prominent nucleus in the percomorph pretectum and has been shown to project to the nucleus isthmi in the filefish by an HRP tract-tracing method [Ito et al., 1981], but a homologous nucleus to the NP is apparently lacking in ostariophysans. The present study examined fiber connections of the nucleus isthmi in an ostariophysan teleost, the carp (Cyprinidae, Cyprinus carpio), to identify a nucleus homologous to the percomorph nucleus pretectalis. Identical studies in a percomorph tilapia (Cichlidae, Oreochromis niloticus) were also performed. Injections of biotinylated dextran amine (BDA) or biocytin to the carp nucleus isthmi labeled cells in the ipsilateral optic tectum and nucleus ruber of Goldstein [1905]. Labeled tectal neurons were located in the stratum periventriculare (SPV) and the stratum fibrosum et griseum superficiale (SFGS). The somata in the SPV were pyriform and those in the SFGS were fusiform. No labeled cells were found in the pretectum. Labeled terminals were seen in the ipsilateral nucleus pretectalis superficialis pars parvocellularis (PSp), optic tectum, and bilateral nucleus ruber. Terminals in the nucleus ruber appear to come from tectal neurons in the SFGS labeled by isthmic injections. Thus the nucleus isthmi has reciprocal fiber connections with the ipsilateral optic tectum, receives projections from the ipsilateral nucleus ruber, and projects to the ipsilateral PSp. The nucleus pretectalis homologue is apparently absent in the carp. Studies in tilapia showed that the nucleus isthmi receives bilateral projections from the NP and optic tectum. In addition, the present study revealed a previously unknown afferent from the nucleus ruber to the percomorph nucleus isthmi. The tilapia nucleus isthmi projects to the same targets as in the carp. Isthmic projection neurons in the tilapia optic tectum were located in the SPV and pyriform with a similar shape to the carp SPV neurons that project to the nucleus isthmi. No labeled cells were found in the SFGS of tilapia optic tectum. The fusiform neurons in the SFGS of the carp optic tectum possess various hodological similarities with the NP and may correspond to the NP neurons of percomorphs.  相似文献   

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