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Effects of caffeine on task switching were studied using ERPs in a cued task-switch paradigm. The need for advance preparation was manipulated by varying the number of task-set aspects that required switching. In a double-blind, within-subjects experiment, caffeine reduced shift costs compared to placebo. ERPs revealed a negative deflection developing within the preparatory interval, which was larger for shift than for repeat trials. Caffeine increased this shift-induced difference. Furthermore, shift costs increased as a function of the number of task-set features to be switched, but this pattern was not modulated by caffeine. The results suggest that caffeine improves task-switching performance by increasing general effects on task switching, related to task-nonspecific (rather than task-specific) anticipatory processes. Caffeine's actions may be mediated by dopaminergic changes in the striatum or anterior cingulate cortex.  相似文献   

Travers S  West R 《Psychophysiology》2008,45(4):588-601
Event-related brain potentials (ERPs) were used in two experiments to examine the neural correlates of processes underlying task switching in the information-reduction task switching paradigm. Each experiment included 22 participants. The paradigm included two cues for each task. This element of the design allowed us to differentiate the ERP correlates of cue retrieval, task set reconfiguration, and rule mapping. The ERP data revealed a parietal slow wave that was sensitive to processes associated with cue retrieval and task set reconfiguration and a frontal-polar slow wave that was sensitive to processes associated with rule mapping. These findings further the proposal that an endogenous act of control supporting processes related to task set reconfiguration and rule mapping may facilitate performance of the explicit cue task switching paradigm.  相似文献   

Controlling everyday behaviour relies on the ability to configure appropriate task sets and guide attention towards information relevant to the current context and goals. Here, we ask whether these two aspects of cognitive control have different neural bases. Electrical brain activity was recorded while sixteen adults performed two discrimination tasks. The tasks were performed on either a visual input (letter on the screen) or self-generated information (letter generated internally by continuing the alphabetical sequence). In different blocks, volunteers either switched between (i) the two tasks, (ii) the two sources of information, or (iii) tasks and source of information. Event-related potentials differed significantly between switch and no-switch trials from an early point in time, encompassing at least three distinct effects. Crucially, although these effects showed quantitative differences across switch types, no qualitative differences were observed. Thus, at least under the current circumstances, switching between different tasks and between perceptually derived or self-generated sources of information rely on similar neural correlates until at least 900 ms after the onset of a switch event.  相似文献   

Investigations of executive control using a task-switching paradigm have consistently found longer reaction times for task-switch trials than task-repetition trials. This switch cost may result from interference by a stimulus-response (SR) rule carried over from the preceding alternative task. We examined event-related brain potential (ERP) evidence for such carry-over effects using a combined paradigm of task switching with Go/Nogo; Nogo trials, which require no response execution, should expose carry-over effects from preceding trials. On Go trials, twelve participants performed a button-pressing task in compatible (hand and signal direction consistent) and incompatible conditions, which switched predictably every three trials. Reaction times were longer on switch than on repetition trials. On compatible switch trials, a stimulus-locked lateralized readiness potential (sLRP) for Nogo stimuli revealed a positive dip, suggesting incorrect response activation in the early automatic process that was induced by a SR rule carried over from the preceding task.  相似文献   

Event‐related brain potentials were used to examine the neural correlates of task switching directed by task cues and transition cues. Task cues signal both a change of task set and the task to implement; in contrast, transition cues signal a change of task set but do not indicate the required task. The data from two experiments revealed that the frontal P2 and reconfiguration slow wave were elicited by task and transition cues and may reflect processes associated with the change detector and task set configuration. Experiment 2 revealed that the frontal positivity and transition parietal slow wave are associated with the retrieval of the prior task set from memory. These data indicate that distinct neural processes that are related to the change detector, task set configuration, and the retrieval of a recently utilized task set from memory support task switching that is guided by task and transition cues.  相似文献   

Studies of task switching demonstrate that task switches are associated with response costs and that these costs are reduced when a cue is presented in advance of a switch. The present study examined cortical event-related potential correlates of task switching and switch costs in 39 participants during a cued match/mismatch discrimination task. Compared with non-switch trials, switch trials were associated with a larger cue-related, anticipatory P3b-like waveform. Switch trials were also associated with smaller target-related, stimulus-dependent P2 and P3-like components. Moreover, the switch-related amplitude variability in the P3b to the cue and the P2 to the target were associated with unique components of the residual switch costs. The results support an integrated model of task switching with complementary yet distinct roles for anticipatory and stimulus-dependent processes in task switching and switch costs.  相似文献   

Task-switching paradigms can shed light on cognitive and neural processes underlying attentional control mechanisms. An alternating runs task-switching paradigm (R. D. Rogers & S. Monsell, 1995) is used to identify ERP components associated with anticipatory and poststimulus components of task-switching processes. Subjects alternated between two tasks in a predictable series (AABB). Reaction time (RT) switch cost reduced with increasing response-stimulus (R-S) interval and a residual switch cost remained at the longest R-S interval. A switch-related positivity (D-Pos) developed in the R-S interval. D-Pos was time-locked to response onset, peaked around 400 ms post-response onset, and was unaffected by task-set interference. A switch-related negativity (D-Neg) emerged after stimulus onset. D-Neg peaked earlier with increasing R-S interval and its amplitude and latency were affected by task-set interference. D-Pos and D-Neg were interpreted within current models of task-switching.  相似文献   

To investigate the development of advance task-set updating and reconfiguration, behavioral and event-related potential (ERP) data were recorded in children (9-10 years), adolescents (13-14 years), and young adults (20-27 years) in a cued task-switching paradigm. In pure blocks, the same task was repeated. In mixed blocks, comprised of stay and switch trials, two tasks were intermixed. Age differences were found for stay-pure performance (mixing costs) in the 600-ms but not in the 1200-ms cue-target interval (CTI). Children showed larger reaction time mixing costs than adults. The ERPs suggested that the larger costs were due to delayed anticipatory task-set updating in children. Switch-stay performance decrements (switch costs) were age-invariant in both CTIs. However, ERP data suggested that children reconfigured the task-set on some stay trials, rather than only on switch trials, suggesting the continued maturation of task-set reconfiguration processes.  相似文献   

This study investigates age differences in the flexible adaptation to changing demands on task switching and conflict processing. We applied a cued task-switching version of the Stroop task and manipulated the ratio of conflict trials. During task preparation, the P300 varied as a function of conflict ratio and a later positive component was larger for switch than non-switch trials. Stimulus-related conflict processing as indicated by a negativity for incompatible trials (Ni) was delayed for older adults. Moreover, the Ni varied as a function of conflict ratio and was larger for switch than for non-switch trials. Age differences were also obtained in the correct response negativity (CRN). CRN was larger on incompatible trials and this CRN-compatibility effect was enhanced when incompatible trials were infrequent in younger, but not in older adults. Our findings suggest impairments of older adults primarily in response-related conflict processing and in the flexible adaptation to changing task contexts.  相似文献   

In order to understand how the brain prepares for and executes a switch in task demand, we measured reaction time (RT), accuracy, and event-related brain potentials associated with performance in single and mixed-task blocks using a cued design. Our results show that trials which repeat in a mixed-task block (repeat trials) were more demanding than trials which repeated in a single-task block, as reflected by the presence of a RT mixing cost and by the presence of a smaller target-locked positivity (P3b) on repeat trials. Within a mixed-task block, repeat and switch trials also differed, where repeat trials showed evidence of greater preparation (larger cue-locked negativity), more efficient target processing (larger target-locked P3b), and shorter RTs. In addition, the cue-locked negativity difference remained despite equating repeat and switch trials on RT, suggesting that this negativity difference is specific to the switching process. Our results are discussed in light of existing models of task switching.  相似文献   

While response delays after task switching have been widely used as an index to investigate the limits of cognitive flexibility, little is known about their counterpart in error rates. It has been hypothesized that at least some postswitching errors are not caused by simple response errors but by task confusion, which refers to the establishment and execution of an incorrect task set. The aim of the current study is to provide evidence for this hypothesis. Using a multitrial paradigm, we firstly dissociated task confusion from simple cue encoding failure, and then measured the error-related negativity (ERN) and the following error positivity (Pe) as indices of the brain's error processing. We predicted that task confusion, if it exists, would cause ambiguity to the criteria of correct response, and therefore attenuate error processing. Results confirmed our prediction, suggesting that task confusion actually occurs after switching.  相似文献   

Recent studies show a differential switch-related positivity emerging before a switch trial and reflecting anticipatory task-set reconfiguration processes. In this study, the switch-related positivity was examined in a cued task-switching paradigm. Cue-stimulus and response-stimulus intervals were independently manipulated to dissociate between the effects of anticipatory preparation and passive dissipation of task-set interference. Reaction time switch cost declined with increasing cue-stimulus and response-stimulus intervals, suggesting a contribution from both active preparation and passive interference processes. In cue-related difference waveforms, a switch positivity peaked around 350-400 ms and is interpreted as reflecting differential activation of task-set reconfiguration. In stimulus-related difference waveforms, a switch-related negativity is believed to indicate the role of S-R priming and response interference in task-switching.  相似文献   

We present a comprehensive analysis of the change in event-related potential (ERP) due to task difficulty during a visual oddball task. Specifically, we investigated the inter-subject difference in difficulty-related change of ERP patterns using single-trial ERP analysis focusing on P300 and P2 components. ERPs were recorded and analyzed from 14 subjects while performing a visual oddball task with two difficulty levels. After extracting independent components (ICs) from single-trial ERPs, the averaged ERPs were used to identify which ICs originated from major ERP components. The ERP components were estimated from single-trial waveforms by back-projecting relevant ICs onto scalp electrodes after removing all other ICs; thus, the comparison of ERP components could be performed for each subject. The averaged P300 amplitude was smaller and latency was larger for the more difficult task, and this tendency was also observed for single-trial ERP analysis within each subject. P2 amplitude increased for the hard task for both group and individual analyses, suggesting that the P2 may be interpreted as a manifestation of task relevance evaluation or response generation. The P2 amplitude and latency were more notably correlated with response time for the more difficult task.  相似文献   

This task-switching ERP study of 16 young participants investigated whether increased RT slowing on stay trials and faster RTs on switch trials for frequent than infrequent switching are explained by an activation or preparation account. The activation account proposes that task sets are maintained at a higher baseline activation level for frequent switching, necessitating increased task-set updating, as reflected by a larger and/or longer lasting early parietal positivity. The preparation account assumes advance (pre-cue) switch preparation (i.e., task-set reconfiguration), preceding stay and switch trials for frequent switching, as reflected by pre-cue and post-cue late parietal positivities. By and large, the data support the activation account. However, we also found increased, pre-cue task-set updating on frequent stay trials and pre-cue, task-set reconfiguration prior to predictable, frequent switches. These results lead us to propose an extended activation account to explain the effects of switch probability on the executive processes underlying task-switching behavior.  相似文献   

A key component of task preparation may be to anticipate the consequences of task‐appropriate actions. This task switching study examined whether such type of “intentional” preparatory control relies on the presentation of explicit action effects. Preparatory BOLD activation in a condition with task‐specific motion effect feedback was compared to identical task conditions with accuracy feedback only. Switch‐related activation was found selectively in the effect feedback condition in the middle mid‐frontal gyrus and in the anterior intraparietal sulcus. Consistent with research on attentional control, the posterior superior parietal lobule exhibited switch‐related preparatory activation irrespective of feedback type. To conclude, preparatory control can occur via complementary attentional and intentional neural mechanisms depending on whether meaningful task‐specific action effects lead to the formation of explicit effect representations.  相似文献   

In this study we examined the relevance of the functional brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) Val66Met polymorphism as a modulator of task-switching performance in healthy elderly by using behavioral and event-related potential (ERP) measures. Task switching was examined in a cue-based and a memory-based paradigm. Val/Val carriers were generally slower, showed enhanced reaction time variability and higher error rates, particularly during memory-based task switching than the Met-allele individuals. On a neurophysiological level these dissociative effects were reflected by variations in the N2 and P3 ERP components. The task switch-related N2 was increased while the P3 was decreased in Met-allele carriers, while the Val/Val genotype group revealed the opposite pattern of results. In cue-based task-switching no behavioral and ERP differences were seen between the genotypes. These data suggest that superior memory-based task-switching performance in elderly Met-allele carriers may emerge due to more efficient response selection processes. The results implicate that under special circumstances the Met-allele renders cognitive processes more efficient than the Val/Val genotype in healthy elderly, corroborating recent findings in young subjects.  相似文献   

Caffeine contracture tension, effect of caffeine on the resting membrane potential, and caffeine influx in normal and denervated frog sartorius muscle have been investigated. Peak caffeine contracture tension is increased after denervation at all caffeine concentrations. The percentage increases in tension are highest for lower caffeine concentrations. The caffeine concentration required for half maximum tension is decreased from about 3.6 mM in control muscles to 2.6 mM in denervated muscles. Caffeine at 3.5 mM produces a depolarization of about 6 mV in control muscles and 16 mV in denervated muscles. The large contracture tensions observed in denervated muscles are not due to the greater depolarization produced by the drug in denervated muscles since innervated muscles depolarized to the same level by external K+ do not enhance caffeine contracture tension. Both control and denervated muscles are highly permeable to caffeine. The increases in sarcoplasmic reticulum development (Moscatello et al. 1965) and calcium content (Picken and Kirby 1976) promoted by denervation may explain the larger tension elicited by caffeine in denervated muscles.  相似文献   

In task‐switching paradigms, reaction time (RT) switch cost is eliminated on trials after a no‐go trial (no‐go/go sequence effect). We examined the locus of no‐go interference on task‐switching performance by comparing the event‐related potential (ERP) time course of go/go and no‐go/go sequences from cue onset to response execution. We also examined whether noninformative trials (i.e., delayed reconfiguration, no response inhibition) produce similar sequence effects. Participants switched using informative and noninformative cues ( Experiment 2 ) intermixed with no‐go trials ( Experiment 1 ). Repeat RT was slower for both no‐go/informative (pNG/I) and noninformative/informative (pNI/I) than informative/informative sequences. ERPs linked to anticipatory preparation showed no effect of trial sequence. ERPs indicated that pNG/I sequences reduce response readiness whereas pNI/I sequences reduce repetition benefit for repeat trials. Implications for task‐switching models are discussed.  相似文献   

P3a from visual stimuli: typicality,task, and topography   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A visual three-stimulus (target, nontarget, standard) paradigm was employed in which subjects responded only to the target. Nontarget stimulus properties were varied systematically to evaluate how stimulus typicality (non-novel vs. novel) across task discrimination (easy vs. difficult) conditions affects P3a scalp topography. Nontarget stimuli consisted of letters, small squares, large squares, and novel patterns; discrimination difficulty between the target and standard was varied across conditions. When the discrimination was easy, P300 amplitude was larger for the target than the nontarget with parietal maximums for both. In contrast, when the discrimination was difficult, nontarget amplitude (P3a) was larger and earlier than the target P300 over the frontal/central electrode sites, whereas target amplitude (P3b) was larger parietally and occurred later. P3a was largest when elicited by either the large square or novel pattern stimuli. The findings suggest that stimulus context as defined by the target/standard discrimination difficulty rather than stimulus novelty determines P3a generation.  相似文献   

We analyze the pattern of inter-regional functional association between cortical activities during auditory oddball tasks, and the influence of task difficulty on it. Event-related electroencephalograms were recorded from 17 subjects during auditory oddball tasks with two task difficulty levels. The task difficulty was controlled by changing the difference between the frequencies of standard and target tones. The changes in behavioral response and P300 component due to the difficulty were consistent with previous findings, whereby successful control of difficulty was verified. Significant gamma- and theta-band phase synchronization (PS) was observed primarily between frontal and posterior electrodes along the midline, which is interpreted as functional connectivity among cortical regions devoted to the task execution. Apparent differences in PS were identified between two difficulties in both gamma- and theta-bands. On the whole, the number of electrode pairs showing significant PS was much smaller for higher task difficulty. The overall result is in agreement with our recent study which reported similar difference in PS due to the difficulty of ‘visual’ oddball task.  相似文献   

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